Quilted Pillows

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  • Total submissions: 58
  • Total countries: 9
  • Total provinces: 4
  • Total states: 21

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A Pillow Fit For A Queen A Pillow Fit For A Queen
By: A.J. Dub,
California, USA

A gift made for a teacher whose nickname in the district is the Queen Bee. She mentored my daughter to second place in the county spelling bee last year and is a standout teacher. I wanted to make her something special and unique. I created it from scraps. She loved it.

Quilt size: width: 18" height: 18"

Antonia's Butterflies Antonia’s Butterflies
By: Steffi,

I made this pillow as a Christmas gift for my little niece and goddaughter Antonia who is three years old. Her room is painted and decorated in yellow and orange, so I made her the matching butterflies. Machine pieced and hand quilted using perle cotton thread and big stitch quilting.

Quilt size: width: 16" height: 16"

Aqua and Pink Rag Quilted Pillow Aqua and Pink Rag Quilted Pillow
By: FloSews,
California, USA

I made this rag quilted pillow to match a rag quilt. It was the first time I added eyelet lace to the perimeter of the pillow (and the quilt). The pillow has a minky soft spot right in the middle.

Quilt size: width: 14″" height: 14″"

Batik String Pillow Batik String Pillow
By: Carolyn Braun,
New Jersey, USA

I made this pillow for a Project Quilting challenge inspired by the art of Anne Young. I used many of my batik strings that I had been saving for just the right project. It is machine quilted with random squiggles across the strings. This pillow is a bright addition to the room.

Quilt size: width: 28" height: 20"

Bug's Pillow Bug’s Pillow
By: Rita McCart,
Missouri, USA

I made my youngest daughter this quilt for her 21 birthday ((3/25/13). I decided to make her matching pillows for your contest. Hope you like it. It is a strip block on one side and a disappering 9 block on the other, same fabric on both sides. This is my first attempt at strip quilting.

Quilt size: width: 14" height: 16"

Butterfly Garden Cushions Butterfly Garden Cushions
By: Christine M,

I made this pair of cushions as “something pretty for me”. I have taken blocks of the Butterfly Garden quilt designed by Leanne Beasley. It was a great way to use some of those pretty floral scraps.

Quilt size: width: 14" height: 14"

Butterfly Pillows Butterfly Pillows
By: Avis,
United Kingdom

I made these pillows as one of the 12 gifts of Christmas for the girlfriend of a client. Like the Monarch butterflies, she had also migrated to USA. That’s why he wanted a butterfly theme. Her name “Mayra” is hand embroidered and the “Quilt as you go” method was used for the patchwork. How romantic!

Quilt size: width: 16" height: 16"

Cat Pillow Cat Pillow
By: Diane U.,
Ontario, Canada

My Auntie loved cats; so when I first started quilting; I made this pillow for her; it sat on her bed and she always said she loved it.

Quilt size: width: 14" height: 14"

Children at Play Children at Play
By: MissEnota,
Minnesota, USA

A quilted pillow cover inspired by the blue Sarah Jane Studios’ “Children at Play” backing fabric. I made this for my mother’s birthday this year; it’s my first experience installing a zipper. It also has piping, free-motion quilting, and variegated thread quilting which was really fun to do!

Quilt size: width: 20" height: 20"

Christmas pillow Christmas pillow
By: Debra Reinert,
Pennsylvania, USA

This is a folded fabric technique that is rather poplar though I do not know the name. Made using Christmas fabrics and finished round with decorators cord as a “piping”.

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 12"

Crazy for P.E.O. Crazy for P.E.O.
By: LouAnne Sassone,
California, USA

Made for my daughter’s P.E.O. chapter auction in Nov. 2012. Fabrics are all tie fabrics and the daisies are a P.E.O. symbol.

Quilt size: width: 16" height: 12"

Elissa's Pillow Elissa’s Pillow
By: Debbie Grasley,
Minnesota, USA

My neighbor Elissa wanted me to make her a pillow, but she wanted to design it at the age of 8. I said ok, just draw me a picture of what you have in mind and I will see what I can do. This is the finished pillow. She loves it!

