A Princess and a Jaguar

I was lucky enough to spend Halloween with my nieces this year. Lucy was the prettiest princess and Alice a very cute Jaguar. It was a windy night, cold and a few sprinkles of rain, but thankfully no snow! Lucy had a fabulous time and made sure to ask everyone for candy for her baby sister Alice too.




4 responses to “A Princess and a Jaguar”

  1. Betsy Lynn Avatar
    Betsy Lynn

    They’re soooo cute!

  2. Bradie Avatar

    Awwwww! They are so little, yet so fabulous! 🙂 Happy Birthday little darlin’!!
    .-= Bradie’s latest post: Our Family Masterpiece – The Sparrow Tree =-.

  3. Sandra Thetford-Hill Avatar
    Sandra Thetford-Hill


    British Columbia

  4. Darlee Byron Avatar

    Beautiful pictures of your little nieces. I just got an email from my daughter with halloween pictures of the little ones.
    .-= Darlee Byron’s latest post: From The Other Side =-.

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