A few weeks ago, I was sent a Beam N Read light to try. I hate to admit, but I actually need this light myself and found it most useful when doing some hand stitching recently. My eyes are older than I’d like to admit!


In my studio, I have pretty good focus lighting that I use, but it sure is nice being able to sit in the living room with the puppy and have the Beam N Read light on to help me see the tiny whip stitches for my hexie quilt. I’ll do a more complete blog post about this quilt one of these days. It’s my relaxing quilt that I only get a few minutes here and there to work on.


The Beam N Read light I was sent has 6 LED bulbs in it. I have the option of using it at full strength with all 6 lights on, or with only 3 lights on, at a time. Additionally, there are two filters available that can be attached in front of the lights. The red one is for maintaining night vision and the orange filter produces a softer light. For reading, I’d probably want the softer orange filter.


There’s a clip available on the light to add the included magnify glass too… not me yet! You can see how it works in the photo on the right.


The light has an elastic band on it that you can adjust so that the light is sitting at the level you want it at. For me, I need the light to be pretty high as I stitch without my glasses on and fairly close to me. It’s band is an elastic so that you can slip it over your head. I do think the elastic could be improved with a softer one or even have the elastic encased in fabric for added comfort. But really, it’s a minor complaint. The elastic seemed to me to be strong enough to hold the light in the position I wanted, so that’s very good.


The light is very centre-focussed, so if you’re on a plane you won’t be disturbing your sleeping neighbours. There are also three angle positions for the light. So, in addition to having the flexibility with the elastic for height, you can change the focus of the light’s angle too. Most helpful! You can sort of see in the photo below how the light’s focus is very narrow as not to extend too far and disturb other, yet its focus is wide enough to be used for embroidery and quilting.


Visit the Beam N Read web site for more information on its uses and the different products available.

I was hoping to entice Milo into wearing the light so that I could find his poopies easier in the dark. He’s too busy napping, so I’ll have to try again another day.



I have one Beam N Read light to give away to my readers. All you need to do to enter the give-away is leave a comment below answering the following: If you won, would you keep the light for yourself or give it away to someone else? If you’re keeping the light for yourself or giving it someone else, why? What do you, or they, need the light for?

Winner will be randomly selected November 26th.

Congratulations to the winner:



Please check your inbox for an email from me.

221 responses to “Product Review and Give-Away: Beam N Read Light”

  1. Robin Pinchback Avatar
    Robin Pinchback

    I would give it to my mom. She loves to do hand embroidery but her eyesight has gotten bad and she can’t seem to get the lamp adjusted just right. She would be so thrilled! And so would I. Thanks!

  2. barbara Avatar

    I would definitely keep for myself. I’d love this for hand quilting and cross stitch!

  3. Lis Martion Avatar
    Lis Martion

    What a great idea. If I won the Beam and Read I would keep it my self. Reason being, I am not getting any younger, so the eye sight is slowly deteriorating, and I some times find it hard to see stitching to unpick and other small things when quilting. Even matching up points on hard to focus fabric. Also when I read I find some print extremely hard to read as it is so tiny.
    Great idea for any one.

  4. Maribeth Avatar

    I would keep it for myself! We have a summer cottage and we leave after work on Friday. It gets dark about 1/2 way through the trip and I have to put away my knitting or handwork. I could stitch all the way there!

  5. Sallie Avatar

    I would keep it for myself because I love to read in bed. It would also be a gift for my husband because he needs to sleep instead of having my lamp shine in his eyes. Thanks for the chance!

  6. Deborah Swartwood Avatar
    Deborah Swartwood

    If I won this light I would keep it at my home, but several people would benefit by being able to use it. I sew with several groups of quilters almost every week. We are all getting older and our eyesight is changing. We use several different brands of machines and none of them have lighting that is really good. Also indoor lighting is not really good for hand stitching either. I think this light would be good for either machine or hand work and not get in the way like a desk lamp or have to be adjusted continually like a floor lamp does. The only problem I see would be the ladies all wanting to use it at the same time. Thank You

  7. Janet Frank Avatar
    Janet Frank

    If I was lucky enough to win the Beam & Read, I would keep it for myself. I would use it to pick out those tiny stitches when I make a mistake in quilting or piecing and need to “un-sew”. It would also come in handy for using to jot down those quilt ideas that wake me up in the middle of the night, without bothering my DH. Thanks for the generous giveaway! Happy Thanksgiving to you & yours!

  8. Evelyn Thompson Avatar
    Evelyn Thompson

    I would love to win this light and I would keep it to use myself. I would especially like it for hand quilting but I know it would be great for knitting or reading. If I’m not the lucky winner then it’s for sure going on my Wish List. Thank you for the opportunity.

  9. Lori Morton Avatar
    Lori Morton

    If I win, I will keep it for our Home…will share w/hubby…. I wil use when crocheting at night, or hand stitchin’…..light is poor in here at night.

    Thanks for chance to win your Drawing! 🙂

  10. Gene Black Avatar

    I would keep it for myself. I gave Mom one last year and bad son that I am, I want to take it back (but I haven’t) I am trying to be good (so tell Santa!!!)

    I would keep it so I could use it for hand work in the evenings. My lighting in the living room (where I love to sit) is just not good enough for my old eyes to see in dim light.

  11. Terry Avatar

    I would keep it for myself. I love to sit and stitch and read while everyone else is watching TV. It would be great to have a light like that, that focuses right on my stitching or my book. Thanks for the chance! :0)

  12. Jo Avatar

    Gosh, this would be wonderful to have. I only have one working eye so light is always an issue. DH has difficulty due to glaucoma so he’d love it too. Thanks for a lovely giveaway!

  13. Sandy A in St. Louis Avatar
    Sandy A in St. Louis

    Wow, I didn’t know they had filters! That is so neat!

    I would love to have this for when I am walking to the bus stop in the winter. Since it is dark out and there aren’t many street lights, it would come in handy!

    Thanks for the review and the chance!

  14. Billie K Avatar

    The last photo with your hairy but cute model made me decide to enter….giggle….too cute.