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 12"

Enchantment Enchantment
By: Lorna McMahon,
Ontario, Canada

I love the pinwheel block, but wanted to give it a fresh, modern setting. So I designed a quilt that would incorporate three different block sizes, sewn into panels, instead of the traditional rows. Two coordinating pillows make it a lovely set!
My entry is the 20″ x 20″ square pinwheel pillow.

Quilt size: width: 20" height: 20"

EPP pillow EPP pillow
By: Rachel,
New Jersey, USA

A friend of mine encouraged me to try English Paper Piecing as part of her ‘Sewing Confrontations’ series. This was the result of my first attempt at EPP.

Quilt size: width: 14" height: 14"

Escape from the Quilt Police pillow Escape from the Quilt Police pillow
By: Donna,
North Carolina, USA

I have started trying some modern quilting techniques using negative space. I got inspired by an article in American Quilter magazine, Sept. 2012. (“Crime Wave” by Kathryn Schmidt) So I used blue and white fabric and had fun just cutting random strips of fabric and piecing it back together.

Quilt size: width: 18" height: 18"

Facets Pillow Facets Pillow
By: Anne Deister,
Colorado, USA

This pillow was made from the scrap pieces leftover from my very first pattern called Facets. The pillow blocks are actually sewn as a part of the main quilt blocks and then trimmed to create separate blocks. When the quilt blocks are done so are the pillow blocks. Super easy.

Quilt size: width: 21" height: 21"

flea market fancy scrappy trip pillow flea market fancy scrappy trip pillow
By: susan sobon,
Illinois, USA

A very good friend of mine is always doing things for me, including giving me some leftover scraps from a quilt she had made. I took the scraps and made her a pillow. I had so much fun asking her advice on the pillow, secretly knowing that she would be receiving it.

Quilt size: width: 17″" height: 17″"

Flower Pillow Flower Pillow
By: Jill of Apple Avenue Quilts,
Utah, USA

I made this pillow to coordinate with my niece’s bedroom. The fabrics surrounding the pillow are another pillow and her bedspread. I made two of them and she was thrilled with them.

Quilt size: width: 17" height: 17"

Hartjeskussen Hartjeskussen
By: Carla Cornelissen,

This pillow I made for my daughter she loves hearts and beetles!

Quilt size: width: 20" height: 20"

Holiday Lane Holiday Lane
By: Pauline Francis,
Michigan, USA

The pillow was designed by Jill Finley. It had the houses and trees and you embellish it to suit your decor. I added snowmen with scarves and ear muffs, snowflakes, birds, lamp post, wreaths on the doors, and some embroidery. I used homespun fabrics and recycled felted wool. It was fun to make.

Quilt size: width: 34" height: 16"

I Love Roses I Love Roses
By: Marianne Troccoli,
California, USA

This pillow was made for our tour guide, when we went to China. She was so sweet to us. I made the heart on the sewing machine and quilted the boarder by hand.

Quilt size: width: 17″" height: 17″"

Kirigami Snowflake Pillow Kirigami Snowflake Pillow
By: Persimon Dreams,
Wisconsin, USA

Inspired by the Project QUILTING Challenge ‘My Favorite Color’ and from reading the ‘Hawaiian Quilter’ book. An eclectic striped turquoise blue kirigami cut snowflake is appliqued to a kona white background.

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 12"

Kona Solids Challenge pillows Kona Solids Challenge pillows
By: Karen,
Minnesota, USA

These pillows were made for the Modern Quilt Guild Kona Solids challenge. We were allowed to add one solid to the kona charms and my local guild added an additional rule to use HSTs.

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 24"

Kristen's Cathedral Window Kristen’s Cathedral Window
By: Marie Joerger,
New Hampshire, USA

This is a pillow I made for my daughter’s 25th birthday which just happens to be this week.
Made to go in her NYC apartment which has a wonderful dark gray couch, it is a cathedral window design using a dark gray in the back and teal in front to blend together the colors she has her room.

Quilt size: width: 17″" height: 17″"

Lee's Gift Lee’s Gift
By: Mardene Abarbanell,
Colorado, USA

This is a hand pieced Desden Plate, hand appliqued to a background fabric, then machine quilted. A covered button front and back secure the pillow batting. It is not a removable cover due to the covered buttons.

