Girls in the Garden Blog Hop

It’s my special day for Pat Sloan’s Girls in the Garden Blog Hop. Pat asked five designers to share their fabric choices for making one of her Girls in the Garden patterns. I chose to make Pat’s Chelsea’s Summer Garden Pattern. Here’s Pat’s version:

Chelsea's Summer Garden Pattern

The pattern includes a detailed list of all fabric required to complete the project. Just a note, the lighting in my apartment leaves a lot to be desired. Some photos were taken at different times of the day with natural and artificial lighting.

Here are the fabrics I’ll be using.


I knew I wanted to use the black with wild colours for my first inner border and my large outer border. This is my focus piece. From this one, I chose the background fabric, a warm sunshine yellow, and a multi-toned pink/orange for the inner border and binding.


For the vase, I chose two black and white fabrics. The black with white as the main vase and the white with black as the vase’s base.


For the stems and leaves, I wanted a green that had enough hue to stand out nicely on the yellow background but that didn’t clash with the background. Here’s what I picked:


For the coneflower petals I wanted to pick out pinks and purples from the focus fabric. Also shown is the flower center/top which was also used for the butterfly body.


Fabrics for the butterfly wings and hearts:


I chose a multi-colour batik for the other flowers scattered throughout the quilt:


So, how did it turn out? Let’s see. Background and borders pieced:


Let’s add some of the appliqué pieces:


We need the flowers! To make them easier to handle, I pre-assembled the flower pieces on a Teflon sheet so that I could fuse them to the quilt top as one unit.


And the finish:



What do you think? Like my fabric choices? What fabrics would you choose?


I’ll be giving away a copy of one of Pat’s patterns to a lucky blog reader. The winner gets to choose which pattern she/he wants. Here are the four patterns in the collection.

Girls in the Garden

To enter: Leave a comment below answering the following: “Do you have any holiday plans this year? Where are you going and why?” One winner will be randomly chosen Sunday night (February 26th).

But that’s not all, there are MORE chances for you to win these lovely patterns. Visit each of the bloggers in the blog hop on their special day. See the fabrics they’ve chosen to use. They’ll each be giving away a pattern too.

Still more: Our friends at the Fat Quarter Shop are giving away FIVE full sets of Pat’s patterns. Visit their Jolly Jabber blog to enter.

Finally, visit Pat Sloan each day too as she shares HOW she designed “Girls in the Garden” and she’s giving away another full set of the patterns too.

Wow! Lots of chances for you to win.

Be sure to also check out Bigfork Bay Cotton Co. for all the cool designs they publish!


The winner is #134 – Victoria Miner. Thanks everyone for your wonderful comments.

316 responses to “My Day on Pat Sloan’s Girls in the Garden Blog Hop”

  1. Margi Borck Avatar

    Love your version of the coneflowers. They are so my favorite! My holiday plans this year will be the same as all others,,,,family and friends will be in and out for about a 2 week period and I will be cooking and feeding as many as possible. It is my favorite thing to do, have lots of food and goodies for lots of friends and family!

  2. Vickie Avatar

    Your quilt really pops with the yellow! Love it! As for holiday plans…we are hoping to go to Tennessee for a week!

  3. Miranda prevaes Avatar
    Miranda prevaes

    This year not a real holidays for us,just some trips to the beach, we just had a new baby and traveling with him just seems to much hassle. Beter luck next year

  4. Barb Colvin Avatar
    Barb Colvin

    Your color choices are bright and cheery! Holiday plans? Does taking down the Christmas decorations before Easter count? lol

  5. Anita Avatar

    Pretty colours you used. I am going this year to Hungary and Roumenia. But of course I live in the Netherlands and can drive to this countries.

  6. Rhonda Kennedy Avatar
    Rhonda Kennedy

    My holidays plans for any holiday is to be with family and close friends. I live by most of my family so we don’t have to travel far. Our oldest son and family are in the military and will be coming home for good this summer, so they will be getting my summer holidays. 🙂
    Love the wall hanging and colors. It is excited to see what others views are.

