Nursery Rhymes Quilts

Quick stats:

  • Total submissions: 11
  • Total countries: 3
  • Total provinces: 2
  • Total states: 5

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Beatrix Potter Beatrix Potter
By: Kathi I, Pennsylvania, USA

I designed this baby quilt so that the fabric in the large blocks is also on the back of the quilt. I make the baby quilts to practice using my Bernina stitch regulator and free motion quilting. Inside is Dream Angel batting which is naturally fireproof and nice to machine quilt through.

Quilt size: width: 45″" height: 52″"

Calais' Mother Goose Calais’ Mother Goose
By: Barbara Eding, California, USA

I was going to make a baby quilt for my husband’s boss but I got injured and couldn’t sew for a while. So my husband participated in designing and much of the piecing the quilt. I did all the quilting. So it was really a joint project!

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 47"

Chenelle Star and Moon babies Chenelle Star and Moon babies
By: Deanna Stevens, Nebraska, USA

A Chenelle baby blanket, I’d like to teach my grandbabies this nursery rhyme.
I See the Moon
I see the moon and the moon sees me The moon sees the somebody I’d like to see. God bless the moon and God bless me God bless the somebody I’d like to see!

Quilt size: width: 30" height: 40"

Funky Monkey Baby Quilt Funky Monkey Baby Quilt
By: Christine Capps, Texas, USA

I fell in love with this Moda Fabric the first time I saw it. I remember as a kid singing the Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the bed song. I decided to pass on this tradition by making a quilt for the newest baby in our extended family.

Quilt size: width: 46" height: 46"

Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes
By: Mandy Foot, Australia

I made this quilt for Kids with Cancer (CIKA) for the Royal Childrens Hospital in Melbourne. It took me about 3 months to make this quilt. It raised
$5020 for the charity which I was absolutely thrilled about. I love making applique quilts as they are so colourful and interesting.

Quilt size: width: 72" height: 76"

By: Quilting Sue, Texas, USA

ABC panel quilt with borders added.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 42"

Nursey Rhymes Nursey Rhymes
By: Gail Fearon, New Brunswick, Canada

Hand embroidered in taupe on cream and hand quilted. I collected the patterns from our local newspaper over a period of months. I’ve always liked the look of embroidery on quilts and this pattern certainly fit the bill.

Quilt size: width: 76" height: 84"

Old McDonald Old McDonald
By: Kristine, Australia

My very first quilt top i ever made, all pieced using the traditional english paper piecing method (didn’t know any better at the time). It was the begining of my love affair with patchwork and quilting.

Quilt size: width: 51" height: 51"

The Three Bears The Three Bears
By: Marianne, Ohio, USA

This is a quilt for our king-size bed (hence the layers and layers of borders). It’s from a pattern by Susan Maw and Sally Bell from Kila MT.

Quilt size: width: 80" height: 80"

Three Little Pigs Three Little Pigs
By: Susan Cook, Pennsylvania, USA

I have a friend who used to own a quilt shop and had an affinity for pigs but couldn’t find a pig pattern so I designed this one for her shop.

Quilt size: width: 53" height: 30"

What Did I Dream? What Did I Dream?
By: Darlene (Fabricpainter!), Alberta, Canada

“What did I dream?
I do not know,
The fragments fly like chaff.
Yet strange my mind
Was tickled so,
I cannot help but laugh.”

I love this nursery rhyme. My small art quilt depicts a fairy waking up after a night’s sleep underneath a cover of trees. She’s on Extravorganza, painted & beaded.

Quilt size: width: 14" height: 24"

15 responses to “Nursery Rhymes Quilts”

  1. princess pudge Avatar
    princess pudge

    Always a hard choice but a great display of talent as always.

  2. Jo Tubby Avatar
    Jo Tubby

    All gorgeous entries and a very difficult decision.

  3. Chris Avatar

    Such cute quilts – good luck to the folks who entered!

  4. Colleen Avatar

    I really love the talent! Who could not love all of them.
    thanks for the giveaways!

  5. Jen Avatar

    Fabulous quilts, as usual!

    I was going to say I don’t have a quilt story to submit, but now I think about it, I do! We husband and I got married in front of a quilt I made in the summertime! I bet I could poke around for an awesome recipe too. Now I’m all excited! I would buy this book for $10. Thanks for the giveaway. And the contest voting!

  6. Jenn Vallimont Avatar
    Jenn Vallimont

    I really look forward to seeing the talent & creativity each week. Beautiful quilts with lots of love stitched into each one.

  7. Paula L. Avatar
    Paula L.

    I’m sorry but I don’t have a quilt story to submit, but yes, I would buy this book for $10. The quilts are all lovely, great work!
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  8. Cassie Avatar

    I would have to think about a quilting story… I’m sure I have one or two. And I would have to dig for a summery recipe. I don’t normally make recipes based on the season… perhaps I should. 🙂 and yeah I would buy it for $10, that seems like a good price.

  9. Heather Porritt Avatar
    Heather Porritt

    I have a quilt story for you but I am not sure if it would be what your looking for?? A summertime recipe well that may be easier…. I would easily buy a book for only 10$$ escially if it has my too favorite subjects quilting and food!!!!

  10. karin Avatar

    I have a quilt story that’s kinda funny (to us, anyway), and I have a few good recipes, but, since we live in an RV, and space is tight, I’d have to refrain from buying a food book – would rather have more fabric or another how-to technique. I rely on the internet for most recipes nowadays, sorry!

  11. Marcia W. Avatar
    Marcia W.

    My mother is the awesome cook in our family so would like to win for her. Alas, my entry would have to be on washing dishes or one of her recipes and quilt stories (if she agreed). Thanks for the chance.

  12. Deanna Avatar

    OK–so I left my first comment in the wrong place. Sorry! But I WOULD submit a recipe. Thanks for sponsoring these weekly contests.

  13. Sandy Avatar

    Lovely quilts and hard to decide but I had to go with Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes…lots of applique!! Love the colors that she choose.

  14. Deb Polich Avatar
    Deb Polich

    The answer to both questions is YES. I also loved the ideas in these quilts. They would all be very sweet for some child.

  15. Leslie T Avatar
    Leslie T

    Wow, amazing quilts! What talent, hard to choose!!

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