Welcome to my stop on the Fruitful Hands Blog Tour. I hope you’ve been having fun visiting with Jacquelynne Steves and the other guests this week.

Fruitful Hands

I first met Jacquelynne and her lovely daughter at Quilt Market last year. You might also remember having met her earlier this year when she sponsored one of our weekly contests too.

Jacquelynne’s first book, Fruitful Hands, is simply delightful. It contains 14 gorgeous projects including: machine appliqued wall hangings, wool felt floor mat, painted recipe box, stitchery and more. Also included are 12 delicious sounding recipes… I can’t wait for the weather to cool off so I can try the Orange Chocolate Chip Scones.

The photos and colour illustrations throughout the book are simply gorgeous. Here’s a sample page:

Download a free project and a recipe [PDF] from the book, Pineapple Welcome wall hanging and the Pineapple Bread Pudding recipe… yummy!!

A few more photos from the book:

You can order an autographed copy of the book directly on Jacquelynne’s, The Noble Wife web site or through Amazon.


Jacquelynne has donated a copy of Fruitful Hands to be given away to one of my blog readers. Additionally, I’ll also be giving away, to a second winner, an Aurifil thread sampler pack and a Lapel glue stick.

How to enter: Leave a comment on this blog post, just one comment per person please. Share a story of an act of kindness that you did recently or that someone did for you. Two winners will be randomly chosen next Wednesday.

Facebook friends: Please enter on the blog, NOT on Facebook … CLICK HERE.

Fruitful Hands Blog Tour Participants

Rumour has it, you’ll be able to win a copy of Jacquelynne’s new book Fruitful Hands, and perhaps some other goodies too from each blogger. Here’s the the blog tour schedule:

155 responses to “My Stop on the Fruitful Hands Blog Tour”

  1. Marcia K Avatar

    My neighbor called me and asked me to go to her house and let out her HUGE dogs.. they are lovely dogs, but overly friendly when you go to see them. They tend to jump all over you in their excitement. Poor doggies needed to go potty.. My hand took a few days to recover from their big mitts jumping all over me, but you do what you need to do for your neighbors. That is what makes a neighborhood nice.

  2. Michele Bilyeu Avatar

    I just finished making 12 angel wraps and tiny preemie quilts for our local hospital. These are used to wrap the tiniest of babies that do not survive being born far too soon. It gives a loving wrap for a baby that has been so loved and whose parents still want to be able to hold, bond, and say goodbye to their little ones. Besides making the quilts, I gave my readers links to dozens of free patterns for wraps, blankets, and tiny little clothing. It touched my heart to be able to do this for others and judging from my comments, so many hearts have also been opened and now they are making and donating these, as well!

  3. Diane Wild Avatar
    Diane Wild

    My friend needed a ride to the eye doctor for some relatively quick procedure. But the wait time was 2 hours..oh well, that’s what take-along sewing projects are all about. Someday I might need a ride to the doctor.

  4. Colleengander@sympatico.ca Avatar

    I staged a “quilting emergency” so that my friend could escape her longterm houseguest for a few hours of respite, coffee and fellowship. Oh wait, that doesn’t seem very self-less. I am helping a friend to empty the apartment of her recently deceased family member; lots of trash runs and boxes of packed goodies to the thrift shop.

  5. Marg Avatar

    My friend and walking buddy looks after our two cats for us a lot in the summer so we can spend lots of time at the lake. But when I had to look after her cat for one week, the cat disappeared on the second day and we never saw her again! Thankfully she came back shortly after her owners returned!

  6. DianeH Avatar

    The other day I gave money to a young man who had gotten off at the wrong bus stop and didn’t have any money to get back on . There are many opportunities to help others and I try to be open to them as there have been some that I did not act on and will forever regret it. Thanks for this Michelle, I really love Jackie’s work and congratulate her on her new book.

  7. Jen Avatar

    I’m having my parents over for dinner tonight! It’s such a small payback for everything they do for us kids. Love you guys! Oh, and I love the pineapple welcome sign too!

  8. Sallie Avatar

    My DH fixed the pedal on my sewing machine for me. The spring was too tight, and the machine had a mind of its own – just sewing away without me doing anything! He also spent several hours last weekend helping me redesign my blog header.

  9. Hueisei Avatar

    I am 38weeks pregnant now. I get a lot of helping hands from my beloved collegues. I am thankful for it. My collegues will give priority to me first when we are queuing for lift, while waiting for lunch and waiting for cab 🙂
    So happy!!

  10. Cheryl Avatar

    I’ve been wanting to obtain a hand crank sewing machine. A nice lady contacted me, and offered me a FREE Singer Spartan to convert to a hand crank. The motor is great, so, now I can use this machine to hand crank AND also use the motor with just a few cranks of a screwdriver. Sweet! This lady also gifted me with 2 treadles last September. What a nice lady.

  11. Pauline Avatar

    I was registrar for a 3 day quilt retreat in Michigan this past weekend. In early May, I had a quilter call me at 8 o’clock one morning and wanted to drive from Wisconsin, a 6 hour drive, and take 3 days of classes. She started to ask me about hotels near the college and I said she would be more than welcome to say with me…..now I have a new quilting friend, a delightful new friend. She arrived on Thursday evening with the biggest basket of goodies….everything made in Wisconsin….from cheese, beer, wine, crackers, salsa, spices and the very best chocolates ever. She left on Sunday after class, I was exhausted after 3 days of classes, I just can’t imagine how tired she was and she had a long drive home…she emailed me that she arrived home safely…..a new very nice friend!!!! I’m a new follower of your blog Michele and as Jackie said, ‘one can spend a lot of time’ reading and learning…..thank you!!!!

  12. Jocelyn Avatar

    With all of the devastation that has happened around the world, I’ve joined up to make quilts for Japan and most recently I’ve been working on quilt tops for the Joplin Quilt project. Thanks so much for sharing about Jacquelynne’s beautiful book.

