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I love the Orange & Red collection. All of the colors are gorgeous, but that is my favorite.
It was tough to pick a quilt. They are all beautiful. I have a quilt on my “to do” list in memory of my cocker spaniel. ๐
The hand dyed fabrics are ALL beautiful, and it would be difficult to choose only one, but if I must, I would pick red/pink. ๐
I love the “malva and blackberry” dyed fabrics!
I like earth tones. Anything blues/greens/browns
I would love to win the yellow and yellow-orange bundle, its beautiful
Reds would be my choice. I tried to vote on her site, however was not successful in doing it. Love all the colors, but reds won out.
Too many to choose from. I love hot colors so anything in the reds and/or oranges are my favorites.
I love the Reds & Oranges. Beautiful!!!
They’re all gorgeous, but the yellow bundle is my favorite
I like them all, but the blue and turquoise is probably what I would choose.
Such beautiful fabric. My favorite is Blue.
love pink thanks
All the hand-dyed fabric bundles are gorgeous. I would be happy to win any one of them!
I love the red/orange bundle. Thanks
Love the hand dyed fabric such a vibrant range of colors!!
I am loving those heavenly blues.
Such yummy colors! I love the Malva and Blackberry bundle. Thank you for the nice giveaway. ๐
I love the Blues…. Thanks
Some really nice quilts featuring pets this week!
I must say I love the quilt pictures this week! So many cuties! And that blue and turquoise bundle makes me drool like a dog!
I love the Autumn colors group. I can think of many projects I could make with them. Thank you for the chance to win.
Definitely the blue/turquoise bundle is my fave!
ilike the autumn colors best
I’m going with yellow.
Really tough call because each of those colors make me think of what I could do with it. Since I must choose one… I would go with reds and orange so I could make a fall quilt or a baby quilt. But all are beautiful.
Lovely bundles! I especially like the Olive green and Brown bundle.
I love them all, but the blues are my favorites!
The blue and turquoise are my favourite. Thanks for the giveaway!
Love the theme this week. And my favorite fabric bundle is the blue.
The yellow/orange color bundle is my favorite. Thanks.
love the quilts and the green/blue green bundle
Oh the beautiful BLUES and then the PURPLES…..pretty
I love all your colors but my favorite is your Blue and Turqoise bundle Thanks
Such beautiful colours, which makes it hard to pick a favourite, but I think the red/pink would be it.
Wonderful and beautiful colors….
I love the colors of Grape and Boysenberry. Thanks for showing us a new shop.
Wow! Yummy fabrics! All are great! If I have to pick one bundle, I choose blue.
Beautiful quilts and lovely giveaway. I love the blue and turquoise.
Malva and Blackberry is lovely!! Thanks!!
They are all beautiful, my favorite is blues. Thanks.
I just love the color blue. It could be just solids only or even a mixture of different shades of blue. I also enjoy Kona solids. Your giveaway would make a great quilt for yourself or even as a gift. Thank you for the chance to win and yes, I voted.
Sandi Timmons
Gorgeous quilts as usual. So much talent out there. Of the colors that are in the give away my favorite is the green/blue green. On the site I would go with the olive green set. Thanks for the chance to win.
I love the red./oranges. Perfect for a hot summer day.
I like the grape and boysenberry.
(smjohns63 at yahoo dot com)
I like the greens! I had the perfect qult to enter this week, but I’m visiting a friend and she did not have internet connection this week! LOL
The quilts this week are delightful and Alfonsina’s fabric is absolutely gorgeous. The blue/turquoise combination is my favorite.
I love the collection of blues. Your fabrics are awesome! Thanks for donating the prizes.
All the bundles are wonderful. I think I’ll go with the “malva and blackberry” as my favorite. Thanks for the give-away donations.
Great quilts & great giveaway. All the colors are wonderful but I like the blue bundle the best! Thanks for the chance.
I like the green – olive- browns, I do a lot of needle turn applique of plants
I like them all! But since I have to pick, my eye keeps coming back to the lime green and dark green.
Great colours !!
I love all those colors and they would be put to good use.
Charities and such. I look forward to your Newsletter every week.
I forget to add I like the red bundles.
What lovely colors and difficult to choose, but I’m really a pink girl! HOWEVER, I fell in love with the grape and boysenberry lot!
I love your blues…such beautiful shades.
Thank you for your give away!!
I like greens best
There were so many awesome quilts. I had trouble narrowing it down to just a few. That’s much like what fabric would I prefer? I love them all. I have to admit, red is my favorite so I’ll just say the red/orange pack is my preferred pack. Again, thank you for hosting these great contests and give-aways. I love to see all the beautiful quilts.
As always great entries…lots of fun looking through them.
I like the Malva and Blackberry fabric range.
It was very hard to vote for just one quilt. I like the bundle of yellows. Thanks for the chance to win.
They are all beautiful but I think I prefer the bundle containing lime green. Beautiful!
I like the blue and turquoise ones!
Beautiful fabrics! My favorite bundle is the Yellow and yellow-orange.
I like the red/orange! Thanks for the chance to win fabric!