  7. teresamnj Avatar

    Beautiful! Love your fabric choices. Going to Walt Disney World a few weeks before Christmas with son, his fiance, & her 6 year old son! Can’t wait!

  8. Julia P Avatar
    Julia P

    What a fantastic use of fabrics! Love the patterns and can’t wait to see the others take on the patterns. Don’t have any vacation plans but do have family coming to visit for Easter.

  9. Marianne Avatar

    Are you talking about Christmas so soon? If so, I have no plans. The next holiday coming up, Easter, I have no plans yet either. Guess I’m just flying by the seat of my pants here!

  10. Traci Suzanne Marvel Avatar

    LOve your version of Chelsea’s Summer Garden. it is super fun to see it in different fabrics! My holiday plans just might include a trip to the Sundiance Resort in Utah! I have my fingers crossed. P.S. Michelle, I work for the Bigfork Bay Cotton Company, so please exclude me from the drawing. I just wanted to join in on the fun!

  11. Donna Avatar

    I love your choices of batiks – I don’t work well with them – and they with me :-/ It’s always nice to see how they turn out. Cone flowers seem to be popular here in FL!

  12. Lee Ann (RedHen) Avatar
    Lee Ann (RedHen)

    I like your focus fabric! Holiday vacation plans for us this year, spring break to spend some long over due time with the in laws (its been 3years). Summer vacation to travel and see more family, with fun stops in between!

  13. DianeP Avatar

    Great use of the colors — Love the pretty border print and the purply/blue coneflowers!

    Vacation will probably be a quilting retreat at the local retreat and conference center.

  14. pat sloan Avatar

    WOW I LOVE yours!!! Great use of that beautiful black in the border the final quilt is just STUNNING! Thank you so much for being on my blog hop!!!

  15. Betsy Albertson Avatar
    Betsy Albertson

    Your quilt is very striking, love your fabric colors! No plans for holiday, we have a small hobby farm and hard to get away, but I am happy at home with my animals. Thanks for the chance at the giveaway, love Pat Sloan and her patterns!

  16. Donna Cutting Avatar
    Donna Cutting

    Pat’s coneflower is my favorite. My vacation is in BC, Canada, love the mountains. Thanks for sharing.

  17. JudyCnNC Avatar

    I love that you gave the border equal weight in the overall design – lovely in Batiks. It is happy – think I will try the Spring one in Batiks. Thanks for this opportunity. Vacation plans sort of happen as they show up … six children surprise us with visits. Judy C

  18. Linda Avatar

    Love the colors you used, your version turned out great! We will be spending the holiday’s with family and friends, I”m planning on that 🙂

  19. marjorie Avatar

    I simply love what you put is adorable. Not going away this year; neither of us can decide where we want to go; so staying home…I guess we don’t really need to go away or we would be

  20. Joan Avatar

    This is my favorite of the 5 patterns and I love your focus fabric!! Great interpretation of the design. This is going to be a fun blog hop to watch this week. No vacations planned this year- we have 2 weddings to plan!!

  21. Linda P Avatar
    Linda P

    I’ll spend the holidays with family, however it reminds me of the last few days of spending time with my dad and his twin brother. They claimed every day was a holiday – just celebrate. I hope a little rubbed off on me!
    I love all your choices for “Chelsea”. That yellow just makes the whole thing pop and love the border – great choices!!

  22. Birdena Avatar

    Love your fabric choices Michelle. I would probably use more pastel colors. It was very interesting reading your questions on Pat’s blog. Don’t know why it never clicked with me before, that you are in Canada too.

  23. Cathy Avatar

    Love your color choices, great job. Hubby and I going on a cruise in April.