  13. DebrafromMD Avatar

    We are in the middle of a major remodel on our upstairs bathrooms. I’m the one who is home with the contractors during all this fun, but my sweet husband took a day off from work so that I could go on our guild bus trip to the Quilt Odyssey show in Hershey, PA. It was such a nice break from the noise and mess.

  14. Elisa Avatar

    I’m losing one of my job – company is liquidating. As a result, we’re having a large closing sale so I’m trying to work as many hours as I can while I can. As a result, things have been neglected at home. Imagine my shock coming home after a double shift to find my front & back lawn cut and edged! my neighbor came over and said he felt bad about my losing my favorite job so he wanted to take a little stress off my shoulders! He’s a great neighbor and, in gratitude, I embarrassed him by breaking down crying in happiness! 🙂

  15. Mary C in WA Avatar

    I got the chance teach a friend to make a Pioneer dress for the TREK she is taking this next week with our Church YOUTH group. So great to ‘Pass it on’! Thank YOU for the chance to WIN Jacquelynne’s new book and other goodies.

  16. dawn Avatar

    In July my DD2 got married. Their wedding was a beautiful outdoor wedding at our friends home. It had many unique touches which lended it to be very DIY. With the gracious, helping hands of our very dear friends, the wedding went smoothly.
    Jacqueline’s book is so beautifully illustrated. Love seeing all the peeks on the tour!

  17. Sharon Scott Avatar
    Sharon Scott

    I drive my friend who doesnt drive to visit her mom in the skilled nursing center. It is such a small kindness tho-
    love your patterns, thank you for the giveaway!

  18. Sherry Avatar

    My daughter is always doing kind things for us. She comes by once each week while we are at work and vacuums our house thoroughly and cleans the bathrooms. It helps so much to know that she is doing this and things don’t get too far behind when we are busy.

  19. Linda Avatar


  20. Rhonda Avatar

    Since I work in a restaurant I am always experiencing random acts of kindness both on the giving and receiving end. Either it is watching someone make a patrons day special by going that extra mile or listening to a patron make a waitresses day special by bragging on how nice they are. We don’t realize how special that extra smile can be. Recently, we were VERY busy and I had an elderly couple come in. I told them about the longer-than-normal wait and they expressed that they don’t get out often because of their age. I assured them I would put their order in as quickly as possible. I was able to tell them what would be prepared the fastest and get them on their way quite quickly. They were very pleased with this. Since I am not a waitress (I am in management) they felt very special. It is at times like that … I love my job!

  21. Flying Blind Avatar

    I recently spotted an old lady get knocked over by the automatic door of the supermarket whilst trying to go in the ‘exit’; I ran over and held he hand til the store first aider and ambulance came… I hadn’t run anywhere in years!

  22. Cheryl Ashmore Avatar
    Cheryl Ashmore

    Wonderful blog with losts to look at, read and enjoy…..I love quilting, embroidery and of course cooking—-when it doesn’s interfere with the fun!! I usually give my projects away—nothing makes me happier than to see the smile on someone’s face when you surprise them with a handmade gift!!

  23. Linda Vitzthum Avatar
    Linda Vitzthum

    What a wonderful book, and thank you for the free project – it’s as tasty lookin’ as the recipe! As for a random act of kindness, I rarely use store/newspaper coupons but I always take them with me, and hand them to anyone who’s looking at that particular item – times are tough for people, and if this can save someone $$, then the coupon cutting is worth it. Thanks so much for an opportunity to win something, your site is a delight!

  24. Trudy Lindemann Avatar

    Recently I donated four quilts to the Salvation Army where my sister works. She sees a lot of homeless people come through there, and at least once a year I try to donate no less than two quilts. This year I wanted to return the blessings many bestowed upon us in some very hard times last year, so I was able to make four of them to donate.

  25. Agneta Avatar

    My friend is having a baby, and she think it’s really hard to find nice clothes, so I told her I could sew her one, although I’m a quilter. I was surprised how much fun it was, and a learned a few tricks that might come in handy for bagmaking.
    Today I’m baking bread, and of course I have made so that my dear neighbours can have a loaf each, as I always do.

    Kindness is not something that you can learn or do randomly – it’s a way of life if you do it with your heart involved!

  26. Marianne Avatar

    My daughter and I were visiting a local Botanical Gardens recently and we ended up following a man and his wheelchair-bound wife so we could open the doors in the greenhouses for them. Thanks for the chance to win!

  27. Mary Grace McNamara Avatar
    Mary Grace McNamara

    My husband was very sick and in the hospital for 10 days and our neighbor mowed out lawn every week until he was fully recovered! There is so much kindness out there in the world if we only open out eyes to see it!


  28. Judy Avatar

    This is a beautiful book and I already know that if I don’t win one it will go on my list of books to purchase. Recently at Costco when I had multiple items I was purchasing and the people behind me only had a couple of things I asked if they would like to go ahead of me. That is something I always try to do as it only takes a couple extra minutes out of my day.

  29. Pam Avatar

    I made a blogging friend’s daughter a tiny hand stamped copper necklace for her new baby Eva. I loved that she kept us all informed during the pregnancy and felt a part of the happiness by doing this! Thanks for the chance to win! Pam

  30. Deanna Avatar

    Lovely giveaway.

    We have had a lot of economic struggles lately, like many people. We have managed, but then my husband required surgery and has been off work for a week. Just enough to make it a little harder. Last night I found an envelope pushed under the door with $60 in it. That was such a blessing! I do not know who to thank and so will thank the world!

    There is so much goodness and kindness all around us. Time to pass it on.

  31. Jane Avatar

    Two ladies from my church came over and cleaned the house we were moving to. One of them even scrubbed the floor on her knees!

