Focus on the Center

I’m thrilled to be participating in Pat Sloan’s Focus on the Center Book Tour. There are 10 quilters participating in the tour this week and we each have two copies of Focus on the Center to give-away to our lucky readers. See below to enter my give-away and for the links to the other participants.

Plus, visit Pat’s blog as she’s asked each of us some fun questions and her publisher’s blog too:

Focus on the Center features seven medallion-style quilts. Confession, I have never made a medallion-style quilt before, but I’m really tempted by this one called Lucky Charms:

Lucky Charms

I just adore the scrappy-ness of this quilt and the unique on-point borders around the center appliqué followed by rectangular borders. There’s lots of interest in this quilt! It finishes at 61″ square, but you could easily make it larger or smaller by adding more borders or removing some. I also love that it has flying geese .. I really need a quilt with lots of flying geese for myself.

I’m not really big on making Christmas quilts that only get enjoyed for a month, so I would do the alternate center that’s included in the book for this quilt, here it is:


For the center appliqué, I’d use solid white and then scraps of my other fabrics. I’ll also continue the white into the large half square triangles/flying geese units around the appliqué. Here are my fabrics:




The colourful fat quarters and yardage prints are Treasures and Tidbits by Piece O’ Cake Designs for Robert Kaufman fabrics. The black and white prints are a fat quarter bundle put together by Jodie of Fort Worth Fabric Studio.

The red yardage will be used similar to how Pat used red in her sample: inner thin border and triangles around the white appliqué, for the wider border around the entire on-point layout and for the binding.

For the green used in the sample, i.e. the setting triangles in the center and for the flying geese sky units, I’ll use the black and white prints. I’ll alternate between black on white vs. white on black prints for the flying geese sky units. It’ll still be very scrappy, but the black and white will add some calm to the wild colours in the prints… I think! The prints will be used for the flying geese body units, the two scrappy outer borders and the rectangles inside the on-point layout.

Can you picture it?? I really wish I had time right now to start something new as this quilt is calling me! Maybe later in the summer.

See that fabulous yellow flowered print beside the red one above, well I have a few yards of it and there will be enough fabrics left over from the above quilt to make a coordinating one.

I love this one from the book, Antique Mist, and would use that flowered print in place of the large blue aqua flower print that Pat used for the middle border. Black and white prints would replace the pinks and the coloured fabrics would be used in place of the off whites. Not sure if I’ll have quite enough red yardage for the pink striped borders, but if not, a solid from my stash would work well too. This medallion quilt finishes at 57″ square.

Antique Mist

One of the things I love about Pat’s book, is that she’s included quick piecing methods such as making four flying geese units from squares of fabric.


I find when I’m browsing new books at the local quilt shop, I’m disappointed when I see authors not using the quicker methods we’ve all come to love from quilting tutorials from our blogging friends. Please tell me I’m not alone in this!


I have two copies of Pat’s Focus on the Center book to give-away. Leave a comment below answering:

Have you ever made a medallion-style quilt? If so, how many rounds did it have? If not, are you encouraged to do one now after seeing a few from Pat’s book?

Winners will be randomly chosen on May 7th.

Be sure to visit the other quilts in the tour too and enter their give-aways:


249 responses to “Pat Sloan’s: Focus on the Center Blog Tour”

  1. Sheila Avatar

    I have been planning a medallion quilt for some time. I have been collecting fabrics from the Paula Barnes range Greystone and others that play nicely. Pats book might just be what i need to begin.

  2. Teresa F. Avatar

    I have never made a medallion quilt but after seeing so many wonderful quilts I think I’m gonna try. Specially if I win that great book.

  3. Margi Borck Avatar

    I have always adored medallion quilts but have never ventured into making one. With Pat’s book, I may just have to revisit that adventure!

  4. Becky Avatar

    You picked the same quilts that I chose on Bonnie’s blog to do! I have done a medallion quilt years ago..think it had 7 reds and blacks with touches of purples. Loved it and like the looks of pats book.

  5. Dale M Avatar
    Dale M

    I have not made a medallion style quilt. But after seeing this book I may just have to try it with an orphan applique block I have sitting around. I love seeing that Pat’s book has the quick piecing tricks in it. That’s a great plus.

  6. Leo Avatar

    I have never done one … but I have been playing with the thought for some time – I just need the right “push” to actually do it. So the book could do the trick.

  7. Lisa Marie Avatar
    Lisa Marie

    I’ve made a bunch of medallion-type quilts. Usually I’ll have a large center block that might be applique or a complicated paper pieced block. Then I’ll surround it with pieced blocks. I don’t know that it has “rounds” but it does feature a block in the center. It’s a great way to use a block that takes a long time to make and you only want to make one!

  8. Din Milem Avatar
    Din Milem

    I have made several and I enjoy working from the ‘center out’. Would enjoy this book, too, I’m sure!

  9. Joyce Mitchell Avatar
    Joyce Mitchell

    I’ve made one medallion style quilt. It was for a border workshop & had 3 rounds. Thanks for the chance to win this great new book.

  10. Sue Avatar

    I have always loved medallion quilts, but have been intimidated by them. But it is definitely on my bucket list to make one- someday!

  11. miss jamee Avatar
    miss jamee

    Bonnie sent me! I also love Pats Antique Mist pattern…I must have the book, I have never seen that flying goose shortcut! genious! I will be subscribing to your blog, cant wait to see more

  12. Brenda Avatar

    I have never made a medallion quilt.I would be willing to give it a try 🙂

  13. Deb AShworth Avatar
    Deb AShworth

    I have never made a medallion quilt, but now I am definitely going to try one. The patterns in this book are beautiful.

  14. Shirley in Canada Avatar
    Shirley in Canada

    Medallion style quilt… No. But I have made Lucky charms minus the Flying geese part. I can really see this as a bigger quilt and totally scrappy! Just might have to do it again when I win one of her books 😉 Thank you for the giveaway!

  15. Karen Miller Avatar

    Here’s the thing (giggle), I have my first ever needle turn piece that would make a wonderful medallion center…. I think this book is my answer to that ! Definitely inspired to finish that piece now !

    Thanks for sharing.

