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I got a Frixion marking pen – Just swipe the iron and the mark is gone – I love it!
The Bottom Line thread by Superior – I just bought several 3000m cones. It is terrific for beautiful machiine quilting. It has a lovely sheen and you don’t get heavy build up when travelling. And it comes in more than 60 glorious colours. I’m hooked on this thread!
I love my Sewline ceramic lead pencil with the rotating barrel that holds 3 colors of the leads! Especially useful when I’m marking my multi-color batik quilt!
I just bought some quilting gloves for FMQ and would definitely recommend them to everyone!
I just bought some new sewing machine feet. I am trying to start FMQ, so I had to get the right foot! I guess if you FMQ it is a must!
The last quilty thing I purchased was machingers quilting gloves. They fit wonderfuly and I wouldn’t machine quilt again without them.
I purchased a second Quilt Halo designed by Sharon Schamber. I already had one but it wasn’t working well for me – it didn’t hold the fabric down well enough for me to do free motion quilting. But I saw a video that Sharon’s daughter did & she used a second quilt halo stacked on top of the other. And it works great now with 2 of them stacked up. Thanks for the chance to win – I love Marie Bostwick’s books.
I just bought some rubber tipped quilting gloves for fm quilting. They are great.
I love the Frixon pens, too; they are magic!
Lets see…I think I bought a can of spray basting glue recently. I recommend it if you can afford it. I found that it was expensive and doesn’t go very far. I think I will go back to the old fashioned basting with needle and thread for the price.
The most recent notion purchase I made was a pair of gloves. Wow! What a difference! I am sew happy to have them and don’t know how I managed without them.
Hmm. I dont’ remember the latest notion, but I bought Gingham thread snips and i’m in love with them. SO easy to cut thread and I have carpal tunnel (at 33!!) and it’s easy for my hands.
They are all amazing!
Just bought some frixion pens. Love them the mark is removed by heat.
Clover Wonder Clips … a notion I couldn’t live without. I use these more than pins.
i finally got pinking and wave blades for my rotary cutter. pinked the edges of the fabrics i got to see if pinked edges wash without fraying. will after these get washed.
I bought a leather thimble and love it so much more than the metal ones I had. It feels so natural and my finger doesn’t sweat. Would love to win your book! Thanks. And the quilts were wonderful.
The frisson marking pens. They are my new best friend and so affordable at staples.
I love the binding clips I bought recently. No more pin pricks and they have 1/4 inch marks on them too!
I bought a Curvemaster foot for my sewing machine when I decided to make the Retro Flowers quilt and I am amazed at how easy it is to do curved piecing with that foot! I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to undertake a Drunkard’s Path or other curved pattern, especially if you are new to it (as I am).
The Easy Angle and Companion rulers are my latest purchase. I got them to make Bonnie Hunter’s Easy Street. Once i got the concept in my brain, they are great.
Boppiesgirl at gmail dot com
The most recent tool I purchased was a combination cup holder / thread catcher that you clamp on your table. I can’t say I would recommend it, as the opening for the cup is clear around the other side of the holder. If I were left handed, and had it on my left side, that might be better. The thread catcher is handy, though.
I have these itty bitty scissors called a grasshopper. They are so wonderful for snipping stitches and the seam comes apart with such ease. I have one by the machine and one in my art bin I take to classes. Fabulous tool!
Hera Marker has to be one of my best investments ever. Great on light or dark fabrics.
My most recent notion was a 10 pack of thread from Connecting threads. $21.00 for 10 – 1200 yard spools of 50 wt. thread is much better than $2.16 for 400 yards at walmart! 🙂
Hi yes i would highly recommend the new notion i got…which is the seam ripper wth the led light and magnifier…it did take a little adjusting but now i love it
Last weekend I bought some sewing tweezers. I haven’t had time to use them much yet, but so far they have been pretty handy for lining up some tricky edges and making the sewing a little easier.
I bought some bent pins for pinning quilts that are great
Stitchin’ Lines – a paper stitching product that makes sewing half-square triangles and flying geese rectangles fast, easy and accurate. Yes, I recommend it!
A quilting foot for my sewing machine. It has made such a difference. Beautiful even feeding makes the quilt top look perfect. Love it. Love it!
I recently bought a new rotary cutter that you can use right or left handed. I love it since that is the way that I cut things!
I bought some auriful thread! Its fabulous!
Rulers, rulers, rulers!! It’s an addiction!