  15. Joan in NE Avatar
    Joan in NE

    Oh wow, could my old eyes benefit from this light. I like to hand stitch at night and have a hard time seeing my stitches. Would also be a great reading light. Good luck to all, (but hope Its me) grin

  16. Karin Avatar

    Oh, gosh, I have to admit it – I’d be selfish! I can think of ssssssooooo many uses!! Reverse sewing (cataracts make that chore soooo difficult!), any hand sewing task, reading a map in the dark…and, yes, the inevitable poopie pickup!

    We are on the road right now, and have just come back from the shower house. The good part is that we can see so many stars. The good part is that we did NOT fall in the pond! How’d we do that? As long as we stayed on the gravel road, we crunched…we stopped crunching once, and I knew we were on the grass! How much easier would the Beam N Read light have made that journey??

    Thanks for such a good review & giveaway!

  17. Missy Avatar

    I would definitely give to my mom. She is trying to cross stitch me a piece and is having a hard time seeing it.

  18. Bonnie Avatar

    I would keep it because I’m the granny and great-granny and have eyes to go with the titles. I would certainly help me with my mega quilt projects.

  19. Patty Avatar

    I admit I’d keep it for myself. I think the light would be great help to see what I was doing.

  20. Judy B Avatar
    Judy B

    I love my Beam n Read light! I would give it to a friend, who does lots of hand work, for Christmas. Thank you for the great giveaway

  21. Moose Avatar

    I would give it to my grandmother, who knits and does wool needlepoint (she is the only person I know who has completed an entire set of seat cushions–eight or ten, I think! Beautiful bargello pattern).

    A tip for Milo: we have a small battery light attached to our dog’s harness so we can find the black pug more easily in the dark. Maybe that would help you track where he is spending the most time. 😉 It’s a press on/press off kind of light, like you’d get as a safety light or a bike.

  22. Denny Avatar

    Keep it! Well, OK, I’d share it with my mom once in a while. Stitching and other close detail work, such as working on our sewing machines. Thanks for the giveaway. Give your puppy a pat from me!

  23. Bonnie Larson Avatar
    Bonnie Larson

    I would keep it myself. Those small stitches are getting harder to see every year. Thanks for the opportunity on a great draw

  24. Ruth Anne shorter Avatar
    Ruth Anne shorter

    Thank you so much for this opportunity to win this awesome item. I am afraid I would keep this for myself because my eyes are not as good as they used to be and when we travel to the young marrieds in our family, they do not have good light to sew by. So I could use it at home and traveling. I need the light for appliqué and doing samplers . I believe I might could use it for reading, too! Awesome! Thanks again for your give away.

  25. Denise Avatar

    I’d be selfish and keep it for myself- it’d be great for reading in bed without disturbing my hubby

  26. MoeWest Avatar

    I could use one for myself to use for embroidery. My eyes need the help.

  27. Jean Avatar

    If I won, I’d keep it, as my eyes are probably older than yours, and it would help with hand stitching.

  28. Cheryl Avatar

    That is the best description of the beam and read so far that I’ve seen. I’m even more interested in it now. I’d keep the light for myself, since I need more light. I need bifocals (but won’t get them) and I have to take my glasses off to do close up work. The magnifying part sounds great, too. I figure that my hubby will steal it from me, since he complains that he needs lots more light to read by now that he has bifocals. If I win, and if this lives up to its hype, I’m sure I’d have to purchase a 2nd one pretty quickly, so that I’d get to use one myself. Thanks for the chance.

  29. Nancy Brodeur Avatar
    Nancy Brodeur

    Oh, I am pretty selfish when it comes to new ‘tech’ things. I would keep it for myself. That magnifier would sure come in handy, too.

  30. Terry Avatar

    Now that I stopped giggling about you wanting Milo to try it so you could find his ‘poopies’ in the dark….I would love to have this light for myself…eyes aren’t what they used to be and I now need more light to read by and sew (especially binding). Thanks for the review and the sweet giveaway!

  31. Judith Avatar

    I would definitely keep this for myself! Too many years of fine needlework have taken their toll, and now my house is littered with clip on magnifying glasses (not very successful) and task lights (not very stylish or decorative). A single portable product such as this one could help me get rid of the clutter. Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity.

  32. Rebecca Coyle Avatar
    Rebecca Coyle

    I would selfishly keep for myself because I am the only one in my group who sews, knits, crotchets, quilts, and embroiders BUT I do all of these things to make gifts for my family and friends. And anyway, my birthday is next week!

  33. Joyce Mitchell Avatar
    Joyce Mitchell

    I bought one for my Dad last year. If I’m lucky enough to win, I’ll keep it for myself. I have vision issues (including a form of glaucoma), and I need help in doing handwork. Thanks for the giveaway.

  34. LeAnne L Avatar
    LeAnne L

    I would probably give it to my sister who does a lot of needlework. Of course, I’d have to try it out myself first. It my be too good to give away.

  35. Jennifer Padden Avatar
    Jennifer Padden

    If I am luck enough to win, I’d be so happy to keep it for myself. I do hand applique and now that the time has changed it is really dark in my house much earlier than in the summer. My eyes need all the help they can get. Thanks for sharing.

  36. Mary Beth Avatar
    Mary Beth

    I could use one of those. Our living room lighting is terrible for knitting.

  37. Sharyn Hutchinson Avatar
    Sharyn Hutchinson

    This is unbelievable. I have been searching for a light exactly like this for when I work on my Hexie quilt or do bindings. I have never seen one in the stores though. I’m afraid I would have to keep this prize if I won. I use a flashlight now but it is almost impossible to get it to stay in the perfect position. Thanks for the opportunity to win one of these lights.

  38. Judy Avatar

    Thanks for the opportunity. I would keep it for myself. I do a lot of sewing and am dealing with cataracts so lighting has become critical to keep up with my passion for fabric and its many uses. I love sewing for my grandchildren, but it has become more challenging. Again, thanks for the drawing.

  39. Jane S. Avatar
    Jane S.

    I’d give the Beam N Read light to my sister. She loves to do counted cross-stitch but they like to keep their house dimly lit, I don’t know how she can see well enough to do the stitching. Definitely not an after dark activity for her but I bet having a light like this one would change that! Thank you for the chance to win. 🙂

  40. M-R @ Quilt Matters Avatar

    I could totally use that light! Thanks for the giveaway, Michelle!

  41. Vicki W Avatar

    Since I have taken up hand applique and I am getting old, I would keep it for myself!