The yellow-orange would be my choice.
I like them all but the yellow and yellow orange bundle really caught my eye.
I would choose malva and blackberry, because I could use them for my Love Entwined quilt I am working on and I use a lot of purple batiks
The blues are real soothing, but I’lll go with Mayva & Blackberry, although I really love them all!
I like the Olive Green and Brown with Black bundle
I love the blue and turquoise bundle, very pretty!
All the sets are beautiful but Malva and blackberry have to be my personal fave!
Blue & Turquoise very easy on the eyes looks like an ocean…
They are all pretty but I’m drawn to the green/blue greens.
The blue bundle is my fav! All are wonderful!
I’m not usually very keen on yellow but I trully like the yellow and yellow-orange bundle.
I love the Blue & Turquoise! Reminds me of the ocean.
The bundle titled Autumn is my favorite although they are all beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win.
Hi! I absolutely love the malva and blackberry!! Although they are all sooo beautiful! I am getting ready to make a quilt done in all different types of purples for my nephew and his girlfriend in exchange for two antique Singer treadle sewing machines and these would work perfectly. Thank you for the chance to win! I am so glad that you introduced me to her site!
Love the greens, then the reds, all colors are wonderful.
Love the Pet Quilts as well.
The Malva and Blackberrry are probably my favorite,but it was difficult to choose.
Oh I love the blues. Makes me want to get some dye and some PFD fabric and get to work. Would sure be easier if I could win though. grin.
They are so beautiful, but I love the blue and turquoise.
!Que tiernos todos los animalitos!
Greetings from Espanola, New Mexico (35 miles from Santa Fe, NM). I live in the Southwestern part of the United States and the Olive Green and Brown with Black bundle colors go with my spanish/native american style patterns. The colors are just beautiful!!
The blue bundle is my favorite.
That stack of blues has so much possibility; and I can’t help but love the red/orange bundle as well.
Oh such pretty fabric and a hard choice but I think I like the red – orange the best.
Because I don’t have these colors in my stash, I will go with the subtle Olive green and brown with black! The other colors are luscious as well, but I like stash building. Thank you for having such a fun prize chance!
Beautiful fabrics! The blue & turquoise is my favorite.
They are all beautiful but the blue/turquoise/green is my favorite. Thanks for this great opportunity. Jackie
Love the blue’s. Beautiful fabric.
I like the green/blue green the best!
All the quilts are so beautiful. even with four votes it was hard to choose. i wish they could all be winners, they sure deserve it. babscorbitt@gmail.com
There’s no way: for me, red orange first!
The blues are my favourite, but it was pretty hard to pick just one.
The Malva and blackberry are my favorite.
What pretty fabrics! I think the yellow/yellow-orange bundle is my favorite.
The fabrics are gorgeous. My choice would be the grape & boysenberry. Pet quilt are all adorable.
I would have to choose blue and turquoise. My all time favourite. They are all delicious colours.
They are all so beautiful, but I would have to pick the red & orange combo as my favorite.
I like the red and orange, but they’re all lovely. Thanks for the chance!
I loved all of the pet quilts. I guess it shows how important they are to us!
The fabrics are very lovely. My favourite is the grape and boysenberry – but I’d be happy with any one of them.
Love all the quilts and colors….especially like the grape/fusia. thanks
Blue! Always blue! I’ve had a Bird quilt ufo for too many decades as I’m still collecting just the right Blue for my Blue Jays ๐
Blue and turquoise
I’ve got lots of blues and greens, but need the red and orange colors to fill inl
I love them all. It was really to pick 4 to vote on.
They are all so beautiful, but I’ll have to go with the red and orange as my favorites. Thank you for the chance to win!!! Meghan
I love the grape and boysenberry, but they’re all gorgeous!
I love all the colors but I’d have to say greens for my applique work!
The fabrics are beautiful. I can just imagine using the blue bundle in an applique quilt. Thank you for the chance to win.
BLUE!! All colors were cool tho.
They are all luscious color and I`d love choose Blue.Thanks for the chance!
red and oranges
I love color! So I would be thrilled to win any of these beautiful fabric packs.
Thanks for sharing your talent with us.
I’d have to say the red and oranges are my favorite.
very hard choice, but I narrowed it to blue-and-turquiose.
Sorry, can’t decide. Love them all!
It’s so hard to choose. I think I like the lime green and dark green the best with Blue coming in a strong second, but they are all so beautiful.
Lime greens and blues. Yummy colors and quilts of love.
They are all gorgeous, but I love the Lime Green & Dark Green bundle the most.
I like the red and oranges
What wonderful colors, I love the red and oranges. It’s hard to choose…. Thank you for the chance to get one of these gorgeous fabrics.
I would have to say the greens, because I seem to be very low on green fabrics.
“Krazy Katz” and “Winnie and Tiffany” had animals that reminded me of certain friends’ “lie around” pets.
The malva and blackberry are simply delicious! I miss the lilacs from “up north” and would use these to create a stunning lilac quilt!
I like the blue & turquoise bundle.
