
The kind folks at OLFA sent me their latest 5″ Precision Appliqué Scissors to try out and share with my readers. They are also giving away a pair to one of you too. See below for how to enter the give-away.


I’ll admit I was a little skeptical that I’d like these scissors. I already have many pairs and really how many do I need? Well, I tried the scissors a while back and must say they are one of my most favourite pairs now. Here’s what I love about them:

  • Light-weight .. I mean really light weight, so that they are very comfortable.
  • Large cushy handles that fit nicely in my hand and don’t cause strain when used for long periods .. no more pinched fingers.
  • The packaging claims that the scissors can be used to cut through up to six layers of fabric with little effort, and they DO! Without the fabric shifting either.
  • The tips of the blades are as sharp as the rest of the blades, so that trimming curves and V’s for appliqué is super easy and accurate.

I don’t have anything negative to say about these scissors. One recommendation would be to make a larger pair with the same qualities. You can read more about the scissors on OLFA’s web site.

My Project

Below is the project I was working on when I first tried the scissors. It’s the centre circles for my hearts row for my Robin Rowers partner. I’ll post more photos of that project soon.


For my stuffed circles, I needed 5 larger circles in black, 5 smaller ones in white and 5 pieces of light weight batting. I’m using Karen Buckley’s Perfect Circles templates and Erin’s tutorial.

I traced a large circle onto one piece of black fabric, layered the five pieces together, stuck them with a pin, and cut out all pieces at one time. I did the same for the white circles…


… and the batting too.


Quick and easy!


Here’s one of the heart flowers that the circles were for:



OLFA is giving away a pair to one of my readers. To enter, leave a comment below telling me what you did this past weekend. Any gardening or quilting?

Winner will be randomly selected Sunday, April 22, 2012. Thanks to OLFA for adding such a great product to my quilting tool box.

Congratulations to #33 Cheryl Hartzog .. check your email for a message from me.


164 responses to “Product Review: OLFA 5″ Precision Appliqué Scissors”

  1. Debra Lee Avatar
    Debra Lee

    I did absolutely nothing this weekend and it was lovely!

  2. miss jamee Avatar
    miss jamee

    I would love to have these scissors! I have quite a reputation for my applique, but this weekend i have been working on an intense foundation paper pieced project, tiltled MARINER IN A PICKLE. It is from a Fons and Porter magazine from a few years back. Thank you for the chance to win these great snippers…i love OLFA!

  3. moose Avatar

    I was quilting AND gardening this weekend. Started in on a new quilt and pulled out the final remains of last year’s plants.

  4. Margaretk Avatar

    I have been wanting to try these scissors. I could only do virtual quilting this weekend via podcasters and blogs. I will be very happy to get my sewing space back from a construction project – hopefully soon. I did clean out some garden beds, deadhead the daffodils, and plant some strawberries and flowers. Your heart flower block looks lovely!

  5. GourmetQuilter Avatar

    These scissors look awesome! I have been quilt-making all weekend doing some foundation pieced blocks and these scissors would have been very helpful for getting the remaining bits of paper out of the corners! Thanks for the review and chance to win.

  6. Mary Van Dijk Avatar
    Mary Van Dijk

    I tracked down a book for my daughter and drove my son to a seminar, did some grocery shopping and not much else. Enjoyed my weekend all the same!

    I would love to have these scissors!

  7. janet walters Avatar
    janet walters

    I would love the scissors! I worked in the yard, cooked for the week, so I’d have some time to quilt!! 4 years ago OLFA was my very first, mat, rotart cutter and ruler set I bought, that I still use.

  8. Jennie P. Avatar

    I watched some documentaries and the new tv specials for Titanic’s 100th anniversary of the sinking. Don’t know why, I’ve just always been so fascinated with it. In fact, I’m watching a new special on the History channel as I type this. 🙂 Thanks for the chance!

  9. Linda Payne Avatar
    Linda Payne

    I gardened, I sewed, I cooked and I read. It was perfect!

  10. Jennifer Dancy Avatar

    I did a lot of cutting and piecing – and lots of pressing! I’d love to win those darling scissors! Thanks!

  11. Melissa Avatar

    I worked on a tumbler quilt that I am making for Anne’s baby dolls – it will be made out of flock and some Bella Solids. Those scissors would be awesome to try out! Thanks for the chance 🙂

  12. GwenH Avatar

    This weekend I got the binding sewn on my 110″ x 120″ quilt that I made for our bed, and the quilt is now on our bed and looks great.
    I worked on a baby quilt, got it all pinned and ready to quilt, and I also did some housecleaning and laundry.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win the Olfa Scissors, they look and sound wonderful.

  13. Ronnie Avatar

    I did some laundry, house cleaning and planning some projects for quilt camp!

