Quilted Wearables

Quick stats:

  • Total submissions: 28
  • Total countries: 9
  • Total provinces: 2
  • Total states: 15

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Anita's Memory Anita’s Memory
By: Sarah Foster, Michigan, USA

After accompanying my close friend in her death from cancer, I returned home with 2 boxes of her favorite WEARABLES. Using a CD cover as a guide, I traced and cut pieces from her clothing and sewed them together for the top. I used a sheet for backing & tied it with yarn. My 1st & most loved quilt!

Quilt size: width: 63" height: 85"

Asian Pond Asian Pond
By: Marilyn Fromherz, California, USA

I make 3-5 small quilts using pieceing and fusible techniques. Then I put them together with beaded seams into an art acket or vest. This is one I made with 5 small quilts of Asian fabric cutouts. The background was pieces in a blended fashion with multiple fabrics.

Quilt size: width: 30" height: 18"

Butt Bag Butt Bag
By: Quiltalicious, California, USA

I made this bag for an opportunity drawing for my guild. I called it ‘Beach Ladies’ but the woman who won it calls it her Butt Bag and loves it.

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 14"

Cheryl's quilted jacket Cheryl’s quilted jacket
By: Cheryl, Illinois, USA

I made two of these jackets at the same time. One for me (pictured) and one for a quilting friend. I don’t know how to sew clothing, so, this was a real learning experience for me. I added the cuffs since I am tall. This was the 1st (and one of the few) things that I machine quilted.

Quilt size: width: ?" height: ?"

childs vest childs vest
By: viv jamar, Belgium

I made this little vest for my granddaughter, 1 year at that time.
It was made with scraps of Debbie Mumm fabrics.

Quilt size: width: -" height: -"

Cindy Larson Cindy Larson
By: Cindy Larson, Michigan, USA

I made this log cabin jacket and matching purse for my Mom. It was a WIP for about nine years!!! She loves the pansy buttons on it 🙂

Quilt size: width: 20" height: 25"

colorful spring vest colorful spring vest
By: OrkaLoca, Italy

I’ve made this vest with dupioni silk and a silk woven fabric (what a pain to sew it!).
The vest is full lined and has a martingale on the back to adjust the waist.

I’ve also written an article about it and it has been published on the April/May issue of an Italian patchwork magazine 🙂

Quilt size: width: 16" height: 22"

Cowgirl Wedding Hat Cowgirl Wedding Hat
By: Gdcleanfun, Nevada, USA

My “quilt” is a hat. The hat band is quilted. I made this hat thinking that if and when DH and I renew our vowels, it will be the “something white” that I’ll wear at the ceremony. 🙂

Quilt size: width: 15" height: 7"

Damask Delight Damask Delight
By: A. Carole Grant, British Columbia, Canada

A vintage tablecloth, hand dyed, made into a jacket, heavily thread-painted and quilted.

Quilt size: width: 20" height: 30"

Fishing Vest Fishing Vest
By: Deanna Stevens, Nebraska, USA

I made this vest for a quilting challenge. One fabric was provided, the fishing fabric, and we had to make a wearable. I designed this with a I’d rather be fishing logo. Real fishing lure parts for the buttons and flys. It’s quilted!

Quilt size: width: 30" height: 32"

Flores Cloth Coat Flores Cloth Coat
By: Deborah Cohen, Australia

This coat was constructed from a traditional hand woven cloth from Fores Indonesia. Because of the looseness of the weave it first had to be tie quilted for stability, then machine quilted. This was made in Arnhem land, Australia – isolation was the spur of creativity.

Quilt size: width: 20" height: 48"

GA Crazy Quilt Jacket GA Crazy Quilt Jacket
By: mndog, Minnesota, USA

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 12"

green green
By: Marijke van Welzen, Netherlands

I like to make wearable art, art clothing.

This is my coat “Green”, inspiration:
Think, act, live GREEN.
Save our forests and oceans and all creatures living on this planet

Quilt size: width: M/L" height: 80"

Jazzy Jacket Jazzy Jacket
By: Betty Rollinson, North Carolina, USA

I went to the Mid Atlantic Quilt Festival in Hampton Va in Feb. and purchased the pattern for this jacket. I searched my stash and found all these beautiful brights and this is my completed jacket.

