As January ends tomorrow, it’s about time I picked my fabrics for the various Block of the Month programs I will be doing this year.

Aurifil Designer of the Month

First up, as I am a member of this year’s Aurifil design team, I definitely want to make a quilt for me from all of the designers’ blocks. The blocks are available for free on the Aurifil blog. Additionally, each month Aurifil is giving away a box of threads ($120 value) to one lucky winner who completes the block and uploads it to the Flickr group.

The fabrics I’ve chosen for this quilt are from the Treasures and Tidbits line from a couple of years ago. I have fabric yardage and several fat quarters still left from the bundle I purchased. I also have some scraps from my Pathways Table Runner to use. My background will be white.


The January designer is Brigitte Heitland of Zen Chic.

2014 Brigitte Heitland Zen Chic Jan aurifil designer button

Here’s her block, Spools:

2014-01-Zen Chic BOM

You can download the Spools block tutorial here. Additionally, Pat Sloan … our coordinator, has some extra tips for completing this block. See them here.

GlobeTrotting with Pat Sloan

This year, Pat Sloan is hosting a free block of the month program called, GlobeTrotting. The first block is Washington, DC.


When selecting the fabrics for this quilt, I chose the star fabric first which will be used in the border and probably as the sashing too. I then picked the golds, reds and blues from my stash. It’ll be fun working with this colour palette.


Paper Piecing Vintage

Next, I am also doing Jennifer from SewHooked’s Paper Piecing Vintage BOM.


For each block, Jennifer provides both the 12″ and 6″ finished paper piecing patterns. I have decided to do the 6″ size and make a wall hanging. For the fabrics, I started with the orange flowered print, and then chose the other fabrics to go with it.


Challenge Quilt

Last, I will be working with these beauties in a personal challenge quilt. You can join me in this challenge too if you like. Information will be available next week.


I see lots of piecing in my future. What BOMs or quilt-alongs are you doing this year?

One response to “Picking Fabrics for 2014 Block of the Months”

  1. Lise Avatar

    wow, love all those fabrics you picked out 🙂

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