Pretty Bouquets

Thanks everyone for your heartfelt comments on the blog, Facebook and Twitter. Daniel was well-loved around the world.

Pretty flowers from my parents:

Edible fruit arrangement from my sister and her family:

Pretty pink flowers from the wonderful gang at Centretown Veterinary Hospital:

5 responses to “Pretty Bouquets”

  1. robin Avatar

    Wow – what loving support you’ve received! 🙂 So nice. Losing a pet can leave a huge hole, and it’s nice when others can acknowledge that. I remember losing my cat years ago – it was such a shock, and so sad to me. Family thought I was silly.

  2. Micki Butler Avatar

    So sorry you lost your pet. I am glad that you got some nice gifts!

  3. McLisa Tangerine Starfish Sipes Avatar

    Oh, Michele. What a wonderful way to cheer you up! Daniel was loved as much as you are!

  4. Sandra Aiken Avatar
    Sandra Aiken

    The Flowers are beautiful. They can remind you of the beautiful times you had with Daniel. Happy Valentine’s Day.

  5. Viviane Avatar

    Daniel was truly special. Sweet-natured, friendly and fun, good company, a great mixer, and your lovely companion for many years. An all-round great guy.

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