Please join me in welcoming today’s guest blogger Kim Hanson as she shares some of her gorgeous quilt mash-ups.

Great day to you! I’m Kim Hanson and I love quilting.The endless possibilities that fabric art offers is both seductive and addictive to me. I am grateful to be able to work daily in my home studio and run a website –

Delicious colors combinations, charming and whimsical embroidery designs and such fun and easy, breezy patterns bring the Quilt Creator (You!) so much personal satisfaction and the Q.R. (quilt recipient) so much delight. Any of my patterns can be customized by the Q.C. for the Q.R. with ease and a little pre-planning.

Take My Flower Garden for example. Crazy quilting with an embroidered twist!

My Flower Garden
My Flower Garden

Step #1: Decide who the Q.R. will be and what theme your quilt will portray.

Step #2: (Fun part……) Sit down with your fabric stash and choose fabric colors that will suit your theme and your Q.R. Better yet, jump online or head to your favorite quilt shop and purchase some brand new fabrics.

Step #3: Head on over to a great embroidery website that features downloadable designs and shop to your generous heart’s delight. (I totally love and have used many of their designs in my work.)

Step #4: Begin your creative process and love, love, love what you do! It will show in every stitch that you make. Your embroidered quilt will shine and your Q.R. will love your work and cherish the project. So much fun!

Mash-ups are what I love the most – what is your favorite mash-up?

Here are a few of mine:

Baby Boy Bliss
Baby Boy Bliss
Life's a Picnic
Life’s a Picnic – Featured in Quilting & Embroidery magazine Spring 2011 issue
Harlow's Quilt
Harlow’s Quilt
Jacob's Crazy Pillow
Jacob’s Crazy Pillow

Combining two things that you love can lead to unexpected outcomes. The joy of creation is one of life’s greatest pleasures.

Patchwork Yoga Mat Bag
Patchwork Yoga Mat Bag

27 responses to “Quilt Mash-Up by Kim Hanson”

  1. Alice McFarlane Avatar
    Alice McFarlane

    Loved the pics of all your quilts, pillow and yoga mat. Guess my project was the quilt I made for my husband. Hand embroidered bass fish blocks set together with fishing stuff material, then I freestanding embroidered fishing lures to add to the fishes mouth to make it look like he had caught the fish. Plus doing quilts for my 4 grandchildren is a favorite pass time.

  2. Nancy Boone Avatar
    Nancy Boone

    Love all the quilts. I enjoy using my embroidery unit to do the actual quilting designs on quilts. I also like to use machine embroideries to do crazy quilts.

  3. gini howard Avatar
    gini howard

    your quilts are wonderful. i might have to try making a yoga mat.

  4. Granny M Avatar
    Granny M

    Love the quilts Kim. I do a lot of quilts with embroidery

  5. Pat M. Avatar
    Pat M.

    Love your “4 Steps”–very inspiring.

  6. Marge Greenberg (aka Dimples) Avatar
    Marge Greenberg (aka Dimples)

    Kim – love all of your quilts. You are inspiring me to learn how to use that embroidery machine that I bought last summer and have only used 4 times :o{

  7. Ann Wintrode Avatar
    Ann Wintrode

    Kim, Love all your quilts. I’m just learning to do Machine Embroidery and you have definitely encouraged me. Being a quilter I want to be able to combine both the embroidery and the quilting. Wish me luck.Thanks a bunch.

  8. Marilyn B. Avatar
    Marilyn B.

    Love the 3D effects and the great embroideries, Kim.

  9. Joan Lawrence Avatar
    Joan Lawrence

    Kim, Congrats on being picked as a guest blogger. I used my embroidery machine daily when I first purchased it but seems lately the new has worn off. Thanks for new inspiration.

  10. Shellie Avatar

    Love what you do with embroidery in your quit making, truly inspirational!

  11. Dawn Avatar

    Hi Kim… Just love your quilts I work in a Fabric Shop and we have quilters classes on Weds… would love to introduce Embroidery designs on their quilts and these are perfect examples to show for great inspiration!
    I also love the embroidery designs… Wink wink!
    Redoing my sewing room to make room for more quilting stuff… love your projects!