  16. SuzK Avatar

    I’ve only done one medallion style quilt, as part of a round robin. Pat’s quilts are really interesting and I could see trying one or two or three of them!

  17. trillium Avatar

    No, haven’t made one yet.

    Yes, seeing Antique Mist and lucky Charms gives me to believe they are not too difficult to sew! I could make one of each of those patterns.

  18. pat sloan Avatar

    WOW I love that fabric combination… you rock!!! Thank you for being on my book tour!!!

  19. Missy Avatar

    I’ve never made a medallion style quilt before either, I did not know they were called that today!

  20. Wendy Ouellette Avatar

    I can’t believe you are making me admit to all the quilting world I have not made a medallion quilt yet, but yes I am definitely interested in these. I love Antique Mist and the colour way she used and the pieced medallion…everything about it speaks to me. Hope I win!

  21. Nancy Avatar

    I’ve never made a medallion style quilt….yet… I think it would be fun to do it as a round robin…

    Thanks for a chance to win a copy of her book..I own other Pat Sloan books..they are all so well done..

  22. Agnes B. Bullock Avatar

    Hve not made a medallion quilt- am a novice self taught quilter wiht les than a year’s experience! Love Antique Mist- think it would be quite challenging.

  23. Kathy Avatar

    I’ve made several medallion style quilts; the last one was done with a black toile fabric; red and cream center star, and rounds of diamonds and a ribbon border…..designed it myself so I was pretty proud (but hard to get those borders to even out when you’re doing your own math!)

  24. Linda Avatar

    There may be a Medallion Quilt in my future. Love the new book.

  25. Jennie Steward Avatar
    Jennie Steward

    I love medallion quilts! There are a few in this book that I would just love to make. Hope I win!!!

  26. Margie Avatar

    I love the lucky charms quilt.

  27. Susan Avatar

    I have never made a medallion quilt but I’m willing to change that!!! Thanks for the chance to win this great book!

  28. LeAnne L Avatar
    LeAnne L

    I made a small medallion quilt and then I’ve also done a round robin. Both were fun to do.

  29. Jacquelyn Morris-Smith Avatar

    Oh my gosh how great …. OK, well I started a medallion when I was a brand new quilter (5 yrs now)… I stopped after the 3rd round and made it a table topper. I just didn’t feel I was getting it right. It was a huge challenge for a new quilter ( I didn’t even have the terminology down at that time) so everything was a big learning curve. I am absolutely going to have to have this book, so I can try again. My local quilt shop will be getting a call from me to have them order it.

  30. Barb Avatar

    I have never made a medallion quilt but am tempted by Lucky Charm. I love the idea of using black and white maybe with a touch of red.

  31. Sharon Sandahl Avatar
    Sharon Sandahl

    Looks like a wonderful book. I’ve never made a medallion quilt, but it would be fun to do. I do mostly blocks with sashing strips. Lots of fun in this book, that is definite.

  32. rosa Avatar

    Looks a great book.I`ve made a medallion 8point star topper to my mother in blues ,white,yellow fabrics and I`d love make a big size quilt.Thanks!1

  33. Letty Shirkey Avatar
    Letty Shirkey

    I made one medallion quilt a few years back. It was with a group of ladies on a retreat. A few of us revised the center with our own choice because the original pattern’s center was so heavy looking. It was centered surrounded by sampler blocks of the same color value. If I had to do it today much would be changed. Amazing how we change and grow. This looks very airy and light, very pleasing to look at.

  34. cynthia Avatar

    i’ve never made one, but i’m motivated now!

  35. Marianne Avatar

    I’ve made a few medallion style quilts. I can’t remember how many rounds each had but I know the quilts finished at around 50″ square. I love Antique Mist. Thanks for the chance.

  36. cityquilter grace Avatar
    cityquilter grace

    yes i am currently quilting a medallion style quilt, a large center quilted motif surrounded by amish pinwheel blocks…and i agree, i love that lucky charms quilt! i could use up some of my christmas fabric stash on that!

  37. Carrie P. Avatar

    I like your version of the center block.
    I have made a medallion quilt. I believe mine had 4 rounds. I like doing them.

  38. Paulette Doyle Avatar

    I have never made a medallion quilt…but I would love to try and this one is CALLING MY NAME!! Thanks for the chance to win this book!! Can you hear it…Paulette…Paulette…Paulette…?
    :o) Paulette

  39. Cheryl in Iowa Avatar

    I love Antique Mist, too. And I see it in the near future since it looks like a good project to break down into sections. I think I would make it a little larger, maybe one more border. Guess I should check the stash and hope I win!!

  40. Lee Ann L. Avatar

    I have never made a medallion quilt. Looks very cool and intriguing. 🙂

  41. sandy Avatar

    I have never made a medallion quilt but I would love to try. They seem very intriguing. Thank you.

    sandyb720 at gmail dot com

  42. ~ Julie ~ Avatar

    Since I’m still fairly new to quilting, I’ve never made one. But after seeing some quilts from this book I’m inspired to give it a try! Thanks for the opportunity to win such a great book!!! :o)

  43. Loretta Avatar

    Would definitely try a medallion quilt if I won this book!

  44. Tracey @ The Peony Teacup Avatar

    I am just finishing off my first medallion style quilt! The medallion is a sashed tumbler, 11×12 blocks, then there’s a border of split drunkard’s path stars, with drunkard’s path owl blocks in the four corners.

    I love the effect of the medallion style quilts.. definitely something I’d do again!

  45. Ardis Young Avatar
    Ardis Young

    Wow love your Ideas> I can’t wait to get a copy of this book.

  46. VickyM Avatar

    I have been thinking of making one, this book is inspiring

  47. Sue in Scottsdale, AZ Avatar
    Sue in Scottsdale, AZ

    I have only made one medallion quilt – Jinny Beyer’s Around the World. It is gorgeous and I have been telling myself I need to make more of this style. This book would definitely give me the jump start to make it!

  48. Ramona from Maine Avatar
    Ramona from Maine

    I love this book from what I have seen going to the different blogs. Would love to win it. I like your choice of colors. I agree with you on the Christmas quilts, I do have a wall hanging that I use every Christmas that I would like to keep up all year, but, well, you know.

