Options for Google Reader

Hi everyone …

I see the Internet world is buzzing like crazy today as Google announced they’ll be shutting down Google Reader July 1st. I’m disappointed too, as I’ve used it for years. Lately though, since I got my Iphone, I’ve been using Feedly to catch up with the blogs I follow. They have a desktop version too, and I’ll give that a try as well. Reading on my phone is convenient as I don’t have to be sitting at the computer. 🙂

Another popular option in the quilting world is Bloglovin’ which I first heard about when Google stopped allowing the Friend Connect option. I really like it as you can search for types of blogs and the interface is very nice. I’ve seen lots of quilting bloggers (or blog readers) switching over there today. You can add this site to your list here.

Follow on Bloglovin

You can also follow on Facebook, where in addition to sharing what’s going on here, I try to share a daily quilting inspiration, but have fallen behind this week!


You can also subscribe to receive an email version whenever a new blog post is published or subscribe to our weekly newsletter.

Virtual Garage Sale

Today, I’ve been working on a new site for my own quilting stuff, Mishka’s Playground, which is also where I’ll be sharing the items I’m de-stashing to raise some cash for the National Quilting Day Virtual Garage Sale this weekend.

Mishka's Playground

4 responses to “Options for Google Reader”

  1. Bette Avatar

    Thank you for letting us know about google reader. I’ve got all my blogs on it that I follow. At least now I have time and another option. Thank you Thank you!

  2. Janis T Avatar
    Janis T

    Thanks for the info, I’ve started checking both sites out! Is there a way to mark, like Reader’s star, on Bloglovin? I think I like Feedly on my Nexus.

  3. Cathi Avatar

    I started using Feedly last week and have decided that it’s perfect – love that one can comment on a blog without leaving the Feedly reader.

  4. Lindy Avatar

    Mama Mishka takes good care of her quilty kids, as always!

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