  42. Laura Avatar

    If I won the light, I would keep it for myself and use it when I cross stitch. I never have enough light when I stitch.

  43. Mary Avatar

    If I were the lucky winner, I would definitely keep the light for myself. I read a lot and do quite a bit of hand sewing such as embroidery and applique, but the light in our living room is not as bright as I would like. I would definitely put this to good use. I think it would also be nice for riding in the car. Thanks!

  44. Blessosu Avatar

    I would keep the light, but if my husband needed to borrow it, that might be OK!! I need a better lamp at my sewing machine, so this might work just fine!! Thanks for doing the give-a-away!

  45. Colleen Nicholls Avatar

    I would keep it for myself. I love doing handwork, and I have such a hard time seeing to do it lately! I think that light would be very helpful.

  46. Debbie Avatar

    I would keep this for myself, Michelle! The reading glasses just don’t always do the job. Especially on dark things. I have an LED light strip under my sewing machine (courtesy of my son) and sure can use this one for handwork!

  47. Paule-Marie Avatar

    Looks like a great light. I’d be forced to keep it for myself. When Hubby and I watch TV, I usually like to work on something to keep my hands busy, hubby likes the lights off in the family room and the light behind us in the kitchen on. Not conducive to hand work. This would be great. I have an LED light blub in my reading lamp clipped to my side of the head board and boy does it make reading easier. I was worried that a 40 watt equivalent wouldn’t be bright enough. Boy, was I wrong.

  48. Debby Avatar

    I would have to keep it for myself. I have been wanting to get back to my cross stitching while watching TV and this would be perfect for it. If the elastic needs some help for comfort I would need to make a quilted cozy for the strap – just because it would fun to have another project in the works.

  49. Lynn D in NC Avatar
    Lynn D in NC

    I would keep the light for myself. I find now that I need more focused light for needlework and reading. Also my husband like to watch TV in the dark and I’ve had a hard time finding a light that doesn’t get in his eyes while I stitch

  50. Sally Avatar

    I’d give it to….ME. Reading and quilting are my two favorite activities!

  51. amanda Avatar

    This would be a present for me. My eyes too aren’t as young as they used to be and I find stitching difficult once the daylight starts to go.

  52. Deb Avatar

    I would love a B&R light, I am sorry it would have to be for me cause after 50 I am realizing that I also am now magnifying my work with more lights on. Hand applique is my joy and this would be a perfect tool to continue in this wonderful technique of the craft.
    Thanks for the giveway…

  53. wanda Avatar

    It would be a present for my mom. Her eye site is bad, she has so many problems with them. She loved to crochet and read, and she gave up the crocheting and I am scared she will have to give up the reading. This maybe will be the answer she needs. Thanks for the giveaway.

  54. usairdoll Avatar

    Sounds like a great light. If I won I’d like to keep it, however I’d give it to my BFF. Her birthday is right before Christmas so it would be perfect timing, hehe. My friend has been looking for a light that she could use and this Beam & Read light sounds like the answer. We both do handsewing as well embroidery and applique.

    Thank you and Beam & Read for an awesome giveaway and a chance to win.


  55. AJ(TheQuiltingPotPodcast Avatar

    If I won this light I would keep it for me. Like you, my eyes are a little older as well. This light would be a good compliment to my readers. I do a lot of hand work, knitting, crochet, embroidery, and quilting. I would even try to adjust it so it could be uses while I am working on my Gammill (new present to myself). The lighting is not great.

    Thanks for the opporotunity.

  56. Donette Beimborn Avatar
    Donette Beimborn

    I would keep it, I need more light for handwork, and it wouldn’t disturb others watching TV.

  57. Julie Andrea Avatar
    Julie Andrea

    Well, since my elderly mum lives in her own apt. across the hall from me, I think we could easily share custody of this light if I were so fortunate as to win it! hee hee I would use it for crochet or cross-stitch, she would use it for reading and hand-sewing.

    Thank you for hosting this give-away. Julie

  58. Denise :) Avatar

    Hmmmm…this is a toughie, because I have several candidates I’d gift this to! My dad — he likes to stay up and read in bed … but my mom doesn’t like trying to fall asleep with the bedside lights on. Same for my son-in-law and daughter. Plus, the Beam N Read would make it easier for my daughter (and my daughter-in-law) to make those midnight feeding trips to the babies! Then there’s my husband…he’s a fire fighter and shares a bunk room with eight men … when it’s overhead lights out, it’s lights out … a Beam N Read would be nice for him on shift nights! Thanks for a chance!! 🙂

  59. Deb Avatar

    I’d keep the light for me…I LOVE bright light and need it to see those tiny cross-stitch holes clearer!

  60. Robin Avatar

    This would be great to see better when I sit with DH while he watches TV, so handwork will be easier.

  61. Vicki Avatar

    My father-in-law could use this, but so could I! The old eyes aren’t what they used to be:) Thanks for the chance to win!

  62. marg corrigan Avatar
    marg corrigan

    I would love the light for myself. Stitching and knitting are sometimes difficult especially on dark fabrics.
    Thanks for the chance to win

  63. Kate Avatar

    I’d be selfish and keep it for myself. I do a lot of handwork and my old eyes often complain. Thanks for the opportunity to win it.

  64. Linda Avatar

    I would give it to my Mother. She finds it difficult to stitch in the evenings and I think the magnifier would help her as well. Thanks!

  65. Christine Slighte Avatar
    Christine Slighte

    I would love a portable light for reading and sewing. I would keep the light for myself and use it to progress my hexie quilt and read at night while my husband watches TV.

  66. karen u Avatar
    karen u

    I would love to win this light if for no other reason than vanity. My eyes are getting weaker and i refuse to wear readers. Adding good lighting to whatever I’m working on helps a lot. Thanks!

  67. jennifer Avatar

    I would love to keep the light for myself, but if I won it, I would give it to my sister, Joanne who makes her living knitting. We recently lost our Mom and my sister spent the last 2.5 years being Mom’s advocate in a medical system that should be easier to navigate but isn’t. While taking Mom to appointments, sitting in the hospital by Mom’s bedside 24/7, waiting in doctor’s offices, Jo continued to knit when she could, trying to fill orders and meet obligations. And in her usual generous way, gave away baby hats to medical staff when they expressed interest in her creations! Anyway, I always tease her about being sooo much older than me (in truth she is older by 3 years) but I know this light would make those long nights of knitting so much easier on her and her aging eyes. Thanks for the opportunity to try and win this great light!