  49. Becky Greene Avatar
    Becky Greene

    I have never made a medallion quilt before, but now I feel like that should be my next big project!! Thanks for the preview and the chance to win!

  50. Donna Cutting Avatar
    Donna Cutting

    I love the lucky charms medalian quilt, alway wanted to make one. I need one for a king size bed, big job. Thanks.

  51. Carol Avatar

    Pat makes these medallion quilts look so easy and inviting…just from the sneak peeks from the blog tour so far I’ve many ideas spinning around in my head. The question is for me….which medallion quilt will I make first?

  52. Diane Avatar

    I’ve never made a medallion-style quilt but I’d love to try!

  53. Pat Hersl Avatar
    Pat Hersl

    I’ve made several medallion quilts and love them. Now I am getting into more challenging outer borders. Small steps in this gal’s journey, but steps after all.

  54. Ruth Finch Avatar
    Ruth Finch

    Love that “Antique Mist”! I’ve been wanting to make a scrappy king-size quilt with corals and aquas–this would be a great starting point.

  55. Sallie Avatar

    I haven’t made a medallion quilt, but I love the Antique Mist quilt in Pat’s book and am going to have to make it! Thanks for the chance to win!

  56. Patty Happel Avatar
    Patty Happel

    I’ve never made a medallion quilt, but I would certainly love to try one after seeing Pat’s book. Hope I win!! Thanks for the chance.

  57. Jacqueline Avatar

    No, I have never made a medallion style quilt. But it is about time. Pat’s book looks wonderful, thanks for a chance at winning a copy.

    PS Love the fabrics you put together.

  58. HeatherK @ AReformedHeath'n Avatar

    I’m new to quilting, so I haven’t made a medallion quilt yet. I love the scrappy quality of the extended borders on a couple of the quilts I’ve seen shared. What a creative way to practice piecing skills.

  59. Michele T Avatar
    Michele T

    This book looks amazing!! Thanks for the chance!

  60. pbee Avatar

    I just finished the Pink Lemonade with applique center and have WIP that I’m gradually boardering around a pinwheel center. Love the ideas in this new book. Thank you for the preview.

  61. LizA. Avatar

    A friend & I are doing a birthday round robin medallion. I sent her a center for her birthday & 6 months later on my birthday she sent it back with her round attached and her own center medallion. I have oth of them back now and I’m workin on rounds 4 & 5. So I’m always on the lookout for medallion quilts and ideas for what to add next.

  62. Sally Avatar

    oh my, lovely patterns. I’ve made several medallion quilts (i.e. an ‘almost Amish’ with 6 borders around a central circle of geese, Tales of First Ladies–2 sizes, from Eleanor Burns, working on quilts From eleanor’s Kitchen right now that is also a medallion)

  63. Karen E Avatar

    I have never made a medallion quilt but I’m inspired now. I have several large blocks that would be perfect in a medallion setting. Thanks for the drawing.

  64. Diana Avatar

    I have made a medallion quilt and it had 5 rounds. It was a round robin quilt involving 5 other people. The medallion of each quilt was each person’s interpretation of a “house”. they all turned out fabulous.

  65. Ariane Avatar

    I have never made a medallion quilt. It would be fun to try. This book seams to have so many wonderful ideas. Thanks for the chance to win.!

  66. Billie K Avatar

    I have an appliqued Medallion quilt I’ve worked on for years….yep not finished yet. This book makes me want to make all of them….wow.

  67. Kathy MacKie Avatar
    Kathy MacKie

    I’ve never made a medallion quilt but there would be no excuses not too if I win this book!

  68. Gloria Bruce Avatar
    Gloria Bruce

    Really excited to find your site and have it bookmarked. I will be back1 Hope to win of course!

  69. Kay Mc Avatar
    Kay Mc

    My small group is making progressive quilts now & they will each have 6 borders added. This book would be a great help in choosing borders to add.

  70. MarciaW Avatar

    Pat’s book is inspiring me to make a medallion center quilt, something that I haven’t done before. Antique Mist and Lagoon are two of Pat’s designs that I like. Thanks for the review as to how to take one of these designs and revamp using totally different fabrics that are not Christmas themed.

  71. Sandi Avatar

    I have never made a medallion quilt and Pat’s book has changed my mind. I want to make the Lucky Charm quilt but not sure what colors I’ll do it in. I love her book and would love to win it. Enjoyed your blog!

  72. Sandi Avatar

    I love medallion quilts. Then again, I love all quilts. I like the center section of Lucky Charms and could see it done in some rose print fabric that I have. Thanks for the chance to win Pat’s book!

  73. Donna K. from N. TX Avatar
    Donna K. from N. TX

    I have some wonderful toile that I would love to use in a medallion quilt. This books looks interesting.

  74. Mary C in WA Avatar

    I made a small Medallion quilt as a quilt-along and really liked trying new techniques on each round. I’m with you on seeing the quick tricks in the book. I can make up patterns on EQ, it’s the tricks that make the pattern/book worth buying. Thanks for being on the Blog Tour.

  75. Wendy Avatar

    I am certainly inspired to make a medallion quilt after seeing some examples from the book. I really hope I win! Thank you.

  76. Betty Avatar

    I have made a medallion style quilt when I did a round robin with an on line group. It had 4 rounds. I like quite a few of the ones I have seen in Pats book.

  77. wilma eichler Avatar

    I would love to have that book!!!

  78. Kaye M. Avatar
    Kaye M.

    I have never made a medallion quilt but I think they are beautiful. I’ve admired them ever since I saw Jinny Beyer’s “Ray of Light”.
    I agree, I want a book that gives me hints and the best way to piece units like flying geese.

  79. kwiltnkats Avatar

    You certainly aren’t alone about the quick tricks being included. [I think they are saved for classes…(wink).] When I think of medallion quilts my first thoughts are of Round Robin Exchanges which I enjoy participating in. Your ideas for your first medallion quilt sound great. Thanks for a chance to win Pat’s book. Sandi

  80. Donna Avatar

    I’ve never made a medallion quilt before. I’d love to give it a shot. she sure makes it look easy!

