Submitted by: Jean Kester – Quilting 911 – Quilting Ranny
I would love to be included in your list of charity quilt makers. I make quilts specifically for police/fire dispatchers in need, because as a police dispatcher for over 12 years, I know how they are forgotten during and after a tragedy or catastrophe.
Describe your organization or group.
My organization is just me, making quilts for dispatchers and their families in need.
Did any one person or event inspire the creation of the charity quilt group/organization?
Hurricane Katrina inspired me to get involved with a group called 911 Cares, it was through them, that I began making quilts for police dispatchers in need.
Geographic location of your organization or group.
I personally live in Aberdeen, Washington, but I reach out to dispatchers all over the United States.
How many charity quilts have been donated?
I have sent out my own 22 quilts to those in need. Quilts to people who lost all during Hurricane Katrina, the floods of Broome County, the tragedy at Virginia Tech abd lastly a quilt for a homeless teen in my area.
Are there any special yearly events, such as a quilt-a-thon?
No, I quilt on my own, as often as I can.
How many volunteers are involved?
Just 1 quilter, me.
How can one volunteer, donate or get involved?
I am always in need of donations for batting from crib size to king size and thread in all colors. Right now, I have plenty of fabric and patterns.
Contact Information:
Web Site:
Jean Kester –
Jean’s Blog – Quilting Ranny Blog
Photo Notes:
The black and white one was donated to the woman who works at my childrens day care, she is in her 70’s, works everday and is always cold and shivering. The Chinese coin quilt was donated to a family in need. The two baby quilts were sold to buy more batting for charity quilts.
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