With my pet dog training course wrapping up next week, I decided today would be a partial sewing day. A much better idea than stressing over my final exam next week. I have already secured a position with the training school that I took the course at, so I’m very excited to transition from student to junior trainer in the coming weeks.
In my kitchen, I have this gorgeous table that I refinished many years ago. I got it when I first moved out of my parents’ house at an auction. It once had pink, green, cream and brown paint on it.
The lack of counter space in my kitchen for prep work has been driving me insane, so this table will soon hold my microwave oven, freeing up the much-needed space.
It needs a new table runner, both to add some colour into the kitchen and to protect the top of the table. It’s 14″ x 44″
I’ve been playing around in EQ7, and have come up with a few ideas. Ignoring the colours in the drawing, which one do you like best?

I’ll be using a charm pack of Sakura Park by Sentimental Studios for Moda and white fabric. Since I’ve been dreaming of Springtime lately, I love the soft colours in this grouping.
Is it just me, or do others really wish fabric companies would stick with the true definition of a charm pack, i.e. unique fabrics. I was disappointed to discover so many duplicates in this package. I’ll still use it, but I would have thought twice before purchasing it (given to me as a gift).
Must get some prep done for classes I’m co-teaching tomorrow, then I can SEW!
Enjoy your Saturday.
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