  14. Ellen Pine Hurteau Avatar
    Ellen Pine Hurteau

    I worked Sat nite, so I was able to do some hand piecing on my grandmothers flower garden quilt. Those scissors would have really come in handy. Today I pulled weeds, turned the compost pile and got trade for a guild meeting on Monday nite

  15. Lyn Morrissette Avatar
    Lyn Morrissette

    I would love to have a pair of those scissors Thanks

  16. Sandy Bradfield Avatar
    Sandy Bradfield

    I spent the weekend teaching my two granddaughters to sew. They just got their own machine & were both busy with new projects. One finished a tote bag today & the other is piecing her first quilt. A great weekend!

  17. Barbara Avatar

    I did both!

  18. Deb Avatar

    I pieced 3.5 quilt backs this weekend and went to a quilt show.

  19. Sarah W Avatar
    Sarah W

    Went on a hike literally overtop of the San Andreas fault. Humbling.

  20. Phyllis O'Connor Avatar
    Phyllis O’Connor

    Some piecing, some socializing, some walking, some playing with my dog & a lovely concert with my DH. Doesn’t get any better. Love the scissors.

  21. Debbie Avatar

    No gardening, no quilting or knitting or embroidery. But, I did do a bunch of Sudokus!

  22. Jill Avatar

    I spent the weekend knitting for the imminent arrival of my first grandchild! But I have a quilt underway, and would love to try these scissors!

  23. Vickie Stithem Avatar
    Vickie Stithem

    This weekend was spent quilt, sewing, stitching and quilting again. What a great weekend!

  24. LeAnne L Avatar
    LeAnne L

    Our quilt guild had its annual show this weekend. I got to “work” in the Create-A-Block booth sewing. Lovely quilts, great vendors, got to meet a bunch of new people. It was a great weekend.

  25. Nicole Avatar

    It was my MIL’s 70th birthday festivities this weekend, so I only dreamt about quilting (but oh, the dreams I’ve got).

    I would LOVE to get these scissors!

  26. Cathi Avatar

    Those scissors sound fabulous!!
    I finished a quilt top this weekend and began a new small quilt.

  27. Mary Avatar

    I enjoyed the warm spring weekend & watched my hubby do yard work! Thanks for the chance to win.

  28. Rafael's mum Avatar

    Lots of quilting! Quilted a 91″ sq on my domestic machine. It was a little tricky but I managed!

  29. Kate Avatar

    I worked nights all weekend, but I did cruise some very nice quilting websites. Also got a new magazine called “Quilt your Stash” which has me very excited about making scrap quilts.

  30. angie chappell Avatar
    angie chappell

    I did my first pp’d project and sewed a little and read alot in bed with back pain angchappell@yahoo.com

  31. Vicki Avatar

    I finished sewing all my strips together for the first phase of my strip pieced Lone Star quilt project.

  32. Judy Avatar

    I finished up Block 6 of my NY Beauty QAL on Saturday. Sunday was gardening day and we replaced a few Arborvitae’s that just didn’t make it and needed to be returned before our 1 year return policy expired. Thanks for the chance.

  33. Cheryl Hartzog Avatar

    I have been working on a pillow with a free hand drawn flowers, made french knots in the center of the flowers ,then embroidered a few petals .I also spent time outside watering my flowers because of the dryness , we have not had any rain in awhile .

  34. Din Milem Avatar
    Din Milem

    I mended my son’s and granddaughter’s jeans, went to a wedding, washed granddaughter’s clothes and took them to her apartment, went to a wedding 2 hours away, took Emma Dog to the dog park, went to church; glad to see Monday come!

  35. Marty Askins Avatar
    Marty Askins

    I worked on a little bit of applique on an old BOM that I have been slowly working on. These scissors would come in great use right now for me. Thanks for having the giveaway.

  36. Karin Avatar

    What interesting looking snips! You wouldn’t think that such a small blade would cut so well! Your flower looks lovely, too!!

    This weekend, ummm….it’s hard to remember that far back, and it’s only Monday! OK, well, gardening is easy – we have Knockout Roses, which really are knockouts, but they do require maintenance….DAILY, so, yes, I deadheaded the roses. At least twice, probably 3-4 times. Then, because we’re still in drought conditions, we watered the flowers on the fence, the hanging baskets, the tomatoes & herbs and the heather and hibiscus out front.

    Oh, and we painted two sides of the shed. Why only 2? Because even tho we’re in drought conditions, we get blustery clouds that threaten to break & downpour every afternoon. They seldom do, but ya just never know. And painting in the rain just never works out well.