  32. doris Avatar

    A friend of our’s lost her mother last week after a long, painful battle with cancer. We’ve been leaving her messages, sending emails, and sent flowers after the services, when everyone goes back to normal and you just don’t feel “normal”. Hopefully it’s reminding her that someone is still watching over her.

  33. Dona Avatar

    Everyday I sew something for charity. It may be a quilt, a tote or walker bag or wheelchair bag but I work on it everyday for World of Charity Stitching. They gave one of my wheelchair bags to a lady and she thought I had made it just for her as it was her favorite color. That is the best feeling in the whole world – knowing you brought a smile to someone’s face.

  34. Katie Avatar

    Acts of Kindness – Give and you shall receive. I find if I give time to others that it always comes back to me in some form. I am so truly blessed.

  35. Dya Avatar

    Thanks for participating in this blog hop. It looks like a fantastic book. So are the threads! 🙂
    Hmm, have a bit of trouble mentioning an act of kindness ( I think that’s a Dutch thing, you don’t talk about who you have helped ), but I drove 30 km. today to bring my neighbours and their children to a large super-playground today and picked them up late afternoon.
    OK, am blushing now LOL.
    Happy quilting

  36. Roos Avatar

    Last night I did a nightshift for a college, she worked last week for another college who was ill and now I helped her to take over one of her nights. This is how we help eachother on the place I work. If you do something for another you get it back, one way or another.
    Greetings Roos

  37. Carolyn Goddard Avatar
    Carolyn Goddard

    I make baby quilts for charity. Also I had a quilting freind that had a hip replacement and I ran arrands and cooked for her. I am so blessed I like to pass it on.

  38. sandra Avatar

    Was in Jo Ann’s shopping and a lady behind me had 3 skiens of yarn, but when she heard the cupon didn’t cover only one she said put these back, But I told the clerk to just add them to my order. They where her xmas gift to young grand daughter. (knitted scarves) Felt good the rest of day, pass it on PIF

  39. Marie Beers Avatar
    Marie Beers

    I’m always on the look out for something I know one of my quilty friends wants/needs and if it’s in my budget range I buy it as a surprise gift—-it always brings hugs smiles to their faces.

  40. Linda Avatar

    The other day our alley was littered with trash. I picked up my area and then went on and picked up the neighbors, too. Even though they are a young couple, I had the time and that day the energy to do it. ( The exercise helped me too!)

  41. Dolores Avatar

    I was on my way to the subway in the middle of the day last week when I noticed an elderly lady with a walker standing on the corner. She caught my eye and asked if I was crossing the street. I didn’t answer her because I didn’t have to cross the street to the subway but instead I asked if she needed assistance. She asked if I would assist her to get across the street. I did. She had gone shopping and even though the street was a side street, there were always cars turning onto it. After she got across she thanked me and I went on my way. It was a little thing but I was happy to have been of some assistance in what was a small way to me but meant a lot to her.

  42. Kathie L Avatar
    Kathie L

    For the last year or so, I provided a ride to one of my fellow bell ringers in my church’s bell choir. She is in her 80s and still going strong, but didn’t like driving at night. In June she moved to another state to be closer to her daughter, and as a farewell gift, she gave me a cross-stitch picture of the Grand Tetons. When I see in on my wall, it reminds me of the great value of small gestures to help another. Kathie L in Allentown

  43. Jacque Avatar

    I always try when I’m out on errands to help the seniors…like at the grocery store. I helped a tiny little lady load her sacks of groceries into her car, and she was so happy. It was a small thing for me, only took a few moments, but it made me feel good, and made her day.

  44. Peggy Mead Avatar
    Peggy Mead

    I made a 30 page full color book for my grand niece’s Flat Stanley project. It is a journal of her “flat self” visiting friends, family, historic and fun locations in Florida. Loved it. Thanks for the great give-away.

  45. apple blossom Avatar

    love to be included in this giveaway thanks

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  46. Billie K Avatar

    My granddaughter Bethie who is 9 years old knew I was missing my weenie dog, Sammie. She had a small blue plastic weenie dog that you could write on…I guess signatures of friends. She scrubbed all the writing off and presented it to me with a loving small on her last visit.

    How sweet was that!

  47. Mary on Lake Pulaski Avatar

    My great niece has a cochlear implant and I offered and made all of her headbands to hold the transmitter. They have bows and flowers are every one!

  48. Sarah Craig Avatar

    My friend Cindy volunteered to come and keep me company at my chemo treatments – six of them over the next three months! It makes the time go so much faster to have a friend there – she’s the greatest!!

  49. Linda Avatar

    I voluteer to teach the 4-H quilting club here…all girls finished and received high awards for their projects.

    I learning to quilt on a longarm and finished 5 cancer quilts to give away at the local hospital. Such a joy to work on these beautiful quilts and know that someone is in need of them.

  50. Barb Colvin Avatar
    Barb Colvin

    My best friend’s daughter is bi-polar and also has substance abuse issues. She has 3 boys. My friend has had custody of the oldest since he was in 2nd grade–he’ll be a senior this year. The middle boy is 11, and has been in his dad’s custody for several years now. Due to his dad’s employment issues, the middle boy will be moving into my friend’s care, too. So far the mother is doing well enough to care for the 3 year old. I help out by being my friend’s sounding board, computer tech, math tutor, internet guru and occasional sitter. Last week it was research for used text books. Today I am helping the senior get registered for his second round of ACT testing. Tomorrow? maybe she’ll just need me to listen.

  51. Ramona Avatar

    My daughter is using my car right now and so I don’t have a car to get around but a couple of friends have helped me out by taking me to meetings at church.

  52. Debbie Avatar

    I would love to win Fruitful Hands!! Acts of kindness? My girlfriend donated a kidney to her brother, so I made/gave her a quilt before surgery, then gave her a gift certificate last week for a free massage. Am currently gathering items to send to our soldiers overseas for a care package drive. Thanks for the opportunity to win some fabulous items!