  81. Sandy D Avatar
    Sandy D

    The Lucky Charm Quilt is a favorite of mine of the ones I have seen out of Pat’s book. I do like Christmas Quilts but would like to see your version for some reason I am not getting the picture just a small red x.

  82. Diane W Avatar
    Diane W

    I have not made a medallion style quilt, but Pat’s look very tempting. Thanks for the giveaway.

  83. Kristin M Avatar
    Kristin M

    I have not made a true medallion quilt before, but I think I need too : )

  84. Rose H Avatar
    Rose H

    I have not made a medallion quilt but am now encouraged after seing Pat’s new book pictures. Oh, my, so many beautiful projects–I’m going to have to get real busy. Thanks for a chance to win Pat’s new quilt book.

  85. Judy Cook Avatar
    Judy Cook

    No, I haven’t made a medallion. From the sneak peek, I think I’m missing out. Love, love the flower and your choice of fabric.
    Thanks for a chance to win Pat’s new book.

  86. Loris Mills Avatar

    I don’t think I have made a medallion quilt before though a mariner’s compass block I made became one in a round robin I did with my quilt group. Thanks for hosting on the tour. This looks like a great book.

  87. Bets Avatar

    I have never made a medallion quilt, even though I have quilted for about 20 years! So would be fun to try?? Thanks for a chance to win!

  88. Binks Avatar

    I’m definitely motivated to try out a medallion style quilt. These beauties look amazing.

  89. Jennifer Padden Avatar
    Jennifer Padden

    I’ve never made a medallion quilt although I’ve always liked them. This book looks like true temptation to go down that road. Thanks

  90. Debbie Gallett Avatar
    Debbie Gallett

    I would love to have this book. I made the Lucky Charm center when Pat did it on her blog a couple of christmas’s ago. It is beautiful. I would like to do the alternate now with all the borders.
    I agree with you about some authors not using fast piecing methods. I am doing The Farmer’s Wife and couldn’t believe she had templates for each little piece.

  91. Terri Vanden Bosch Avatar
    Terri Vanden Bosch

    I have made medallion style quilts before and really like the look. Didn’t know this new book was out there–will have to look for it.

  92. Wanda Avatar

    I haven’t made a medallion quilt yet…I have so many on my to-do list. Pat’s book looks great and inspires me to create one.

  93. Anne C. Avatar

    I am very inspired to make “Antique Mist.” Love it!

  94. Rafael's mum Avatar

    Oooooh I love that medallion style quilt! I have made one but that had applique in the middle, then geese and several other borders. I love them and thanks for sharing a few of the book with us.

  95. Mary Ann Scanlon Avatar
    Mary Ann Scanlon

    I have never made a medallion quilt but Pat’s quilts are so interesting it’s going on the list!

  96. Rita Avatar

    I recently finished a medallion quilt. The center was applique and the blocks around it were different pieced blocks. I just love it. The Lucky Charms pattern looks great!

  97. Jody Avatar

    I have–as a round robin with 6 rounds.

  98. Linda in PA Avatar
    Linda in PA

    I’ve never made a medallion quilt, but I think that I would like to try one. This quilt is beautiful. Thanks for a chance to win a copy of this book.

  99. Kathy Raabe Avatar
    Kathy Raabe

    I have not made medallion quilt, it’s on my quilt-experience bucket list. Thank you for the opportunity to win!

  100. DebrafromMD Avatar

    Ive never mad a medallion style quilt but this book may change that.

  101. Marty Askins Avatar
    Marty Askins

    No, I’ve never made a medallion style quilt. But after seeing Pat Sloan’s I’m very tempted on trying to make one very soon. I just hope I can win one of these books, so I can have all of the hints that she talks about.

  102. Carol Avatar

    I haven’t made a medallion quilt….yet, but it is high on my list of quilts that I have to make. I don’t think I could make just one – I think a series of medallion quilts is my goal.

  103. Julie in WA Avatar

    I have a medallion-type quilt in the works right now. It started as a purple and white WIP that was in a big box I purchased at an estate sale. I knew I would not finish the quilt as the original designer planned, but I wanted the challenge of finishing it. So I have been adding borders around the center panel of 9 pieced hearts. I don’t know how large it will get, but it is looking really nice! I am always looking for ideas for the next round of borders!

  104. Judy Avatar

    No, I have never made a medallion style quilt but I would love to make one.

  105. jmniffer Avatar

    I haven’t made a medallion style quilt. It is on my long wish list, so someday I will get to it. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.

  106. Diann Cornell Avatar
    Diann Cornell

    I have an unfinished medallion quilt. The center is an appliqued rose-of-Sharon block that was on the cover of American Patchwork and Quilting a number of years ago. (if I remember correctly) It has 3 more rounds so far, quite simple. It has been a UFO for a several years, but I’m inspired to dig it out and finish it. As I remember, I was quite happy with it so far.

  107. Sue S Avatar

    I really like the look of these quilts, I may have to start one. I have a big block that is going to be the perfect candidate for the center if I have the right fabric in my stash.

    Sure would like to win the book.


  108. Patti K Avatar
    Patti K

    l have made a medallion type quilt, but not pieced .. just used a fabric too beautiful to cut. l have an idea for one now and this book would be the perfect helpmate. Thanks for a chance to win.

  109. Kathie L Avatar
    Kathie L

    I did a medallion with GFG in the center, 4 patches, stripes and solid borders. I love it. Kathie L in Allentown

  110. Bama Teresa Avatar
    Bama Teresa

    I have not made a medallion type quilt. They are beautiful.

  111. Jay Avatar

    This looks like a good addition to my library. While I’ve yet to make a medallion quilt, I think Pat has inspired me to give it a try.

  112. Karin Avatar

    Nope, I’ve not yet made one, but yup, seeing those examples, maybe I would give it a go! They’re not all stuffy like they used to be!

    And, thank goodness for shortcuts – I am currently participating in my LQS BOM, and it’s using templates…OMG – if only I had known then what I know now, I never would have started this monstrosity!! I detest this piecing…there are sooo many better ways – and I’ve only been at this quilting bit for a year or so!! Go Pat, go! Hooray for telling us the secrets to making it more fun!!