    Sewing was limited to a couple of embroidery sew-outs for some luggage tags that are due by Wednesday. An airplane and a rocketship for a couple of little boys, and their mom gets a girly cross. Everything was done on solid black fabric so all the colors really stand out and the designs look great! Oh, that was probably less than humble, but they really do & I just know she’ll love ’em!

    Thanks for the product review & giveaway!!!

  37. sandyb Avatar

    Saturday I crocheted and planned a quilt I want to make but Sunday I did one of my most favorite things – I went to a rabbit show – great times, great friends!!!!!!!

    Thank you for the review on these wonderful scissors. I would love them in my quilting.

    Thank you for the chance to win.

  38. Yvonne B Avatar
    Yvonne B

    I did a little applique but mostly took advantage of the beautiful weather and did lots of yard work.

  39. Liz Avatar

    I did some quilting, lots of thinking about the next quilt and we had our 7 yr. old grandson so alot of playing. It was a beautiful weekend here in the Maritimes.

  40. Tina Avatar

    I made 3 pillow cases and did some reorganizing in my work room! Thanks for the chance to win these! I have one of the rotery cutters and love it!


  41. Candace Avatar

    Saturday we met our daughter and granddaughter for lunch, and Sunday I basted a large quilt. The scissors look very nice, it is nice of you to host the giveaway. I haven’t tried any of their scissors, but I do have one of their rotary cutters.

  42. michele Avatar

    I have a pair of these and they have become my FAVORITE scissors. I find myself reaching for these and not my Gingers or my Karen Kay Buckley scissors. Hope I win another pair! Thanks for the chance

  43. Alicia Key Avatar
    Alicia Key

    Saturday isn’t really “weekend” yet for us since our store is open. Once the weekend DID start- about 3pm Saturday- we spent the rest of Saturday with family (boys & their wives for dinner) and then quilting on one for a soldier returning home in June. It’ll be a beauty!

  44. Anne P Avatar
    Anne P

    A busy weekend. Competed in obedience with my dogs at a trial. Managed to get a bit clean up done in the garden when I returned and last night worked on a few string blocks.

  45. Vicki Avatar

    I totally cleaned and reorganized my sewing area! It was a long and tiring job but everything has a place now and I’m no longer going to have to buy doubles and triples because I couldn’t see what I already had.

  46. Bev C Avatar

    Thanks for the opportunity to win some Olfa scissors. I did lots of gardening, planting our Winter vegies. A little bit of stitchery too.

    Happy days.

  47. Barbara Robson Avatar

    Sewed 5 pillowcases for the grands, penguins and fairies, pirates and Hello Kitty! So cute! And am working on a donation quilt for our local daycare.
    Will definitely check out these scissors as I am teaching an applique class at Quilt Canada.

  48. sandyquiltz Avatar

    I attended our two-day sew days of one of my guilds. Spent Friday playing with Shiva paintstiks (my current obsession–fun fun fun!), then Saturday finishing up some baby receiving blankets to be used as donations. Had a great time sewing with my quilty peeps! Would love to win those scissors–I’ve read a lot about them lately.

  49. DianeH Avatar

    I finished up an apron made with four beautiful Art Gallery Fabrics fqs for my sisters birthday gift. Thanks for the great review and a chance.

  50. Diane Dodds Avatar
    Diane Dodds

    Well let me see: I went on a quilting retreat with 12 other lovely ladies. We sewed! Boy did we sew! I accomplished a lot: a quilt top for Victoria’s Quilts, 4 cuddle quilts bound and 4 others pieced for Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (the group I belong to supplies about 400 each year), I paper pieced on a miniature, I consulted (we all do that!), we ate, we laughed, but we sewed a lot.

  51. Sunnybec Avatar

    I did both!! Well, some weeding, our gravel paths were full so decided I needed to pull some up!! Also sewn some blocks ready for a quilt and last night I did some applique. Hugs

  52. Cindy Sharp Avatar
    Cindy Sharp

    I spent the weekend hanging out with my guys, watching baseball games, and quilting my birthday quilt. No gardening here….we had thunder storms.

  53. Wanda Avatar

    Unfortunately, I didn`t get any quilting done this weekend as I wasn`t feeling very good. But I do have my quilting retreat coming up this week so I`ll make up for it 🙂

  54. Linda Duncan Avatar

    I managed some quilt sewing time after attending a church event and a wedding reception. The scissors looks awesome! Thanks for the review and chance to win.

  55. Stray Stitches (Linda G) Avatar

    I did a bit of gardening – well, I pulled weeds that were taking over my garden, and I managed to squeeze in a bit of stitching. Quilting will be my project for today. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your wonderful giveaway.

  56. WandaFish Avatar

    I did a lot of entertaining my 4 year old daughter and a little gardening – planting some salad crops for summer 🙂 Hoping to get on with some sewing this week.
    Thanks for the giveaway – the scissors sound just what I need!