  53. Sandie ~call me crazy Avatar

    Can’t tell my recent RAK, I like my surprises to be anonymous. 🙂 But I will say, doing something nice for a stranger or friend is so easy and it makes someone smile. Little things like helping with a heavy store door, putting a garbage can away etc are so appreciated. Thanks for the chance~ I love Jacquelynne’s work!

  54. Debi Hassler Avatar
    Debi Hassler

    Simply shared a JoAnns coupon with a lady who didn’t have one and saved her 40% on her purchase.

  55. marjorie Avatar

    I quilt and sell them; I hand quilt for others….this is what I do constantly. Today; I am squeezing a lady’s Dear Jane quilt in the line up of quilts to be done becuase she would really like to enter it in a show. So; I am working steady; fingers sore…lol to get this quilt to her on time

  56. Anne-Mette Avatar

    What a generous give away. Like the quilters before me I would love to be the lucky winner :-).
    When possibly I try to be helpful and kind to the people around me, whether I know them or not. A little smile, a thank you cost so little. A helping hand or time for a chat. Well, just a little from me ….

  57. Kathy Avatar

    An act of kindness that happened to me today was that a local church (which we do not attend) had free kids’ lunches. We stopped and my son had lunch AND some wonderful fellowship with some of his friends. It was very nice for that church to provide lunch for the kids in the area. It was also nice for him to have a little fun. Thanks for the giveaway!

  58. Carol Avatar

    I just learned that I will be going on a missions trip in the fall…and that someone, I don’t know who, is paying my travel expenses for the missions trip!
    thanks for the giveaway!

  59. liveacolorfullife Avatar

    I have received gifts from blogging friends. I’m always surprised and ALWAYS touched by their kindness and generosity.

  60. CARLINE anthony Avatar
    CARLINE anthony

    I had been out of town and came home very tired. I got a call from a neighbor saying she had dinner all ready for us. How nice is that to anticipate that I would be dragging myself around and dreading dinner prep.

  61. MoeWest Avatar

    I was recently helping with the packing for a lady who is downsizing her house, and she gave me a beautiful quilt.
    Thanks for this giveaway and the pineapple wall hanging download.

  62. Connie Avatar

    Thank you for the giveaway and the wall hanging pattern. My neighbor stopped by yesterday and gave us some corn from his garden. It was wonderful.

  63. AlessandraLace Avatar

    thank for this chance. hugs

  64. Leslie Avatar

    My best friend and I are making 4 quilts for Joplin. One is being quilted now, and the second is in the works. Through another friend whose daughter lives in Joplin (but is okay) we are lucky to know about the family who will receive the quilts. They have 4 teen girls and lost everything, so perhaps these quilts will bring a measure of comfort.

  65. Sunnybec Avatar

    I order bacon from the UK (bacon in France isn’t so good) when I order some for me I also get some for my French neighbour, they had never tasted English bacon before we came here, now they can’t get enough of it!! Linda

  66. Linda K Avatar
    Linda K

    One of my Quilts of Valor has just been shipped to Dover AFB to comfort a soldier ” touched by war”. It’s a small thing to do to thank them for all that they do.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  67. sheryl Avatar

    Our daughter has Crohn’s and has had many surgeries. I am always overwhelmed by the support her church and friends give us while we are there with her as she recovers. Meals prepared and delivered, babysitting so we can have a break, calls of concern, prayers, carpooling the kids to school…the list goes on and on. You can’t help but be touched by such grace!

  68. corina Avatar

    I had just finished paying for my purchases at one of those Dollar Stores when I noticed an elderly lady behind me in line. She was trying to count out all her change to pay for some canned food. I motioned to the cashier that I would buy the items for her on the sly. The elderly woman was so surprised and so thankful. It was the best 10 dollars I’ve ever spent.

  69. Kathy Avatar

    My simple act of kindness each day is to share a hug with anyone I think needs or wants one. A hug costs nothing and will make anyone’s day a little brighter. A simple human touch can work miracles!!!

  70. ellen Avatar

    Random acts of kindness: I have a friend who is 75 and quilts. She doesn’t go out of town much and we don’t have any fabric stores here. Whenever she says she needs something, I always volunteer to take her. I love our time together and I also get to look at fabric!!!

  71. Christine M Avatar

    Jacquelynne’s book looks great. Can’t wait to see a copy. Thanks for the great giveaway. I love to give my friends extra vegies we have growing.

  72. Gill Avatar

    This looks such a great book!
    My husband has just come home from hospital after major surgery and I’m so grateful for the kindness and support of friends and neighbours

  73. Ineke P. Avatar
    Ineke P.

    One day a week I visit my mother, who is age 86 and help her with the shoppping, administration and so on. I do not consider this as act of kindness, but of love for her.

  74. Shiree Avatar

    I am walking my neighbours 2 very naughty and boisterous dogs every morning, while she is away overseas at her Aunt’s funeral. I love walking anyway, but boy these dogs are very energetic!!

  75. diane stanley Avatar

    My son came over for dinner and then made dinner for us for the next night. He’s a chef and the last thing he probably wanted to do was cook on his day off. He’s a sweety!

  76. Stray Stitches Avatar

    Fruitful Hands is definitely on my wish list. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your great giveaway!

  77. Stray Stitches Avatar

    Oh, I forgot to add that I am to be the recipient of a beautiful bouquet of lavender from a friend just because she thought I deserved it. I didn’t, but I thought it sure was sweet!

  78. Angie Avatar

    My dad took time out of his busy schedule this week to teach me how to refinish furniture. Tomorrow the project should be finished!

