Please join me in welcoming today’s guest blogger Lindy Weber. You might remember that Lindy had been planning her Adventure of a Lifetime and the last we heard she was waiting to hear back about her Visa applications. I’ll let Lindy tell you what happened below …
Lindy is giving away a some of her gorgeous hand dyed fabric too, so be sure to enter the give-away below.
Let’s see, on the bright side…
- I get to move closer to friends and family in the few months.
- I will get to attend my 40th (40th!) High School Reunion.
- I get to keep my Max Cat until the day he or I die.
- I get to be closer to my Granddaughter until she moves somewhere far away.
- I get to buy workshop videos by my favorite artists and learn their techniques.
- I get to attend the Holy Grails of quilting, Houston and Paducah, this coming year.
- I get to take a few select workshops from big name artists here in the States.
- I get to sell my house myself and keep the $$$ saved by not having a realtor.
- I get to work on promoting my fledgling art business sooner than I thought.
- I get to be more involved in the quilt guild I belong to and enter my art in their fall show.
- I can re-join the co-op art gallery and become a much more active member.
- I can get almost all the money spent on the dream trip year in Scotland refunded, except the Gilda Baron workshop. Oh, well.
Yes, the bright side list means there is a major downside, perhaps not the death of a dream, but serious rerouting. The Powers That Be informed us that our Academic Visitor visa did not fit the criteria for an extended visit – visa applications turned down… Online research indicted an appeal would not be successful, and to apply for a General Visa at this point would be seen as a ‘back door’ attempt to enter the UK. Either way could/would take months, solicitor advice and the accompanying fees. We had to make the difficult decision to not sink any more of our limited funds into this venture.
Dreams are very exciting, very hard work but they buoy the spirit, set the heart to singing, put smiles in your footsteps. Letting go of ‘A Year – A Broad – UK’ is painful, I kid you not. But my husband can finish his book here in the States. I can continue my growth as an artist here at home.
My soul wanted to overlook the sea from the Isle of Skye shoreline. My eyes wanted to personally view Stonehenge. The artist in me wanted my work to by influenced by the antiquity of structures, land and history – but it is not to be. Not this year. Not at this stage of life.
I thank you all for letting me share the planning and excitement of my dream journey. And for sharing your own dreams and excitement with me. Keep dreaming, and may your dreams come true!
And a little dark humor. Although I am not literally dying from disappointment, I have been dyeing this week, so the giveaway prize will be a yard’s worth of my hand dyed fat quarters, your pick of the litter!
To enter the give-away, leave a comment below answering: What did you do this past weekend? One winner will be randomly chosen June 1st, 2012.
Congratulations to #14 Ramona.
P.S. Editor’s note: I must apologize to Lindy as she sent me this guest post a couple of weeks ago and I just got too busy and forgot to get it posted for her. I was so sad to learn that her adventure had ended to abruptly. I only hope that one day she can realize her dream. It really was exciting! In case if you’ve missed the full story, read her earlier posts here and follow her on her blog too.
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