  68. Robin Batchelr Avatar
    Robin Batchelr

    I woud keep it for myself. Since I like to work on late night projects and husband gets upset if the over head lights are on this would do the trick for me. Plus I need all the lightening I can get as my house is dark.

  69. Marion Knights Avatar
    Marion Knights

    Because of my poor eyesight, I have just added this light to my wish list for Christmas. Thanks for the info.

  70. Anne P Avatar
    Anne P

    I would probably keep it for myself! I like the fact it wouldn’t bother anyone else when it was on – so could use it on planes etc.

  71. Camille Avatar

    I’d probably keep it for myself. I’d love it for doing quilt bindings.

  72. evelyn Avatar

    I would keep it for my own use…the old eyes are not what they used to be…thanks for the opportunity 🙂

  73. Rhoda Forbes Avatar
    Rhoda Forbes

    What a neat light. I love that you can position it to shine right on the product. I too have a difficult time doing hand work in a comfy position, this would be the perfect light for me. Would I give it away, no way I would keep it just for me. Puppy doesn’t look too enthused at having the light in his comfy bed 🙂

  74. Mary Avatar

    wow, that is just what I need to hand quilt in the living room. None of our lamps in there are positioned right for me when working on a quilt. Maybe I would get more done with this light, but I can also see my DH borrowing it from time to time.

  75. Jill of Apple Avenue Quilts Avatar

    I would love one of these for my cross stitch! thanks so much for the chance!

  76. Patricia S. Avatar
    Patricia S.

    What a neat light! If I won I would like to keep it to help with burying those pesky quilt thread ends, picking apart paper piecing, hand sewing cathedral windows, reading @ night, etc…. I could go on & on! Thanks sew much for this awesome chance to win 😀

  77. Barbara Orozco Avatar
    Barbara Orozco

    Wow, that’s handy!
    I’d give the light to my grandma. She knits a lot at night since my granpa died 3 years ago, and the lighting in her living room isn’t good. So this light would be perfect for her.
    Thanks a million for offering this giveaway!

  78. Cathi Avatar

    I would love to win one of those! I’d keep it and would use it for appliqué with that magnifier added – I’ve pretty much given up appliqué as it’s so hard to see to make the tiny stitches properly. This would be a great way to get back to doing some appliqué! Thanks for the chance at this product.

  79. linda Avatar

    keep it i always need extra light

  80. Carol Sc Avatar
    Carol Sc

    I think I would probably keep the light myself — I find myself needing more and more direct light, depending on the colors I am working on and how dark the area is.

  81. juanita sauve Avatar

    I could use this light as I have developed cataracts and need all the help I can get until I have surgery on them (not for several months). I do mostly hand work, often in the evenings, so it would be a great help. After surgery? I might even be able to pass it on to one of my quilting friends:)

  82. Sandy (aka Stitches) Avatar

    I would have to keep it for myself, it seems I never have enough light in the evening when I’m stitching and the Bean n Read would sure solve that problem for me.

  83. Debra Avatar

    It would be a gift for myself as I do a lot of stitching and could use the extra light.

  84. Bama Teresa Avatar
    Bama Teresa

    I would have to keep as a Christmas gift for myself. I would use when the power was off to knit or read.

  85. Barb Colvin Avatar
    Barb Colvin

    My eyes are getting old, too, Mishka. So I’d keep it for myself. I crochet with No. 10 thread, embroider and do some hand stitching. I need good light for all three.

  86. Patty D Avatar
    Patty D

    I’d keep it for myself – I need a LOT of light now when I do my handstitching. Looks like that would be just what I am looking for!

  87. Rita Goshorn Avatar

    i would definitely keep it for myself! when i’m not quilting, i do other handwork and read voraciously … extra light would be a big help! thanx for the chance to win that help.

  88. Super Mom - No Cape! Avatar

    If I won, I would definitely keep the light for myself as it would be great to use when I am crocheting or embroidering in the evening or on cloudy days.

    Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win one.

  89. Phyllis O'Connor Avatar
    Phyllis O’Connor

    I would have to keep it for myself. My old eyes need all the help they can get.

  90. Elizabeth Johnson Avatar

    I hate to say I would keep it, but I would! It sounds wonderful, my house is older and it is dark in the kitchen and living room. My husband doesn’t like big lights on and it is hard dragging my craft lamp around to crochet, knit, and sew. I would love to win I think it would make an awesome Christmas present for any crafter but this time it would be me! Thank you for the giveaway!

  91. Pat Donova. Avatar
    Pat Donova.

    I would give the light to my mom,who enjoys hand appliqueing,but has trouble seeing Thanks for the give away.

  92. Judy1522 Avatar

    If I were to win this I would definitely keep this for myself. I need it for seeing my hand sewing better.

  93. Bev Gunn Avatar
    Bev Gunn

    I would be keeping it because I still have trouble seeing in low light, even after cataract surgery! Also, the magnifier would be wonderful so I don’t have to wear my reading glasses to sew my hexies!

  94. Kathe Avatar

    Sad to say but not for me I would keep it for myself. I do a lot of handwork and my lighting and sight is not what it used to be – sad for me. Thanks for the giveaway.

  95. Linda S Jones Avatar
    Linda S Jones

    The Beam N Light would be used for my applique work. A couple of years ago I fell in love with doing applique quilt blocks. My den where I work on most of my applique at night is dark with one light on my end table. It is very hard to see and I would love one of these lights to help me see better. My vision is not as good as it once was and this would help tremendously. Thanks for the give away.

  96. Joy S Avatar
    Joy S

    What a neat light! I would keep the light for myself. My eyes need all the help they can get. Thanks for the give-a-way.

  97. anita Elksnitis Avatar
    anita Elksnitis

    I am the only one in the family who makes and provides any crafts. I do mostly hand work (don’t even do the 401) and my eyes tell me I am getting closer to those golden years.
    This wonderful light would certainly keep me going!