  57. Patty Happel Avatar
    Patty Happel

    We had approx 2 inches of rain over the weekend, so no gardening. I did get to work on the quilting on my Orca Bay mystery quilt from Bonnie Hunter. It will go to the Missouri Baptist Children’s Home annual quilt auction.

  58. 2ne Avatar

    I did some free motion quilting this week end – love it 🙂
    And we had some snow yesterday so – no gardening yet…..

  59. Colleen Carter Avatar
    Colleen Carter

    I’ve been quilting for just under 12 months and I’m having a blast. I taught myself using the wonderful resources found on the internet and I’ve completed 12 quilts so far. I’m now teaching my 2 daughters to quilt also. Over the weekend we made two charity quilts for the Royal Flying Doctor Service here in Australia. I also began machine quilting a quilt for my father and finished the top of a table runner as a gift for a friend. In between all this we entertained some of the grandchildren and they also did some gardening and painting with Poppie ( I’m afraid I have very brown thumbs). Eventually I will get quilt done for myself lol.

  60. Mary Avatar

    I want some! This weekend I orgnanized the patterns in my looseleaf notebooks. I have a notebook for; bedsize, throws, children, things, wall hangings, techniques, foundation, and log cabin quilts. It took all day. What a joyful, colorful day!

  61. Jane Avatar

    I’m working on a quilt my mom asked me to put together from some quilted blocks my sisters, sisters-in-law, and she did several years ago. I am doing the QAYG method, so have a lot of hand sewing on the back. One day this quilt will be done and I can send it back to her! 🙂

  62. Norma Avatar

    I took the kids to the zoo, tried to find Joann’s after and failed. But we got hot fresh krispy creme donuts on the way home!

  63. greenduckie13 Avatar

    I spent the weekend watching tv and sleeping. I hate being sick!

  64. Pamela Avatar

    Made a couple of blocks for my Dear Jane (aka – Crazy Jane) quilt and just relaxed!

  65. Shelley Avatar

    No quilting this weekend. Our oldest son and soon to be daughter came for the weekend and we celebrated my husbands birthday on Saturday. Then Sunday we met our second son and girlfriend for a family day at the zoo! A wonderful weekend – quilting could wait.

  66. Judith Avatar

    I made the tiniest bit of progress on a quilt that I quilted in three sections. This weekend I joined the last two sections together. Now I just have to bind it. The front sashing, the backing, and the binding are all in black, so I can only work on it when the light is good. Thanks for the great give away.

  67. Leslie in Maine Avatar

    The only gardening I did was admiring the freshly opened dffodils, but I did get a couple of the latest Just Takes 2 blocks done

  68. Theresa Taylor Avatar
    Theresa Taylor

    I spent the last five days helping out my neice in her new yard. The garden was very overgrown so the first two days were spent tearing out and pruning many trips to the dump. By the end of the second day I felt so sore and tired. Planted some new flowers and plants begining to look like someone lives there. I went home after the fifth day and havent done anything today. Plan on getting back to my quilt I am working on maybe tomorrow.

  69. Genny Avatar

    Este fin de semana uni las piezas del quilt de la amistad, somos 9 amigas y estamos haciendo un quilt para cada una, es muy divertido, luego pongo fotos en mi webside, es una gran idea de olfa este regalo son muy buenos productos yo tengo los cutter y alguna cosas mas, siempre los recomiendo a mis alumnas, GRACIAS.

  70. Mary Avatar

    It was rainy and wet here most of the weekend, so no gardening and plenty of time quilting. I finished quilting a queen-size quilt my cousin made, then quilted and did the machine sewing for the binding on a lap-size for a friend, and got two more lap-size quilts pressed and spray basted ready to quilt. I didn’t accomplish as much as I had hoped, but am making progress.

  71. Dale Anne Potter Avatar

    COOL – that looks like an AWESOME pair of scissors!
    THANKS for this review & chance to win a pair.

  72. cityquilter grace Avatar
    cityquilter grace

    oohh, i’ve been lusting after a pair of these…this weekend? quilting of course!

  73. Rita Goshorn Avatar

    i cut and marked hexies from a charm pack to decorate a quilt top. labor intensive without a fabric cutter!! but then, i didn’t want fusible on the back side. thanx for the chance to win these 5 inch applique scissors.

  74. Theresa Avatar

    I mostly applique and embroidery, I would love to have a pair of these scissors. I love OLFA products!

  75. Jennyroo Avatar

    Sigh. No gardening (still too cold here!) and no quilting. I did get through the three boys’ closets and shuffled outgrown clothes into the hand-me-down piles for little brothers to grow into or goodwill. Whew, that was a ton of work! Hope to sew a little this week to make up for it!

