My Puzzled Hexagon Quilt


Since I can’t enter our Show & Tell events, I thought I’d share my hexie puzzle quilt with you this weekend. I’ve been working on this quilt, off and on, for 2+ years. It’s one of those projects that I’ll focus on for a short time, then put away for a long time. I have great respect for those of you that get so many hand pieced quilts done so quickly.

hexie-puzzle block

The fabric I’ve used is a Hoffman Bali Pop (2.5″ strips) called Kiwiberry. I doubt that the one I used is available anymore, but the Fat Quarter Shop has some other gorgeous ones. They are batiks and my pack came with 40 different fabrics.


I sub-cut each of the 40 strips into (17) 2.5″ squares. I need four pieces for each puzzle block, so I ended up with four puzzle blocks from each fabric strip and one extra hexie that will be used in the border. The 2.5″ squares are the perfect size to wrap around the 1″ hexie shapes.


The centre portion of this quilt contains 640 hexies and will be approximately 40″ x 50″. So small for so much work!! I’ll be adding approximately a 5″ dark grey border and incorporating the single hexies around one corner.


I originally purchased the fabrics below to use for the border. But I’ve since changed my mind and will use the green and purple fabrics for the backing instead.


I couldn’t get my pieces to stick to my design wall so I need to layout a portion of the quilt at a time on a table. As I have four puzzle blocks in each fabric, I separated the blocks into four piles, containing one of each of the 40 pieces. I’m work on stitching one quarter of the quilt at a time.


I make sure to take a photo on my phone so I don’t get the pieces mixed up. Here’s the first top left corner all stitched:


Laying out the top right corner:


The two halves side-by-side, but not joined yet.


It’s so easy to attach a piece incorrectly:



I cut my own papers for this quilt. Originally, I created my own template, printed it and cut out the pieces, but shortly after I started I came across Melanie’s template. It’s much better than mine. You can download it here! You can layer 3 or 4 pieces of paper together, staple very well, and cut out many pieces at one time. I also really like Melanie’s Hexagon videos.

My best tips:

Use a strong thin thread, such as Aurifil 50wt cotton and as small (i.e. thin) of a needle as you can. Whip stitching is more difficult with the thinner batik fabrics than a quilting cotton print. When basting the fabrics to the paper, I use a larger, strong utility needle, i.e. not one of my expensive ones, and crappy old serger thread. 🙂 Save your good needles and thread for the stitches that will remain in your project.

Vote and Give-Away

P.S. Don’t forget to vote for your favourite quilts for this weekend’s Show & Tell plus enter the give-away!


22 responses to “My Puzzled Hexagon Quilt”

  1. Karen H Avatar

    What lovely jewel tones – the quilt will be very rich looking when it is done! Hexagons are definitely addictive – I’ve lost count of how many I’ve made!

  2. Robin Lanteigne Avatar

    Just Beautiful!! I am hooked on hexies and EPP in general!! LOVE your project and it’s coming out beautifully!

  3. Melissa Avatar

    Looks fantastic Michele! Can’t wait to see it all done!

  4. Lea Avatar

    Love your Hexies! I started a hexie quilt 3 years ago, its now a ufo…you’ve inspired me to at least give it another look..LOL

  5. Sandie Avatar

    It’s looking great! The bali pops really pop!

  6. Vicki W Avatar

    Michele. it’s going to be beautiful!

  7. Jennifer Giberson Avatar

    I love hexes, I just made up 714 out of a jelly-roll, now I’m stitching them into a sorta V pattern. Got my mothiner and sister-in-law hooked too, between the 2 of them they have tons done. My best friend knows I love little hand projects to do at work or on the go so she set me up with losange EPP, material, pattern and mini jelly roll, all set to start…so EPP rocks.

  8. Tracee Avatar

    Gorgeous…I love the colours that you have chosen.

  9. Susan Avatar

    I use the same hexi templates. I use old bills and other papers that need to be shredded and print on the backs. That way I am reusing paper that would otherwise be shredded and discarded, getting one more use out of it. I doubt that anyone would be able to put the papers back together well enough to get any info out of them.

  10. Phyllis Carlyle Avatar
    Phyllis Carlyle

    That looks like a LOT of work, but it is going to be so worth it when you finish. How do you plan to quilt it?

  11. Barb Avatar

    Absolutely gorgeous!
    I love hexes and those colors are my colors. Can I have it? Hey, nothing ventured….
    Keep it up, you’ll be so happy when it’s done.

  12. Carol Avatar

    What a beautiful quilt you will have when it’s finished! Seeing work like yours inspires me. I have to try hexes soon!

  13. Patricia L. Avatar

    Love the colors. It is going to be gorgeous!

  14. Elaine Avatar

    That is beautiful! Instead of sewing my fabric to the papers, I have been starching edges and ironing in place-keeps edges crisp folded and papers are easy to remove.

  15. Jean Kester Avatar

    Thanks for sharing the way you did this, I have a much better visual and think I will pick up my pieces again!

  16. beverly Avatar

    inspiring……i will get my tumbling blocks out and hand piece them too….thank you! h

  17. beverly Avatar

    have not tried hexies yet…lol!

  18. Teje Avatar

    Hi! Your quilt is going to be amazing! I love the way you arrange the hexagons – not always flowers! Beautiful colours and fabrics, too! x Teje

  19. Soma Acharya Avatar

    Love your colors and your prints. You are in good company. I have been working on my hexie quilt off and on for 1+ years now 🙂


  20. Oddbjørg Avatar

    It looks great. Lovely colours!

  21. Jeannie Avatar

    and what does EPP mean??

  22. Barb@Witsend Avatar

    That is an amazing quilt! I have only begun making a few hexies and I can’t imagine getting enough done for a whole quilt. Well done!

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