Beautiful entries
I purchased quilting gloves for free motion quilting. What a difference. These are a must have for any free motion quilter. I wish I had purchased them years ago.
I love those Frixion pens… magic!!
I just purchased a clover bias tape maker and it is wonderful for applique! 🙂 A must have!
I just purchased the Gipsy Magnetic wrist pin cushion. Works really well and holds lots of pins.
Creative Grids Quick Trim and Circles Ruler. It is the most amazing ruler. Speeds up binding by half, makes circles so easy and handy size, 3 1/2 x 12 1/2!
I replaced my seam ripper… yes, every quilter needs one or more of these.
Batting tape! I highly recommend it. Soon my 40 gallon box of scrap batting will get promoted to a fabric box 🙂
The latest thing I bought was a plain old seam ripper. Handy dandy tool, that!
I got 2 GO! dies this week, plus lighted seam rippers. i gave one to a friend a few years ago, and she swears by it. I use one occasionally, and it has a good tip for picking tiny stitches. I like using GO! dies, too. Fun and easy!
I recently bought the “Curves for Squares” ruler by Karla Alexander. I enjoy using it, but wouldn’t say it is a have to have. There is also a “Curves for Rectangles” that I am contemplating buying for an upcoming quilt to depict ocean waves…unless I decide the squares will do.
I really like the wonder clips!
Four months ago, I purchased the hand-held small Sewline needle threader as I thought it be would perfect for take-along projects, however, it has broken twice and the replacement cartridge is $5, so not very happy with it. Thanks for this wonderful opportunity. Judy C in NC
for additional light , a
lamp that makes it easier on the eyes to see.
The most useful notion that I have purchased recently is an Olfa revolving mat. I love that I can lock it so it doesn’t turn as well. It is so handy to take with me for retreats and classes.
The most recent notion/tool I have purchased is the Easy Dresden Ruler by Darlene Zimmerman. I haven’t had a chance to try it out yet. I would recommend it if someone wants to make a Dresden quilt and doesn’t want to make templates.
The notion I purchased recently was a new seam ripper. Always have to have more than one! lol Thanks for the giveaway. vickise at gmail dot com
I have not purchased any quilting supplies as of yet because I am just getting interested in quilting and I have just been doing research and looking at all the lovely quilts. Thanks for the chance at the giveaway.
smjohns63 at yahoo dot com
My latest notion that I bought is a new seam ripper that has the rubbery ends to grab the stray threads. Am loving it!!!
Fusion Fabric marking pens that disappear with heat! These babies saved my eyes this week while working w white on white, black on black and red on red. Marked, sewed, appliquéd and the black markings vanished completely with heat from my iron! In love!
I’ve been buying different styles of thimbles trying to find one i like, no luck yet.
I got an add-a-quarter ruler for paper piecing and have found it useful for other things as well.
My recent aquisition and must have tool for all quilters who desire to organize their stash…Head to the office supply store and purchase the large paper supply dividers. Mine stands roughly 24 X 28 inches and has perfectly sized compartments for fat quarters and it is oh so easy to see the spectrum of my stash collection! I plan to purchase another in the near future! Love the look!!!
The latest I bought was a new scissors. A Gingher. I wanted a really good scissors as I was using a cheap one I’ve had forever and it was in bad shape.
Still waiting for my order to come in but I’m really looking forward to the new Creative Grids Pineapple Trim Tool designed by Jean Ann Wright. I LOVE her CG Log Cabin Trim tool so can’t wait to start a new pineapple blocks quilt.
The most current tool that I bought was a few of the Creative Grid rulers……..I really like them because of the gripper areas on them. They don’t slide around as easily as some other rulers. One is an 8 inch square and the others are more specific designs.
I have to say that I love my Frixion pens and the ink that disappears with heat. Another wonderful tool is my binding tool–I use it all the time to finish the ends of quilt bindings, making a very nice joining.
I bought a 3/8 inch bias binding maker from Clover. I have the 1/4 inch and 1/2 inch. They work great for stems on my applique pieces.
The notion I purchased recently was a new seam ripper. Thanks for the giveaway.
Thanks Milka`s sewutopia
My most recent quilting tool was a 3.5 inch square ruler and I have found it very helpful in squaring up half square triangles. Can’t live without it!
My most recent notion accquisition is an Omnigrid 31/2 X 24″ ruler. One can never have enough rulers, I like having a variety of sizes and shapes available so I cut whatever I need for my next project. I am a big fan of Marie Bostwick and her Cobbled Court Quilts series, so keeping my fingers crossed to win.
