Pet Quilts

Quick stats:

  • Total submissions: 42
  • Total countries: 9
  • Total provinces: 3
  • Total states: 15

You can click on the photo to view a larger version.

All Dogs go to Heaven All Dogs go to Heaven
By: Faith Wellman,
Colorado, USA

Made in memory of my sweet old puppy dogs that are no longer with me. I envisioned them moving on to a happier place where they can run to their heart’s content! The inscription below says: “All dogs go to Heaven … where they watch us through the stars and wait patiently for us to come home.”

Quilt size: width: 10" height: 13"

Andy's Rag Quilt Andy’s Rag Quilt
By: Flo @ Zeedlebbez,
California, USA

I’ve made my dog his own quilt and I wanted to make a similar quilt for my cat Andy. I thought he might like a little treat pocket to put some catnip or other treat inside for him to find. It’s rag quilts with curved corners made with three layers of flannel and cotton.

Quilt size: width: 23" height: 30"

Arlo's quilt Arlo’s quilt
By: LizA.,
Washington, USA

Our very spoiled, very neurotic Dalmatian likes to be covered up at nite or wrapped up in a quilt while cowering & shaking on your lap during thunderstorms. The Dalmatian fabric in this quilt was given to me from my best quilting buddy who gave me a hard time for not having made Arlo his own quilt.

Quilt size: width: 49" height: 60"

Bart's speelkeed Bart’s speelkeed
By: Roos Kuypers,

This quilt was made for my youngest Brother and Sister in Law when they were expecting their first baby. I loved the dogs in the panel and the lovely colours.

Quilt size: width: 43" height: 43"

Beau and Georgie's Excellent Adventure:  Up on the Woof Beau and Georgie’s Excellent Adventure: Up on the Woof
By: Toni Mitt,
Wisconsin, USA

When Beau (the black cocker spaniel) was about 8, he went blind, and one of his eyes was removed. When he was about 11, we got another cocker spaniel puppy named Georgie. Georgie was Beau’s companion and “seeing eye pup” till he died at age 13. They had many excellent adventures together.

Quilt size: width: 14" height: 18"

Bertha Blub Bertha Blub
By: Daniela,

I had made this quilt for a competition of the German Patchworkgilde. It was a lot of fun to work on this. Now my little daughter use it as her blanket

Quilt size: width: 27.5" height: 27.5"

Black and White Cats Black and White Cats
By: The Patchsmith,
United Kingdom

This little mug rug is inspired by the two cats that live either side of my home. One is old and cunning, the other is young and quick. Both are black and white and both get up to mischief!

Quilt size: width: 8.5" height: 5"

Blackie's quilt Blackie’s quilt
By: Teresa Fegueiras,

I have a dog, a mini schnauzer and when I saw the awesome quilt Milo ( Michele’s cute dog) I thought that Blackie should have one too. I designed, its machine pieced and machine quilted and his name is embroidered. He love his quilt.

Quilt size: width: 33,5" height: 22"

Bridget's Memory Quilt Bridget’s Memory Quilt
By: Cynthia Rhodes,
Minnesota, USA

Memory quilt of our beloved Bridget. We adopted her at 7.5 weeks and said goodbye to her at 17.5 years. The pattern Tile Tango by Terry Atkinson and fat quarters were given to me by my friends at Bear Patch Quilting Co., MN, when they learned of Bridget’s passing. The paw prints in borders are hers.

Quilt size: width: 52" height: 67"

Charlie Charlie
By: QuilterKat,
California, USA

Charlie is my daughter’s goat. He is a real sweetie, but getting him to hold still for the camera was a real challenge. Once I had a satisfactory portrait, I used it to create the pattern for the quilt. It is done with satin stitching over raw edge applique. It was a fun project.

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 26"

Collecting Bugs Collecting Bugs
By: Susan Stephens,

My grandson loves collecting all kinds of bugs for Pets. He gives them names and feeds them. I have made him a lap quilt to remind him of his bugs. It is not quite finished yet as it has to be quilted but he loves it.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 67"

Cornered! Cornered!
By: Wendy L Starn,
Louisiana, USA

In 2008, my son found a kitten under the hood of the car. Oslo won his heart, and the scorn of our other two cats, Boris the black cat, and Moose the orange cat.
Puss in the Corner background fabrics hand-stamped by the artist. Threadpainted over fabric collage. based on artist’s photos.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 35"

Critter Quilt #1 Critter Quilt #1
By: Faye Gaudet,
Colorado, USA

Big cats in the middle, surrounded by mice in floating teacups. The border is made of fantasy kitties with other critters, and flowers abound fussy cut to fit the vertical and horizontal borders

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 24"

Darling Dogs Darling Dogs
By: Adventurous Quilter,
Colorado, USA

I have two dogs Ebony the Maltipoo & Henry the Cockapoo, I was inspired by them into making several blocks which I eventually added to and made an entire quilt from. I used scraps from my stash for the entire quilt. I used patterns from: Paper Pieced Cats and Dogs by Shirley Liby for 3 of the blocks

Quilt size: width: 39" height: 51"

Dogs and more dogs Dogs and more dogs
By: Elizabeth,
Ontario, Canada

This started of to be a quilt for my dog, ended up being a memory quilt, and my grandson can not wait for it to be loaded on the long arm so he can have it.

