Patriotic Quilts

Quick stats:

  • Total submissions: 13
  • Total countries: 2
  • Total provinces: 1
  • Total states: 10

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Brave American Warrior Brave American Warrior
By: Sheryl, Missouri, USA

Our country is great because we have people who are willing to sacrifice to defend it. I felt strongly that I should make a patriotic quilt for the Quilts of Valor organization to give to a wounded soldier. I wanted to say “Thank you” in my own way.

Quilt size: width: 57" height: 65"

Emma's Hope Emma’s Hope
By: Sandi Andersen, Minnesota, USA

This was a fundraising quilt for Emma who was diagosed with DIPG, a rare brain cancer. Her Grandma Connie asked if my blog readers might donate blocks … and they did with all the lovely blocks you see here! The buyer gave it to Emma’s family. 🙂 I’m making a similar one in memory of my dad.

Quilt size: width: 80" height: 106"

Firecracker Bomb Pop Firecracker Bomb Pop
By: Jen, Wisconsin, USA

I bought a Candy Bar (2-1/2″ Strips) named Fire Cracker Bomb Pop & was inspired to make a patriotic quilt. It had been years since I made a patriotic quilt for myself – the last one was adopted by my Grandmother and who was I to say no!!

Quilt size: width: 70" height: 90"

Freedom and Flip Flops Freedom and Flip Flops
By: Tena Worthy, Texas, USA

Summertime means freedom from regular schedules and wearing flip flops every day. It also means being reminded to share your patriotism with others and being thankful for our freedom.

Quilt size: width: 19" height: 22"

Hero's Knot Hero’s Knot
By: Debbie Clarke, South Carolina, USA

This was made for my guild’s Red White and Blue challenge. I was inspired to use the celtic knot pattern from a photo of the knotted cord on my husband’s dress uniform from long ago. I created a special photo label to feature the photo of him and also of my Dad who served in WWII.

Quilt size: width: 54" height: 54"

Independence Day Independence Day
By: Vanessa W., Florida, USA

I designed and created this July 4th wall hanging for a course I taught last year. It was made using a simple fusible applique technique and fourth of July themed fabrics.

Quilt size: width: 24″" height: 36″"

Mary's Stars and Stripes Mary’s Stars and Stripes
By: The Crafty Unicorn Quilting, Maine, USA

My good friend Mary and I worked on this together. She did a great job piecing it and all the fabric came from her stash! I did the quilting.

Quilt size: width: 70" height: 70"

O Canada O Canada
By: Michelle Lovatt, Manitoba, Canada

This wall hanging has everything that stands for Canada. Our Royal Mounties, lots of evergreen forests and the red maple leafs.

I picked this pattern up when I was in Jasper National Park, Alberta in 2002 and finished it in 2008.

It makes me smile.

Quilt size: width: 27" height: 34"

QOV-Liberty Star QOV-Liberty Star
By: Sharon Vrooman, New York, USA

I made this to hang while my nephew was on both his tours of duty in Iraq; as a reminder of our troops’ heroism and for his safe return home. The back has his photo fabric framed with dates of his tours. Now it is used on those special holidays and events.

Quilt size: width: 14" height: 18"

Red, White, Blue Red, White, Blue
By: rubia, Virginia, USA

I’m a novice quilter who joined a Red/White/Blue block exchange. My blocks were measuring smaller than the required size, so I didn’t submit them for the exchange and kept them. In the end, I started randomly matching up my half square triangles to make a completely haphazard design.

Quilt size: width: 84" height: 84"

Redwork Americana Redwork Americana
By: Jennifer Helms, North Carolina, USA

I love redwork and having served in the military for 6 years in my younger years I am also very patriotic. I understand and appreciate the sacrificies military and others make for our country.

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 45"

Round Robin Star Round Robin Star
By: Mary in MO, Missouri, USA

This is a round robin project done last summer with the help of family and friends. I made the Martha Washington Star center, the others provided the borders.
It hangs in my kitchen and gives me joy.

Quilt size: width: 28" height: 28"

Where's the Point - Fireworks Quilt Where’s the Point – Fireworks Quilt
By: KimsCraftyApple, Wisconsin, USA

This quilt is patriotic to me because it represents my favorite part of the Fourth of July – the Fireworks!

A combination of fun firework fabric and a great point-less star pattern makes this fun, bright, cheerful and festive! Great for the fourth!

Quilt size: width: 41" height: 41"

One response to “Patriotic Quilts”

  1. janet Avatar

    Great quilts, everyone!! Again, it’s a real challenge to choose a winner.

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