I just bought an add a quarter ruler. I saw Carol Doaks blog on craftsy “the card trick”. It is great!
Gosh, wish we could vote for more than 6……there are some real beauties this time!
I recently added a deckle blade for my rotary cutter and love it!
The most recent notion I purchased was a Kwik Klip, to help close safety pins. Brilliant tool! Thanks for the giveaway!
the most recent notion I bought was an appliques pressing sheet to replace the one I can’t find. (the joys of packing to get ready for moving – can’t find a thing)
The most recent tool I have used is not really a quilting tool, but it very useful. I learned about Nexcare flexible clear bandage tape on Bonnie Hunter’s blog. you put it on the backs of your rulers to keep them from slipping when you are doing your rotary cutting. it works great.
My latest “must-have” was a pair of Machinger gloves. I’m recently addicted to free motion stippling and want to do more of my own quilting. The gloves took a little getting used to, but do make a difference in handling the fabric. So far, they seem to help elevate that sore shoulder syndrome!
My most recent addition to my quilting notions is a beautiful seam ripper made by my husband. He is a woodworker and turned a handle on his lathe. Love it.
At quilt retreat this past weekend I purchased the QCR ruler by Sew Kinda Wonderful. Haven’t gotten a chance to use it yet but have been admiring her on line samples. Saw it demonstrated at retreat and looks easier than I originally thought. Thanks for the chance to win.
I recently bought a new Ott light – it really help these aging eyes see clearly!
My most recent tool purchase has been June Tailors Super Cut Ruler (18″x12)! Absolutely love it!! Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful book!
The lastest notion I bought…hmmm…. it is the Easy Angle ruller, have not had a chance to use them yet. Darn!
Bought new blades for my rotary cutter. Fresh blades are needed when not cutting cleanly any more.
I just purchased a 10 inch SewEasy wedge ruler. I cut wedges out on the weekend but have not had a chance to stitch yet. Can’t wait to get back to my machine and play.
Bought the new seam ripper with the rubber tip for ‘erasing’ the small pieces of thread. Haven’t used it enough to know if the rubber tip really works or not.
The last notion I bought was a smaller ruler. After constantly fighting with my large one and knocking of fabric I am loving the smaller ruler.
I just bought the 8″ quick quarter ruler. It works great for making HSTs. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of Marie’s book.
Bought two things…..Karen K Buckley scissors and some fusible batting tape. They’re both great.
I enjoy my new CLover open thimble. It is kinder to my arthritic knuckles and more comfortable in hot weather.
My most recent purchase are the small red clips to hold your binding in place while you stitch it down, what a clever idea no poked fingers.
The latest notion I bought was the red binder clips; they work great, but are expensive and I continue to use the older style ‘hair clip’ ones–in fact, I just use my old, mis-matched hair clips!
My most recent quilting tool purchase was the binding tool. As some said above, it is a must have for those of us who don’t like to guess on the binding closure. It is also useful for a template for friendship braid quilts.
The latest notion I bought was The Strip Tube Ruler. I haven’t had a chance to use it yet. Have only sewed half of my strips together so far.
I am the lucky wife married to my darling husband who bought me an AccuQuilt Go! for my birthday. I’ve been wanting one, well…forever. I’m in strip heaven!
The last notion I purchased was a new pkg. of Thangles. I LOVE using them for HST’s and yes, I recommend them to anyone who wants perfect accurate HST’s which require no trimming or squaring up. Thanks for the chance to win Marie’s newest book.
A friend bought me a seam ripper with a built inlight. My old eys really appreciate and i would reccommend it. I dont know where she got it at. Barbara babscorbitt@gmail.com
The latest quilting tool/notion I purchased is a Quilter’s Cut and Press – two sided cutting board and pressing surface. I can cut then quickly flip board over to press. Also good for squaring small art quilts.
The last tool I bought was a folding 18 x 24 cutting mat to take to a quilting workshop. I love this mat. Now I use this more than my large 24 x 36 cutting mat whenever possible. I would recommend this to all quilters. It is easy to take with you and does not take up too much room on your cutting table. This is a necessary tool, especially if you have a limited space for your quilting area.
Anna Marie
My most recent purchase was a Sew Ezi table. I know that is somewhat larger than a notion but so far I am loving it.