Quilt size: width: 30" height: 45"

Freeway Freeway
By: mindless,
Washington, USA

I made this lap quilt for a friend who works at animal rescue in N. Ireland.Sometimes she brings her work home with her. This is Freeway. I transferred a picture of him onto fabric and then painted it with fabric paint. It has soft, yummy minkie on the back. I used SITD so he would stand out better.

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 72"

Ingrid's Hounds Ingrid’s Hounds
By: Sally Gould Wright,
California, USA

Made as a gift for a friend this pieced and applique’d quilt pictures some of her beloved pets over the years – Bassets, Dachshunds and Miniature Pinschers. I paper pieced the dogs and set them in a traditional grid.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"

Jake's quilt Jake’s quilt
By: Dusty911,
British Columbia, Canada

I made this quilt for Jake when our other dog Mattie passed away. I wanted him to take comfort in it as he was quite depressed and lonely. A new quilt and many trips to the dog park later, he is a happy boy. He is an excellent dog and a great companion.

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 50"

Jenny's couch quilt Jenny’s couch quilt
By: Melissa Byerly,
Indiana, USA

My sister asked me to make her a couch quilt, her living room was blue and the couch was blue. I found this pattern in a magazine, but put my own spin on it, and made it scrappy. This is her puppy Bo laying on it.

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 80"

Josh's Kitty Quilt Josh’s Kitty Quilt
By: Ida Fenack,
Texas, USA

The quilt is a Trip Around the World Design with Tessellating Kitties at the center, their tails forming a snails trail block. The Kitties are Miss Lucy and Miss Tinkerbell. Lucy is no longer with us but we are fortunate to still have Tinker. I made the quilt for my son, Josh.

Quilt size: width: 70" height: 80"

Kitty Goes Fishing Kitty Goes Fishing
By: Sheryl Walker,
Missouri, USA

This Project Linus quilt grew out of my desire to inject a little whimsy into a fishbowl quilt. It was given to a cat-loving girl who had spinal surgery.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 49"

Krazy Katz Krazy Katz
By: Lorna McMahon,
Ontario, Canada

My daughter, Erin, loves cats. Especially her cat, Fluffy. And she loves to read – especially books about cats. Her love is what inspired me to make the Krazy Katz quilt.

I designed the quilt to have a bookshelf surrounded by cats – featuring Erin’s pet – Fluffy. He is the orange & white one!

Quilt size: width: 75″" height: 85″"

Little Lucy Little Lucy
By: Tammy K,
Illinois, USA

I made this after we lost our Little Lucy cat (she got hit by a car). The snowball blocks are from newsprint fabric, because her favorite toy was crumpled up newspaper balls. The design came from the book “One of a Kind Quilts” that walks you through choosing the main theme and smaller blocks.

Quilt size: width: 23" height: 23"

Mischief Mischief
By: Becca,
Maryland, USA

I made this quilt in memory of my cat Mischief. She was my first baby after I got married. Every day she managed to live up to her name. She brightened my life and kept my feet warm for over 16 years. Today I have two beautiful, fun-loving, rescue dogs to keep my feet warm and make me laugh.

Quilt size: width: 63" height: 75"

Mr.Maybell Mr.Maybell
By: crystal mills,
Maine, USA

this is my first experiment with fuseable, he is my beautiful cat maybell. When I took the photo he thought he hiding behind a blade of grass

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 18"

My first quilt My first quilt
By: Janine,
United Kingdom

This was the first quilt I ever made when I didn’t know how to quilt. My daughter has used it continually for about fifteen years though and it’s still going strong! The sheep is the last of our small flock. He’s very friendly.

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 64"

Nick's Quilt Nick’s Quilt
By: Janice Dowdeswell,
New Zealand

My daughter’s dog Nick, died a couple of years ago and she asked me to make a quilt from a photo of him. I enlarged the photo, traced the pieces onto vliesofix, cut the fabric pieces and ironed them down. I drew the markings on with coloured pencils then machine embroidered over the pencil.

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 24"

Our Best Girl Our Best Girl
By: Tina Benson,
New York, USA

I had made everyone in the house, including the cat, their own quilt.. well except for our best girl Gracie that is. So for her birthday I made her her very own quilt made from dog prints and corduroy for the back and bindings. Funny thing is Gracie prefers to sleep UNDER her quilt, not on it !