Quilt size: width: 22" height: 16"

Little Girls Apron Little Girls Apron
By: Julie, South Dakota, USA

I started making these aprons as a fund raiser for Relay for Life. At first I used my stash and donated %75 of the sales. As I needed to buy more fabric I donated %50 and then %25. I have donated over $300.00 and got rid of alot of my stash.

Quilt size: width: 20" height: 18"

Magic Baby Flower Power Dress Magic Baby Flower Power Dress
By: Gayle Pritchard, Ohio, USA

Size 2T, and is completely reversible, with a complementary design on the other side. After 30 years of quiltmaking, 2 years ago, I created Magic Baby Designs, coinciding with the birth of my first granddaughter. This particular design was dress was inspired by a great piece of vintage fruit fabric!

Quilt size: width: 00" height: 00"

Newest Celtics Fan Newest Celtics Fan
By: Darcie Pitta, Massachusetts, USA

Some friends of ours were expecting their second child, and they are avid Boston Celtics fan. I wanted to make a baby quilt using Celtics fabric but could only find one with actual team logo’s on it. So, I went out and purchased 3 Celtics t-shirts to use in the quilt too. They LOVED it!

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 52"

Northstar Northstar
By: Wendy L Starn, Louisiana, USA

Cottons, lame, satin, poly/cotton; pieced.
Garment pattern: June Colburn
Finalist, Kimono Challenge, 2001, displayed at International Quilt Festival, Houston, 2001.
I collected fabric for this jacket for at least five years!

Quilt size: width: 55″" height: 29 3/4″"

Orange Jacket Orange Jacket
By: Wilma NC, North Carolina, USA

I made this jacket from a sweatshirt. Loved the way it came out.

Quilt size: width: o" height: o"

Patchwork Chenille Patchwork Chenille
By: sweetland of quilts, Pennsylvania, USA

“Pattern is by Original Designs for Sweatshirts”
You take a square shouldered Sweatshirt and build a block design from fat quarters using batiks, homespun’s and other cottons of your choice . Homespun’s are then chenilled to give a texture to the finished jacket. Very fun to do!

Quilt size: width: 0" height: 0"

quilted poncho quilted poncho
By: Julie Fukuda, Japan

Every camper needs something to snuggle in around the campfire. This poncho is not only cozy but opens out into an extra cover at night with sides opened and front closed. The borders are Seminole piecing.It has pockets on the front and is quilted with Native American designs.

Quilt size: width: 42.5" height: 64"

Red Riding hood cape Red Riding hood cape
By: Elaine Clifford, North Carolina, USA

My wearable entry is my own pattern for the Little Red Riding hood cape. I decided to make adult sizes for this last Halloween. I used Red Sateen Cotton (for cape lining too). I lined the hood with black cotton fabric and I added black piping to the hem and used a grosgrain ribbon for the ties.

Quilt size: width: 66" height: 26"

Serenity Serenity
By: Jackie White, Ontario, Canada

Wearable art, every strip is individually cut with curves and sewn together to make the ‘material’, then the pattern is cut out from the newly created material. Free motion quilted on my domestic machine. Buttons are made with polymer clay by me as well.

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 22"

silk scarf silk scarf
By: Elisabeth, Austria

58 different squares of pure silk made a festive accessory and eye catcher.

Quilt size: width: 6" height: 86"

That Purple Thang! That Purple Thang!
By: Lindy, Washington, USA

Quilt size? The size of vest I wear will go with me to the grave! So, this purple, teal and gold vest was made in my lifetime-which covers a LOT of years, ladies and gentlemen. But I still get compliments whenever I wear it. I wear a purple blouse under it and it spiffs up the casual jeans ensemble.

Quilt size: width: wide" height: 18"

Two little girls Two little girls
By: Pauline Gacal, United Kingdom

My friend had triplets and I made these for two of them who were girls last easter when they were 2 years old.

Quilt size: width: 18" height: 20"

V-String Vest V-String Vest
By: Helen Beall, New York, USA

I made this vest at a quilt retreat with Victoria’s scraps. I wear it everywhere I go….even to the opera!

Quilt size: width: 20″" height: 21″"

wishing for spring wishing for spring
By: janet, New Jersey, USA

I made this in February when i was sooooo tired of snow and ice.

Quilt size: width: 30" height: 36"

59 responses to “Quilted Wearables”

  1. Karen Avatar

    Soooo many patterns, so hard to chose. Well after all the softies and the little girl dresses, I think my ‘winner’ is the Card Table Playhouse! I think I need to go buy a card table before the little one gets to the cubby house stage.

