The Nashville AQS show will be in full swing one month from now, and I’ve already made my first purchase.
I was reading Pat Sloan’s July Newsletter on the weekend and she had featured this adorable pattern, Chubby Chicks along with her green Nikki fabric, that I just had to have. So I sent her off an email asking her if she’d mind bringing it to Nashville for me, saving me the shipping cost. No problem, it’s packed in her suitcase already.
I’ve had a few emails from other Quilting Bloggers that are interested in having a get-together in Nashville, either for coffee or drinks. If you’re interested, please post a comment below and let me know when the best day/time is for you to meet.
I’ll be there the entire festival time, so I’m pretty flexible. I posted a few weeks ago my schedule and places I’m hoping to visit. Many thanks to all who have sent emails regarding my trip, I’m overwhelmed with all the options. Visting so many States in one trip means a lot of planning.
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