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 36"

Our Kelly Our Kelly
By: Jenny in NZ,
New Zealand

My first attempt at working from a photo.
Kelly looks like an old dog, and everyone says as much.
She was 4 when the photo was taken, it is the Kelpie, Beardie mix which gives her so much grey through her coat. She is now 7 and rules the house, or so she thinks.

Quilt size: width: 17" height: 21"

Pugs on Popsicle Sticks Pugs on Popsicle Sticks
By: PugMom,
Massachusetts, USA

This is an Atkinson Designs’ pattern called Popsicle Sticks. My girlfriends and I all swapped 2.5″ strips of batik at a quilt weekend a few years ago and I used mine to make this quilt. I love all of the bright colors and so do Romeo, Elvis and LarryPug. This is a great and easy pattern to make.

Quilt size: width: 92" height: 106"

Puppies for Ethan Puppies for Ethan
By: PennyJoy,
British Columbia, Canada

Made this quilt to celebrate the birth of a great nephew. His family loves dogs, so this fit the bill. The dogs’ ears flip up and have a different fabric underneath and many have different textures (like Minkee). He loves it.

Quilt size: width: 43" height: 60"

Puppy Quilt Puppy Quilt
By: Diane U.,
Ontario, Canada

This quilt was donated to our local animal shelter.

Quilt size: width: 35" height: 45"

Puppyhood Happiness Puppyhood Happiness
By: Christine Wilhelm,
New York, USA

Sammy is our golden retriever who is almost 2 1/2. She’s a total ham for the camera and loves to pose when she sees I’m taking snaps. After seeing this as a photo I knew I wanted to create it in fabric. This is a whole cloth quilt painted and embellished in honor of our Samantha!

Quilt size: width: 22" height: 18"

Ruby Crystal Ruby Crystal
By: Carol Ann Johnston,
Idaho, USA

This picture shows my “grand-kitty” Matilda showing her approval of my work on Ruby Crystal when we visited

Quilt size: width: 88.5" height: 88.5"

Stars and Swirls and men's shirts Stars and Swirls and men’s shirts
By: Teje Karjalainen,

I like the fabrics on men’s shirts and long time wanted to make quilts with them. I made ‘quilt couple’ because I couldn’t have done double size quilt in my small attic and with my machine. ‘Nero’ and ‘Hanna’ are allowed to sleep on them! More about their lovely Sunday in my blog.

Quilt size: width: 51″" height: 67″"

The budgies The budgies
By: Debbie Taylor,
Alberta, Canada

I googled stained glass and saw this picture of budgies, which I sized and traced to make my applique. Of course I changed the colors to match my birds.

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 12"

The Cat House The Cat House
By: Karin,

For all those Cat lovers out there…my entry for this week’s theme ‘Quilts with Pets’ is this little wall hanging that I made out of a Panel that my daughter urged me to buy some time ago. I finally cut it up last year and used it as a FMQ practice piece to produce this little wall hanging

Quilt size: width: 18" height: 22.5"

There's No Place Like Home There’s No Place Like Home
By: Nancy Rogers,
Massachusetts, USA

I made this quilt as a challenge at my guild: “There’s no place like home”. I took a photo of my dog sleeping, made an applique using the photo as a guide, and placed her on a rug (the challenge fabric) in front of a blazing fire.

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 30"

Tiffanies 1st quilt Tiffanies 1st quilt
By: Jeri Niksich,
Texas, USA

This is my 12yr old granddaughters 1st quilt. It’s along the pillowcase type quilt I guess, no boards & binding just turned right side out. It’s for our Lukie dog & for me to practice FMQ SITD, as I’ve not gotten as far as FMQing yet. She done the whole quilt with my help.

Quilt size: width: 31" height: 35"

Toby and Roscoe Toby and Roscoe
By: Susan Arnold,
California, USA

This is based on a picture I took of my then four year old cat, Roscoe, in the window with our newest kitty, Toby. The 6-8 week old kitten mysteriously appeared in our garage one summer, and his staying was ‘to be’, thus the name Toby.

Quilt size: width: 18" height: 14.5"

By: quiltalicious,
California, USA

Made as a labor of love to honor all the kitties I’ve had over the years, past and present. I loved doing all the piecing and applique on this quilt. I had lots of assistance from my furry quilt helpers as I chose fabrics and worked on the quilt.

Quilt size: width: 70" height: 86"

Winnie & Tiffany's quilt Winnie & Tiffany’s quilt
By: PennyJoy,
British Columbia, Canada

Made this quilt for our 2 little dogs who have since passed. Our 2 current dogs, Meisje & Sasha, have it in their dogbed & snuggle with it all the time. I freehand quilted around the edges with nice comments about the dogs. It was a panel to start.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 36"

186 responses to “Pet Quilts”

  1. Anya King Avatar

    I love the Orange & Red collection. All of the colors are gorgeous, but that is my favorite.