  113. Jocelyn Avatar

    I have never made a medallion quilt before, but I do have a pattern that I thought I would use with 30’s fabrics. I would love to try one, as they have SO much interest.

  114. Carol Patterson Avatar
    Carol Patterson

    I started one years ago as a free online block of the month. I got the center done and 3 rounds on it before getting side tracked. I was going through my UFOs last year and pulled it out. Decided it was finished and stuck it in the pile of quilts to be quilted. It is still in that pile.

  115. Marion Avatar

    I’ve not made a medallion quilt yet. I love the look of them and hope to one in the future.

  116. Karen Wood Avatar
    Karen Wood

    I have never made a medallion quilt but I am really inspired now! I love your applique block and your fabrics – beautiful!!!
    Take care,

  117. Jane Avatar

    Never made one, but Pat’s book makes it awfully enticing!

  118. Debra George Avatar
    Debra George

    My mom and I worked on a medallion quilt together, but I’ve never done one solo. I have to say that more than a couple of those from Pat’s new book are calling to me already.

  119. Nancy Avatar

    I have made a medallion quilt, but maybe it’s really just a center block with a fancy border. Anyway, I’m intrigued by Pat’s quilts.

  120. Sue Webb Avatar
    Sue Webb

    Ooh that’s my favorite quilt too. I have it on my to do list. I love medallion quilts. I’m enjoying your blog. Glad to have found it through Pat.

  121. ql Avatar

    I’ve made several medallion quilts, including a Carpenter’s Wheel with two wheels. Lots of fun. I’d like to make the one pictured in the book, so I’m entering every contest. LOL. Thanks for the opportunity.

  122. Karen H. Avatar
    Karen H.

    There are no medallion quilts, nor are there any applique quilts. Ironically I am lucky enough to have several bed sized inherited quilts that’re both appliqued & medalion! I’ve promised myself I’ll make one— soon. The charmed quilt you show is lovely & calls to me.

  123. Jeanne G Avatar

    Yes, I have made a medallion quilt, I thought I hadn’t but remembered the quilt I made for our elderly neighbor last Christmas. It had 10 layers if I remember right. Thanks for a chance to win Pat’s new book. Love the quilts I am seeing.

  124. Deb Avatar

    No, I don’t think I’ve ever made a medallion style quilt. Maybe this book will inspire me!

  125. Nana Jo Avatar
    Nana Jo

    I don’t think I’ve ever started out planning on making a medallion quilt but as I think of the quilts I’ve made, some could be considered medallion quilts. I often use many borders around a central piece.

  126. Sharon Judkins Avatar
    Sharon Judkins

    I have never made a Medallion quilt but after seeing some of Pat’s I think I could. I love them and am inspired by the great patterns I have seen in just these first two days.

  127. jan Avatar

    I have done some medallion quilts, including one with 4 red and white schoolhouse blocks as the center. That one had 4 rounds, including 4 patch blocks and half square triangles. I’m ready to make another, after seeing the book!

  128. Becky in Georgia Avatar

    I don’t think I’ve ever made a medallion quilt. For so long, I’ve hated to add borders. A medallion quilt looked like a quilt with lots of borders:) I’ve grown some and borders no longer defeat me so I may have a medallion quilt in my future:)

  129. Machelle Avatar

    This looks so fun! And I am enjoying the great things on your site too, The learning center is a great resource….and yes you are NOT alone when it comes to quick tips! I think we all appreciate them

  130. Gloria P. Avatar
    Gloria P.

    I haven’t made a madallion quilt, but I have a friend who wants me to make her one . They are beautiful.

  131. Marsha Avatar

    No, I have not yet made a medallion quilt yet. The ones in this book just might inspire me to make one!

  132. Marsha Avatar

    I think “Antique Mist” would be the very first Medallion quilt I’d make. I’d love to do it in teals and oranges, soft oranges mind you.

    I like your alternate center block. Thanks for participating, Michele. I’d love to win.

  133. Margaret Avatar

    I love this book. It has so many really awesome quilts and I like the way she included instructions on how to do some of the blocks.

  134. Sandra Davidson Avatar
    Sandra Davidson

    I have never made a medallion quilt but this book might just get me to try one.

  135. Karrie S Avatar
    Karrie S

    I’ve never made a medalion styled quilt, but I am excited to do it after I’ve seen a few examples from this book 🙂 THanks for the chance to win!

  136. Mary Avatar

    This is something I haven’t tried yet. They are beautiful and it is something I would like to try. Her examples are beautiful.

  137. Janet Avatar

    I did make a medallion style quilt for the Brown Bag Ugly Fabric swap last year. The centre was a panel and it had eight borders. It is quite stunning, but I haven’t quilted it yet.

  138. PAm Avatar

    I have not made a medallion quilt, but it is on my Bucket List! After seeing this book, I realize that I WILL get to make one, and then I will be able to cross it off my list. (don’t you just love making lists so that when you have accomplished something, you can mark it off?)

  139. Sonia Folsom Avatar
    Sonia Folsom

    I made a medallion quilt with homespun fabrics. The quilts in this book look fabulous. Love to win it.

  140. Maria do Carmo Pezzuto Avatar
    Maria do Carmo Pezzuto

    Eu ja fiz e está linda na cama de hospede.Ela tem 2.20x 2.40 e o medalhão é de apliquê,um ramo de rosas.(detalhe é que cada pétala parece natural,é feito com cortadores e gofradores,como se faz uma rosa de cetim e enche de algodão para que se mantenha gordinho.As fronteiras são comuns feitas com tecido estampadinho de mini-rosas e cada emenda tem um viés para dar destaque nelas.o acabamento final é um monte de pequenas pétalas sobrepostas,parece um

  141. GG Bocchino Avatar
    GG Bocchino

    I haven’t made a mediallion quilt yet. But, I have to admit, after seeing several quilts from Pat’s book, I am interested in trying one.

  142. Lisa Avatar

    I haven’t made a medallion quilt yet, but love the two you have posted!!

  143. Mary Avatar

    I made a medallion style quilt for my oldest son’s wedding gift. It’s been a few years ago, but I think it had 4 rounds. I love the one you are thinking of making.

