Patriotic Quilts

Quick stats:

  • Total submissions: 26
  • Total countries: 4
  • Total provinces: 3
  • Total states: 13

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American Mustang: Proud, Iconic, Legendary. American Mustang: Proud, Iconic, Legendary.
By: Judy MacLeod,
Ontario, Canada

For me, nothing is more patriotic than the American Mustang, who helped settle and build America. As a Canadian living in the US it was a great pleasure to be allowed to adopt and work with these magnificent animals. This is Jake, my husband’s Mustang represented in fabric. Not quite finished.

Quilt size: width: 14" height: 10"

American Stars American Stars
By: Nanbon44,
Florida, USA

Patroitic theme CCS squares were stitched by World of Charity Stitching members. I used EQ 7, Accuquilt Cutter, standard and longarm sewing machines in the making of the American Stars quilt. The American Stars quilt was donated to a senior at a nursing home.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 48"

Big Brothers / Little Sisters Big Brothers / Little Sisters
By: Karen G.,
Illinois, USA

Made for our local chapter of Project Linus from ‘Incredible Quilts for Kids of all Ages’.

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 60"

Country Of origin Country Of origin
By: SR,

My quilt depicts india depicting the wonder of the world Tajmahal from India,national symbols of India , and the Indian flag.
Techniques are-Photo printing,thred painting, needle sketching,fabric painting and machine quilting and piecing.

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 12"

Eagle door hanger Eagle door hanger
By: Loretta T,
Nebraska, USA

I entered a secret Santa exchange and needed something I could make in a hurry. I choose a patriotic design and decided to make a wall/door size. I wanted to use the stripe fabric to frame the center star and add the hand embroidery eagle as a centerpiece.

Quilt size: width: 18" height: 18"

Enduring Freedom Enduring Freedom
By: Valerie,
Texas, USA

The blocks were made over a period of years around 2004/05. Part of them were from an online pattern by Marcia Hahn @ The Quilter’s Cache. My husband was deployed to Afghanistan in 2011 which prompted me to finally do something with the blocks. He loves his quilt and used it daily for a year!

Quilt size: width: 58" height: 84"

For Jeda For Jeda
By: Jen85755,
Arizona, USA

I quilted this for my grandparents, the most patriotic people I know. My grandfather is a WWII veteran, a group of proud Americans whose numbers diminish every day. He has Alzheimer’s and some days may not remember that I made the quilt for him, but it can still comfort him when I cannot.

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 70"

Lady Liberty Dressed Up in Her Finest Red White and Blue Lady Liberty Dressed Up in Her Finest Red White and Blue
By: Bluesbroad,
Tennessee, USA

The theme of our guild challenge was: “Happiness Is…” This was my submission — I love paper piecing, I love this block, but most of all, I love the United States of America!

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 43.5"

Log Cabin Star Log Cabin Star
By: Nancy Rogers,
Massachusetts, USA

This quilt was made for Quilts of Valor and was given to a young soldier in South Carolina who lost a leg in Iraq after being there only 6 months. It is a traditional log cabin block.

Quilt size: width: 58" height: 82"

Long May She Wave Long May She Wave
By: Amy Johnson,
Georgia, USA

This is my second attempt at borgello quilting, I added the black and the border just to beef it up. All done at home on my standard machine.

Quilt size: width: 41" height: 37"

Long May She Weave Long May She Weave
By: Emily Breclaw,
Texas, USA

I designed this table top quilt with the Inklingo Periwinkle Octagon Collection and Electric Quilt. The pattern is available as a free tutorial on my blog. Even though the shapes are small, I had lots of fun hand-piecing this quilt and watching the stars spin.

Quilt size: width: 13" height: 13"

Lotus...National flower of India Lotus…National flower of India
By: Ranju Gandhi,

Art quilt
Velvet and cotton fabric with embellishments

Quilt size: width: 15" height: 18"

Memorial Day Mistake Memorial Day Mistake
By: Rita E in AZ,
Arizona, USA

I cut the pieces to make Judy Laquidara’s 2010 Memorial Day Challenge main blocks but then I put them together wrong. I chose a different alternate block and a simple border to finish My Memorial Day Mistake. Judy’s blog is Patchwork Times – she posted a picture of the quilt on 05/30/2010.