Quilt size: width: 19" height: 19"

Linked Linked
By: Esch House Quilts,
Michigan, USA

I made this pillow for the X-Factor Pillow Swap on Flickr. I love the crisp color combination.

Quilt size: width: 20" height: 20"

Lovely Dreams Lovely Dreams
By: Kristen,
Minnesota, USA

I have always wanted to make a pink and yellow quilt. I decided that starting with a quilted pillow would be a good place to trial these colors. The entire front of the pillow is made from 1-1/2″ squares and then quilted. I added some ric rack around the borders and it is now one of my favorites.

Quilt size: width: 14" height: 14"

Lucy's Shooting Star Pillow Lucy’s Shooting Star Pillow
By: Sue Parenti,
Illinois, USA

This pillow was a gift to my neice Lucy for Christmas. I fell in love with the book Tile Quilt Revival and I wanted to try the technique out right away. So I made one of the blocks into a pillow for Christmas, her favorite color is yellow so a star is perfect!!!

Quilt size: width: 14" height: 14"

May your home always be....too small to hold all of your friends. May your home always be….too small to hold all of your friends.
By: Ellen Wigginton,
Michigan, USA

This pillow was made for a friend. She’s the absolute nicest person I know and needs extra good thoughts sent her way right now.

I incorporated patchwork piecing, embroidery, piping, zipper insertion, a self-made pillow form, and hand-quilting into this pillow.

Quilt size: width: 16" height: 16"

Memories Memories
By: Piecrust,
Georgia, USA

Have a family photo you want to share? Print the photo on fabric and use as the center of a pieced block.
Here is a photo of my parents in 1976.

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 12"

Nostlagic Posie  Pillow Nostlagic Posie Pillow
By: Lea Brummett,
Indiana, USA

This was made for my spare bedroom. The pattern is by Lynn Wilders, Nostalgic Pillows. The little flowers are 3D, making them stand up off the pillow. They are not part of the the pillow pattern, they were of my own design using a tutorial on Lynn’s blog.

Quilt size: width: 18" height: 18"

Paisley Swirls Paisley Swirls
By: Jo Mack,
Ohio, USA

I took Craftsy’s Stupendous Stitching class and made this pillow using many of the techniques I learned in the class. I used couching, decorative machine stitches, and hand embroidery with perle cotton. The techniques are great fun.

Quilt size: width: 14" height: 14"

Patchwork Pillow Patchwork Pillow
By: Karen,
Wisconsin, USA

This pillow was a gift for a friend.
I stitched the saying using red perle cotton (#12) on Kona snow. The border is 2 1/2″ squares. I quilted “X’s” in the squares and squiggles in the border. The front and back are layered like a quilt with hand stitched binding. Who can resist
gingham and rickrac

Quilt size: width: 14" height: 12"

Pay it Forward Pillow Pay it Forward Pillow
By: Donna Frederick,
Kentucky, USA

I made this pillow as a pay it forward gift

Quilt size: width: 12″" height: 8″"

pillow (barbara woods) pillow (barbara woods)
By: barbara woods,
Georgia, USA

made for my girls

Quilt size: width: 13" height: 19"

Pillow Hunting trophies Pillow Hunting trophies
By: Zlata,
Russian Federation

Pillow sewn in gift to hunter. His major trophies – elk and wild boar. Silhouettes of animals made ​​of machine appliqué.

Quilt size: width: 16" height: 16"

Pillow Talk Pillow Talk
By: Marg McCulloch,
Alberta, Canada

These two pillows were made from a pattern called “Pillow Talk” that is a product of The Quilt Patch in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Fun & Easy!

Quilt size: width: 21" height: 11"

Pillows blue Pillows blue
By: Pstland1,
Pennsylvania, USA

This pillows go with the blue quilt.

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 12"

Purple with a touch of Silver Purple with a touch of Silver
By: Isabell,
United Kingdom

I made this purple and silver pillow/cushion for my Grand daughter, the colours are her favourite.
It is made of cotton fabric and the quilting is ‘In the Ditch’ using silver thread.