  144. Cecilia Avatar

    I’ve never made a medallion style quilt, but I would like to try one of Pat’s. She makes it look easy.

  145. Carmen Avatar

    I’m a beginner, so I’ve never made a medallion-style quilt, but I’d love to try one.

  146. Nancy Avatar

    I have actually never made a medallion style quilt before, but i have to say, Pat’s quilts intrigue me. I would love to win a copy of her book and give it a try!

  147. Susan Avatar

    I’ve never made one, but these have gotten me excited

  148. Nicole Sender Avatar
    Nicole Sender

    No, I have not made a medallion-style quilt. I am encouraged to do one now after seeing a few from Pat’s book.

  149. quiltmom anna Avatar

    I have made a couple of medallion quilts- I would have to look at them to tell you how many rounds. In one case ,I changed a feathered star block quilt into a medallion style quilt by using a courthouse steps layout of log cabin and then adding some more borders. It is a lovely quilt and still graces our bed.
    The other quilt had a big star in the middle with an additonal round or two to make it large enough for a single bed.
    I love the overall design of medallion quilts. This new book of Pat’s looks really wonderful. I am sure it is one that I would love to own.
    Regards from Western Canada,

  150. quiltmom anna Avatar

    I have made two medallion quilts and would love to make more. The over all designs that are created are always beautiful. Pat’s book looks like a real keeper. Thanks for the chance to win it.
    Regards from Western Canada,

  151. Deb F. Avatar
    Deb F.

    I think that Pat’s book was some great ideas for medallion quilts and it is about time to try something new. Thank you for the chance to win.

  152. KatieQ Avatar

    I have never made a medallion quilt, but after seeing some of these quilts, I think I will try to make one.

  153. patty Avatar

    I would love to make a Medallion quilt. This is one I’ve never made yet.

  154. Kate R Avatar

    I haven’t made one before but have always admired them, and love the patterns in this book. Definitely inspiring!

  155. Nena Avatar

    I made a Medallion quilt once and loved deciding what each round needed. I ended up with 5 rounds (including the center medallion). I’d love to make any of the quilts in this beautiful book.

  156. Carole Avatar

    I started a Medallion quilt about 4 years ago. It has an Asian theme and quite lovely. I looked at it a couple of weeks ago and can’t remember why I didn’t finish it. Think I will take it to a fall retreat and get it done.

  157. JOFRID S. SÆVERÅS Avatar

    I have never made a medallion quilt. Mabe it is time now. Hugs Jofrid

  158. Jane Bitz Avatar
    Jane Bitz

    I helped make a medallion quilt with my small group. We had a bunch of Civil War prints that traveled around to each quilter’s home, plus we added fabrics from our stash. I think we had 7 or 8 rounds. We picked numbers to establish the order and there were no “deadlines” so it was a low stress project. The quilt is done and one of our members is stitching down the binding that I attached a couple of weeks ago.

  159. Betty Avatar

    I have not made a medallion quilt. I made a Miss Rosie quilt that had a focus center but not a true medallion. It’s interesting to see the quilts made in different fabrics and helps to stir my imagination.

  160. Sue Lerch Avatar
    Sue Lerch

    I made a medallion with the carpenters wheel in the center, with three rounds of borders. The quilts in this book are calling to me to pull fabrics and get started.

  161. Cloud Mom Avatar
    Cloud Mom

    I have made several medallion quilts including the Lucky Charms twice! One had a summer theme and one a winter theme.

  162. Baye Avatar

    Medallion quilts have always looked like more than I could handle. I’m rethinking that now!

  163. Denny Avatar

    I haven’t made a medallion quilt, but i’ve always looked longingly. I’m inspired to give it a try. Thanks for the giveaway!

  164. Aggiequilter Avatar

    I made a round-robin medallion quilt a few years ago … but there were lots of problems getting them completed, due to a few lagging participants …
    I’d love to win Pat’s new book and make another one, thanks for the giveaway!

  165. sheila Avatar

    I am presently making a medallion quilt , so far I havefive rounds completed and plan on doing maybe two more to make it a larger quilt .I enjoyed the challenge that it presented as it was a RR with some friends. Thanks for the chance to win this great book.

  166. 4dreamsr Avatar

    I have a medallion in the making. Don’t know how many rounds I’m going to add yet. Would love to win a copy of Pat’s book. Love your fabrics!

  167. Barb in MI Avatar
    Barb in MI

    Yes, I’ve made some medallion quilts… the largest had 7 rounds and became queen-sized! Love the quilts in Pat’s book, so of course they’ll be an inspirations. Thanks for the chance to receive a copy of the book.

  168. Denise J. Avatar
    Denise J.

    I think I made one a number of years ago for a sample for the quilt shop I work at but never got to quilting it. Can’t remember the number of rounds but I know it wasn’t a huge one. I’ve got my eye on a couple I’d like to make. Winning the book could jump start the process.

  169. Jeanne Avatar

    I’ve done round robins where the result is a medallion style quilt. How many rounds depended on how many participants. The book looks wonderful.

  170. Lynda M Avatar
    Lynda M

    Thanks, I love Pat’s books. the medallion looks great.

  171. barbara w Avatar
    barbara w

    I have never made a medallion quilt, but with book I just might!

  172. Marie Atkinson Avatar
    Marie Atkinson

    I have made medallion quilts with large center stars and a couple of rounds of borders. I am so excited about Pats book. I can definitely see me making some of them!

  173. Elizabeth Johnson Avatar

    No, I have never made a medallion quilt! But with Pat’s new book (she breaks things down to simple steps) I would love to try. Thanks for a chance to win one.

  174. Amy Avatar

    The only medallion quilt I have made was our guild BOM last year. It was designed by one of our members, and the center was a Farmer’s Delight block. I did mine in CW repros. It turned out great! It would be fun to try another.

  175. Teresa Perry Avatar
    Teresa Perry

    I love the Antique Mist quilt, and think it would be beautiful in shades of blues, creams, and browns. I have not made a medallion style quilt but think I will!

  176. Janis T Avatar
    Janis T

    I have never made one but I’d love to make the Lucky Charms and Antique Mist.

