Playing with Fabric

With my pet dog training course wrapping up next week, I decided today would be a partial sewing day. A much better idea than stressing over my final exam next week. I have already secured a position with the training school that I took the course at, so I’m very excited to transition from student to junior trainer in the coming weeks.

In my kitchen, I have this gorgeous table that I refinished many years ago. I got it when I first moved out of my parents’ house at an auction. It once had pink, green, cream and brown paint on it.



The lack of counter space in my kitchen for prep work has been driving me insane, so this table will soon hold my microwave oven, freeing up the much-needed space.

It needs a new table runner, both to add some colour into the kitchen and to protect the top of the table. It’s 14″ x 44″

I’ve been playing around in EQ7, and have come up with a few ideas. Ignoring the colours in the drawing, which one do you like best?

Option 1 – no small squares
Option 2 – Small squares
Option 3 – Mixture of both

I’ll be using a charm pack of Sakura Park by Sentimental Studios for Moda and white fabric. Since I’ve been dreaming of Springtime lately, I love the soft colours in this grouping.


Is it just me, or do others really wish fabric companies would stick with the true definition of a charm pack, i.e. unique fabrics. I was disappointed to discover so many duplicates in this package. I’ll still use it, but I would have thought twice before purchasing it (given to me as a gift).

Must get some prep done for classes I’m co-teaching tomorrow, then I can SEW!

Enjoy your Saturday.

21 responses to “Playing with Fabric”

  1. Gene Black Avatar

    I like option 3 but it may just be the value is better. The dark on it really pops.But I also think the shapes flow more interestingly.

  2. Laura Avatar

    Personally, I like option 1.

  3. Debbie Allred Avatar

    I like 3. It has the interest of the small squares, but the beige rectangle seems to connect the rows more smoothly than a small square.

  4. Bertha G Avatar
    Bertha G

    If I were doing it, I would go with option 1. All the small squares in sewing would not be my favorite. I do happen to like the look of number one better too! Happy sewing.

  5. Crystal Avatar

    I like the first one the best.
    The table looks 100% better.

    Good luck with your exam.


  6. Kjersti Hill Avatar
    Kjersti Hill

    The second looks very lively to me!

  7. Sally Avatar

    My choice would be option 1.

  8. Karen Avatar

    I like option 1 the best.

  9. Sandie Hrycyk Avatar
    Sandie Hrycyk

    The 3rd option is my favourite. I too think it’s the dark that makes the whole thing pop! Your charm pack doesn’t have that much contrast, maybe consider adding a burgundy (that’s what colour the centre of the pink flowers look to be).
    My second choice would be option 1 with the fabrics youo have.
    Interesting designing!

  10. Sallie Avatar

    I like number 2.

  11. Jan N. Avatar
    Jan N.

    My favorite is option 1.

  12. Debby Avatar

    number 1 would be my choice. I agree with Sandie on something darker to add. If you don’t like the burgundy, maybe a dark springish green. Good luck with your test and new position.

  13. marjorie Avatar

    My preference would be Option 1. I agree with you on the charm squares—I did buy a pack when I went to Houston and thought– oh, goody, I have all these Texas fabrics and then when I went to make something for a remembrance of my trip to Festival, there is only about 7 different fabrics–very disappointing.

  14. Antonia Queren-Wolf Avatar
    Antonia Queren-Wolf

    Option 1, because its the clearest design, that goes along with the table design. And for the given size the small parts are very small. The fabric design is also in a small way that it shows best for option 1.

  15. Cassandra Avatar

    What fun layouts. I like Option 1 the best and love your fabric choice! I didn’t realize charm packs were supposed to be all unique fabrics. I only have two and have used one. There was definitely repetition in the pack, maybe 4 of each fabric?

  16. Kerry Avatar

    Option 1 is my favourite. Like the colours and not so busy with small squares

  17. Flo Avatar

    I like the simplicity and cleaner lines of option 1

  18. Judy1522 Avatar

    I like option 1 best. I didn’t know that charm squares were not supposed to have repeats of fabrics. From what I am reading they are supposed to have one square of every fabric in a line so that the number of pieces varies from charm pack to charm pack. I’m guessing that the number of pieces has become more standardized for pricing since not all fabric lines have the same amount of different fabrics.

  19. Sue Preece Avatar
    Sue Preece

    I prefer Option 1 myself, its a bit less busy. Lovely table!

  20. Gale Lavers Avatar
    Gale Lavers

    Option number two would be my choice. Love the small squares in it.

  21. Melissa Avatar

    I prefer option 1 but then I like very simple design best.

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