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 80"

Norm's Memories Norm’s Memories
By: Kaaren Biggs,
Ontario, Canada

My husband Norm joined the Canadian Army at the age of 15 and became a paratrooper with the Princess Patricia Canadian Light Infantry. When I saw this pattern designed by a Dutch lady, I knew I had to make it for his 75th birthday! He was totally surprised and loves it!

Quilt size: width: 17" height: 20"

O Canada O Canada
By: Heather Pearson,
Ontario, Canada

I finished this wall hanging with a day to spare. it is from a local shop hop and was designed by The Quilt Place in Shakespeare, Ontario. I used patterns by Leah Day to do an all over quilt design, I am thrilled to have it hanging in my home.

Quilt size: width: 10" height: 28"

Oh Canada - Strong and Free Oh Canada – Strong and Free
By: Heather Seibel,
Alberta, Canada

Made from a pattern ‘Maple Leaf Reel’ by Upper Canada Quiltworks. Created to be donated to Quilts of Valour Canada. I forced myself to only use stash fabrics to accompany two of the Northcott Stonehenge
‘O Canada’ maple leaf fabrics, and loved the results.

Quilt size: width: 61" height: 61"

Old Fashioned Red, White & Blue Old Fashioned Red, White & Blue
By: Vicki Cook,
Connecticut, USA

All hand sewn paper pieced hexagons. The small ones in the flag are 3/4 inch & the larger are 1 1/2 inch. These are Marcus Bros fabrics mostly from the Mill Girls collection.

Quilt size: width: 58" height: 72"

Old World Stars & Stripes Old World Stars & Stripes
By: Elita Sharpe,

This baby quilt was made as a gift for an American friend who was moving to Singapore. She had recently had a new baby and I wanted him to have a little symbol of his heritage as they travelled the globe.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"

Papa Vernies Papa Vernies
By: Rita,
Missouri, USA

My husbands stepdad was recently diagnosed with cancer and has moved to the VA hospital. I made him this to keep him warm and safe. Wish you could see the back I quilted it together stitching stars all over it. 🙂

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 65"

Patriotic Block Swap Patriotic Block Swap
By: Pamela Arbour,
Texas, USA

The blocks in this quilt were from a swap. I had the blocks for several years before I added the center square and the borders. This is one of my first FMQ and I quilted a meander design with stars. I finished it on July 3, 2011.

Quilt size: width: 39" height: 39"

Sisters 50th Birthday Quilt Sisters 50th Birthday Quilt
By: Julianne,
California, USA

My Sister Junette is a very patriotic person. She asked for this quilt a few years back and I finally finished it for her surprise 50th bday party at the VFW she belongs to. She really loves it and takes it everywhere…

Quilt size: width: 68" height: 54"

Stars and Stripes Kaleidoscope Stars and Stripes Kaleidoscope
By: Debbie Lange Quilting,
Indiana, USA

The stars for this quilt were made using one striped fabric and carefully cut diamond shapes along different sections of the fabric. When stitched together it forms a kaleidoscope. The fabric was used for the binding also. It is fun to display on our front door from Memorial Day to 4th of July.

Quilt size: width: 47" height: 47"

Stars Galore Stars Galore
By: Sally Murray,
Arizona, USA

My quilt design based on Quilt in a Day’s block
“Americana Star” from Quilt Blocks on American Barns. (It made it into the book!)

Quilt size: width: 72" height: 84"

The Eagle Has Landed The Eagle Has Landed
By: Sally Gould Wright,
California, USA

The machine applique eagle is from a kit by Karen Witt purchased at IQF Houston. I added my own small double sawtooth stars stars from a great class with Sally Collins.

Quilt size: width: 28" height: 44"

The True North The True North
By: Gidget Lowther,
Saskatchewan, Canada

I wanted to make a quilt with the canadian flag featured on it. I also added my cat who is my quilting buddy.