  79. Estie Avatar

    I found a used inexpensive sewing machine for my friend to give to her granddaughter (11 years old) for her birthday. Her granddaughter is very interested in sewing and quilting. We had previously looked at a “kid’s” sewing machine at a quilt store, but my friend was reluctant to spend that much money for a young child. She was delighted when I found a nice basic machine for her granddaughter.

  80. Lynne Avatar

    I was just hired for a part-time position by the nicest person ever! So grateful for her!

  81. Vicki Avatar

    Every week I go and do my 94 yr old aunts hair and shopping for her as she is house bound and lives on her own. She is very special to me and she is always so happy to see me. I have also helped several friends with thier blogs in making them look pretty etc. Its all good fun 🙂

  82. Becky in Georgia Avatar

    A blogging friend answered several questions that I had about vintage sheets. She offered to send me some Vintage sheet fat quarters from her stash. She mailed them to me immediately and sent a priority mail envelope full of sheet fq’s from her stash. I was very touched by her kindness.

  83. evelyn Avatar

    I am often on the receiving end of “random acts of kindness”, but last week was my week to give back. My daughter and I shop every Tues. Last week, I offered to baby sit my new ( 5 month) grand daughter while her mom had some shopping alone time. ( yeah, I know, not a sacrafice really)
    My ex daughter in law and I work together. She lost her new mother in law, and her brother within a week of each other. She is the mother of my 3 teen age grand children. Quietyly, I made up the difference in her pay, as I knew that this would be an added stress she didn’t need.

  84. Jean Avatar

    An act of kindness for me, the young boy next door was mowing my lawn when I arrived home from shopping last Saturday, he’s 12 years old. how nice was that. In return I looked after him and his sister for 2 nights , Monday and Tuesday while their parents were working late. An act of kindness never goes un repaid. I am so fortunate as I live alone but have wonderful neighbours.

  85. Marsha Hodgkins Avatar
    Marsha Hodgkins

    Fruitful Hands…means to me an opportunity to do something for someone else. Yesterday I had a random act of kindness done for me. It felt wonderful. I went home beaming! I’m so thankful that I’ve given that same wonderful feeling to others and will continue to do so when given the opportunity.

  86. LisaT Avatar

    Ive been a recipient of 2 acts of kindness today! Thanks so much for sharing the pattern and the pineapple bread pudding recipe – its sounds delish!. Also, my dear friend’s last day at work is tomorrow. Today she brought in a handleful of quilt books and old magazines that she cleared from her stash in the basement. She’s so busy! I know she loves quilting but just doesnt have time so I vowed to make her one of her favorites. Ill surprise her when she least suspects it!

  87. Bev C Avatar

    Such a beautiful prize. I recently was out on my morning walk and noticed a car with the lights left on parked outside the dentist. I went to check if the owner was in the dentist. She was so grateful because the week before she had done the same thing and had to call out for the auto electrician to come to her.
    Happy days.

  88. Wendy B Avatar

    How cool would it be to be picked to win!!??? Thanks for the chance Michele!
    My act of kindness was when my neighbours travelled overseas for 6 weeks and left their 3 dogs home with people coming to feed them each day…however the poor things were lonely, so I spent about 1/2 hour per day throwng the ball with them over the fence (just a short fence!!)…they looked forward to it and learnt to bring the ball to me and put it in my hand by the end!!! I still haven’t told the neighbours but the dogs sure knew and loved our times together!
    :O) sugary hugs
    Wendy :O)

  89. Terry Avatar

    This book looks wonderful! I love the pineapple pattern! Thanks for the giveaway! :0)

  90. Cindy Avatar

    This is just a little something I do whenever I go to a store where I use a shopping cart…

    Instead of leaving the cart some random place in the parking lot or in the cart corral, I walk the cart back up to the entrance of the store and leave it there or put it inside the store where I found it.

    It is a simple task that only takes a moment. At my home I put something away after I am finished using it. why not do that at the store?

    And, when it is raining… don’t you love to find a dry cart inside?! I enjoy providing that for someone else. 🙂

  91. Donna Avatar

    A lovely friend sent me a card out of the blue for no reason other than she had been thinking about me. The card arrived on a day I was feeling down and my friend’s simple act of kindness changed day.

  92. Joanna Avatar

    I was treated to coffee and a donut on Monday of this week by someone I do volunteer work with. It was spur of the moment and very enjoyable. I got to know her better and felt happy for the rest of the day. I think it’s the everyday considerate things we can do that can make someone feel special.

  93. Colleen Avatar

    My co-worker took a few days off and went to British Columbia. She returned with a large box of wonderful cherries. There is nothing as good as fresh BC cherries, and we all spent the day eating two or three whenever we passed the coffee room!

  94. Sheila Avatar

    What a lovely book. From what I have seen there are lots of wonderful projects and recipies to be made.

    Best of luck.

  95. Kathleen Davies Avatar
    Kathleen Davies

    I’m part of a Box Party project for my quilt guild, and one of the participants went through a very rough time last year, so instead of making her just ONE of her requested blocks, I made TWO!

  96. sylvia Avatar

    A friend gave us a bucket of Concord grapes, which we used to make the most delicious grape jelly ever–so we’ll return the favor by giving him a jar of it!

  97. Karen Avatar

    I gave a friend of mine who had surgery and is stuck at home for several weeks 2 yards of sock monkey fabric she’d been wanting…. and I received some fantasy jewelry that I just love. If you do something nice for someone, good things generally come back to you.

  98. Patty Bretheim Avatar
    Patty Bretheim

    I have done many kind acts lately, only because our poor city (Minot,ND) has suffered the worst flood disaster ever, (Over 4000 homes in ruins). I just finished toda y 3 med size quilts for our quilt guild to be donated to the Red Cross to give to people in the flood shelters. I have made supper for 3 families one evening when they were gutting their houses. When we had 900 national guard soldiers here, I and a friend made 10 dozen large cookies and 5 large trays of scotcheroos for snacks too. I felt I could help others, because my house was not flooded. P.S. her book looks like so much fun.

