I have come to realize that I cannot stand when things are not organized. It makes me feel anxious and it goes without saying it really stifles my creativity. So, I’m getting organized … slowly. I have decided not to move this year, but it is a real possibility for next year. Simply, I just could not find the time to move and the thought of it was completely stressing me out. So, I’ve put that idea on hold and instead will ORGANIZE, de-stash and complete various projects around my home.
First up, dealing the my fat quarters and pre-cut units. I already had some of these plastic, clear shoe boxes. They are used for small UFO’s and pre-cut shapes. I’m currently collecting 1.5″, 2″, 2.5″, 4.5″ squares and 2.5″x4.5″ bricks. I like the size of these bins and that I can fit 9 per shelf. I waited for them to go on sale at Canadian Tire and picked up another 17 last week.
I also have three carts, one that fits under my work table (no photo) and has a couple of completed blocks for two projects, orphan blocks and another bin for scraps. The other two carts, one is dedicated to hand dyed fabrics and the other has 10″ squares for scrappy backings, 2.5″ strips (by 18″) and other strips of various sizes, wool/felt and interfacings.
On to the fat quarters. So far this year, I’ve received 100+ new FQs from around the world as payment for administration of the swaps that I organize here. All fabric is pre-washed before it makes it into my collection. Yes, I know there’s lots of debate about this, but I pre-wash, and it’s unlikely I’ll change my mind anytime soon. A tangled mess out of the washer:
I hang my fabric to dry instead of putting it in the dryer. I find it’s much easier to work with and I can smooth it out while it’s damp and it doesn’t need to be ironed until I use it.
For this exercise, I knew I wanted to sort my fat quarters by colour. The 1930s, Christmas, batiks and solids are stored in larger bins. Some fabric already dedicated to a specific project has it’s own shoe box or white Ikea box. Everything else got organized by colour or style (dots/stripes, novelty, Asian).
Getting started:
Fabrics in their respective bins:
Tweaking the colours:
Labelled and put in their new home:
Now to tackle this mess …
… and this mess …
… and figure out what to do with this bin of fabric scraps from 15 years ago:
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