  98. Jane Bishop Avatar
    Jane Bishop

    I would keep it for when I sew in the family room lighting is not great in there and threading a needle is quite a challenge

  99. Christina Flowers Avatar

    I would to be altrusic and say yes I would give this light to such and such a person but the truth is, I want something like this for my sewing area in my basement! LOL
    It is dark down there and sometimes a real pain in the rear to see things that I am looking for!

  100. Susannah Avatar

    Very selfishly, I would keep the light for myself! My eyes need a boost. Thank you for the opportunity to win…

  101. Kathy h Avatar
    Kathy h

    I would give it tomy daughter who plays in our community band. They have concerts outside in the summer and she could use it to read her music in the dark.

  102. Ellie Avatar

    I would love to have one of these lights as sewing on dark fabrics in the evenings can be very difficult.

  103. RuthK Avatar

    I would have to keep it for myself 🙂 Like you, I love stitching hexies in front of the tv.

  104. Donna Cutting Avatar
    Donna Cutting

    I really like how you can just wear this light and be able to see when working on dark fabric or knitting with black yarn. I’d like to try this out first and then give it to my Mom.

  105. Maureen Avatar

    I would love to try one of these lights. Several times I’ve been on a plane and inevitably my overhead light doesn’t work. I always bring my beadwork so lighting is essential. Even if the plane light did work, I think this would be so much better.

  106. Rayne Avatar

    I would keep it for myself. I need it when I’m stitching the binding on quilts, for the Neo Natal unit at our hospital, while I watch TV at night.

  107. Shirley Turgeon Avatar
    Shirley Turgeon

    ! would keep the lite for myself and use it to read in bed when not using it for quilting so I don’t wake up my hubby when I read.

  108. mae Avatar

    i would definitely keep it for myself. i am noticing a need for more
    direct lighting when i hand quilt or knit. it’s not really selfish because others benefit from my being able to see better to work on my crafts. 🙂

  109. mae Avatar

    needed to correct my e-mail address.

  110. Kerri Avatar

    I would keep this light for myself the lighting in my sewing room is not very good also this would be useful whilst I’m sitting watching TV and sewing binding onto my quilts.

  111. Iris bradbury Avatar
    Iris bradbury

    I would love to own one of these lovely lights, I would use it when needing that extra light for various sewing needs. Think I would also be good enough to loan it to my husband for reading as he has lots of eye problems. Look forward, iris Bradbury

  112. Deb Avatar

    I’d definitely keep it for myself. I need bright light, esp to help me find those little x-stitch holes!

  113. Mary Avatar

    I’d be keeping it for myself! I’m finding it more difficult to see when I’m doing any sewing or cutting these days,,,I can’t seem to get enough light. (Beginning to wonder if it’s the beginning of cataracts,,,they come early in my family!) Although I’d keep it for me, I have no doubt my better half would be stealing it away to do guitar repairs! Thanks for the chance to win.

  114. Carla G Avatar
    Carla G

    I would give this light to my son. He loves to read… but he doesn’t always to remember to turn on the lights. So maybe this would be a good thing for him. Thanks for a chance to win! 🙂

  115. Betty W Avatar
    Betty W

    I would use it myself because like you, I find I need more light when I do handstitching in the evening. If it is as good as you say I might buy another for my daughter who does crafting, although her eyes are much younger than mine! LOL

  116. Sandy Avatar

    I would keep it for myself. The light I sew with at my chair while watching TV, is hot. I haven’t researched lights or lightsbulbs to change it to something that produces less heat. That’s on my list to do someday.

  117. tubakk Avatar

    So this is the clever thing to use when your eyes are growing older. I always struggel with the light when I sew my hexagons, and therefore I put them away in the long and dark winter here in Norway. I would have been so happy to win, had made a great burthday present for me the 24th. Thank you!

  118. Krista Avatar

    How neat! I would definitely keep the light for myself. My hand-stitching corner is a bit dark, and some extra light would be most useful.

  119. Claire Avatar

    Well, if I won, I would sure keep it for myself…It is really dark in the area of the lvinig room where I sit at night and I am unable to stitch….it’s even hard to see the tv without a whole lot of chair shuffling…and, I might even share it with my sister…..maybe….

  120. Linda Owens Avatar
    Linda Owens

    Iwould definitely keep this light for myself if I won it. I have tried several similar light/magnifiers and haven’t been able to find just the right one. I have recently gotten back into cross-stitching and hope to start again soon in some hand applique.

  121. Heather Avatar

    I would keep it for myself. As I was hand sewing on binding this weekend, I spend a lot of time maneuvering the table lamp so that it shone light in just the right spot so I could see what I was doing. Something like this would be oh so helpful.

  122. Dawn Hollingsworth Avatar
    Dawn Hollingsworth

    As much as I would love to keep it for myself, I think I would give it to my friend, my Mother-In-Law. 🙂

  123. Mary Ann Avatar
    Mary Ann

    I would keep the light for myself and use it when I start on my hexie projects. The light would also work well when I sew on my binding.

  124. Doris Avatar

    I would love to keep it, but would give it to my Dad. He has macular degeneration and needs really good light in order to read or do crossword puzzles. He just finished radiation treatments a week ago and is often very tired, so those two activities are his mainstay right now, but only in good light. So, I would have to give it to him.

  125. Jen Avatar

    I’d keep it! It would be great to use it while sitting by the wood stove in the evening.

  126. shirley tener Avatar

    I would keep it, I do alot of hand stitching…..thank you

  127. Carol Avatar

    I would keep it as a gift for my husband….seriously….. :)So that I can read under the sheets at night without waking him up by turning on the light in the bedroom while he is sleeping. I am somewhat of a night owl and like to read when the house gets quiet….but the lamp keeps him awake, so most nights I don’t read, so he can sleep.

  128. Sara Avatar

    I would love to have one for myself as I have trouble seeing in the evening when I bind a quilt or do any handwork. The lights in our house are not very forgiving for close handwork! Thanks for the chance!

  129. Beth Patrick Avatar

    Oh my, this would be so handy! The older I get, the more light I need to do anything, and their never seems to be enough light for me.
    This would put the light right where I need it when I’m doing hand work,

    Please pick me!

  130. Bobbie Avatar

    I do a lot of handwork at night, knitting and quilting, so I would keep the light for myself.