Quilt size: width: 64.0" height: 92.0"

US Flag US Flag
By: Tabatha Gray,
Maine, USA

I made this flag to hang in the office where I work. This was my first attempt at half square triangles and is made almost entirely of them! It was quilted it on my home machine.

Quilt size: width: 44" height: 30"

48 responses to “Patriotic Quilts”

  1. Karen Hockwater Avatar
    Karen Hockwater

    I have started making tree skirts for the family and a few friends…I just love cookbooks also…besides collecting quilting books, I have a large collection of cookbooks…they are two of my favorite things to collect…

  2. Diana Avatar

    Love all the flavors of patriotism together!

  3. Joyce Mitchell Avatar
    Joyce Mitchell

    I’m making a throw quilt out of Christmas fabrics for one of my sisters. Thanks.

  4. Diane wood Avatar
    Diane wood

    Loved the contest. One day I want to make a patriotic quilt for my father.

  5. Laura Harvey Avatar

    Have started to make small bags to have when I need that quick gift around the holidays. Have a few quilts ready to go to the quilter that may become Christmas presents, have to wait and see.

  6. Deb Avatar

    No, I haven’t started yet!!! But I have a Christmas quilt for myself on my list!

  7. Valerie Wagner Avatar

    No I have not started Christmas quilty things and the way things go…. it will be December before we know it. I have things from last year that did not get completed!

  8. DebV Avatar

    These are all beautiful. Very hard to choose only 3. I have started Christmas by making 2 paper pieced quilts following the Dr Who QAL that Whims & Fancies and Trillium Designs are co-hosting.

  9. Lise Avatar

    I have started a Christmas quilt for one of my twin grandson, the other will follow, so colorful 🙂

  10. Gunda Avatar

    omgggggggggggg did’t start anything for christmas yet…………I know there are only 5 months left *sigh*

  11. Teresa Avatar

    I haven’t started a new Christmas quilt yet, but I hope I can finish the one I started last year! It’s a nine-patch, my first quilt.

  12. Rina Mason Avatar
    Rina Mason

    I’m working on a t-shirt quilt as a surprise for my niece for Christmas and getting ready to make myself a Christmas Dresden quilt.

  13. Tammy Pettus Avatar
    Tammy Pettus

    No I have not started a Christmas quilt.

  14. Julie A. Avatar
    Julie A.

    I have to just do the quilting on a bed quilt I made for my 96 yo grandma but that is it so far.

  15. Sandi Avatar

    I have started them because I have not finished what I started last year. LOL! I do Christmas all year round. 🙂

  16. Marjorie Nath Avatar
    Marjorie Nath

    I’m a big time procrastinator when it comes to Christmas Quilts. Only can use for a couple of months, I don’t like the pressure of a deadline etc. Maybe I can find a mini quilt pattern for Christmas. I might be able to get something like that done in time for this years or maybe next year.

  17. Sara Avatar

    Oh, no have not even begun.

    Nhsarab at yahoo dot com

  18. Karin Avatar

    Oh my gosh yes, I’m so slow on my own stuff it takes me a couple of years to get a quilt done! I have made the grandkids’ summer clothes & pillow cases, but the quilts are just UFO’s right now..more U than F, for sure!

    I did get a couple of snowmen wallhangings made – I’m gonna trade the piecing for equal amount of quilting – win/win, wouldn’t you say?

  19. barbara woods Avatar
    barbara woods

    got my fabric but looking for a pattern

  20. Rita J. McCart Avatar

    No. haven’t started any yet, I’ve got the fabric for a couple just can’t decide what pattern to use. Thank you for the great giveaways. 🙂

  21. Kath Avatar

    No no Christmas sewing, just finished a Patriotic flag for July.

  22. Hanke Avatar

    No Christmas quilt, lots of other quilting 😉

  23. Carol Avatar

    I plan to start Christmas projects next week. I plan to make a spiral table runner and then some napkins for the Christmas placemats I made earlier this year.