The last notion I purchased was the Easy Angle ruler by Simplicity. It was suggested for doing Bonnie Hunter’s Easy Street mystery quilt to make the HST’s. It made it so easy to make them using my 2 1/2″ strips without having to cut fabric that is not one of my normal sizes that I keep in my stash. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of Marie’s book.
My most recent notion purchase was curved rulers – love ’em! Not only can I use them for curved piecing, but also to mark curves for quilting!
The latest notion I bought was a ripper from Seam-fix that has a rubber tip on the lid that helps pull out let over thread from ripped out seams. Works greatLinda C
The most recent notion I bought is a package of “Frixion” pens. I actually bought them at an office supply store. I find they are great for marking cutting lines, since they leave a nice thin line, and ironing removes the mark. I am not sure I would use them to mark quilting lines, though, because I noticed that even after they are removed, they leave a bit of a mark.
I have read all of Marie’s books, to date and would love a copy of this one.
The last notion I bought was a new rotary cutter. I think rotary cutters ARE a must have for almost all quilters.
My most recent quilting notion purchase was the Quick Curve Ruler from Sew kind of Wonderful. It makes curve piecing achievable (in my book anyway!). Love it.
The most recent tool I purchased is a small revolving rotary cutting mat. I definitely think it would be useful for all quilters. It helps with cutting accuracy and is a timesaver too.
I just purchased a new set of Easy Angle and Companion Angle Rulers for myself after giving away my original ones. I do recommend them as must haves for creating perfect HSTs and QSTs!
I recently bought the electric blade sharpener, love it,love it
The most recent notion I purchase was a pack or rotary blades. They are essential to cutting out a quilt and you really need a new blade with every project. Yes, everyone needs a new pack of rotary blades to have on hand.
Hmmm. I haven’t bought a notion real recently, but I did buy bamboo skewers for fruit kabobs and have been using one to guide my fabric through on the sewing machine, so I guess that’s it. It’s a handy little tool anyone could use.
I just purchased a new pack of Thimblepads, a small leather dot that you use as a thimble. They are sticky on one side and cover the center of your fingertip. They are wonderful AND reusable. I do a lot of stitchery blocks in my quilts and projects so I put one on my ‘thimble finger’ and also one on my under finger to protect it as well. I can use one for two weeks or more before I have to change to a new one, depending on how much stitching I do. I would recommend them to anyone who does hand sewing of any kind, especially binding your quilts. I don’t like thimbles, but these little sweeties are so comfy, I often forget I have them on.
The most recent quilting notion I purchased is an OLFA Frosted Advantage non-slip ruler. I have several of them, and absolutely LOVE them ALL! I use the 6″ x 12″the most, but would not want to do without the 6″ x 24″ either.
I recently purchased the Strip Stick at the AQS show-it will help with ironing seams and keep the straight-must have for all quilters doing strips for a quilt.
I really like the bindy thingy its a square that is notched to make miterd bindings better it works really well!
Three new purchases recently:
A big Olfa cutting mat (24 x 36) The old one was pretty beat up.
A 28mm rotary cutter, cuz I lost my other one
A 1/4 inch foot for an old Singer I recently became the owner of.
Oh, and Machingers gloves for quilting – LOVE them!
I recenlty purchased an embroidery machine so I had to buy stabilizer and thread. I’m having fun learning my new machine!!
I recently purchased an electric blade sharpener and it does work. I am really enjoying having a ‘new’ blade in my sharpener more often.
After working with a dull machine needle I purchased two packs of new ones, what a difference.
One needs to replace them often, it makes quite a difference especially with Kona fabric.
Binding clips – since when I’m binding I take a quilt to work to sew on during lunch time – no more pins to lose or poke myself with – why did it take me so long to try them!
Such a fun occasion…can’t wait to read the new book!
I am in love with the Clover binding clips…they are the tool that I use almost every day now and keep finding new ways to use them.
I just bought a new fabric marking pen, I use it for my hand quilting when the chalk lines start fading.
Such a great group of quilts I love this site and all it has to offer!!! Thanks for showing us a little quilt show each week!
The most recent quilting tools I purchased were the small and large wedge template from Missouri Star Quilt Company. They just arrived on Saturday so i have not had time to play with them but I am looking forward to making a scrappy quilt with them ASAP.
My most recent gadget is the Rapid Fire Lemoyne Star ruler from Deb Tucker. I’m using it a class this coming weekend, so I’m not yet sure if it’s a must have. It was kinda pricey so I hope it was really worth it.