  2. Pat O Avatar
    Pat O

    It was tough to pick a quilt. They are all beautiful. I have a quilt on my “to do” list in memory of my cocker spaniel. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Linda Avatar

    The hand dyed fabrics are ALL beautiful, and it would be difficult to choose only one, but if I must, I would pick red/pink. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Tammy Pettus Avatar
    Tammy Pettus

    I love the “malva and blackberry” dyed fabrics!

  5. Linda Avatar


  6. Nita Avatar

    I like earth tones. Anything blues/greens/browns

  7. Lotte Avatar

    I would love to win the yellow and yellow-orange bundle, its beautiful

  8. Gale Avatar

    Reds would be my choice. I tried to vote on her site, however was not successful in doing it. Love all the colors, but reds won out.

  9. Cynthia Brunz Designs Avatar

    Too many to choose from. I love hot colors so anything in the reds and/or oranges are my favorites.

  10. Sarah Avatar

    I love the Reds & Oranges. Beautiful!!!

  11. Aimee Avatar

    They’re all gorgeous, but the yellow bundle is my favorite

  12. Vicki H Avatar
    Vicki H

    I like them all, but the blue and turquoise is probably what I would choose.

  13. Jan Avatar

    Such beautiful fabric. My favorite is Blue.

  14. barbara woods Avatar
    barbara woods

    love pink thanks

  15. lindawwww Avatar

    All the hand-dyed fabric bundles are gorgeous. I would be happy to win any one of them!

  16. Debbie H Avatar
    Debbie H

    I love the red/orange bundle. Thanks

  17. Kerri Hunter Avatar
    Kerri Hunter

    Love the hand dyed fabric such a vibrant range of colors!!

  18. Betsy Avatar

    I am loving those heavenly blues.

  19. Jane S. Avatar
    Jane S.

    Such yummy colors! I love the Malva and Blackberry bundle. Thank you for the nice giveaway. ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. Julie A. Avatar
    Julie A.

    I love the Blues…. Thanks

  21. Judy Avatar

    Some really nice quilts featuring pets this week!

  22. Lea Avatar

    I must say I love the quilt pictures this week! So many cuties! And that blue and turquoise bundle makes me drool like a dog!

  23. nancy mcmahan Avatar
    nancy mcmahan

    I love the Autumn colors group. I can think of many projects I could make with them. Thank you for the chance to win.

  24. Cheryl B Avatar
    Cheryl B

    Definitely the blue/turquoise bundle is my fave!

  25. vickie blose Avatar
    vickie blose

    ilike the autumn colors best

  26. Afton Avatar

    I’m going with yellow.

  27. Kristine Avatar

    Really tough call because each of those colors make me think of what I could do with it. Since I must choose one… I would go with reds and orange so I could make a fall quilt or a baby quilt. But all are beautiful.

  28. Barbara Colvin Avatar
    Barbara Colvin

    Lovely bundles! I especially like the Olive green and Brown bundle.

  29. Linda Fleming Avatar
    Linda Fleming

    I love them all, but the blues are my favorites!

  30. Colleen Avatar

    The blue and turquoise are my favourite. Thanks for the giveaway!

  31. Meem Avatar

    Love the theme this week. And my favorite fabric bundle is the blue.

  32. Joyce Mitchell Avatar
    Joyce Mitchell

    The yellow/orange color bundle is my favorite. Thanks.

  33. Tracy DVR Avatar
    Tracy DVR

    love the quilts and the green/blue green bundle

  34. Joyce Avatar

    Oh the beautiful BLUES and then the PURPLES…..pretty

  35. wanda spain Avatar
    wanda spain

    I love all your colors but my favorite is your Blue and Turqoise bundle Thanks

  36. marilyn Avatar

    Such beautiful colours, which makes it hard to pick a favourite, but I think the red/pink would be it.

  37. Phyllis Moynihan Avatar
    Phyllis Moynihan

    Wonderful and beautiful colors….

  38. Mara Avatar

    I love the colors of Grape and Boysenberry. Thanks for showing us a new shop.

  39. Evelyn Avatar

    Wow! Yummy fabrics! All are great! If I have to pick one bundle, I choose blue.

  40. lee Avatar

    Beautiful quilts and lovely giveaway. I love the blue and turquoise.

  41. Michele Timms Avatar
    Michele Timms

    Malva and Blackberry is lovely!! Thanks!!

  42. Bรฉatrice Avatar

    They are all beautiful, my favorite is blues. Thanks.