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 24"

Quilted Pillow Quilted Pillow
By: Gale Lavers,
Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

Free pattern from April 2011 Aurifil BOM. All scraps from saved hst. Design was to showcase embroidery, and since I didn’t have any of my own, I cut up an old tablecloth done by my mom and used it. She did awesome work and it is a daily reminder of her. The pattern is still available free.

Quilt size: width: 20" height: 20"

Radiating Dresden Radiating Dresden
By: Melissa,
Washington, USA

I made this pillow with left over dresden pieces from my Sew Intertwined Quilt. I was having trouble finding the inspiration to quilt the actual quilt and now that the pillow is done I have a reason to finish my quilt – it is about 1/3 of the way quilted right now!

Quilt size: width: 17" height: 17"

Rainbow Pillow Rainbow Pillow
By: Vicki @ Quilting Lodge,
Texas, USA

I originally made this pillow for a solids challenge. I designed the pattern and used straight line quilting all over. I really love how it turned out and I think it would make an awesome quilt pattern too.

Quilt size: width: 30" height: 30"

Rylans pillow Rylans pillow
By: Michelle Irving,

Was just fiddling around with some scraps and crazy patches and my grandson says ,..Is that a quilt for me? I said no,it was too small and he said ,well,make me a pillow.
And so I did

Quilt size: width: 18" height: 18"

Scrappy Quilt-As-You-Go Pillow Scrappy Quilt-As-You-Go Pillow
By: Shel,
Washington, USA

This is a scrappy quilt-as-you-go patchwork 18″ pillow. I made it for my older daughter using scraps leftover from her twin size bed quilt. The fabrics include Heirloom by Joel Dewberry, Just Wing It by Momo, Happier by Deena Rutter, and Kumari Garden by Dena Designs for Free Spirit, among others.

Quilt size: width: 18" height: 18"

Sedona Star Sedona Star
By: Sally Gould Wright,
California, USA

My first class at Empty Spools Seminars at Asilomar in Pacific Grove California was with the wonderful Sally Collins. this was out class project which I finished as a large pillow for our living room. It is machine pieced with commercial cottons and silk dupioni and machine quilted.

Quilt size: width: 22" height: 22"

Snowflake Pillow Snowflake Pillow
By: Julie Cefalu,
California, USA

I made this snowflake pillow using left over batting for the snowflake. I quilted snowflakes and holly in the background and added buttons for some extra pop.

Quilt size: width: 16" height: 16"

Spinning Canoes Spinning Canoes
By: Jess Frost,

I used Denyse Schmidt’s Chicopee collection along with natural Essex linen to make this pillow. The blocks are paper pieced Tippecanoe blocks. I have quilted it following the canoe shapes on one of the diagonals.

Quilt size: width: 20" height: 20"

Spring in my home Spring in my home
By: ana-ane,

The cushion is realized by fabrics batik by the technology of window, the quilted one this one handmade, by a big stitch at the edge of the bies, is my first work with this technology

Quilt size: width: 16″" height: 16″"

Stack 'n' Slash Stack ‘n’ Slash
By: Kaaren Biggs,
Ontario, Canada

The Stack ‘n’ Slash technique, similar to crazy quilting but by machine, was originally used to make a wallhanging as a sample for a class I teach, but the leftovers turned into a lovely cushion to match! Both pieces were gifted to a long-time non-quilting friend for Christmas 2010.

Quilt size: width: 16" height: 16"

Stained Glass Pillow Shams Stained Glass Pillow Shams
By: Pam Geisel,
Ohio, USA

A customer asked me to make two pillow shams to match her Frank Lloyd Wright-style stained glass windows. A photo of the pillow shams with the window can be found at: www.ForQuiltsSake.com.

Quilt size: width: 28" height: 18"

Stripes Squared Stripes Squared
By: Carol Ann Johnston,
Idaho, USA

Quilt size: width: 18" height: 18"

swim, said the mama swim, said the mama
By: craftytammie,
Kansas, USA

I made this applique pillow top in a 42 Quilts workshop. I used wavy lines for quilting to mimic water, and outlined the fish with some hand quilting using pearl cotton. The pillow back is a Denyse Schmidt print and has the same wavy quilting.