  99. Sue Goodin Avatar
    Sue Goodin

    Thanks for a great giveaway

  100. Heather Avatar

    I was the recipient of 2 very recent acts of kindness. 1. My mother-in-law randomly stopped by with a small bouquet of exquisite roses. 2. A man who works with my husband and whom I haven’t even met brought for me a lot of fresh picked wild blueberries and then, a week later, fresh picked Saskatoon berries. As someone who has recently endured cancer and the treatments that come with them, he knew that I consider organic berries to be medicine for my survival. How sweet is that?!

  101. Wendy L Starn Avatar

    I try to be kind every day. Currently helping various friends with things: how to open en etsy shop, how to find discontinued fabric, etc. Glad to share my knowledge with others.

  102. Sharon Griffith Avatar
    Sharon Griffith

    Oh that is a wonderful gift. For me I try to make life a little easier with a friendly smile every day to anyone and particularly the ones that we tend to forget. I do alot for our less fortunate people by making quilts and running the food lines etc……Hope you have a wonderful day.

  103. lee Avatar

    Such a lovely giveaway. thanks for the review of the book. I made homemade breads and muffins for our neighbor who recently lost her mother and had to host a lot of company from out of town.

  104. Linda v Avatar

    I am caregiver for elderly parents. So everyday I strive to make their day a little easier

  105. Susanne Avatar

    That is a nice idea 🙂

    My mother spent one week in holiday. I fed her cat. Yesterday I put a new table cloth mini quilt and two mug rugs onto her kitchen table. This will be a nice surprise when she comes home tomorrow 🙂


  106. Anita Avatar

    Thanks for a chance for a great giveaway.

  107. liesbeth wessels Avatar

    Thank you for the pattern.I’m late with a reaction; I was baby-sitting for 3 days. My granddaughter (7 Years) is staying with us, while her parents have a nice midweek with friends. We enjoyed it. The first day we went swimming. The second day was spend with the children next door. The third way we went 2 other kids to a theme park with lot of funny handcraft possibilities. greetings from Liesbeth from the Netherlands

  108. Gloria J Wellington Avatar
    Gloria J Wellington

    Thank you for the opportunity to enter your draw. My act of kindness was making tactile lap rugs for the local nursing home. I thoroughly enjoyed making a huge pink pig on one and a big strawberry pot complete with velvety strawberries on the other. I hope the oldies enjoy them as much as I did making them.

  109. Sarah W Avatar
    Sarah W

    Hi – I enjoyed your review of the book and pictures. My act of kindness (received): Last week my husband and I returned to the city late (wrong turn with rental car, go out of way 20 miles….) and got the last train into the city….which put us on the platform 3 minutes before the last Underground train was leaving. My husband’s card to ride the Metro was out of money, and the station attendant said, “You don’t have time to buy a ticket, just get on the Metro” and opened the gate for us! She sure saved us a lot of time and money at 12:30 am. We were glad to get home!

  110. PattyC Avatar

    Please include me in the giveaway – My lovely children (noticing I was exhausted from keeping up with work , house, kids … ) did my laundry & dishes for me – Aren’t they awesome – I would love to win & make something special for my daughter 😉

  111. Karen Avatar

    I have been storing my friends fabric stash at my house as her house is currently flooded. (We live in Iowa.) It’s really been fun as she has been coming over about once a week and we sew together.

  112. Lizmay Cowie Avatar

    well we have a Chinese lady at our community cottage over here in Christchurch New Zealand she is very talented knits and sews and just started quilting so my friend and I will be giving her my old sewing machine to help her out. Her name is jenny she such a great lady and very keen on all her crafts.

  113. Karin Avatar

    What a lovely-looking book!! My neighbor & I are always up to something good in the kitchen, so whenever we make a new recipe (or even a good old one), we make double & share with each other. Neither of us ever gets an empty dish back. Last week, she got banana nut bread, and yesterday, I got apple crisp. Yummmmy!

  114. Melissa Avatar

    That recipe for Pineapple Bread Pudding looks yummy; I will need to try it soon:) Thanks for offering the chance to win.

    Wednesday, I went with my son to register for college. We had a 4 pm meeting with one of the department heads after registration. The lady we were meeting with was stress and not having a very good day. By the time our appt with her was over, she thanked us profusely for helping to make her afternoon better. All of her earlier appts had been very intense and she was just thanking us for being “nice” and esy to work with. Seriously, just being kind can make someone’s day:) It makes my heart sing to know that we were able to help her without really even trying!

    Thanks for offering such a great giveaway!

  115. Peggy Skillen Avatar

    I have been making crib quilts for great-nieces when they are expecting. Some are young and don’t have alot so a new quilt for the baby is always appreciated.

  116. Jeanne G Avatar

    I just completed an online Charity Challenge for Joplin MO and St. John’s Hospital. You can see details at my blog. I am loving your giveaway. Thank you

  117. Flo Avatar

    I’m already a fan of the pinaple welcome sign !
    We received a lot of help from our neigbors these last months, they help us to adjust (we are a French family recently installed in US) and their kids welcomed ours so nicely, I’m really grateful.
    In exchange I cooked for them cakes and made some sewing craft as gifts.

  118. robin Avatar

    Hubby weeded the garden for me yesterday as I have a horrible sunburn and moving hurts! He’s a gem. Awesome giveaway – thanks for the chance!

  119. Lillian V Avatar
    Lillian V

    We offered to take a church friend to lunch with us in our car. At the restaurant, she realized that she forgot her wallet in her car. We were happy to pay for her lunch with ours.
    Thank you for the chance to win.