  43. Sandra Timmons Avatar
    Sandra Timmons

    I just love the color blue. It could be just solids only or even a mixture of different shades of blue. I also enjoy Kona solids. Your giveaway would make a great quilt for yourself or even as a gift. Thank you for the chance to win and yes, I voted.

    Sandi Timmons

  44. DebV Avatar

    Gorgeous quilts as usual. So much talent out there. Of the colors that are in the give away my favorite is the green/blue green. On the site I would go with the olive green set. Thanks for the chance to win.

  45. Sally Wright Avatar

    I love the red./oranges. Perfect for a hot summer day.

  46. shawn Avatar

    I like the grape and boysenberry.
    (smjohns63 at yahoo dot com)

  47. Missy Avatar

    I like the greens! I had the perfect qult to enter this week, but I’m visiting a friend and she did not have internet connection this week! LOL

  48. Pam Avatar

    The quilts this week are delightful and Alfonsina’s fabric is absolutely gorgeous. The blue/turquoise combination is my favorite.

  49. Sheryl W. Avatar

    I love the collection of blues. Your fabrics are awesome! Thanks for donating the prizes.

  50. Kathy Leake Avatar
    Kathy Leake

    All the bundles are wonderful. I think I’ll go with the “malva and blackberry” as my favorite. Thanks for the give-away donations.

  51. Annmarie Avatar

    Great quilts & great giveaway. All the colors are wonderful but I like the blue bundle the best! Thanks for the chance.

  52. crystal mills Avatar
    crystal mills

    I like the green – olive- browns, I do a lot of needle turn applique of plants

  53. Patricia Dawe Avatar
    Patricia Dawe

    I like them all! But since I have to pick, my eye keeps coming back to the lime green and dark green.
    Great colours !!

  54. wilma young Avatar
    wilma young

    I love all those colors and they would be put to good use.

    Charities and such. I look forward to your Newsletter every week.

  55. wilma young Avatar
    wilma young

    I forget to add I like the red bundles.

  56. Barbara S. Avatar
    Barbara S.

    What lovely colors and difficult to choose, but I’m really a pink girl! HOWEVER, I fell in love with the grape and boysenberry lot!

  57. Sassylass08 Avatar

    I love your blues…such beautiful shades.
    Thank you for your give away!!

  58. joaquinl mills Avatar
    joaquinl mills

    I like greens best

  59. Becca Avatar

    There were so many awesome quilts. I had trouble narrowing it down to just a few. That’s much like what fabric would I prefer? I love them all. I have to admit, red is my favorite so I’ll just say the red/orange pack is my preferred pack. Again, thank you for hosting these great contests and give-aways. I love to see all the beautiful quilts.

  60. Karin Avatar

    As always great entries…lots of fun looking through them.
    I like the Malva and Blackberry fabric range.

  61. Cecilia Avatar

    It was very hard to vote for just one quilt. I like the bundle of yellows. Thanks for the chance to win.

  62. Kathy Gentry Avatar

    They are all beautiful but I think I prefer the bundle containing lime green. Beautiful!

  63. Karrie Smith Avatar
    Karrie Smith

    I like the blue and turquoise ones!

  64. Debbie Avatar

    Beautiful fabrics! My favorite bundle is the Yellow and yellow-orange.

  65. Monica Avatar

    I like the red/orange! Thanks for the chance to win fabric!

  66. Quilting Tangent Avatar
    Quilting Tangent

    The yellow-orange would be my choice.

  67. Rina Mason Avatar
    Rina Mason

    I like them all but the yellow and yellow orange bundle really caught my eye.

  68. Klara Avatar

    I would choose malva and blackberry, because I could use them for my Love Entwined quilt I am working on and I use a lot of purple batiks

  69. Barbara Winkler Avatar

    The blues are real soothing, but I’lll go with Mayva & Blackberry, although I really love them all!

  70. Gill Avatar

    I like the Olive Green and Brown with Black bundle

  71. Bethany Martini Avatar
    Bethany Martini

    I love the blue and turquoise bundle, very pretty!

  72. Amy Avatar

    All the sets are beautiful but Malva and blackberry have to be my personal fave!

  73. BOBBIE WARREN Avatar

    Blue & Turquoise very easy on the eyes looks like an ocean…

  74. Gayle Pulley Avatar
    Gayle Pulley

    They are all pretty but I’m drawn to the green/blue greens.

  75. Anne Avatar

    The blue bundle is my fav! All are wonderful!

  76. Vera Avatar

    I’m not usually very keen on yellow but I trully like the yellow and yellow-orange bundle.

  77. Terri in AZ Avatar

    I love the Blue & Turquoise! Reminds me of the ocean.

  78. Debbie Avatar

    The bundle titled Autumn is my favorite although they are all beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win.