  24. JKW Avatar

    Your colors for the pattern are perfect. Love the yellow background. I have 2 of the batiks you used – they are lovely. My grandson joined the Air Force first of Sept. last year so we had Thanksgiving in Aug. This year he will be coming home for 3 weeks in March before he goes to where he will be stationed so we will celebrate Easter early this year. Everything is around him. I love the Autumn Pumpkin Patch. Blessings, Janet

  25. Shana Reeder Avatar
    Shana Reeder

    We live on Vancouver Island every day is like a vacation living here! We will be heading home to Alberta to visit friends and family this year, first time since we moved over 2 years ago. I loved the fabrics you chose and the pattern.

  26. Michelle Avatar

    I love your flowers! My holiday plans are what ever everyone else tells me to do! lol

  27. lee Avatar

    Your choice of fabrics is lovely! No plans so far for the holidays! too far ahead to plan for me! thanks!

  28. liegewelsch Avatar

    Sensacional o uso dos batiks,gostei muito e as barras ficaram lindas com os tons que você usou.

  29. Linda Avatar

    I really like the energy from the many prints! We will spend 2 weeks camping this summer at the lake with our entire multi-generational family.

  30. Grace Avatar

    My favorite of all the patterns. I love your fabric choices (batiks are also my favorite), and it looks great.
    Sorry, I can’t report on any holiday plans right now. With air travel, and gas prices both going up, I think a lot of people will be having holidays at home this year.

  31. patty Avatar

    Most of our holiday are spent with my children and grandchildren. Other than that, we don’t make many plans for holidays.

  32. Valerie Boudier Avatar
    Valerie Boudier

    Don’t do long holidays but have a couple of long weekends away, with two of my other passions, line dancing and gardening

  33. Carol Cox Avatar

    Love your fabric choices. Usually my vacation is a cruise with my sisters but this year we have an added blessing. So will be traveling in August to be there for the birth of my seventh grandbaby. Am overjoyed.

  34. kathy h Avatar
    kathy h

    I love your fabric choices. They go so well with your b order print. we hope to go to michigan for a visit with family this year.

  35. Kathy Raabe Avatar
    Kathy Raabe

    I love your coneflowers. Never would have thought of using multi colored petals on them. That is the pattern I would like to win “Coneflowers”.
    Holiday plans? Three out of five of our children live out of town, so it’s pretty up in the air until it happens. If no one appears, we will make the best of it. Thank you.

  36. Edie Avatar

    Like the choice of yellow as the background – it really makes the colours pop!

  37. Gale Lavers Avatar
    Gale Lavers

    I love how bright and sunny this looks. We are leaving for holiday this friday to visit our son in Ontario, Canada.

  38. Dee Avatar

    Well, which Holiday? Easter my children come home for the “bunny”. Christmas, my daughter already has made a plan for me. Love your color combinations – you rock!

  39. Amy Avatar

    We are supposed to take a trip to Branson this summer. Unfortunately, now hubby has to work during the days we have scheduled. Paid for the rooms and everything. Oh well. The only other plan is to get my niece for 2 weeks. We have “Quilt Camp” every year.

    and those patterns are adorable!

  40. Christine Avatar

    Love your fabric choices. We’ll be going to the gulf coast for two weeks for fun in the sun and fishing!

  41. Charlene S Avatar

    As my DH says, we are on holiday every day being retired. This year we plan on going to Universal Studios to celebrate DGD#2’s graduation. Easter will be a week camping with as many grandchildren as possible.

  42. Michelle Avatar

    Beautiful batiks! We do not have any traveling plans. A little time for quilting would be a holiday for me!

  43. Patti Avatar

    I love these little quilts, and your fabric choices are fabulous. Holiday plans include a week in the northwoods in a cabin by a lake…. peaceful.

  44. Sherry Book Avatar
    Sherry Book

    So fun seeing how someone else makes up a pattern… and I love your multi-colored coneflowers—one of my favorite flowers! I would love to try this pattern too if I won; I have a spot right inside our front door to hang it!

    Re: holidays—my husband & I are going on vacation as soon as our daughter gets married in May–the house is empty & we’re celebrating! Woot-woot!