  12. Kat Avatar

    Hi there Kim,
    Love your quilts, great colors to brighten up any room! Just started in quilting and have enjoyed making the 4 I have made and am always looking for more ideas to add to my list of quilts I want to make.
    I have made 2 kids quilts for “Quilts 4 Kids” and your “Baby Boy Bliss” would be a good one to do for that group. Colorful and not too complicated for a beginner like me.
    Thanks for sharing!

  13. VickiT Avatar

    Your quilts are just awesome Kim. When I saw this earlier today it didn’t click in my head until I remembered where I’d seen that quilt before. You and I both know how great Jami’s embroidery designs are and how mixing the machine embroidery designs with quilting works so well. Getting quality designs is the secret to making it so professional as well and the Embroidables designs are always just perfect.

    I’m glad that I got to see even more of your quilts here. I know that very top one is one of may favorites because of the colors you used.

  14. Stephanie Avatar

    Top quilt is my fav. Great inspiration Kim. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Elaine Phillips Avatar
    Elaine Phillips

    I love Jacob’s Crazy Pillow. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Sherry Book Avatar
    Sherry Book

    Oh I love your pillow with the crazy quilting and embroidered words/trucks! And kids would love the texture of your Baby Boy Bliss quilt. I’m wanting to try putting chenille shapes on a baby quilt as alternate blocks to a 4 or 9-patch block; just haven’t gotten around to it yet! You’ve given me inspiration.

  17. Lin Taylor Avatar
    Lin Taylor

    Nice quilts Kim. Nice website, too.

    linny t

  18. Sue Stroud Avatar
    Sue Stroud

    I love all the Eyer Candy but especially the Jacob’s Crazy Pillow

  19. Ruth McCormick Avatar
    Ruth McCormick

    Just love the top quilt, I am new to this, have made or helped make several (too many to remember) rag quilts and just finished my first pieced quilt. I machine stitch my blocks and a very very talented and dear friend has a long-arm quilt machine and she custom quilted it for me. Absolutely beautiful. I am so blessed to have Christian friends whom love to share the love of our Saviour and quilting knowledge. We have so much fun getting together.

  20. Kathy Avatar


    Your quilts are amazing! The colors that you select blend so well together and the embroidables designs accent your quilts beautifully! I especially love the crazy pillow that you made for Jacob! That is one quilt size that I can probably complete! You inspire so many people with every quilt you create! Thanks for the inspiration!

  21. Brenda Green Avatar
    Brenda Green

    I love these quilts! I hope to quilt when I retire. These beautiful quilts make you want to start sewing.

  22. Kim Hanson Avatar

    Thank you all so very much for taking the time to comment on this blog. Your words are so kind and very inspirational to me. Thanks so very much.

    The winner of the 160+ Rotary Block Cutter quilt gadget is fun2sew….

  23. RITA DECOOK Avatar

    I love this. I’ve made several embroidered wall hangings, as opposed to quilts, using my embroidery machine. I’ve made 12 Days of Christmas, a traditional Christmas theme, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Baby themed, I made a wedding pillow for the son of a friend of mine. I wish I could post pictures. But if you go to my website, they may be up. (My son-in-law and daughter have been working to get them up).

    I love your “twist” on some of the ones you’ve done, especially the one with the “raw edges” showing. Never thought of doing one that way.

    I’m retired and have more time to devote to sewing and embroidering …. two of the things I love do to more than any other crafting venue I do (I’ve sewn since I was 5 years old … by hand … and I’m almost 64, I learned on a Singer treadle and my Mom’s White sewing machine, both of which are older than me).

    Keep up the good work. I’ll be checking back often to see what’s happening.

  24. Kim Hanson Avatar

    Thank you Rita! Love to hear what you’ve made with your embroidery machine.

  25. Marcia Petty Avatar
    Marcia Petty

    It was hard to pick, but my favorite was Jacob’s Crazy Pillow! The pics are very inspiring! Thanks for sharing!

  26. Linda Mooney Avatar
    Linda Mooney

    I loved the pictures. I just started a pilates class and now have my new project. I am going to make a pilates mat bag. Thanks for my inspiration!

  27. Louise Avatar

    i am a first timer here and find the quilts very very nice and very inspiring. Thanks for sharing. Cheers.

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