  79. Dianna Whitehead Avatar
    Dianna Whitehead

    Hi! I absolutely love the malva and blackberry!! Although they are all sooo beautiful! I am getting ready to make a quilt done in all different types of purples for my nephew and his girlfriend in exchange for two antique Singer treadle sewing machines and these would work perfectly. Thank you for the chance to win! I am so glad that you introduced me to her site!

  80. Yvonne Avatar

    Love the greens, then the reds, all colors are wonderful.
    Love the Pet Quilts as well.

  81. Gene Black Avatar

    The Malva and Blackberrry are probably my favorite,but it was difficult to choose.

  82. Joan Avatar

    Oh I love the blues. Makes me want to get some dye and some PFD fabric and get to work. Would sure be easier if I could win though. grin.

  83. Hildy Schwarz Avatar
    Hildy Schwarz

    They are so beautiful, but I love the blue and turquoise.

  84. mariajose Avatar

    !Que tiernos todos los animalitos!

  85. Darlene Sandoval Avatar
    Darlene Sandoval

    Greetings from Espanola, New Mexico (35 miles from Santa Fe, NM). I live in the Southwestern part of the United States and the Olive Green and Brown with Black bundle colors go with my spanish/native american style patterns. The colors are just beautiful!!

  86. Monique Avatar

    The blue bundle is my favorite.

  87. MissEnota Avatar

    That stack of blues has so much possibility; and I can’t help but love the red/orange bundle as well.

  88. Brenda Howard Avatar
    Brenda Howard

    Oh such pretty fabric and a hard choice but I think I like the red – orange the best.

  89. Sherri D Avatar

    Because I don’t have these colors in my stash, I will go with the subtle Olive green and brown with black! The other colors are luscious as well, but I like stash building. Thank you for having such a fun prize chance!

  90. Sallie Avatar

    Beautiful fabrics! The blue & turquoise is my favorite.

  91. jackie Avatar

    They are all beautiful but the blue/turquoise/green is my favorite. Thanks for this great opportunity. Jackie

  92. Frances Avatar

    Love the blue’s. Beautiful fabric.

  93. Judy Wilmot Avatar
    Judy Wilmot

    I like the green/blue green the best!

  94. barbara corbitt Avatar
    barbara corbitt

    All the quilts are so beautiful. even with four votes it was hard to choose. i wish they could all be winners, they sure deserve it.

  95. Cristina Avatar

    There’s no way: for me, red orange first!

  96. Peggy Avatar

    The blues are my favourite, but it was pretty hard to pick just one.

  97. Sherri Avatar

    The Malva and blackberry are my favorite.

  98. Polly @ Pieces by Polly Avatar

    What pretty fabrics! I think the yellow/yellow-orange bundle is my favorite.

  99. Roberta Johnson Avatar
    Roberta Johnson

    The fabrics are gorgeous. My choice would be the grape & boysenberry. Pet quilt are all adorable.

  100. Dolores Avatar

    I would have to choose blue and turquoise. My all time favourite. They are all delicious colours.

  101. Simone R. Avatar
    Simone R.

    They are all so beautiful, but I would have to pick the red & orange combo as my favorite.

  102. Anya Avatar

    I like the red and orange, but they’re all lovely. Thanks for the chance!

  103. Andree Faubert Avatar

    I loved all of the pet quilts. I guess it shows how important they are to us!
    The fabrics are very lovely. My favourite is the grape and boysenberry – but I’d be happy with any one of them.

  104. Cecelia Avatar

    Love all the quilts and colors….especially like the grape/fusia. thanks

  105. Sada Avatar

    Blue! Always blue! I’ve had a Bird quilt ufo for too many decades as I’m still collecting just the right Blue for my Blue Jays ๐Ÿ™‚

  106. Sara Avatar

    Blue and turquoise

  107. Carol Johnston Avatar
    Carol Johnston

    I’ve got lots of blues and greens, but need the red and orange colors to fill inl

  108. Susan Heffele Avatar
    Susan Heffele

    I love them all. It was really to pick 4 to vote on.

  109. Meghan Heslin Avatar
    Meghan Heslin

    They are all so beautiful, but I’ll have to go with the red and orange as my favorites. Thank you for the chance to win!!! Meghan

  110. Melinda Avatar

    I love the grape and boysenberry, but they’re all gorgeous!

  111. Anne Sidell Avatar

    I love all the colors but I’d have to say greens for my applique work!

  112. Josefina Avatar

    The fabrics are beautiful. I can just imagine using the blue bundle in an applique quilt. Thank you for the chance to win.

  113. Rachel B Avatar

    BLUE!! All colors were cool tho.

  114. rosa Avatar

    They are all luscious color and I`d love choose Blue.Thanks for the chance!