!Me gustan mucho estos concursos,asi podemos ver trabajos de todo el mundo
The new click Frixion pens!
The small tumber template is my most recent purchase…I find it is great for making lapsize quilts for charity. The quilting group I am in makes them for local groups that need them – they are quick with the templates and easy to put together. Judy R from Buffalo
I just started using the Olfa Circle Cutter. I really like it. I starched my fabric before cutting and it cut very easily with no stretching.
The most recent tool purchase I made was a Add-A-Quarter ruler. I am doing a lot of foundation piecing right now, and I have found it to be a fantastic help in trimming the seams!! I love it!
My most recent purchase was Lisa Calle’s rulers for curved and straight crosshatching and piano keys! So easy to use and they make all the lines so perfectly.
Last summer I bought a bias tape maker to use in front of my iron. I am so thankful for it! I have used it on many many yards of bias binding for Little Dresses for Africa. I know it is not a new tool, but it is new to me.
The most recent tool I purchased was from Bonnie Hunter’s website…the quarter inch seam gager. In order to do precise work one must have precise tools…Now, that’s not saying my work is precise, with every point perfect and all my seams butting up just perfectly…but I try to be!
My newest favorites are a 9 1/2 inch template, and an 8 1/2 inch template. These make short work of squaring up blocks!
I purchased a new seam ripper, because, Duh, they wear out, too!
My most recent tool purchase was the Creative Grids 60-degree triangle ruler. I used it to cut out the pieces for the Bloom Bloom Pow quilt and it worked wonderfully! I can see that I’ll be using it more and more in the future and would definitely recommend it to others!
I think I have every notion known to man–well, almost! so don’t remember the last one purchased, but my favorites are the Creative Grid rulers. Am replacing my old yellow lined ones because they are hard to see!
What is the most recent quilting notion/tool that you’ve purchased and do you recommend it as a must-have for all quilters?
Quilter’s Quarter Marker. I think it’s essential for putting together hexagons or any Y-Seam! It makes it so much easier!
Wow I am a brand new convert to the Klutz glove after spilling my own blood twice recently following the purchase of very sharp rotary blades and a brand new pair of scissors. I am afraid it took those incidents to wake me up to the need of some protection whilst using sharp and quite dangerous tools. A need to stay focused and calm whilst using these tools was also recognised as both times I was in a bit of a hurry to get done.. not very productive in the long run!
I purchased an ottlite caddy. It has a wind up cord and a handle. You fold the lamp down and you can take it with you to class or from room to room. It is small but bright
My most recent notion purchase was a 6 1/2 inch square. I thought I had one, but I had all the other sizes just not 6 1/2. I find I am using that size a lot and it really helps.
I recently purchased a 10 degree wedge ruler. Haven’t had time to use it, but it sure looks like it will be fun. So many interesting designs that can be done with it.
I love the binding clips too. They are great for holding the binding down and many other things too.
A Cone Flower Thread Holder–functional AND beautiful!
I think the last thing I bought was a replacement blade for my rotary cutter. It didn’t seem terribly dull, but what a difference the new blade makes!
My most recent purchase was a 60 degree template to help in the cutting of triangles. I also purchased some origami templates to make it easier to do origami quilting.
My latest new tool is the CutRite Bind Up for fast and easy finish for binding with perfect mitred seams. Really cool!
I purchased a special ruler to trim HSTs and I don’t think it made my trimming any easier or more accurate.
I recently purchased a Pilot “Frixion” pen for marking fabric. The built-in eraser deftly does away with the markings when I make a mistake or when I finish the project.
I haven’t purchased anything in the last time. hugs
I just bought titanium rotary blades. I hear from other quilters that they last so much longer than regular ones. I started the countdown on the blade I just put in my rotary cutter.
Creative Grids Rulers – 3 1/2 x 12″ (makes circles also) and the 60 degree triangle. Love these rulers and they do not slip!!
Thank you for the sweet giveaway! I can’t wait to read this new book. I have enjoyed all in The Cobbled Court series and Marie’s other books as well.
My latest sewing notion was a little seam trimmer. It looks like a little mustache trimmer but was designed for quilters to take out unwanted seam threads. It works fairly well for the taking out seams but not so well for taking out machine quilted stitches which is what I was hoping for.