  131. Keitha Avatar

    I would keep the light for myself as my sight is just starting to “go” and my arms aren’t long enough to hand sew all the hexagons I am putting together. What a great little light!

  132. ELIZAJANE Avatar

    I would like one of these lights for my Husband as he doesn’t have good lightind in his Den and is always asking me for help,( I would Probably Borrow it myself when doing hand sewing).

  133. Diane. Conner Avatar
    Diane. Conner

    If I win this light, I will keep it for myself. My eyes have been very strained lately, and this light would help alot! I need it to aide my crafting obsession!

  134. Kay Lemieux Avatar
    Kay Lemieux

    After years of making fun of my ‘older’ husband for his vision shortcomings I find that I am heading down the same road LOL. So I would keep it for myself. I definitely need the extra light when I’m working on those hands on projects.

  135. QuiltinGram Avatar

    I would love to win..love to do handwork. Finding the eyesight at night is not as good as it needs to be. So, would keep for myself!

  136. Janet Avatar

    I would keep it for myself to use for reading at night and doing handwork, but I would let my hubby borrow it when he wants to read in the middle of the night while I’m sleeping 🙂

  137. Karen Avatar

    I’d keep it for myself. The lighting in our house leaves a lot to be desired. The only room with decent lighting is my sewing room, and that’s only because of my Ott lamp and the bendie-light that I added to the sewing machine. I’d love to be able to do handwork while my husband watches TV.

  138. Sherill Avatar

    I would keep it for myself. The lighting by my chair needs improving. I do hand work in the evening while watching TV with my husband.

  139. barbara corbitt Avatar
    barbara corbitt

    I would be selfish and keep it for me. I have really bad eyesight and cant afford new glasses so i dont get to quilt as much as i want to. I have a female dog, missy who looks a lot like your precious puppy babscorbitt@gmail.com

  140. Debra Neiman Avatar
    Debra Neiman

    I would Definite use the light myself. Thanks for the chance to win! Let us know how Milo does!

  141. Nita Avatar

    I wouild definately keep the light for myself. I would use it for when I do my needle-turn applique and hand quilting. Thanks for the chance to win!

  142. Nita Avatar

    I would definately keep the light for myself. I would use it for when I do my needle-turn applique and hand quilting. Thanks for the chance to win!

  143. Karen Suggs Avatar
    Karen Suggs

    I would keep it for myself for my latest obsession with beading embellishment on quilts. My DH would be grateful for the limited glare.

  144. Jayne Mello Avatar
    Jayne Mello

    The older I get, the more I need this light! I’d be very grateful! 🙂

  145. Aurea Gillis Avatar
    Aurea Gillis

    I would keep it for working on my quilting projects.

  146. Jeanne Avatar

    I would keep this for myself as sewing at night extra light would be helpful.

  147. Jeanne Avatar

    Are you kidding Michele? That light would be mine because I live in the darkest house in the world. And I too need it to find “poopies” from Maverick. Thanks for a great review, I am very impressed with this light. Have a Happy Thanksgiving and love on Milo for me.

  148. Lori Mahar Avatar
    Lori Mahar

    I would keep it for myself. It would be perfect in my dark corner for sewing, knitting, cross stitch. My old eyes aren’t what they used to be!

  149. Jackie Avatar

    Oh my, what a generous giveaway! If I were lucky enough to win, I would definitely keep it for myself to do hand work at night, as I certainly don’t have enough lighting in the living room, and can’t work for a long time…
    Please add my name in your giveaway and I’ll keep my fingers crossed!
    Thanks and congratulations to the winner!

  150. Cathy Weber Avatar
    Cathy Weber

    That looks to be a must have for quilters especially me. Due to an injury, I can’t take a lot of light, this would be a great way to be able to practice what I am relearning in quilting while staying in a dark room.
    Thanking for doing a review on this product. Please enter my name into drawing

    Cathy Weber

  151. Linda Avatar

    If I won, I would be keeping the light. I need a lot of light to sew! Thanks!

  152. Rina Mason Avatar
    Rina Mason

    This is exactly what I need. My old eyes can’t see as well as they used to and I’m sure this would be a great improvement to the normal lighting I use now. I would keep it for myself!

  153. Joanne Avatar

    I would probably try to keep it for myself since it would be helpful for any close work such as ripping out stitches (I do that a lot!) but my husband love these type of gadgets so I would have to either share or hide it from him.

  154. Emily C Avatar
    Emily C

    I will gift this my mother in law, she needs more light when she reads.

  155. Helen Bazinet Avatar
    Helen Bazinet

    I would keet the light for myself as I have had eye surgery this year, so i could use it ,THanks

  156. linda crosby Avatar
    linda crosby

    I would keep it for myself as I find that I have a harder time doing hand work in the evenings and with this generous gift of yours I would be so ever grateful if I was to win it. Thank you for the chance

  157. Marty Askins Avatar
    Marty Askins

    I would keep this for myself. I have a dark corner in the front room where I sit at night and I have no light in that corner. Thank you for the chance to win.

  158. Elizabeth in VA Avatar
    Elizabeth in VA

    I would definitely keep this remarkable light for myself…but recommend it highly to my friends! It would be a big help for handsewing quilt blocks and embroidering in the evening as my eyesight is not as good as in the daylight!

  159. Bertha G Avatar
    Bertha G

    I would probably keep it for myself. My machine is in front of a window, but sometimes the glare is so bad I have to pull the blinds down!! Thanks for your contest!

  160. Deb H. Avatar
    Deb H.

    I would keep the light for myself. I am starting to have some trouble seeing at night and it would come in handy for my hand sewing.

  161. Lee Avatar

    I would give it to my mother in law as she could use it more than me! (its on myholiday list too though!) thanks!

  162. Sandra H Avatar
    Sandra H

    I would keep it. My aging eyes need more light for close work. I have a lamp in my living room but it limits where I can sit. It would also be wonderful for traveling as I find hand sewing when on the road difficult because of poor lighting.

  163. Leila Avatar

    If I was fortunate enough to win, I would keep the light for myself, so that I could sit and sew or hand quilt at night while watching television. My husband does not like the light on while watching television, hence we sit in the dark, and I currently am restricted to knitting and crocheting uncomplicated patterns by the light of the TV. It looks an amazing portable versatile product that could be used when camping or other activities leaving your hands free.