How gorgeous! The autumn is my fave. You have a great website ๐
The pink/peach bundle looks delicious!
Lovely colors! My favorite are the blues. Thanks for the chance to win
I really like the orange and red bundle, but fell in love with the grape and boysenberry bundle as well… Need them, I guess ๐
Lovely pet quilts all of them!
They are all fantastic If I had to chose its a tossup between the blue and the grape one.
I voted … although it was very hard to pick just one favorite of these great quilts. It is also hard to pick just one favorite of these wonderful fabric bundles. I shall say the one with the pink and orange. Thanks for hosting Pets on Quilts and for the chance to win … ๐ Pat
I’ve always like to sew or wear orange and reds combos as they are bright/happy colors so that will be my wish for the fabrics bundle. I also voted which was very hard to do as they were all very interesting.
Love the yellows and purples!
I have a love of all animals. My heart goes out to those who have had to put down beloved pets as I have done recently. As for the bundled fabric I love the blue collection. Thank you to all for sharing their talents and their pets with us.
They are all wonderful colors Grape N Bosenberry would be what I would choose. I am gathering these colors to make a quilt and these would work perfectly with what I have already.
I like the blue bundle the best.
There’s no question – I LOVE the Autumn bundle! Love the pet quilts too and I now feel guilty that I haven’t made one for my best buddy! Another project for my to do list!
They’re all beautiful! I have to say the blues are my favorite.
I love the Lime green and Dark green bundle. Thanks for hosting this opportunity.
Great Colors! Thanks for the Opportunity!
Love the colors of the giveaway fabrics and the quilts with the animals are hard to choose from they are all wonderful!
Such lovely shades of colour. I really like the Autumn mix and then the blue mix…oh heck they are all lovely. Thank you for your generosity.
Great pet quilts to vote for.
I love the taupes.
They are all beautiful! I love the Autumn (and all the others too!).
I would love either the grape and blackberry or the malva (plum) and blackberry. Either one would make me smile if I won them.
They are all beautiful…I love the Grape, my favorite color..Thanks for the opportunity!!!
Wow!Olive green and brown with black bundle is great! Also Autumn and Lime green & dark green!You said just want one? I can not pick just one ….
I would have to say I love the greens but any of them I would love to have
Thanks for the chance to win
Green blue green!
I would prefere the autumn colours or the yellow orange. Lydia van Hulle, 26 Marsstraat, 2900 Schoten, Belgium, Europe
I love the reds. When I looked at the website I liked the one that had boysenberry in it!
The reds and pinks all the way!
All these colors are yummy! I’d be happy with any of them in the green-blue-purple range!
How truly beautiful!!! Since I do landscape quilts, the blues appeal to me; I see skies and water. But they are all pretty.
Well, that was pretty tough voting – each quilt was wonderful, and meaningful. I wanted to vote for all of them!! Good luck to all! Love the blue bundle!!
Love all the colors but I am partial to the blue bundle. Just love blues!
Gosh I am loving all those beautiful hand dyes….but for me the red and orange are my favorites.
I adore the grape and boysenberry – but they are all wonderful!
Love fall so Fall colors are my favorite
Hugs Gunda
Grape, turquoise, boysenberry-all of them are lovely but I lean towards cool colors usually. Thank-you!
Although I love fall colors,Green is my all time favorite color ๐
Greens are my favorite. All are gorgeous ๐
My favorite color has always been blue and these are beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win.
I love the blue also a fan of the orange red color pack. So beautiful I love the variations in hand dyed fabrics. Thanks for the chance to create with your fabrics.
I also love Olive green and brown with black bundle and the Autumn and Lime green & dark green. I suspect that Mania and I have similar stashes!!!
I would like any of them. Maybe the blue/turquoise.
I wish I had hands so I can create such lovely quilts!! At least I can vote with my paws!
Malva and boysenberry is my favorite group. Thanks for the giveaway!
The Blues! I just LUV blue in any shade, hue or variation. Always see it as a cool, but uplifting, happy colour.
The blues are so beautiful
So many beautiful fabrics, love all the pretty colors! Purples are my favorite so I’m picking the Grape and Boysenberry bundle. Thank you for a great giveaway.
blue/turquoise is awesome
I love purples the best and both your grape/boysenberry and your malva/blackberry are just beautiful. All of your color combinations are wonderful.
Grape and boysenberry. Beautiful colors. Que Lindo
Grape boysenberry. Beautiful colors. Que Lindo
The red and orange are sumptuous. they remind me of the Spanish countryside. All the colours are beautiful!!
Thanks so much for the chance to win these. I have big plans for those gorgeous hand dyes!!
Love the turquoise. Lime and dark green are a very close second!
I loved all the different ways people include pets and animals in their quilts. No better way to remember or to keep them close.
Thank you to Michele and Quilting Colors for this giveaway.
Blue bundle is my favourite and I hope to win that! ๐
Lime green and dark green. Thanky your for this Spanish link.
So cute! Love the quilts
i always pick blue…..but then there is the blue with turquoise………..can’t decide. like thm both!!
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