Playing with Colours

My first hand-dyed fabrics, ready to go into the wash for final rinsing and setting. Can’t wait until I can see them dry.

Boysenberry and turquoise


Fuchsia and golden yellow


Dark grey and intense blue


Brightest green and sun yellow


More soon!

4 responses to “Playing with Colours”

  1. upstatelisa Avatar

    Michele those are wonderful! I esp love the boysenberry and the grey! what color dyes are those (are those the names of the dyes)?

  2. Garilyn Avatar

    The colors are awesome!
    .-= Garilyn’s latest post: Embellished Shirt =-.

  3. janet Avatar

    Remarkable colour gradations. I’m keen to see this when it’s dried and ironed. And even more keen to see what you will make with it. A lot of work went into that yardage!!!
    Congratulations on your success!
    .-= janet’s latest post: I’ve been a bad bad blogger!!! =-.

  4. Anita Westerveld Avatar
    Anita Westerveld

    What beautiful colours, you instantly get a good mood from it!

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