  164. Erin Hutchinson Avatar
    Erin Hutchinson

    I have one and love it! If I won, I’d give it to my twin sister so she can see when she knits while watching TV in a darkened room.

  165. Jean Donker Avatar
    Jean Donker

    The light looks very interesting and certainly usefull. I like to do handwork in the evenings and would use a light like this for projects and also for reading.

  166. wendiq Avatar

    I’ve got old eyes and would definitely keep this wonderful tool for myself to use at night……Please draw my name….:)

  167. Teresa Avatar

    This is awesome! I would keep it for myself. The lighting in our house is horrible and I can’t seem to do enough handwork. I also spin and make lace so this would be wonderful. I would be tempted to get one for my dad as well…he has just taken up needlepoint but says its hard on his eyes.

  168. Karen Avatar

    I just wanted to leave my review of the light – not enter the give away as I already have one – the strap that goes around you head that holds the light for sure needs improvement – it makes my neck itch like crazy as it rest against skin – I actually place something like a wash cloth on my neck for it to rest up against – it is that bad! A new strap for sure is needed.

  169. Jennifer Gail Avatar
    Jennifer Gail

    I would give it to my aunt. thanks

  170. Gillian Rapson Avatar
    Gillian Rapson

    If I was lucky enough to win the Beam N Read Light, I would give it to my Mother. Her one love is to knit and now that she is quite elderly she is finding it harder to see her knitting when she does not have direct sunlight. Thanks for the opportunity.

  171. Fran Avatar

    Sure could have used this during hurricane Sandy here on Long Island! I have a friend who just showed me this marvelous light that she actually used to finish her Turkey table runner during the storm (believe it or not she was sewing with no lights and a generator going for her sewing machine)

  172. Tammie Pruitt Avatar
    Tammie Pruitt

    If I won this light, I would keep it for myself. I would use it to read with and to sew with. I quilt alot, and somtimes hand stitch.

  173. annmarie Avatar

    I have an 88 year old friend who still does hand quilting every night while watching TV. She could use better light so I’d gift the Beam & Read to her.

  174. Victoria Miner Avatar

    I would keep the light for myself. The older I get, the more light I need at night. I haven’t been able to work on counted cross stitch in the evenings in the winter because it’s just too dim. This light would be just what I need to get back to my winter night’s pastime. Thanks for the chance to win.

  175. Maggie Avatar

    As much as I would LOVE to keep it, I think I would give it to someone who could use it at the assisted living facility where my parents lived when they were living. I think that folks of that age, especially someone who was involved in crafts, or just reading would ,ove to have it

  176. Barbara Avatar

    I really have wondered if this was a great light for us crafty people. Since I do a lot of hand applique this would be a great addition to help me see all those little stitches. So therefore I would keep it!! This is very kind of you to be giving one away.

  177. Karen Avatar

    I would keep it for my hand stitching on the couch where the lighting is not so good. Maybe with this light I would get. My quilts bound faster.

  178. kris Avatar

    I’d keep it for sure. As I age I find that even with my bifocals and strong overhead lights, I have trouble with seeing well enough to machine quilt which I am trying to master.

  179. rachelle Avatar

    i love the light and although i could use it myself my husband is an avid model train developer. he just switched size from n gauge to ho due to his advancing age, lol, and i know he would love and appreciate something like that to help him with his hobby. a happy husband is a very happy wife. thank you for the opportunity. good luck to everyone and ray.

  180. Jeanette Avatar

    I would definitely keep this for myself. I also hate to admit it, but my eyes need a little more light to work by. I like the fact a magnifier can be added as this REALLY gives this product an edge. I would use this for reading and handwork too. It also sounds like the ideal companion for travel too!

  181. Jennifer Schifano Thomas Avatar

    If I won the light, I would keep it for myself. I never seem to have enough light when I’m doing handwork on the couch at night with the kiddos. Have a super day!

  182. Karen Avatar

    The light looks perfect for hand work in the dark corner of my livingroom where I like to work. Daytime stitching is fine, but sometimes I am unable to work in the evenings. I like the fact it hangs around your neck – that way it would easily move with you to a new location. Thanks for the chance to win.

  183. Rhonda Desgranges Avatar
    Rhonda Desgranges

    What a generous giveaway. If I won, I would certainly keep this light. I have cataracts, and this would help
    tremendously!! Thank you so much for the chance to win!


  184. sandy Avatar

    Hi Michele: I would keep the light for myself. The old eyes aren’t as sharp anymore and I need direct light to read and sew while sitting in my chair watching tv, reading and sewing. Yes, I can do it all, hear me roar, I am woman….lol. Thanks for the chance to win such an awesome and useful item.

  185. hueisei Avatar

    I would keep the light for myself. I am having some trouble seeing at night 😀

  186. Judy Bowers Avatar
    Judy Bowers

    If I won the light, I would keep it for myself. I am a quilter/dyer and am going blind from glaucoma. The light helps me to see my work better.

  187. Patty Avatar

    I would probably give to my mother who has failing eyesight. But I’d be sorely tempted to keep it for myself to help me with hand work. Thanks for a chance.

  188. Revathi Avatar

    I have started embroidering again and so I would keep this light for myself to continue my work at night more comfortably. Thanks for the giveaway.

  189. leanne Avatar

    fabulous giveaway – if I won I’d definitely keep the light for me – for some reason I can’t seem to see as well to sew at night – well old age might be a little reason – surely not 🙂

  190. Andrea Franklin Avatar
    Andrea Franklin

    Wonderful giveaway! Light looks like it would very useful…and I would definitely keep it for myself…since I’ve gotten older it would be most helpful for my nighttime close work or in my sewing area which doesn’t get as much natural light.

  191. Nancy D. Avatar
    Nancy D.

    I need that light! So I would probably keep it for myself, but if I happened to give it away it would be to my Aunt Debbie. She does all kinds of stitching and I think she’d love it. Thank you!

  192. Michelle G Avatar
    Michelle G

    I would keep the light for myself. I’ve been looking at getting good lighting for my living room and this might be the answer I am looking for.

  193. Kathy K. Avatar

    This sounds like a great light! I would love to have this to use myself but I would also share it with my hubby, who is a model railroader who does fine work using a light/magnifier that is more cumbersome that this one. Thanks for the opportunity to win it.