  120. Paula Avatar

    OK-this still gives me chills but here goes. I was at the aquatic pool with my daughter/grandsons and we were in the children’s area. I noticed a little boy (about 4-5yrs) sleeping on a chair. It was 105 outside. At first we thought it was cute thinking he was tuckered out. Then I noticed no one was around him. The pool called for a break and still no one came. He looked SO hot laying there. Back in the pool, still no one came. I immediately went to the lifeguard and told him we had been watching him for almost an hour and asked if they could check on him. The ran to him and tried to wake him – he was lethargic. The ambulance came and they administered him and I believe he had heat exhaustion. I feel wholeheartedly that he could have died out there. I am so glad God gave me the courage to say something. My act of kindness was to the little boy who I now believe I helped save his life. Thank you for offering a giveaway and may God bless.

  121. Sue Avatar

    I love your blog! The patterns are great!

    I will say that I have an ongoing act of kindness of which I am the recipient. A few years ago fate brought a wonderful quilting friend into my life and she has remained there ever since. Her kindnesses to me and constant thoughtfulness are monumental. We lost a son in 2002 and sometimes things aren’t sunny and bright for me. Her friendship has brought me through some bad times, dates that are painful, we share our love for quilting, cooking, family and she always is there for me. There is no way I can ever repay her for just being a wonderful friend.

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  122. Deborah in Atlanta Avatar
    Deborah in Atlanta

    I’ve been blessed with two acts of kindness recently.

    I’m a fairly new quilter, and still struggle over the simple things that many of you seasoned quilters take for granted. I had finished a paper-pieced quilt for one of my daughters and mailed it to a longarm quilter in Texas. She and I have been e-mailing back and forth and she has pretty much become my mentor and I lean on her a lot. Recently she made up 4 kits along with 4 similar layouts and mailed them to me. I get to practice on those 4 quilt tops and once completed, I’ll mail them to her so she can sandwich, quilt and donate them to charity. That’s a win-win situation for both of us!

    And then I entered a giveaway from Vrooman’s Quilts and stated in my comment that I’d love to win because I was a fairly new quilter and had no stash to speak of, so winning would be wonderful. Well…I didn’t win the giveaway. But Sharon e-mailed me and told me she was going to send me an “angel” box to help me start up my stash. My “angel” box had waaayyyy more than the giveaway recipient received – charms, FQs, thread, buttons, fabric, etc.

    And I just wanted to say I enjoyed the comment left by Michele Bilyer above. That’s an act of kindness I had never thought about, and can understand the satisfaction she must get from making quilts for that purpose.

  123. Lavender Dreams Avatar

    I love this beautiful book and the other nice things! A friend gave me a gift subscription to a magazine and when I got the first copy yesterday, I filled out the card to give a subscription to someone else…kind of a pay it forward thing! It was FUN to know I will surprise someone, too! Thanks! ♥

  124. Dresden Quilter Avatar

    We went out for dinner last night and for dessert my daughter was given a cookie that she did not like. The waitress exchanged it for free, which I thought was a wonderful gesture.

  125. JudyCnNC Avatar

    Our neighbors are at the beach and we volunteered to water their garden and plants for the week. They are very nice neighbors. Thanks for this opportunity and giveaway. Judy C in NC

  126. Sabine Avatar

    It’s quite sad actually, but I really appreciate what my mum did for me today. My father in law died this morning (77 years old) and at our own home we take care of a 14 years old fosterchild with behaveour and Autistic problems. My mum offered to take care for him and even bring me to the hospital where my father in law was. Thanks again mum!

  127. Val Laird Avatar

    We have some wonderful friends. We had a car accident, arrived home (after 4 days trying to get home) and one of our wonderful friends turned up with a beautiful home-cooked meal, including my DH’s favourite dessert! Thanks for getting me to think about all the wonderful acts of kindness that have been done to me!

  128. Jay Avatar

    My favorite thread!!! Aurefil…just beautiful and so pleasing to work with!!! I was not familiar with this book but do think it is also very lovely!

  129. M-R Avatar

    What a great idea for a giveaway? I love random acts of kindness. One that happened to us just yesterday was that a young man let us know that there was still a half hour left on his parking meter just before he pulled out. One that I did recently was leave my parking slip that still had an hour on it on the parking meter.

  130. MarciaW Avatar

    Thanks for the giveaway. Act of kindness. My dear 80 yo Mom took half a day today to drive me to therapy (hour each way) and wait for me (hour and a half) – using her car and gas. She even carried my purse for me. Then, she fixed me lunch and shooed me away to sit while she washed the dishes. I’m still in lots of pain with my back, and she is taking care of me. That is kindness.

  131. Rosie Avatar

    I find it really hard to answer this… sounds like tooting your own horn!! but, I took so much pleasure in making softies for Ethiopia, just wish I could see the little faces of the kids who received them..

  132. ~Kd Avatar

    My act of kindness involves my husband & I selling our home and moving into a much smaller place next to my Mom & Dad. Everyday there are small ways to help them out, but over the years as it get harder and harder to do everyday chores we are able to take up the slack. The time we are spending together is worth much more than gold, because I believe relationships is why we are placed on this earthly. What a blessing! ~Kd

  133. Jodi Guerrero Avatar
    Jodi Guerrero

    We just moved after being in our house 20 years. Believe me, a person can acquire ALOT of stuff in 20 years. My nephew came over yesterday at 7:30 am, worked all day and we finally left at 8:00pm. (lucky that it was only 86 yesterday). Today we went back to the house to turn in the keys and as we were leaving a stranger asked for a ride to the bus stop. She was an elderly lady and I was more than happy to give her the short ride. Then when I got home, my wonderful new neighbor had brought me some wonderful Asian Chicken Salad. My life is Blessed !!

