My blogless friend, Sandie taught me her version of needle-turn applique while I was with her during our trip to Spring Market (blog posts coming soon, I promise!).

Here’s my first attempt. A bright and cheerful sunflower. I plan to layer it and add some thread painting, especially in the centre wonky circle (that was the design, not my poor attempt at making a circle, honest!).


One of the great things about this technique is that once the registration lines have been washed out, no one can tell where I may (or may not) have messed up. I’m developing an applique fetish, I just need to find my preferred method.

I haven’t given up entirely on needle-turn yet, but I do want to complete Linda Poole’s class where she taught her glue-basting method and then try the starch method as outlined by the Lizzie B Girls.

What’s your preferred applique method?

5 responses to “My First Needle-Turn Applique”

  1. Anita Westerveld Avatar
    Anita Westerveld

    Hi Michele, that’s one bright and cheery flower, puts you in a good mood instantly. I’ve done needle turn too (with freezer paper), I like it but don’t LOVE it. I love hand and machine applique with a little blanket stitch. I use Vliesofix to iron the shapes on the background fabric and then it’s ready to hand or machine applique. I love that slight country look it gives especially when you use black thread. Yep, I’m an applique – addict. Did you see the tutorials on Erin Russek’s site, they are very clear and are about needle turn. Hug from Anita.

  2. WilmaNC Avatar

    I prefer using mylar and liquid starch. It’s the only way I can get smooth edges.

  3. cityquilter Avatar

    not bad for a first attempt. needle turn is an acquired skill, only after tons of practice. i have dabbled in this technique and my first project was a hawaiian style pillow. I was hooked on this method early on even though my technique needed polishing. I am now in the throes of basting a full-size hawaiian, so no doubt my skill will improve vastly! I do this for fun, so no quilt police here! enjoy and don’t worry about THEM…

  4. paula.thequilter Avatar

    I totally prepare my applique pieces with liquid starch. It is my preferred method. Then I glue baste the pieces onto the background with Roxanne’s Glue Baste It and applique away! You can see the latest block of a BOM that I’m working on my blog:
    .-= paula.thequilter’s latest post: Hugs and Kisses – March =-.

  5. Kaye Avatar

    I love the starch method. It’s fast, easy, and looks so professional.

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