  76. Tine Avatar

    Wow! These scissors look like a must-have! This weekend I played around with my newly bought EQ7, finished a 10 year old UFO (sample from a bargello-class), went to my nephew’s 10 year B-day and…? Oh yes! I bought a pair of new shoes 🙂 No gardening here in Copenhagen, yet.

  77. paula.thequilter Avatar

    Since the wind blew like crazy over the weekend I holed up in the sewing room and sewed and sewed. I got a QOV top completed. Woo Hoo! I could use a pair of applique scissors for the Christmas Baltimore quilt.

  78. Mary Avatar

    I hand appliqued some X-Mas blocks. First time I used felt and I love it. Went for a walk and my Spring vacation is over so it was back to doing lesson plans. The scissors look wonderful. I just bought some duckbilled scissors.

  79. Donna Gauch Avatar
    Donna Gauch

    Did some hand appliqué and worked around the house.

  80. Marilyn Mennenga Avatar
    Marilyn Mennenga

    I started a new scrap quilt but didn’t like what I was doing so I’ll have to find a new pattern.

  81. Cheryl Avatar

    No quilting this weekend, although I did a ton of sewing for a custom order for a customer for my shop. Then I did get a chance to get out and do some cleanup in some of my flowerbeds, and tilled up my vegetable garden plot, yay!

  82. Erin Erickson Avatar

    No gardening (too early) or quilting but I did have a few hours Friday night to work on a new tutorial for my blog. In fact, those scissors would be perfect for it! If I don’t win I might have to get myself a pair of those! 6 layers? Awesome!

  83. Patricia S. Avatar
    Patricia S.

    My daughter got married this weekend so no quilting for me!!!

  84. Missy Avatar

    I went to a TOGA (treadleon gathering and academy) It was a quilt retreat where everyone used hand cranks and treadles. I only went for one day though, but I got to use a hand crank for the first time and someone helped me fix the head of my treadle. I can’t wait to use it for the first time!

  85. Susie Q Avatar
    Susie Q

    I had to work, but I did get to quilt a table runner. I also cut a lot of scraps into charm squares, 2 1/2 inch strips and scrap binding.

  86. Denise J. Avatar
    Denise J.

    I had an enjoyable weekend. My hold at the library for Season 4 of Bones came in and I watched a few episodes. Have really gotten hooked! Worked on English Paper piecing diamonds while watching. Also worked on a commission job. Would love to win the scissors. Have read about them but wondered myself do I really need another pair of scissors.

  87. Katie b Avatar

    I did some yard work and started on a chevron quilt.

  88. Sallie Avatar

    I watched hockey. Thanks for the giveaway!

  89. Mary Avatar

    I would love to give those a workout. The weekend saw cleaning and traveling for me.

  90. nikki Avatar

    We went campin last week then picked up our new irish wolfhound pup saturday. 🙂

  91. Barbie Kanta Avatar
    Barbie Kanta

    I finally finished my binding! I finally finished my binding! I finally finished my binding! On my VW-LoveBugs quilt. I moved slabs and watered plants…and a quiltin’ buddy of mine in Tennesee told me she loves loves loves those scissors! Thanks in advance for the chance B^)

  92. Karen Avatar

    I removed leaves from some of my flower beds on Sat. Sunday it rained but that gave me time to work on a book of my machine decorative stitches.

  93. Michelle Olsen Avatar

    Saturday, our Girl Scout Troop participated in World Thinking Day, where I passed out filipino lumpia (egg rolls filled with sausage – two sisters in our troop have a filipino dad who made these) to 50+ girls and parents; Saturday night, both my girls left for sleepovers so my husband & I went out to dinner. On Sunday I mowed the front lawn, applied weed & feed, fertilized my roses, and washed our vehicles, and played catch with my oldest daughter. Busy weekend! I will have time for quilting this week 🙂

  94. Connie Avatar

    Would love to win those scissors! Last weekend I didn’t do any quilting or gardening. It was my birthday and we partied!

  95. Laura Avatar


    I did get to do some quilting on Saturday morning, not as much as I wanted but at least a little bit. Was organizing the strips for my log cabin quilt.

  96. Suzy Sparrowe Avatar

    Hi, I didn’t do nearly enough quilting as everything else gets in the way! but I did get some time to work on a beach blanket that I am making. I am doing my first craft fair in July and so am busy making everything for that!

  97. Elizabeth St. Avatar
    Elizabeth St.

    Saturday, I made 3 “Wonder Wallets” for my daughter who is moving to FL for a new job…..I figured she needed 3 because the one she has now is stuffed tight! Sunday, we spent the day together saying our “goodbye’s” for now.

