I’m very excited to participate in Pat Sloan’s The Edge Blog Hop this coming week. My day is Saturday, October 2nd and I’ll be sharing a family-favourite cookie recipe and a short story of one of my first quilts.
Have you heard about the new The Edge rulers from Sullivan’s? It sharpens your rotary cutting blade with every cut… awesome idea! Additional features include:
- Full see-through NON SKID frosting keeps the ruler from sliding and makes it light enough to see your fabric through it.
- Unique red grid system to highlight the 1/2″ marking, using both lines to square up blocks or to cut squares effortlessly.
- Diagonal with dots large enough to see for fabric positioning.
- Large numbers for easy visibility that never blend into the fabric.
- Very light 1/8″ markings do not distract when using the most common 1/4″ markings.
The rulers come in 10 different sizes. I have the 8 1/2″ x 4 1/2″ size (I can’t belive how useful this size is!) and the 16 1/2″ square. I love the frosted non-skid backing and the lines on these rulers are soooooo easy to see.
There are 14 bloggers participating in the hop and a fabulous give-away too. One lucky winner will receive all 10 of Sulivan Edge Rulers… WOW!!! All you have to do to enter, is leave a comment on each of the blogs participating in the hop on their given day. (Don’t leave one here today for me, come back on Saturday and leave a comment on that post to be eligible.)
Here’s the blog hop line-up:
Mon. Sept. 27
- Pat Sloan – http://patsloan.typepad.com/
- Kelly – http://ihaveanotion.blogspot.com/
Tues. Sept. 28
- Amy – http://amyscreativeside.com/
- Jackie – http://cvquiltworks.blogspot.com/
Wed. Sept. 29
- Julie – http://www.jaybirdquilts.com/
- Amanda – http://crazymomquilts.blogspot.com/
Thur. Sept. 30
- Monica – http://www.thehappyzombie.com/blog/
- Amy – http://mrsschmenkmanquilts.wordpress.com/
- Pam – http://pamkittymorning.blogspot.com/
Fri. Oct. 1
- Carrie – http://lavieenrosie.typepad.com/lavieenrosie/
- Polly and Laurie – http://minickandsimpson.blogspot.com/
- Cheryl – http://naptimequilter.blogspot.com/
Sat. Oct. 2
- ME! – http://quiltinggallery.com/
- Pat Sloan’s wrap up – http://www.patsloan.typepad.com/
Have fun touring the blogs this week. Don’t forget to leave a comment on each one, each day to be eligible for the fabulous give-away. See you Saturday here for my special day!!
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