  2. Anne Sidell Avatar

    I love the pockets to go pattern – especially the square one – What a great organizer for all those must have notions and tools!

  3. Sue Avatar

    I NEED the pockets to go pattern! I can never keep the stuff in my bag organized. This might be the solutions!

  4. May Britt Avatar

    I guess this organizer would have been my choise too. Hope to win so I can buy it 🙂

  5. Annaleena Avatar

    I like best Aunties Sewing Basket pattern.

  6. chris Avatar

    I love the Izzy petunia bag very cute.

  7. Christine M Avatar

    I like the pockets to go pattern. They would be so handy.

  8. Linda Brown Avatar

    Yes I think I like the pockets to go pattern as well but as ususl thier are so many to choose from.

  9. Nancy in NC Avatar

    I like the cash zipper pouches. I can never seem to find a good coin purse

  10. Stray Stitches Avatar

    My favorite pattern is Tuffets Schnibbles Charm Pack Pattern Miss Rosie’s Quilt Company Schnibbles Pattern. Thanks for the opportunity to enter the giveaway.

  11. Linda Hahn Avatar
    Linda Hahn

    Love the Peggy Sue bag-looks like it would be really comfortable to carry. It’s a hard decision, though-lots of nice patterns there!

  12. Lisa Garrett Avatar
    Lisa Garrett

    I would love to make the Sadie bag!

  13. Lee Avatar

    I love the penelope knit dress!

  14. Bette Gove Avatar
    Bette Gove

    Nice wearables, the patterns I would love to make is the “Springtime Sewing Set” These are soooo adorable.

  15. Mary Smith Avatar
    Mary Smith

    I would make the pockets to go!

  16. Jenny Avatar

    For me, I’d pick the rectangle pockets to go. Would be a perfect addition to my workspace make over!

  17. Laura Avatar

    I love the Pockets to Go too. I saw it made up last month at my LQS (Quilters Corner in Midlothian, VA).

  18. Darcie Avatar

    I love the Pot Handler’s pattern!! The handlers are so adorable and would be a great way to use some of the odd pieces in my stash!!

  19. Shelley C Avatar
    Shelley C

    I like so many of them but I’d like to try my hand at a dress for the granddaughters like Macy Giggles sun dress.

  20. Deb Avatar

    I like so many of the patterns, but I will choose the Pippa and Polly Platypus Pattern Two Little Banshees. How cute are they!!??!!

  21. Sue V. Avatar
    Sue V.

    What a daunting task! SO MANY great patterns….LOVE the selection of bags, but the one that really caught my eye was “The Journey Bag”…love the fabs used! I also loved those night owl potholders!

  22. Stitches Avatar

    I like the Handle This! bag pattern but so many of them are great, it would be hard to choose.

  23. Sue C. Avatar
    Sue C.

    I need a new tote bag – I like the Emma Day bag – just perfect!

  24. Valerie McCarley Avatar
    Valerie McCarley

    I want the Patchwork Iron Board Cover Pattern. I NEED the Patchwork Iron Board Cover Pattern!

  25. Ann Marie Avatar

    I like the pot holders ones, and the pocket tote that you picked also, I can see many of each being used every day.

  26. JOAN GODFREY Avatar

    i like the thimbellina bag.

  27. Jennifer Newberg Avatar

    I love the bow and go purse – and also the Atkinson patterns, although I’d probably pick zippy strippy since I am addicted to bags!

  28. Mary Beth Avatar
    Mary Beth

    The card table playhouse looks awesome.

  29. Cassie Avatar

    I also would want to make the organizer! Those look very handy!

  30. Kelly W Avatar
    Kelly W

    Oh, I just ordered & received the Pockets To Go and looking forward to making those as gifts. I’d love to win and I’d purchase the Jelly Bag by Anne Sutton at Bunny Hill Designs and the Journey Bag by Katie Cupcake.

  31. Farscapegirl Avatar

    I really like Emma Pattern by Modkid, I have a niece that turns 4 this summer and she loves girly dresses with ruffles and flounces. Thanks for chance to win a FQ shop gift card!!