  98. Lisa Avatar

    Since the rainy, cold and windy weather postponed my gardening, the only thing left to do was…go to the nearest quilt quild show. What a great way to spend the day! So many ideas! The quilt venders are always excited to help get you started on a new project. Sunday was a cold and windy day, so what better time than to get started on another quilting project. Next mission…learning to appliqué. I could sure use a new pair of scissors!

  99. Michele Bilyeu Avatar

    Gardening, quilting and reading…my ongoing favorite hobbies of choice! Nothing better than a little sunshine, a lot of quilting, and a good book to read! And yes, with my love of art quilting, as well as the precision cutting of tiny pieces, for the quilts I am working on now…I would LOVE to own a pair of these new scissors!

  100. Kim's Crafty Apple Avatar
    Kim’s Crafty Apple

    What a wonderful prize! I actually spent the weekend celebrating my 30th birthday! We had a wonderful party on Saturday for friends and family and Sunday I hung out with my girls and ate cake and ice cream! It was a glorious weekend of fun!

  101. Lynn Avatar

    I finished a wallhanging I had started last August this last weekend. Need to be working in my flower beds outside but it rained and was cold all weekend so a good time to stay inside and stitch.

  102. Karrie S Avatar
    Karrie S

    I spent the weekend on my laptop looking for and filling out applications for a new nursing job. Thanks for the chance to win!

  103. Deb Morrissey Avatar
    Deb Morrissey

    I visited my daughter in Boston and we stained her dining room chairs, recovered the seat cushions and made a cover for her ottoman. All in a three day visit!

  104. leanne Avatar

    I worked on a few mini quilts this weekend – red and white minis – they should be finished this week – yay ! thanks for the giveaway – those scissors look and sound fabulous 🙂

  105. crystal Avatar

    I Had a sleep over with three of my grandsons.
    Looked at alot of quilting blogs and patterns etc.

  106. Becky Greene Avatar
    Becky Greene

    I worked on completing a mini-bookshelf quilt for my sister. Thanks for the chance to win!

  107. Lisa Cox Avatar
    Lisa Cox

    I am part of a mystery round robin, so this weekend I added a border to the block I received for this month. I put some tomato starts into larger pots, put some Asiatic Lilies into my decorative galvanized buckets on my front porch.

  108. Patti Avatar

    I did do something quilting related – I reorganized my fabric, which was quite out of control. Now I feel better and look forward to being able to more quickly locate what I need. Thanks for a chance.

  109. Cheryl Avatar

    Last weekend I cleaned house and cooked, since the deacons, their wives and the ministers from my church were coming over. We also took a girl from church out for her birthday lunch, and I did get enough cleaning done that I got a little bit of sewing in, too. Gotta finish making my son’s graduation/dorm quilt. I did take a paper piecing class last night. Yea! I think I finally figured it out. I’ll practice more on it at sew in on Thursday. Thanks for the chance. I love OLFA products.

  110. Kylie C Avatar
    Kylie C

    No quilting this past weekend since it was my Dad’s birthday- but I tell you that quilting is all I did last week since I was sewing up to the last minute to finish his birthday quilt.

  111. Hueisei Avatar

    I’m doing a stitching project 🙂
    Thanks for a chance to win!

  112. Lisa Marie Avatar
    Lisa Marie

    I did major amounts of sewing — pieced 80 log cabin blocks plus made a 24″ applique block. All got pieced into a quilt that I finished this morning. Amazing what gets done when there’s a deadline!

  113. Lizzie Avatar

    I love Olfa’s! This past weekend, I worked on my pincushions, read from a bunch of quilt and sewing books, and spent time with my kids, who had friends over for a sleepover!

  114. Diann Cornell Avatar
    Diann Cornell

    Mostly cooking and cruising the web.

  115. MarciaW Avatar

    Gardening (my mother let me sit on a stool and water plants until my back heals). For my arm chair quilting project really really could have used those sharp scissors as clipped curves. Thanks for the giveaway from you and Olfa.

  116. Elizabeth Johnson Avatar

    Little league Baseball with a 6 year old. Then quilting. Nice scissors would love to have those in my sewing box.

  117. Michele T Avatar
    Michele T

    I started a new project for my son’s girlfriend it is a monogram pillow and even he loves the fabric I chose!! (he asked if he could say he made it… funny guy!!)

  118. Gene Black Avatar

    This past weekend, I did some machine embroidery and some planning for work on a quilt.

  119. Lee Ann L. Avatar

    It was our anniversary weekend and we were looking at options for houses (to build or to not build). We ended up looking at a house that we thought was out of our price range. We fell in love and made our best offer fully expecting it to be rejected and/or countered offered. But, it was immediately accepted! After looking for two long years, I think we finally have a place to call home.