Also bought a Frixion pen but haven’t used it yet 🙂
Hiya!!! The last purchase I made was a set of rulers that Wal-Mart has on clearance. Can never have too many rulers, and this one has the 6 & 1/2 inch square that I’ve been wanting. Thanks for having the giveaway. Blessed be, hugs!!!
Last tool purchased was dresdan template,love to win book!
A new “rippit”
The little red “Wonder Clips” by Clover are a must-have notion for your sewing room. These little clips are perfect for holding down a binding and having markings on them so your binding is the same size all the way around. They come in packs of 10 or 50. I only use about four at a time, but you can do the whole binding on a large project with the bigger bag if that’s what you prefer to do.
One tool I have purchased recently, albeit for a gift, was the 6.5 x 12.5 inch ruler by Creative Designs. I find it the PERFECT ruler for just about everything after the initial cutting is over. I use it ALL the time for paper piecing as the 1/4 inch line is clearly visible. I use it to do my sub cuts. I use it ALL THE TIME. This ruler has everything a quilter could need and is the PERFECT gift for a quilter.
Love the broken star pattern. Pat
I won an Eleanor Burns goose ruler and I would recommd it. Thanks for a chance to win Marie’s new book. I have read the Cobblestone Quilts series and loved them all.
I bought a purple thang and I’ve used it every day since helping guide fabric under the presser foot, pushing out little corners when something has to be turned inside out – loads of uses.
I got a flying geese ruler that is a large triangle with markings on each corner to ell you where to cut. I have tried to use it and have not been able to figure it out so NO I would not recommend it.
I purchased a new seam ripper..seems like I use it more than I’d like to.
I love using the Clover wonder clips when doing my bindings.
Water-erasable marking pen for hand-applique or for any kind of markings on the right-side of fabric. Test before using!
I LOVE the new Pin Pal Magnetic Pin Catcher. You wear it around the neck of your shirt by putting the large decorative part of the magnet on the front of your shirt and the other behind. As you need pins or take them out, you “wear” them and know right where they are. Best of all, they are always with you!
I bought a couple of Pat Sloan’s Sullivan Edge rulers. They help to keep the rotary cutter sharp. It fixed one of my blades. Thanks for the giveaway.
It’s a 6,5″ ruler and I haven’t tried it out jet.
I purchased the Clover Clips to use when I sew binding. They work great & it is so easy to get a quarter inch width all around.
I purchased a Clover needle-threader, but have not yet used it. Thanks for a wonderful weekly quilt show!
I just bought a stiletto and have not tried it yet. I hear it is a must have for sewing curves
I just bought the Angle Ruler for making HST’s. I think, but I’m not sure yet, that I like it better than any other method.
Would love to win this book. Thanks.
An 8 1/2″ x 24″ ruler. Works great for strip cutting fat quarters.
I’ve not really bought any tools recently, but I’d love to try a flying geese ruler.
The last notion
lil’ twister
everyone needs a tesselating ruler for fun
wordpress said I entered my comment too fast!
Here goes again
Please enter me into the giveaway for a copy of her book.
Latest notion, and everyone should have a fun tessalating gizmo, is a Lil Twister tool.
I purchased the Hunter’s Star Rapid Fire ruler. I haven’t used it yet. My mother and I are going to learn to use it together when she visits in the next few days for a couple of weeks.
Like a few others here I purchased a new seam ripper. It is a must have for every quilter/sewer but I seem to wear mine out and they go blunt!!
Recent purchase (why didn’t I do this years’ ago!!!!)
Easy Angle and Easy Angle II rulers are most wonderful for cutting 1/2 sq and 1/4 sq triangles!!!
I have the mini wonderclips. They are fantastic because the stay clamped on no matter how much I move the quilt.
Just today I bought Marti Michell’s one-patch template for the windmill block. Haven’t had time to use it but it sure looks like fun. Her directions are wonderful
I bought a little container of “Thread Heaven” at a quilt show. I was so happy to find the product.
Like others, I, too, love the little red Clover Clips. I’m a tool girl, so I’m always on the lookout for a great new tool. My latest favourite – and the most efficient one I’ve used in ages is the Rapid Fire Hunter Star ruler. It makes piecing a table runner or quilt top so efficient, easy and fun – and the results in precision work are excellent! This little ruler helps create the trapezoid pieces – and then is just dead-on in helping you square them up to the desired block size. Your project will go together so quickly – and slickly – you’ll be amazed! I love this little ruler!