  194. vir Avatar

    perfect for my grandmother’s eyes!

  195. Judy MacLeod Avatar

    This is an easy one – I’d keep it for myself! I already switch from my “multi focals” to magnifying glasses for hand stitching. I can only hand stitch during the day due to lack of good light at night, so this light would be a welcome addition in my home!

  196. Jeanette Warner Avatar
    Jeanette Warner

    I would love this to take in my caravan as the light is not fantastic…even at home it would be great with the glasses on:)Therefore I would be keeping it for myself sorry….

  197. Tiffany Avatar

    I would keep this for myself if i were to win…my eyes have never been very good, and it’s very helpful to have extra light when i’m doing handwork. 🙂

  198. Karen O Avatar

    I would keep this for myself. I struggle with seeing when I am working on close work or reading. Maybe I wouldn’t have to take my glassed of part of the time if I had something like this.

  199. Susan Avatar

    I would keep this for myself. I struggle with any hand work and this light would make it so much easier to see what I’m doing!

  200. Brandy Lynn Avatar

    This is a great giveaway! If I won this light I’d use it for myself when the family has lights out to watch a movie and I want to stitch along and watch/listen too. I’d also bring it when I teach my Kokopelli Shirt class. The class requires students to take apart seams of a black shirt and even with my “younger” eyes, I find it difficult to see the black on black thread and fabric. So I’d let my students try it out too.


  201. Inge Avatar

    I would use it myself for quilting. I can’t quilt without good light, so no quilting in the evening for me. The setting of my living room doesn’t give me the space to put a daylihgt floorlamp next to my couch. A lamp as this wouldn’t give me any exuses to go on with that pile of quilting to do …

  202. Karrie Smith Avatar
    Karrie Smith

    I would keep the light, because I’m the only one I know that sews.

  203. Sandy White Avatar

    My friend has one. I’ve tried it and like it. There are so many places that don’t have good lighting. I’d keep it so I could do my hand work anywhere I go.

  204. Naomi S Avatar
    Naomi S

    I have old eyes and strain to see, even with a lamp by my side. This is the perfect solution for my quilting, knitting, crochet and needlepoint needs. I really like the fact that it gets up and goes with you without a lot of fiddling with cords. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity and for showing us a new item to help us in our crafting.

  205. Heather Seibel Avatar
    Heather Seibel

    I would keep the light for myself. I bought one for my mother as a Christmas present a couple of years ago, and am kicking myself that I didn’t buy one for myself. Why would I like this? My eyes are getting ‘tired’ and I find I need bright light to do hand stitching – for sewing bindings down and reverse stitching when needed! I could also use this on the go!

  206. Dee Avatar

    Thanks for the giveaway!
    I would selfishly keep it for myself!
    I need it for cross stitching especially on BLACK aida cloth!

  207. Daryl Avatar

    I would love to win the Beam n Read light for myself. I need to wear “cheater” eyeglasses to see up close and I always need a light to see what I am doing, whether it is knitting, hand sewing, hand embroidery, hand quilting or reading. I think this would even help when sewing or quilting at the sewing machine too. I would love to be able to try one of these lights so the light would go with me instead of having large lights all over the house or having to drag a large light around with me wherever I sew or knit.

  208. Patricia Lessell Avatar

    I would so keep this light for myself. That way I wouldn’t have to burn so much electricity to see what I’m doing and I could use it at night to read in bed too. Thanks for the chance. By the way hate to tell you this but Milo is awake and so cute.

  209. Jane Avatar

    I would keep it for myself. I do quite a bit of hand sewing and it would really come in handy. Thank you and thank Milo too, for the chance to win.

  210. Peg Avatar

    Wow, looks like a fabulous light. My evenings are spent cross-stitching, and like you the eyes just keep getting older, so I’d probably use the light for that, and for hand-quilting when I do that – so that I can make things for other people. Thanks for the chance!

  211. quiltmom anna Avatar

    I would give the light to my husband to use when he was at the dark site observing- of course he would have the red light night vision piece on it. Thanks for the chance to win it.

  212. rosemarie garone Avatar
    rosemarie garone

    i go to a senior citizen center to quilt. and while most of these women are proficient in quilting, they are having problems with their eyes. most are 80 and older. they still have it in them to teach us younger quilters (65) a few things. so i would donate it to the center. thank you for any consideration. have a great holiday.

  213. Regina DeMatteo Avatar
    Regina DeMatteo

    I would definitely keep it to help my old eyes with those same tiny stitches you are using. The magnifier would help in the sewing room to identify stray machine needles and to read the “fine print” which seems to be all print these days. I would love it for my car and plane when reading while hubby drives.

  214. spiritweaver Avatar

    I would keep it. I am legally blind, and intense light helps me work. My vision is sporatic, but when I have it, I need really good light to do anything. I am currently not working, so I cannot buy the lighting I need.

  215. lindawwww Avatar

    This light is exactly what I need so I would keep it for myself. I find that as I’ve gotten older it’s so much harder to see small print and also to sew and quilt using very dark fabrics. I also love to cross stitch and haven’t been able to do it as much as I’d like because I can’t see the stitches unless I have a very bright light. Thank you so offering such a great giveaway.

  216. Denise Russell Avatar

    I would give the light away since I already have one and LOVE it! I use it for embroidery work, hand quilting, reading. It is the best thing in my gadget arsenal, since slice bread! The person I plan to give it away to does cross stitching, and this will be very helpful to her!

  217. gail Avatar

    I would keep it to help me see to put binding on my quilts.

  218. Charlotte Avatar

    Hard choice to keep or give away, but to be honest I have a eldery friend who had gloguma and having a hard time reading and any hand sewing, so guess I would give it to her
    to make reading easier, says lamps throw a shadow and make it diffucult

  219. Leah Avatar

    Looks like a great light!

  220. Frances Avatar

    I would be very selfish and keep the light for myself. I am finding it more difficult to see small ,tiny work and this light sounds like it is ideal to make stitching easier.

  221. JoAn GODFREY Avatar

    i can’t think of any friends who need one that don’t already have one!! i think i would keep it to use in travels when it is dark and i can’t turn any lights in the car or motor home.

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