    Thank you for a chance to win this scissors — I need a pair like these because I lost a similar pair by Fiscars.

  120. Anne C. Avatar

    I completed a labor-intensive wall hanging quilt this past weekend! YAY!

  121. Linda Avatar


  122. Maria Kievit Avatar
    Maria Kievit

    Well, we own a greenhouse business, and I do work there on occasion. Not quite gardening season here yet, but we’re getting the plants ready for those who do enjoy the gardening process. My garden usually is a disaster, and left till last…..lol

  123. Bobbie Avatar

    This past weekend I worked on “bolting” my stash onto mini bolts- I have over 150 and haven’t even made a dent yet! But it looks sew pretty and I can find my fabric!

  124. Dagmar Avatar

    ich traf mich am letzten Wochenende mit Freundinen und wir nähten Taschen. Es war ein super schöner Tag.

  125. Marianne Britt Duvendack Avatar

    Ohhh, I was standing in the store yesterday with 50% off coupon burning a hole in my pocket…. and ended up not getting new scissors, because I couldn’t decide! Now I know which ones I need next. Hurry up and pick me or at least before my coupon expires!!

  126. Marsha Scott Avatar
    Marsha Scott

    I did a lot of errand running last weekend . This weekend I plan to do nothing as I have a cold and feel horrible. I will probably be watching TV and reading. I need to be doing so much more though. I have a lot of flowers that need to be put out and I need to set out tomato plants that I bought last weekend. Makes me tired just thinking about it. LOL!

  127. Jennifer Schifano Eutsler Avatar

    This past weekend I arrived home from my honeymoon. I did lots and lots of laundry!

  128. LaDonna Avatar

    Both quilting and gardening, if yard work counts as gardening! The quilt is for my in-laws 50th anniversary and I’m loving it!

  129. Donna Gauch Avatar
    Donna Gauch

    I went flea market shopping. Sewing items could not be found. So sad.

  130. Maggie Robinson Avatar

    Making dolls all week Lots of fun getting ready for a studio tour Your offer is exciting, I love scissors!

  131. Mary S Avatar
    Mary S

    I did some hand work on antique (or old) blocks I found at a garage sale. Huge 15″ Dresden plates. They are all done, just need to put it all together somehow. Still too chilly to plant so the gardens will wait.

  132. Alberta in N GA Avatar
    Alberta in N GA

    I did lots of quilting over the weekend, also during the week.,. I have been looking for these scissors and cant find then… would love to win a pair..

  133. Regina Avatar

    Half of last weekend was spent on the road returning from vacation, and the other half was spent doing laundry, unpacking and relaxing – with a bit of work on some quilt blocks in between.

  134. Priscilla Pride Avatar
    Priscilla Pride

    Well so far this weekend I have made a block of the month block, done some work in my greenhouse waiting to plant tomatoes, taking care of my cool season plantings, today I am planning on making a sun dress for my granddaughther,Bristol. Going to a garden show later today.

  135. Kyle Avatar

    I’m working on applique from my Nancy Amidon class!

  136. Bonnie Hill Avatar
    Bonnie Hill

    Taking advantage of the beautiful spring weather to get my yard work done. Finished pruning the apple trees, pruned back the rose bushes and got them fertilized, then worked on pruning the grape vines.

  137. Patty Happel Avatar
    Patty Happel

    I finished my donation quilt (Orca Bay by Bonnie Hunter) for the Missouri Baptist Childrens Home

  138. Cecilia Avatar

    Im at a retreat this weekend and I could really use these scissors. I have to clip my square to the edge of a seam and the sharp points would really be great to have.

  139. Myra Avatar

    I am working on my firstever floral applique blocks.I am sewing them in the wildest colors and I’m going to sew 4 different ones and make a wallhanging.I’ve finished 1 block and I really enjoyed working on it.OOhhhh,would those scissors helpme out!! Would love to win a pair!!!

  140. Debra Svedberg Avatar

    I’m working on my the fabric postcards for the current trade I’m in at http://www.postmarkdart.com I’m currently working on the ones for the theme ‘van Gogh’ and then I’ll start the theme ‘cityscapes’.
    It is so much fun to send and receive 4 x 6″ pieces of art in the mail. And it’s small enough to make it easy to try a new technique, something you haven’t done before.

    If you haven’t tried it, ask a friend to make one too and then you send each other your cards!


  141. Alicia Avatar

    i am trying to clean and tidy up my sewing/quilting room.
    Attend Church

  142. Terri Betz Avatar
    Terri Betz

    We reported our dwarf apple trees & got garden ready to plant! Also sent granddaughters a box of goodies! Need these to make my job easier. Then the girls will get some homemade summer clothes!