I love the “Wacker” It looks sort of like a hammer, you give your thick seam 2 shots of steam with your iron and 2 wacks with the “Wacker” and your seam is flat as a pancake!!
Seam ripper! A definite must have!
My most recent quilting notion purchase was 3 different colored pencils. Very valuable to be able to use it on different colored fabrics.
I purchased the Qtools Cutting edge notion. It has helped me cut accurately and quickly.
The most important piece of equipment that I have purchased lately is a good solid sewing machine.
Bought and used Crayola washable markers to mark a quilt top for machine quilting. Not a speck of marker left after machine washing!!
I just purchased a Machine Seam Gauge from Dritz. Since I use different machines at different times it’s any easy way to check my 1/4 inch seam.
I bought the jumbo “donut” for storing my extra large bobbins in. I LOVE it…now i can see my bobbin colors and my bobbins to clink together..LOVE IT, LoVE It love it!!!
The latest hing I have bought is a 12 1/2 inch ruler. So great for squaring up 12 inch blocks and I ahve used for it many other sizes too.
My husband made me a wooden stiletto and seam ripper. I LOVE them both. Best gift he ever made next to the design board and ironing table.
I love my ‘Quilt Halo’ that I bought for quilting. It is amazing and so much easier to quilt. Highly recommend it. Cheers
I recently purchased some EPP hexagons to use as a cutting pattern. I don’t EPP, I hand piece them. My mother hand pieced and hand quilted a Grandmother’s Flower Garden quilt which was stolen. It had never been on my bed. I found a few pieced blocks, some blocks which had been cut and bagged, and some fabric for another quilt. So, I hope to eventually “replace” my heirloom. One can never replace the love of a mother that went into a quilt.
Recently I recieved a seam ripper in the mail. My brother bought the hardware and turned the wood for it. He does not have any wood from the farm we were raised on. However, it came from his father-in-laws farm which was about 1/4 mi from us. So, it very special.
I bought a 10″ half hexagon ruler to get a head start on making Christmas tree table runner gifts! One down and __ to go! I’ve just begun reading this series – so delightful!
I also bought a 10″ half hexagon ruler. I plan on using it to make a House quilt inspired by Jenny of MSQC’s video tutorial.
I bought a cheetah print rotary cutter. My whole sewing room is done in cheetah accents – makes me smile!
I just bought a package of new blades for my rotary cutter. It may seem like a common purchase BUT it is so important to have a sharp blade and blades need to be changed frequently. A sharp blade makes a world of difference.
The last notion I bought was Jean Wright’s Log Cabin Trim Tool. It is so great. You use it to make log cabin blocks out of strips you may have in your scrap pile – and you don’t have to cut them – just be over 1 1/2″ wide. So fast – love it! Thanks for the chance!
I highly recommend the Wonder Clips by Clover. I like them so much I have been giving them as gifts to my other family members who quilt.
Just purchased Fons and Porter’s mechanical fabric pencil but haven’t t tried it yet.
an OTT light every quilter should have a few !!!
The most recent tool I bought was a lighted seam ripper. I liked the light but the seam ripper itself is dull so it’s not useful at all. I need to complain to the co that made it, but haven’t yet.
Accuquilt cutter – it’s to DIE for!!
Blades for my rotary cutter…
I just bought a magnetized scissor nanny so I can do applique in the car and not drop my scissors between the seats. Yes, I get really frustrated when that happens :*D
I bought the Sew Line portable needle threader that looks like a lipstick. No, I don’t recommend it because it broke after a couple of uses.
I just discovered tracing paper. Great for tracing motifs and pinning on your quilt. Stitch away and it rips off great,leaving little residue.
I just bought my second Ottlite and I love them, so yes I would recommend them to any crafter. Thanks for the chance to win.
Most recent purchase was full size easy angle. I gave my junior size to a friend who is just getting into quilting.
The most recent quilting notion that I bought was a pair of Duck Bill Applique Scissors and I just love them, makes cutting applique piece’s out so much easier.
So far I have only purchased the necessities to get started. I love my mat and rotary cutter
I bought a binding ruler, no more fudging my binding, it’s fit’s perfect every time.
I bought the “Twister” tools – both large and small and they
have been great fun to use. Not only do you get the pinwheel, but the leftovers can be made into a scrap quilt….very little waste and lots of fun…..been thinking
about getting the Strip Tube Ruler….we’ll see….
most recent tool/notion was 1/4″ tiger tape. helps me to sew even stitches. thank you for the give away.
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