Quilt size: width: 17" height: 17"

Tara's Pillow Tara’s Pillow
By: Aliza Prinsloo,
South Africa

A birthday gift to a little one year old…Tara.

Quilt size: width: 20" height: 20"

The Incredible Pillow The Incredible Pillow
By: Tina Marie,
Alberta, Canada

My husband bought some marvel material and asked me to make something with it. I decided to make a few pillows with it. I fussy cut the center piece and made a whirly gig block. It hung on the design wall until I was inspired to finally finish it. A very manly pillow for the man cave was born.

Quilt size: width: 16" height: 16"

Three Angles Three Angles
By: Mary on Lake Pulaski,
Minnesota, USA

Made from Far Far Away II line by Heather Ross which is part linen alone with other various linen pieces. Hand quilted.

Quilt size: width: 20" height: 20"

Tickled 1.0 Tickled 1.0
By: Patti Shanks,
Saskatchewan, Canada

I made this pillow using Chicopee and linen. The feathers are a downsized version of the tutorial by Anna Marie Horner. I made the piping using a Basic Grey grunge fabric. There is a zipper closure in the back.

Quilt size: width: 18" height: 18"

water Lily water Lily
By: Bette Gove,
Virginia, USA

This quilted pillow was started at a class I took in Williamsburg, VA in 2009. The design was made by my instructor. I’m sorry I cannot remember who that was.
The design is all needle turn appliqué, including each of the flower petals. The dragonfly is embroidered.

Quilt size: width: 16.5" height: 16.5"

Water Pixie Water Pixie
By: Vickie Clontz,
North Carolina, USA

My daughter is an amazing artist, specializing in the Japanese art form of anime, or manga. The first time she helped me at a quilt show, she got a little bored by the end of the day and drew this lovely Water Pixie. I thought she was so beautiful, and so I designed a pattern around her drawing.

Quilt size: width: 19″" height: 19″"

69 responses to “Quilted Pillows”

  1. Aliza Avatar

    Very nice work everybody!

  2. Sallie Avatar

    thread and needle by hand

  3. Lizzie Avatar

    Great to see all the entries! SO many different styles of lovely pillows!

  4. Linda Avatar


  5. Carolyn Avatar

    So many great entries this week! I am a pin baster. I like to pin the top to the batting with just a few pins, then roll it up, lay out my backing and then unroll the top and batting together on top. Helps keep the wrinkles to a minimum.

  6. Heidi Avatar

    Pinning with safety pins is the only way I have basted, so It will be interesting for me to come back and read more answers. Thank you !

  7. Bonnie Avatar

    Basting on long arm machine for large projects and regular sewing machine for small projects.

  8. Penny Avatar

    curved pins

  9. Debra Lee Avatar
    Debra Lee

    Love the three angles!

  10. Tammy Avatar

    I baste with safety pins. But I am still pretty much a newbie. So maybe their is a better method out there. conn_and_vans_mom(at)yahoo(dot)com

  11. Lori Morton Avatar
    Lori Morton

    Everyone is soooo talented…very hard to choose only a few of you!!! Awesome jobs!!!

  12. Elizabeth Johnson Avatar

    At first I thought you were basting a chicken! It has been a long week! I spray baste with adhesive glue the when everything is flat a stuck together I use bent saftey pins it helps keep the adhesive in place but I don’t have to use as many pins!

  13. Jan N. Avatar
    Jan N.

    I use spray adhesive spray for small quilts and I pin baste using pinmoors for larger quilts.

  14. CathyC Avatar

    wow -so many wonderful entries – hard to pick only 6 😉 I usually spray baste, but if possible wait a few hours before actually sewing, that way some of the ‘ickiness’ of the spray baste has lessened 😉

  15. Pamela Dungar Avatar
    Pamela Dungar

    Spray for me every time, I have tried pins curved and flat and stitching and none were as quick,easy and painless as spray basting. Plus I like to assemble several ready to quilt projects and then I can set up and quilt to my hearts content, it is so easy to roll and store spray basted compared to pinned and no need to have a mountain of pins.