  24. Heather Avatar

    I’ve gotten as far as buying one pattern and downloading two others. Also have a tree skirt pattern that I want to crochet.

  25. jane d Avatar
    jane d

    I haven’t started anything yet–getting my craft/sewing room organized so I can find everything I need!

  26. Joy Avatar

    I have stitched 3 ornaments and contributed some card designs for World of Charity Stitching. I have ambitions of doing a large piece for my husband for Christmas, but I haven’t decided which one yet.

  27. Cathy C Avatar
    Cathy C

    Was tough to pick out this time. I had to go through the pictures twice before I could make up my ming.

    Re: Christmas. I have 3 rail fence quilts I need to get cut out, I have the fabric all picked just haven’t had the time to cut. Plus working on a cross stitch table runner.

  28. Jan Avatar

    Love the patriotic quilts! I wish I’d make one myself!

  29. Joyce Avatar

    great quilts!

    working on friendship quilt for now

  30. Gale Avatar

    I started right after Christmas working on “Apple Crisp” using all the Christmas fabrics I had in my stash. This was a quilt from an October 2010 magazine designed by Jangaller. I have also made two “Bear Paw Christmas” quilts for myself and our daughters MIL. Love having quilty things to give as gifts.

  31. Pam Avatar

    I just finished two baby quilts and am working on a red. white, and blue quilt – a little late for Independence Day!

  32. Paule-Marie Avatar

    No, haven’t started anything at all for Christmas. We have been too busy packing moving and unpacking. Maybe next year.

  33. Jen Avatar

    Norm’s Memories with the paratrooper – I’d use all three votes on that one if I could! Lovely!!

    As for Christmas, I have fabric in hand but haven’t decided on a pattern yet. I am scouring the internet looking for inspiration!

  34. Brita Avatar

    Yes, I’ve made a Christmas quilt. It’s Christmas colors, but not theme specific, so it can be used year round. Just can’t decide who it will be given to!

  35. Erin Avatar

    When I look at The Old Fashioned: Red, White, and Blue, love just comes to mind, it looks like a lot of love and time went into creating such a beautiful quilt.

  36. sew surprising Avatar
    sew surprising

    Does pulling out Christmas fabric count 😉 The easy part is finding the fabric, hard part is deciding on a pattern 🙂

  37. Judy Avatar

    I have not started any Christmas quilts yet.

  38. Erica Avatar

    I LOVE Christmas, I try to make one every year, but alas I haven’t started this year’s one yet as we have been packing and moving!

  39. Vi Avatar

    Sorry to say…no way! I am in the midst of doing home improvement projects. Maybe starting in October.

  40. Judy Stone Avatar
    Judy Stone

    Whew, Christmas? NO!! I’m trying to catch up on my must-do summer projects!! Wish I was caught up as I would love to do a Christmas project (to cool me off!)

  41. Joni Keskey Avatar
    Joni Keskey

    The creativity of the patriotic quilts is impressive.
    I’m working on 3 snowmen quilts, one for each of my daughters and myself. Started them last year. Hope to finish them in time for Xmas.

  42. Carline Anthony Avatar
    Carline Anthony

    I still haven’t recovered from LAST Christmas. I need to finish things that I started, but there are so many projects to make, I can’t decide. I think I have senior ADHD. You’d think so too if you followed me around for a day. I am working on baby quilts now, then a nice throw for my daughter-in-love

  43. Sandra Visser Avatar
    Sandra Visser

    Not making gifts this year. Spent too many weeks unable to do any work.

  44. Lori Avatar

    Have started fabric bowls. Think I need 24 of them….or 24sets. Will depend on time. I also have a wedding quilt to finish in the same time line. Plus keep up 2 bom. Busy times

  45. Rosalea Wright Avatar
    Rosalea Wright

    Want to get a diamond log cabin tree skirt finished before I start another Christmas project. I love all the patriotic quilts and have voted for three…but it was difficult to choose only three!

  46. Susan Avatar

    No, I haven’t started any Christmas projects.

  47. mariajose Avatar

    !!Preciosos quilts!

  48. LINDA Avatar


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