  134. Shelley dionne Avatar

    An elderly couple arrived at the cancer hostel, he the patient, she the caregiver and wife. After 1 1/2 days, I noticed that I had not seen her once leave him for a meal for herself. I inquired and come to find out she had been living on cheese and muffins she had brought with her. The hospital hostel only provides meal coupons for the patients. As we had been there many weeks already, we had accumulated a lot of unused meal coupons that we would not use up. I hurried to our room immediately and handed her enough coupons to last the week. At first, she didn’t want to take them but I insisted and told her that God had blessed us with an abundance and He was blessing me further by enabling me to help her. It brought me such joy to be able to do such a small thing and much greater joy when I saw them both eat a healthy meal together 🙂

  135. Mhairi Avatar

    My act of kindness is towards me that I hope in turn to ‘Pay it Forward’.
    My son was born 6 weeks prem and needed to stay in hospital. On his first night in the isolette a quilt was laid over the top and a tiny beanie placed on his head. When I asked about these I was told they were gifts to make the time easier, that is to make you feel less alone. I still have these items tucked away to give to my son (who is healthy and fine) when he is older. At the moment I am working on a couple of little quilts to return to the hospital so that someone else might feel less alone in the scary world of the ICU Nursery.
    So if you have ever donated a small item to a children’s hospital, thank you. They make a difference, truly!

  136. Katy Avatar

    I saw some fabric on a blog that I had been searching for forever… I asked if I could buy some and she sent it to me for free!

  137. Karen O Avatar
    Karen O

    I have had multiple acts of kindness the past few weeks as I recovered from major surgery. The best was when my closest friend went to New Orleans several days earlier than planned so she could get home in time to stay with me when I came home from the hospital. Because of storms on the way back, she arrived in Minnesota at 9:00 pm and was at my house to spend the night by 9:30 pm.

  138. Pat V. Avatar
    Pat V.

    At our guild’s quilt show, I won multiple prizes at the raffle table, so I shared with someone who didn’t win anything.

  139. Karen Wilson Avatar

    Someone who’s blog I follow commented that she was feeling poorly, so I made some “cherry blossoms” for her (1/2″ pink hexagon flowers).

    In return she sent me a whole bag of cut out hexagons just waiting to be sewn up!!

  140. Phyllis Dayhoff Avatar
    Phyllis Dayhoff

    This summer with all the hot weather, I have been thinking Christmas. I am making Christmas Stockings for our church to stuff for the local food bank to give out to the children in our area whose parents are having hard times. I have 145 finished . We will need about 200.

  141. Lola Avatar

    Well our grandson had to be treated for cancer in Nashville Vanderbilt Hosp. Admitted in April just now coming home. So many of my blogging pals, friends and extended family sent him cards, hats , books, etc. and donated $ to help the family with gas money! Kindness with a capital K! No way to express my gratitude other than a heartfelt Thank You from us all. Sometimes it is the smallest of acts that can touch a life in a positive way!!

  142. KimW Avatar

    Today my sons & I helped my coworker move her two older children into their first townhome. Other friends could not come – so they were thankful for my strong sons helping out 🙂 Love the giveaway you are offering – thank you for a chance to win! K. Wiley

  143. MarciaW Avatar

    Act of kindness. My sweet mother took most of a day to drive me to and from therapy (hour each way) and take care of me as I hurt my back. I’m blessed to have an 80 yo mom who can do this.

  144. Carol In E TN Avatar
    Carol In E TN

    I recently asked one of my friends from another state to buy a book that I knew she would really enjoy. When I would talk with her online and ask if she had gotten the book yet she would say no, she couldn’t get it yet. They have 3 kids in college so I think $$ was the issue. So I ordered the book at amazon.com and had it sent to her. She was so appreciative and I have been so blessed that I wanted to pass it on!
    Thank you for the giveaway

  145. Timmy-Jeanne Avatar

    Working together with a friend to get another friend a suitable outfit for her husbands funeral. This is an important day, not a day you want to worry about what you are going to wear. So many others things are more important.

  146. Jenny Wilson Avatar
    Jenny Wilson

    I was purchasing some fruit from a shop on our holidays and the lady behind the counter could not stop commenting how lovely my handmade bag was so I went to the car emptied it out and went back and left it at the shop for her.

  147. michele Avatar

    I have finished another prayer shawl to donate to my church’s group. I LOVE doing random acts of kindness. A great read: Christmas Jars by Jason Wright.

  148. Suzanne Avatar

    We spent the last week camping thru Idaho and Montana. We tried to leave our camping home better than we found it by leaving behind a supply of cut wood for a fire or a canister of propane for the Yurt Stove.

  149. BEV SILVESTRE Avatar

    It’s wonderful to read about all the ways people have of being kind. I make crochet afghans to donate to the local shelter for battered women and children. The book looks like it has such a nice variety of crafty things to do! Those cupcakes look so good!

  150. Kritta22 Avatar

    I didn’t kill my kids today.. That’s a big act of kindness today!
    But for real, I gave away a few gallons of milk at wal- mart for free.

  151. Erin Hutchinson Avatar
    Erin Hutchinson

    We have had a bumper crop of blackberries this year, so I picked an extra quart and took them in to my karate instructors for a tasty midday snack.

  152. Lynn Avatar

    I watched a friends kids while her husband had surgery. She dropped the kids off at 5 am. It was a fun day for my daughter too.

  153. Renee Pasich Avatar
    Renee Pasich

    I just paid to serve on a Christian retreat weekend where we slept on the floor of a church, didn’t go to bed before midnight and awoke before 5am, ran up and down stairs, hiding wonderful surprises for a group of women for 4 days! The most exhaustingly wonderful time of my life!!

  154. Doris Avatar

    This looks like such a sweet book, I’d love to have a copy. And you just can’t beat Aurifil thread–may fave!

  155. Syd Avatar

    My husband and I often make up food baskets to give to people in our small rural community who are out of work or have been sick. It’s a great way to help others. Though it does feel awkward to share a good deed. Thanks for this chance to win and to read all the wonderful comments!!

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