  177. Anne Avatar

    No, I have never tried a medallion quilt, all the more reason why I hope I win a copy of the book.


  178. Kristi Avatar

    I made a medallion quilt top years ago in navy and pink. It’s rather pretty but still needs to be quilted. I need to find it and finish it!

  179. Deb Avatar

    No, I’ve never done one, but YES, I’m definitely encouraged to make one. I’d love to win Pat’s book!

  180. Janet Wright Avatar

    I have not made one, but I do have a round robin that would be. Thanks!

  181. Alice Avatar

    I made a pickle dish with 5 borders, does that count? I’m ready to make Pat’s Antique Mist and also try out hand appliqué with Lucky Charms. I think it is my favorite picture pranced so far!

  182. Sandy Avatar

    I have never made a medallion quilt, but one is on my to do list after seeing the posts the last few days.

  183. Ruth Avatar

    I’m pretty new to quilting, so I haven’t made a medallion quilt before, but these are calling me. I love how easy it is to make all different sizes. I think I would use all sorts of aqua.

  184. Robin Avatar

    I have never made a medallion quilt but have the supplies to start one. This blog is so inspiring and I think I have a new book on my wish list! I love your fabric selections!

  185. marjorie Avatar

    I have done a few medallion quilts; but it has been years. Right now I am not remembering how many rounds there were in them. But I do know there there was one round of piano keys; which I hated putting together…and loved the look of.

  186. Rachel Avatar

    I have not made one, but am definitely inspired to make one.

  187. Sue Kolczak Avatar

    I have never done a medallion quilt, but am joininga round robin group this summer, so this book would be a huge help in planning my center piece. thanks for the opportunity to win.

  188. landscapelady Avatar

    Those fabrics scream summer, would make a great quilt. I’ve never made a medallion quilt.

  189. Roine Oquist Avatar

    I made a medallion quilt years ago and enjoyed it for many years before I gave it away. It had a pieced basket center and rounds of borders and 9 patch squares. I always loved it and don’t know why I haven’t made another one. This one is somewhat different in that it has an appliqued center which I love. I have been appliqueing a lot more the past few years and love these quilts.

  190. Michele Avatar

    Absolutely, I would love to make a quilt like one of these. I really like the fabrics you chose and can’t wait to see how it turns out.

  191. Garilyn Avatar

    I have never made a medallion quilt, but I love the look of the blue and orange center!! I would love to try one.

  192. Shari Avatar

    I haven’t made a medallion quilt yet. I like the one you like ‘Lucky Charms’. Your fabrics are delish.

  193. Nina Mussellam Avatar
    Nina Mussellam

    I’ve made 5-6 medallion quilts. I feel they need at least 3 rounds after the center – but I have made up to 5-6 rounds.
    I like Pat Sloan’s style and would love to win a book.

  194. Iva Avatar

    Have not made a medallion quilt, yet. That Antique Mist is calling out to me now.

  195. CathyC in Alberta Avatar
    CathyC in Alberta

    I have not made a medallion quilt but seeing this does peek my interest to make one now. Will be adding to my to-do-list.
    Thanks for a chance to win Pat’s Book..I like and follow her.

  196. Kathy Laing Avatar

    No I have never made a medallion quilt but am inspired to make one. Love the new book.

  197. Paula Avatar


    I am in the process of completing a 12 block samplet that could use a medallion to make it bigger and way more interesting. Would love to have the book to help me along!

  198. Margaret Siegmund Avatar
    Margaret Siegmund

    I’ve never made a medallion quilt; but after seeing these examples, I’d sure like to. All of them are beautiful; and I’m convinced that one or more of them appeals to all quilters!


  199. Lindy Avatar

    I will have to take a pic of the quilt that has been my bed for 15+ years and post to my Blog. It is a round robin and there are 5 rounds plus all the stuff work, pillow tuck and bottom bow I added! Over 12 hours of home machine quilting on it…LOVE my old quilt!

  200. Evelyn Avatar

    A guild I am in has been working on a medallion quilt all year. It has 14 borders. I has been a real learning experience.

  201. Liliana Avatar

    Unfortunately I’ve never made ​​a Medallion Quilt-style … but I love this technique and with the help of Pat’s book I’m sure I’ll make it I cross my fingers…lol

  202. Angie Tackett Avatar

    I’ve never made a medallion quilt, but it is definitely on my to do list.

  203. Kathrynn Avatar

    I haven’t made a medallion quilt but really want to now

  204. Ruth Avatar

    I made a small medallion quilt for a charity quilt. I like the process and hope to make a larger one.

  205. Wanda Williams Avatar
    Wanda Williams

    The closest thing to a Medallion quilt I have made was matching quilts for my grandsons. I used a panel in the middle and put three borders around it making twin sized bed quilts. I love, love, love Pat’s new book and will definitely make a true medallion quilt after seeing the beautiful quilts in it. I agree with you on authors not using the easier quick methods of piecing and making blocks. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of Pat’s book.

  206. Cathy B Avatar
    Cathy B

    No, I have never made a medallion quilt byt yes, after seeing this great book, I would really like to give it a try – they are gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to win.

  207. Karen Schultz Avatar
    Karen Schultz

    I have done several medallion style quilts in the “round robin” style, where several of us started our own center of the quilt, then passed it on to the next person for borders. We each ended up with our own quilt back. Some of them had 8-10 different borders. It’s a fun way to work and I would love the book to do one “just for myself”!

  208. Pat F. Avatar
    Pat F.

    I have done a couple medallion quilts also in the round robin style. I like the look of Pat’s new book, especially the cover quilt. Thanks for a chance to win her book.

  209. mo Avatar

    I’ve never made a medallion quilt, but I think I would certainly be encouraged to do so after reading this book!

  210. Dorothy Ramage Avatar
    Dorothy Ramage

    I made a medallion quilt with 17 rounds. It was a lot of work but it lovely.

  211. Kathy h Avatar
    Kathy h

    I have made 2 medallion quilts. One had 5 rounds and the second had 6. Pat’s book looks great.

  212. Rhonda H. Avatar
    Rhonda H.

    No, I never have but, yes, I see lots of inspiration in this book! Thanks for chance to win!