  16. Debbie Avatar

    I spray baste small projects and pin baste larger projects

  17. illene Avatar

    I always baste with safety pins

  18. Pam Avatar

    Definitely spray basting…….505 spray!

  19. evelyn Avatar

    I like to spray baste . I built a spray wall so I don’t have to sandwich my quilts on the floor…works great.
    The pillow entry’s are all great ,it was very hard to choose.

  20. Joyce Carter Avatar
    Joyce Carter

    I use the curved safety pins for basting.

  21. Lea Avatar

    No basting brushes for me, I use a turkey baster!….LOL I’m a pinner, I’ve tried the sprays and they don’t all wash out, over time the spray turns yellow and shows through. So pinning is my fave!
    Good Luck to all the wonderful pillow makers!

  22. Christine M Avatar

    For smaller items I pin baste. If I am quilting a larger quilt, I will use thread to baste. There are some gorgeous cushions on display!

  23. ane Avatar

    Spray para unir la guata y las telas y luego con bastidor a mano

  24. piecrust Avatar

    Safety pins and tired fingers.

  25. Patty H Avatar
    Patty H

    Love all the pillows. I don’t baste my meats, and when I baste as I sew, I use big stitches and go slow. My best tip is…I take it to my sis and she finishes it. LOL

  26. hafza Avatar

    I used safety pin and big running stitch all the three pieces together…

  27. dawn Avatar

    Lovely pillows…hard to choose!

  28. Kim @ Quilty Doodads Avatar

    I hate to say this but I don’t have a favorite way to baste…I hate the process, but I tend to have the best success with pin basting.

  29. Pauline Avatar

    I used to baste by hand stitching long stitches or use safety pins. Now I use the long arm machine. Have a wonderful weekend!! Happy basting everyone.

  30. usairdoll Avatar

    I’m not sure if I read the question right? The giveaway is cookbooks and your question about basting, well I was panicing since I don’t really cook, hehe. So depending in what I’m basting, I either sew with big stitches or pin.

    Thanks for a neat giveaway and a chance to win.


  31. Suvarna annapragada Avatar
    Suvarna annapragada

    Wonderful pillows… Nice work…
    And coming to basting, I love to baste with curvy pins. I feel this is the best way to baste before quilting 🙂

  32. Sunnybec Avatar

    Fabulous eye candy and some really good ideas. Linda

  33. Pam Avatar

    So many different styles on the pillows but choosing was easy, thankyou for all the beautiful pillows

    I spray baste with a few pins depending on size of the qulit

  34. Audrey Avatar

    What a lot of fantastic entries, very difficult to choose the best!

    Tailors tacks are what I like to use for basting my quilt sandwiches.

  35. Rachel Avatar

    I use pins. That works for me.

  36. Debbie P Avatar
    Debbie P

    I baste with safety pins and if necessary I will stitch a few tailor tacks where needed. I have used the basting spray and it is quick but I find the fumes are too strong.

  37. Joyce Avatar

    I too use pins!

  38. Sherry Avatar

    I usually pin baste or hand baste if the project is small. It was fun to see all of the fabulous pillows.

  39. Rose S. Avatar
    Rose S.

    My first thought (since the giveaway is for cook books) was basting a turkey 🙂

  40. Evelyn Avatar

    So many pretty pillows! Lots of inspiration for me.

  41. Maree Avatar

    So many beautiful pillows! I also baste with curved safety pins. Thanks a bunch for the chance to win!

  42. lee Avatar

    i use spray adhesive!

  43. Shirley Pearce Avatar
    Shirley Pearce

    Grat job ladies! Really enjoyed the variety of styles and you all made it hard to select just six!

    My quilter’s hat off to the winners!

  44. Nancy in Utah Avatar
    Nancy in Utah

    Oh my word, so many gorgeous pillows, this was a really tough week to vote. Good luck to everyone!!!
    I’m still just getting my feet wet in machine quilting my smaller projects, hoping to work up to larger projects and quilts. So, I’m also still experimenting with basting methods, but so far, I prefer the safety pin basting. Thanks for a chance in this weeks giveaway…

  45. Judy1522 Avatar

    I like basting with the curved safety pins.