  143. Cory Avatar

    We did the usual, cleaned house, laundry, took the twins for a walk. Keep looking at the quilting I want to do, need to get my timming down better. Tomorrow we are taking the twins in to town to get their photo’s done for their 1st birthday.

  144. LaRue Wilson Avatar

    I finished my Birds in the Air quilt, now ready to take it to be machine quilted.

  145. Sandy Bradfield Avatar
    Sandy Bradfield

    Finished up a mystery quilt from a recent class. It looks fantastic in Bali fabrics! Then I taught my 2 granddaughters how to use a rotary cutter to cut out their patterns for their new project – little purses. Fun!

  146. Colleen Avatar

    Finished up 2 UFO’s…..and started packing for a 4 day quilt retreat next week. 4 days of sewing and new friends…can’t wait

  147. Sandy Avatar

    I did some Gardening and Quilting. I dead headed some tulips and daffodils and weeded. I worked on a Shirt and Tie Quilt for my brother using my Dads Shirts and Ties…..

  148. Carla G Avatar
    Carla G

    Last weekend I sewed up a little purse & pyramid pouch for a gift for a birthday party my kids went to. And this weekend I’ll be planting my greenhouse. 🙂

  149. Ann Avatar

    I am finishing the binding on 2 T-Shirt quilts then I have another one I need to put together but in the mean time I am taking my youth group to the Ronald McDonald House and preparing dinner for the families that are living there right now.

  150. Elly L Avatar

    I’ve been applicated, the antique sampler of Sue Daley. I had very busy week on work, so this weekend i will go on with the application

  151. Christian Chandler Avatar
    Christian Chandler

    Practiced fmq on a lap quilt, and spent some quality time cross stitching.

  152. Kate Avatar

    Le sigh. Worked last weekend and working this weekend,. But as it’s very, very, quiet today, I have cut out a bunch of squares for a little project I am going to try out.

  153. Julie Avatar

    I love OLFA products.
    I was stuck at two sales events this weekend. One went very well, the other was a complete bust 🙁
    Fancy scissors, would certainly brighten my mood 😉

  154. Pat B. Avatar
    Pat B.

    Took my first mach. embroidery class. I could have used these scissors today.

  155. Mary Lynn Avatar
    Mary Lynn

    Well my weekend started Friday, a day with my grandson, and then out for an early dinner at the Oddfellows Hall in Belmont only to return to do some gardening, three hours worth!! It feels good and I am almost finished the Spring cleanup. 🙂 That was the last garden to cleanup and all the others have mulch on already! Now today, I finished piecing a CHEMO quilt for our local hospital, a project with one of my guilds. I got it sandwiched later and then have it about 1/2 quilted. Break for supper and back at it again afterwards. Hope you are having a great weekend! 🙂 Tomorrow DH and I are planning out our trip to Quilt Canada and coffee with a friend!

  156. Judy Avatar

    I’d love to win some new scissors! I went to a quilt show with 2 grandkids in tow… Lovely quilt show, not enough time to view everything in detail with the 2 young ‘uns! Next time.

  157. Mary Dylke Avatar

    Personal maintenance day – haircut and pedi. Mail my income tax forms, which always makes me grumpy. To make up for that, will be going for a walk in the sun and starting my next quilt1

  158. Quilt Rat Avatar

    Brand new, new, sharp scissors….an applique project….sounds like a fabulous day! I seem to always use my big dressmaker shears for everything….gonna have to look at these.
    Working on an online class project this weekend…..painting pictorial quilts….LOVING it!

  159. Linda Avatar

    Went to Farmers Market…came home and spent the afternoon freemotion quilting a queen size quilt on my DSM. Still lots to do to finish it. Thanks for the chance.

  160. JOAN GODFREY Avatar

    i always have a meeting on sat am for work, then it is FUN time. i went to a friend’s house to sew with a small group. got lots done for my guild challenge…

  161. Nancy Sue Avatar
    Nancy Sue

    We spent the weekend working in the yard a bit. Baby shampoo (the cheapest you can find) mixed with Vodka, is the best dandilion “tamer” ever. I learned from last year however, that it elimates a boatload of questions from neighbors if you place everything in a spraybottle, rather that have them see you sitting in the yard with a bottle in a brown paper bag:)!!!!

  162. Lisa Conant Avatar

    I went to a chrysalis flight planning meeting, at church…great to see all the girls!!

  163. Carlie Avatar

    As I’m a nurse I worked Saturday and Sunday morning in ICU.Came home to dishes, laundry and a teething 16 month old who missed his mum. Cutting out my Jacobean applique quilt pieces will happen another day! I just dream of craft in my head 🙂

  164. Linda Dixon Avatar
    Linda Dixon

    These scissors have made the old spoonbill applique scissors obsolete. Love them.

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