  213. Mystica Avatar

    Never done one before but this is inspirational! Thank you for the chance of winning.

  214. Janet Avatar

    I’ve made a very simple medallion quilt with a large center block and just varying size borders and very large daisy flowers appliqued. I really like the uniqueness of Pat’s patterns. I love them all and can see them from traditional fabric to sweet summery colorways. Thanks for the chance to win Pat’s book.

  215. Kathie Avatar

    I’ve never made a medallion quilt but would love to try one!

  216. denise Avatar

    I have started a medallion quilt and need to finish it. Pat’s book looks very encouraging. I’d love to see how she takes shortcuts! Thank you for the opportunity!

  217. Dell Avatar

    I have never made a medallion quilt, but these are so beautiful.

  218. Gloria B Avatar
    Gloria B

    I have a medallion quilt in my UFO pile It has 4 rounds at the moment but needs at least two more.

  219. Beth Hammergren Avatar
    Beth Hammergren

    I took a medallion class, but have never done a medallion quilt yet. Seeing all of the different blogs/sites regarding this book inspires me to try this challenge. Thanks for the opportunity.

  220. Kathleen Avatar

    No, I never have tried making a medallion style quilt. I guess I need to start thinking about it now that you’ve said something. This looks like a great book and a wonderful giveaway. Thanks! 🙂

  221. Sue P Avatar
    Sue P

    I have not made a medallion style quilt yet. This book has some great ideas I would like to try. Thanks.

  222. Hueisei Avatar

    I never make any medallion quilt before but I definitely will make one if Im the lucky winner 🙂

  223. Patricia Crowley Avatar
    Patricia Crowley

    I have never made a medallion quilt…but I would love to try!

  224. Kathy pennell Avatar
    Kathy pennell

    I have a medallion style quilt in the ufo pile and am going to work on it next! I have decided to make it a wall hanging and it will have 3 rounds. Thanks for the inspirations.

  225. Heather G Avatar

    Wow…thanks for the chance to win. Haven’t made a medallion style quilt but I look forward to making one in the future.

  226. Donna Avatar

    Pat’s book is inspiring me to do a Medallion style quilt .. perhaps soon I will make my first. Happy quilting!

  227. Karin Avatar

    I have done a couple medallion quilts – most recently with 5 rounds – and just itching to do another. This book is perfect – thanks for the chance to win a copy!

  228. Janet Avatar

    I did make a medallion style quilt and it had four rounds. It was a challenge for me, but I love the end result. Yes, “Focus on the Center” certainly inspires me to make another one.

  229. Kim's Crafty Apple Avatar
    Kim’s Crafty Apple

    I haven’t made one yet – although I think I am right now. It just has three rounds and BIG blocks so it’s great!

  230. Amy Avatar

    I was involved with a round robin done medallion style. We made some AMAZING pieces. But so far, that’s the only one. I’ve wanted to do another one, but havn’t had the chance yet. I REALLY like the one you’re looking at!!

  231. Sarah in Houston Avatar

    I guess you would call my round robin quilt a medallion. It does have a center square that the rest is built around. I love it.

  232. Christie Avatar

    I have a great center square that this book would give great ideas to build a quilt around!

  233. Elli Avatar

    I made a medallion quilt from a Quilter’s Newsletter design. It had about 8 borders on it–I nicknamed it the endless border quilt. A lot of small half square triangles.

  234. Donna Gauch Avatar
    Donna Gauch

    Yes I have made 1 but am inspired to do another since I enjoy appliqué but doing a whole quilt is too much. The inspiration on the rows around is wonderful.

  235. Debbie Goad Avatar
    Debbie Goad

    I’ve never made a medallion quilt but I am getting inspired by this blog tour. WishI could win Pat’s book.

  236. Nancy B from Many LA Avatar
    Nancy B from Many LA

    I made one years ago, and it was also a round robin. It had 5 or 6 founds in it. Never finished it, and then it barely survived Katrina. It has some rotting fabric, but I can’t bear to throw it away. I might try to re-do it one day.

  237. Rosieq Avatar

    Thanks for inviting me in today…what loverlies, and I would so love to meet Pat Sloan, via her book. Never heard of her…but I like what I see.

  238. Terry Johnson Avatar
    Terry Johnson

    Love Pat Sloan’s ideas any techinque’s.

    Would Love to win the book.

  239. Carmen Avatar

    I’ve never made a medallion quilt, but I definitely want to.

  240. Debi Hassler Avatar
    Debi Hassler

    I’ve never made a medallion style quilt and would love to try!

  241. Carla G Avatar
    Carla G

    I’ve never made a medallion style quilt… but these are beautiful. I’d love to try one! Thanks for a chance to win! 🙂

  242. Chris Avatar

    I made a Medallion Quilt years ago with 15 rounds, fun but labor intensive.

  243. Jill M in OH Avatar

    I have never made a medallion quilt, but I have admired them greatly! I think that with Pat’s book, it would be so much easier to make one and I would definitely try. 🙂

  244. Karen A Avatar
    Karen A

    I’m working on a quilt top now that keeps growing. I’m up to my 4th border and I’m not sure I’m done. It depends if I can find more fabric to coordinate with what I already have lol.

  245. Paula Avatar

    I have participated in a round robin project, which is similiar, but have not made a true medalion quilt. It is on my “to do” list as I love applique and also piecing. I love Pat’s designs!

  246. Cindy Avatar

    I have never made a medallion quilt. I love the option to do different than a christmas quilt and the one shown in turquoise is my fave colors so inspired to try! Thank you for all the options & encouragements!!!

  247. Margie Gross Avatar
    Margie Gross

    I made a medallion quilt wall hanging with a watercolor wreath made from a fabric with red and blue roses in the center. Surrounded it with 3 borders and put a rod pocket in the back. With this small piece under my belt and a copy of her book, I think I can tackle a bed size quilt.

  248. Kathi I Avatar
    Kathi I

    I’ve beem considering a medallion quilt as I have UFO that I just never seem to get to. The center is a Mariner’s compass with several other star blocks made. Will have to pull it out of the closet and give it some thought!

  249. Mary Avatar

    No, but if I had Pat’s book, that would change!

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