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Carson’s Star By: Susan Cook,
Pennsylvania, USA
My son, Carson, who was 9 at the time, sat beside me while I designed this quilt on my computer and helped me to choose the layout and colors for this quilt. Two of my friends, Kourtney Kenzie and Cathy Werner, helped with the piecing and Kourtney quilted it in the ditch for me.
Quilt size: width: 67" height: 67"
Christmas Village By: Sharon Vrooman,
New York, USA
This is Sulky Int’l BOM 2004 that I made for last year. It will be a new tradition with my grandson – we can decorate a block or house each year, so this will be the first year we work together on it – yes, he picked the post office because Dad is a postman.
Quilt size: width: 31" height: 36"
Crazy Anne By: Kristi,
Arizona, USA
I made this quilt for my mom. I wanted to try my hand at paper piecing and choose this pattern based on the name. My grandmother name was Anna. My mom gave me the push into quilting by giving my some quilt blocks that my g’ma started before she past. This block made me crazy before I finished.
Quilt size: width: 50" height: 62"
Ellie’s Quilt By: Kristy Armstrong,
Kansas, USA
This is a quilt I made for our newest granddaughter. She surprised us all with an early arrival–several weeks before the quilt was finished!
Quilt size: width: 42" height: 56"
Elvis & Mitzy By: Sabine,
I made this to picture our dear cats, Elvis (the red one) and Mitzy (the black/ white/ brown coloured one) I thought the fabrics were really matching. Unfortunatly Mitzy died in January 2009, but when we look at this quilt, we think of her.
Quilt size: width: 25" height: 45"
Emily’s Log Cabins By: Doodlebug Gail,
Ontario, Canada
I made this quilt for my niece, Emily in 2007. The blocks are ‘uneven log cabins’ and the pink strips finish at 5/8″. After this one I got a little crazy and did the same pattern 3 more times using the same fabrics in different colours, another pink one, lilac, green. All paper pieced and perfect.
Quilt size: width: 40" height: 56"
Evenings with the Sparrows By: Jackie Dundon,
Pennsylvania, USA
It is a pattern design by Judy Niemeyer and it is called Crown of Thorns. I was working on this quilt when I first discovered Facebook and became friends with Matt Sparrow. I watched him quilt quilts every night and decided when I finished this, hence the name.
Quilt size: width: 62" height: 62"
This is the work I entered for an Italian quilt contest which theme was the “7 deadly sins” in banner measures. I choosed to represent the “Anger” and I made this Explosion of anger.
Quilt size: width: 5.90" height: 59"
Flying Geese By: Nancy in Mo,
Missouri, USA
I took a paper piecing class at a local quilt shop after moving to a new city. I hoped to meet some fellow quilters. It worked! And I love the quilt.
Quilt size: width: 16 3/4" height: 19 3/4"
For My Office By: Kathi I,
Pennsylvania, USA
This is the first quilt I paperpierced using patterns from Carol Doak and fabrics from my then small stash. Hand quilted, I made this in Feb 1996 when my CT employer, VNCC built a new building. Funny thing is my current employer is also named VNCC (totally unrelated!) so I can still hang it.
Quilt size: width: 29" height: 29"
Garden Quilt By: upstatelisa,
New York, USA
I started this quilt for my uncle who grew up on a farm in Saskatchewan. Unfortunately, he passed away before the quilt was finished, so it was a gift to my aunt and she hangs it over her bed. The pattern was in a Quiltmaker magazine several years ago.
Quilt size: width: ?" height: ?"
Ginger Jars By: Wendy L Starn,
Louisiana, USA
Blue and white ginger jars, each made froma different fabric.
Pattern by June Colburn
Quilt size: width: 25" height: 25"
Hexagon By: sheilaMC,
Made in a class with Leesa Siegel. Hand dyed fabrics by SionwynLee
Quilt size: width: 24" height: 27"
Mandala By: Elisabeth,
This is the result of a class, which I attended in 2007. Design by Roswitha Schmit, Austria.
Quilt size: width: 24" height: 24"
Mariner’s Compass By: Charlsey,
Texas, USA
This was my first paper piecing project. The blades in the first two layers of points were split lengthwise in order to use different fabrics. The Sawtooth border was also paper pieced. The quilt was a gift to my husband, a sailor. It was machine pieced and hand quilted.
Quilt size: width: 50" height: 50"
Seven-Year Stash Stitch By: Shirley K. Swenson,
New York, USA
I began this Christmas stash quilt in a class with Carol Doak in 2001 and finished it seven years later in 2008. My sister-in-law, Jackie Kunkel of Canton Village Quilt Works, did a beautiful job of machine quilting it.
Quilt size: width: 55" height: 55"
Snow Scene By: Mary L,
Kansas, USA
Started in a Cynthia England Workshop using her “picture piecing” method.
Quilt size: width: 19" height: 17"
Snowflakes are Falling By: Jay,
Texas, USA
This is a Paper pieced snowflake that hangs in my kitchen/living room all winter long. We don’t have much snow in Texas…so this is a reminder to us that it is winter! And no shoveling!
Quilt size: width: 22" height: 30"
Spiked with Color By: Sandy Hembree,
Oklahoma, USA
This is the first Paper Pieced quilt I did and it is still my favorite. I used all the batiks I had in my statch plus a few more I couldn’t pass up at the quilt store. When my husband saw the first finished block, he claimed it for himself and it now lives on our bed.
Quilt size: width: 84" height: 86"
Star Wall Hanging By: Susan S.,
United Arab Emirates
After discovering I enjoyed paper piecing, I decided to make this wall hanging for a dear friend of mine, for her birthday.
Quilt size: width: 18" height: 25"
Stash New York Beauty By: Roslyn Atwood,
Arizona, USA
I began this quilt with a group of friends in , Montrose CO.They all completed theirs the same year but I took several years to finish mine.
All but border fabrics came from my stash and I custom quilted it with variegated gold thread.
It won a Blue Ribbon in the Black Canyon Quilt Show in 2010.
Quilt size: width: 68" height: 77"
Super Nova By: Carl H,
Missouri, USA
Paper pieced with fabric that was dyed from yellow to orange/red to purple and navy blue.
Quilt size: width: 48" height: 48"
The Iris Have It! By: Becky Ray,
Tennessee, USA
This was so enjoyable to make, as I auditioned fabrics and chose a wide variety of fabrics. The pattern is by Margaret Sullivan and was intended to be foundation pieced. But since I had it enlarged, it was an adventure in freezer paper piecing, using a Ruth McDowell technique.
Quilt size: width: 40" height: 56"
Tulips From Harrogate By: QuiltSue,
United Kingdom
I made this in 2006 as a sample for the quilt shop I worked in at the time. It was intended to demonstrate what you could do with just a few Charm squares. It was based on a pattern from an old issue of a Fons & Porter magazine.
Quilt size: width: 20" height: 10"
Vintage Beauty By: Vintage Beauty,
Ontario, Canada
I fell in love with this design when I saw it at my local quilt shop. So when I found out that they were offering it at a class, I sign up. I am really happy with the way it turned out, and it now proudly hangs in our family room.
Quilt size: width: 47" height: 65"
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