  46. Debbie Avatar

    It depends. Sometimes I do thread basting by hand and sometimes I use safety pins.

  47. kris Avatar

    So many pretty ones.
    I use pins usually.

  48. Lisa Avatar

    Love the water pixie and Vickie “annieskeepsakes”. I pin baste and sometimes spray. Real newbie and I really don’t like the basting process at all.

  49. Cindy Avatar

    Basting is not a favorite activity LOL but the only one I use is curved safety pins, and lots of them!

  50. Laetitia Avatar

    So many beautiful pillows. I consider myself a slow beginner, and haven’t had a need to baste yet. Hopefully I’ll get to that point soon.

  51. Terri Avatar

    All the pilows are beautiful and so much inspiration!
    Thanks for the eye candy.

  52. Sandra Bassett Avatar
    Sandra Bassett

    I use the curved basting pins. I prefer the larger ones, plus I use one of those short wooden dowels thingies to close them…saves my fingers.

  53. Winona Thompson Avatar

    All of the pillows are so beautiful that I had trouble picking my favorites. Basting is my least favorite part of quilting. I usually use the curved pins, but I have also hand basted with thread. It takes me about 3 hours to thread baste a large quilt and kills my back, so I don’t do it that way much.

  54. Bert Klimas Avatar
    Bert Klimas

    I use spring clamps (permanently borrowed from DH’s tools) to clamp my project to my cutting table over my big mat. Then I just use a needle and thread to go back and forth. Fortunately most of my projects are small.

    I’ve tried spray basting a couple of times. It was definitely an outdoor activity (not good in winter) and requires assistance — and not from the cat! I also tried the fusible batting once and didn’t like the hard spots it left.

  55. Lorene Holbrook Avatar
    Lorene Holbrook

    When I gave to baste I always use spray basting spray. Sometimes though a good press wil be enough, if the project is small.

  56. lindawwww Avatar

    I baste fast with long stitches, basically just to hold the pieces of fabric together. Sometimes I use small stainless steel safety pins to baste.

  57. MissEnota Avatar

    I haven’t used basting spray but I have used fusible batting which adheres when you iron with steam and that is far less tricky than basting with curved pins.

  58. Mel Avatar

    Hand basting with long stitches

  59. Barbara woods Avatar
    Barbara woods

    Love the pillows

  60. Bev C Avatar
    Bev C

    Some wonderful cushions this week. For basting the best tip I can give is to take your time, nothing worse than rushing it and finding the backing is scrunched up. I also love the spray glue or else I take my time and hand baste depends on how I am quilting it.

    Happy days.

  61. Julie Fukuda Avatar

    I am thinking of making new covers for my sofa cushions so enjoyed this bit of inspiration.
    Basting? I usually use basting thread and big stitches but If I plan to use a hoop, I may pin baste.

  62. Sarma Retchloff Avatar
    Sarma Retchloff

    I use my sewing machine to baste if I am in a hurry, otherwise I do it by hand.

  63. Missy Lamb Avatar
    Missy Lamb

    So many beautiful pillows it was hard to choose a favorite. When I read the question about basting my first response was “back basting”. I use this method for hand applique. I use a very large embroidery needle and button thread.

  64. Gail Barabasz Avatar
    Gail Barabasz

    It was hard to choose just 6 favorite pillows. I baste with spray many times, but always use a few pins. Other times I baste all with pins. Basting is not my favorite thing to do.

  65. Elizabeth Jenkins Avatar
    Elizabeth Jenkins

    Wonderful pillows…Lots of talent and inspirationg.

  66. Nancy Avatar

    I spray baste and have never had a problem.

  67. bcg Avatar

    I love spray baste. If the quilt is too big for that I use curved safety pins

  68. Susan Avatar

    I hadn baste. I tried safety pins, but they didn’t work as well. I am going to try spray basting sometime.

  69. Sandy Avatar

    I use Safety Pins to Baste a Quilt..Though I may try basting w/spray also next time….

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