  115. apple blossom Avatar
    apple blossom

    red and oranges

  116. Nancy Owens Avatar
    Nancy Owens

    I love color! So I would be thrilled to win any of these beautiful fabric packs.

    Thanks for sharing your talent with us.

  117. Lori Mahar Avatar

    I’d have to say the red and oranges are my favorite.

  118. Claire Alexander Avatar

    very hard choice, but I narrowed it to blue-and-turquiose.

  119. Shirley Swenson Avatar
    Shirley Swenson

    Sorry, can’t decide. Love them all!

  120. Jessica Avatar

    It’s so hard to choose. I think I like the lime green and dark green the best with Blue coming in a strong second, but they are all so beautiful.

  121. Janice Humphrey Avatar
    Janice Humphrey

    Lime greens and blues. Yummy colors and quilts of love.

  122. Lois Jones Avatar

    They are all gorgeous, but I love the Lime Green & Dark Green bundle the most.

  123. kim putnam Avatar
    kim putnam

    I like the red and oranges

  124. Manuela Sattler Avatar

    What wonderful colors, I love the red and oranges. It’s hard to choose…. Thank you for the chance to get one of these gorgeous fabrics.

  125. Kathy Howard Avatar
    Kathy Howard

    I would have to say the greens, because I seem to be very low on green fabrics.

  126. Abby Breslaw Shipper Avatar
    Abby Breslaw Shipper

    “Krazy Katz” and “Winnie and Tiffany” had animals that reminded me of certain friends’ “lie around” pets.

  127. Christine B. Avatar
    Christine B.

    The malva and blackberry are simply delicious! I miss the lilacs from “up north” and would use these to create a stunning lilac quilt!

  128. Lisa Marie Avatar
    Lisa Marie

    I like the blue & turquoise bundle.

  129. Carol McDowell Avatar
    Carol McDowell

    How gorgeous! The autumn is my fave. You have a great website ๐Ÿ™‚

  130. Angie Martens Avatar

    The pink/peach bundle looks delicious!

  131. Susan Avatar

    Lovely colors! My favorite are the blues. Thanks for the chance to win

  132. Inge Christensen Avatar
    Inge Christensen

    I really like the orange and red bundle, but fell in love with the grape and boysenberry bundle as well… Need them, I guess ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Lovely pet quilts all of them!

  133. Richard Healey Avatar

    They are all fantastic If I had to chose its a tossup between the blue and the grape one.

  134. Pat Avatar

    I voted … although it was very hard to pick just one favorite of these great quilts. It is also hard to pick just one favorite of these wonderful fabric bundles. I shall say the one with the pink and orange. Thanks for hosting Pets on Quilts and for the chance to win … ๐Ÿ™‚ Pat

  135. Brenda Sanderson Avatar
    Brenda Sanderson

    I’ve always like to sew or wear orange and reds combos as they are bright/happy colors so that will be my wish for the fabrics bundle. I also voted which was very hard to do as they were all very interesting.

  136. nancy k Avatar
    nancy k

    Love the yellows and purples!

  137. Cambria Thompson Avatar

    I have a love of all animals. My heart goes out to those who have had to put down beloved pets as I have done recently. As for the bundled fabric I love the blue collection. Thank you to all for sharing their talents and their pets with us.

  138. Cathy C Avatar
    Cathy C

    They are all wonderful colors Grape N Bosenberry would be what I would choose. I am gathering these colors to make a quilt and these would work perfectly with what I have already.

  139. MoeWest Avatar

    I like the blue bundle the best.

  140. Karen H Avatar

    There’s no question – I LOVE the Autumn bundle! Love the pet quilts too and I now feel guilty that I haven’t made one for my best buddy! Another project for my to do list!

  141. Kitty Hart Avatar
    Kitty Hart

    They’re all beautiful! I have to say the blues are my favorite.

  142. Dolores Avatar

    I love the Lime green and Dark green bundle. Thanks for hosting this opportunity.

  143. Heidi Avatar

    Great Colors! Thanks for the Opportunity!

  144. Peggy Starkey Avatar
    Peggy Starkey

    Love the colors of the giveaway fabrics and the quilts with the animals are hard to choose from they are all wonderful!

  145. sandy Avatar

    Such lovely shades of colour. I really like the Autumn mix and then the blue mix…oh heck they are all lovely. Thank you for your generosity.

  146. Denise Avatar

    Great pet quilts to vote for.
    I love the taupes.

  147. Nesta Avatar

    They are all beautiful! I love the Autumn (and all the others too!).

  148. Paule-Marie Avatar

    I would love either the grape and blackberry or the malva (plum) and blackberry. Either one would make me smile if I won them.

  149. Edna Kidd Avatar
    Edna Kidd

    They are all beautiful…I love the Grape, my favorite color..Thanks for the opportunity!!!