  32. Debbie Goad Avatar
    Debbie Goad

    Just ONE choice??? That’s so difficult…..Zippy Strippy for me. I love the Atkinson patterns!!! If I had another choice, it would be for the Night Owl Potholder so I could make a couple of those for my mom and dad’s cabin in the north woods. Thanks for giving me a chance to win!

  33. Barbara Madison Avatar
    Barbara Madison

    I really like the look of the flea market bag.

  34. Margaret C Avatar
    Margaret C

    It’s a toss up between the Grand Revival Emma Day Bag & Pockets to Go Organizer … guess the organizer is my final choice.

  35. Mary Avatar

    There are so many cute patterns! In order, I would make the Zippy Strippy Bags, the Card Table Playhouse (so cute!), the Night Owl Potholders (my high school mascot was owls), the notebook cover and the fabric roses.

  36. Mary B Avatar
    Mary B

    I like the Penelope dress by modkid. I love this weeks contest. I love everyone’s interpertation of what others think is wearable. I had a very difficult time choosing who to vote for.

  37. Sandy A Avatar
    Sandy A

    I’d love to make the Cell phone cuties pattern. I need one of them real badly!

  38. Cindy Avatar

    I’d love to make the rectangular pockets to go organizer..

  39. Marcia Guza Avatar
    Marcia Guza

    I looked at all the patterns but agree with you — the Pockets to Go Organizer is great!

  40. Barb Colvin Avatar
    Barb Colvin

    I’d like to give Tanya Whelan’s Ella Carry-All Pattern a whirl. Hands free works for me when out shopping 🙂

  41. Cheryl Ellison Avatar

    Henrietta Turtle Mini Pattern Heather Bailey Sewing Patterns

    This is so cute, I saw this pattern at the Sew Expo in Puyallup last month and they had sold out of it.

  42. Shirley Clark Avatar
    Shirley Clark

    I would like to make the Girly Gown Pattern. Thanks so much.

  43. Ann Shields Avatar
    Ann Shields

    I would like to make the v vest

  44. Andrea Milne-Hall Avatar

    ‘Pockets to Go’ by Atkinson Designs really is the best pattern. Useful, practical and it is perfect for made up gift for a quilty friend as well as an extra one for myself. A great pattern…….

  45. kathy h Avatar
    kathy h

    I would pick the organizer to go . I have been looking at this pattern for a while and am also looking for the perfect purse pattern to go with it. It would be perfect to move all my “stuff” from one to another easily.

  46. Margaret C Avatar
    Margaret C

    Oh, such lovely things ! My vote would be for the same as you – the organisational buckets, by DD came through and BEGGED for the card table turned playhouse – what a great idea ! Thanks for the opportunity !

  47. Samelia's Mum Avatar

    I love the Jug Jacket Pattern. A couple of my girlfriends are pregnant, so these would make lovely gifts for them 🙂
    Thanks for a great giveaway.

  48. Mary Shipman Avatar

    My mother passed away this week, looking at the patterns, I saw this Hearts Content Apron and Table Runner Pattern.
    It reminded me of my wonderful mother and the grand and greatgrandmothers in my life.
    I think I NEED to make this.

  49. Marjorie Henwood Avatar

    Handle This would be my choice of patterns…I love bags of any kind….thank you

  50. D. Fraser Avatar
    D. Fraser

    L O V E the Zippy Strippy bags!!!

  51. Susan Ponte Avatar

    I like the Peggy Sue Bag pattern the best. But I didn’t see any I don’t like.

  52. Carolyn Avatar

    I want to win the Zippy Strippy by Atkinson Designs

  53. Beth Nelson Avatar
    Beth Nelson

    I like the Path to the Civil War book on the first page. I live in KC and I love those KC Star Quilts!

  54. Jen Rosamond Avatar
    Jen Rosamond

    I would make the Hushabye baby sleep sack. So sweet for a coming baby.

  55. Jan Luna Avatar
    Jan Luna

    I like Anita’s Memory

  56. Deanna Avatar

    So many wonderful options–very hard to pick just one. But, I might agree with you on the Pockets to GO. I would make them for my children to help organize their rooms. Good teacher gift ideas, too. And, my sewing room could use and update. And…well, you get the idea.

  57. rebecca kovach Avatar
    rebecca kovach

    My vote goes to “Anita’s Memory.”

  58. Judy Avatar

    My vote is for Anita’s memory

  59. cindy Avatar

    I’ll join the ‘in’ croud and say that I too like the pockets to go pattern!

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