  150. Mania Avatar

    Wow!Olive green and brown with black bundle is great! Also Autumn and Lime green & dark green!You said just want one? I can not pick just one ….

  151. Ilse Avatar

    I would have to say I love the greens but any of them I would love to have
    Thanks for the chance to win

  152. Kris Avatar

    Green blue green!

  153. lydia van hulle Avatar
    lydia van hulle

    I would prefere the autumn colours or the yellow orange. Lydia van Hulle, 26 Marsstraat, 2900 Schoten, Belgium, Europe

  154. Betty Baerg Avatar
    Betty Baerg

    I love the reds. When I looked at the website I liked the one that had boysenberry in it!

  155. Patricia Hersl Avatar
    Patricia Hersl

    The reds and pinks all the way!

  156. Phyllis Carlyle Avatar
    Phyllis Carlyle

    All these colors are yummy! I’d be happy with any of them in the green-blue-purple range!

  157. Cindy Avatar

    How truly beautiful!!! Since I do landscape quilts, the blues appeal to me; I see skies and water. But they are all pretty.

  158. Linda P Avatar
    Linda P

    Well, that was pretty tough voting – each quilt was wonderful, and meaningful. I wanted to vote for all of them!! Good luck to all! Love the blue bundle!!

  159. Margene Hill Avatar
    Margene Hill

    Love all the colors but I am partial to the blue bundle. Just love blues!

  160. Jacquelyn Morris-Smith Avatar
    Jacquelyn Morris-Smith

    Gosh I am loving all those beautiful hand dyes….but for me the red and orange are my favorites.

  161. Deb Cline Avatar
    Deb Cline

    I adore the grape and boysenberry – but they are all wonderful!

  162. Gunda Avatar

    Love fall so Fall colors are my favorite
    Hugs Gunda

  163. Elaine Avatar

    Grape, turquoise, boysenberry-all of them are lovely but I lean towards cool colors usually. Thank-you!

  164. CeLynn Avatar

    Although I love fall colors,Green is my all time favorite color ๐Ÿ™‚

  165. Thunder Avatar

    Greens are my favorite. All are gorgeous ๐Ÿ™‚

  166. Donna P. Avatar
    Donna P.

    My favorite color has always been blue and these are beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win.

  167. Tamara Avatar

    I love the blue also a fan of the orange red color pack. So beautiful I love the variations in hand dyed fabrics. Thanks for the chance to create with your fabrics.

  168. Shelly S. Avatar
    Shelly S.

    I also love Olive green and brown with black bundle and the Autumn and Lime green & dark green. I suspect that Mania and I have similar stashes!!!

  169. Danette Avatar

    I would like any of them. Maybe the blue/turquoise.

  170. Kitty Pearl Avatar

    I wish I had hands so I can create such lovely quilts!! At least I can vote with my paws!

  171. Janet Best Avatar
    Janet Best

    Malva and boysenberry is my favorite group. Thanks for the giveaway!

  172. Lorette Terry Avatar
    Lorette Terry

    The Blues! I just LUV blue in any shade, hue or variation. Always see it as a cool, but uplifting, happy colour.

  173. Jo Avatar

    The blues are so beautiful

  174. missmoozie Avatar

    So many beautiful fabrics, love all the pretty colors! Purples are my favorite so I’m picking the Grape and Boysenberry bundle. Thank you for a great giveaway.


  175. Rosemary Miller Avatar
    Rosemary Miller

    blue/turquoise is awesome

  176. Rosemary Miller Avatar
    Rosemary Miller

    I love purples the best and both your grape/boysenberry and your malva/blackberry are just beautiful. All of your color combinations are wonderful.

  177. Sandra Starley Avatar

    Grape and boysenberry. Beautiful colors. Que Lindo

  178. Sandra Starley Avatar

    Grape boysenberry. Beautiful colors. Que Lindo

  179. Rosemary Dempster Avatar

    The red and orange are sumptuous. they remind me of the Spanish countryside. All the colours are beautiful!!

  180. Lizzie Avatar

    Thanks so much for the chance to win these. I have big plans for those gorgeous hand dyes!!

  181. Garilyn Avatar

    Love the turquoise. Lime and dark green are a very close second!

  182. Eileen Keane Avatar
    Eileen Keane

    I loved all the different ways people include pets and animals in their quilts. No better way to remember or to keep them close.
    Thank you to Michele and Quilting Colors for this giveaway.

  183. Vivien Tan Avatar

    Blue bundle is my favourite and I hope to win that! ๐Ÿ™‚

  184. marjeta Avatar

    Lime green and dark green. Thanky your for this Spanish link.

  185. Karen Avatar

    So cute! Love the quilts

  186. JOAN GODFREY Avatar

    i always pick blue…..but then there is the blue with turquoise………..can’t decide. like thm both!!

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