  45. Victoria Avatar

    Cute, Michele! Love the dark border! We’re going to Africa for Christmas… I’m so looking forward to not doing ANY Christmas shopping this year!! Our gift will be looking at the wild animals on the Serengeti!

  46. Janita Avatar

    I love your fabric selections. The yellow gives it a Spring look and your focus fabric is great.

  47. Doris Webb Avatar
    Doris Webb

    I just loved the border, reminded me of a summer garden party. I could see making this to use by hanging them as background on post in a garden!

  48. Carrie P. Avatar

    OH, it was fun to watch your progress! What a fun quilt. Love your version.
    We just plan to go to the beach for our anniversary this year.

  49. Jane E. Avatar

    I like your color selection and the way the boder works with the whole hanging. Nicely done. We plan on going to Florida shortly and then camping this summer. Ahhhh, life is good.

  50. Cathy B. Avatar

    Your quilt is very striking. I love it.

    No plans for the holidays yet. But hopefully it will include time with family.


  51. Michele T Avatar
    Michele T

    Our family is planning to visit a city where my son might choose to attend that University!

  52. Cheryl T Avatar

    I love the fabric combination that you chose, the batiks work great on this pattern!

    Our only, tenative, plans are to fly some family in for Christmas this year! Also expecting a new grandchild!

  53. Nancy S Avatar
    Nancy S

    The design elements and colour choices are very effective . It is interesting when part of the “picture ” spills out onto the border.
    After the whiteness of winter we are looking forward to our trip to the greens of Ireland.

  54. paulette doyle Avatar

    Your version of the cone flower is gorgeous!! I would love to see this one made up out of soft vibrant wools…would love to try THAT!! Thanks for the chance!
    Holidays?…we are Snowbirds and have been in the Palm Springs area from Nov. -April…can’t wait to get home!haha
    Thanks for sharing!

  55. Deb K Avatar

    I love the borders – having a dark for the focus and light to frame it out! Holiday plans… not yet! 🙂

  56. Sandra V Avatar
    Sandra V

    Like your color choices. Heard somewhere else that yellow backgrouds tend to make other colors pop.

    No plans for any holidays this year. Hubbie has been out of work since beginning of last September so until he is back to work can’t even think about holidays.

  57. Teresa in Music City Avatar

    We will be celebrating a family wedding this spring and I am looking forward to getting to go home and visit with all of my family in North Carolina!!! While that may not technically be a holiday, it is better than most holidays to me!!!

  58. LeAnne L Avatar
    LeAnne L

    I really like your interpretation with all those luscious batiks. No holiday plans here. Still too early in the year.

  59. Maria Carroll Avatar
    Maria Carroll

    Hi Michele, I love the wild and bright inner and outter border with the batiks you used. Not sure I would have use the outter border print myself but it works and I absolutely love it! Shows me to step out of my comfort box and try other fabrics. The whole pattern is beautiful!

  60. DebrafromMD Avatar

    I love both versions. The beauty of Pat’s designs is that they look good done in so many different fabrics. No holiday travel plans for us this year but we will spend a week at the beach in the Fall with the extended family.

  61. Sandi A. Avatar

    I won Pat’s “Girls in the Garden” a few weeks ago so don’t enter me in the drawing. I just had to stop by and see your version and it looks gorgeous! I love that border fabric and the colors you chose for the vase are perfect. Also, had to let you know that one of my favorite movies is Bridget Jones’ Diary. Give me Mark Darcy anyday. LOL!

  62. Mary C in WA Avatar

    I’m not sure what “Holiday” your asking about. Spring Break??? I will be attending a Sewing and Quilt EXPO next week, does that count! I’m excited to meet some more quilters and see their new Books! I would love to win one of Pat’s Garden Girls Patterns.

  63. Marie A. Avatar
    Marie A.

    Love your version! Answer to question: Sadly I have no holiday plans this year. I must try and do that soon. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  64. Jody R. Avatar
    Jody R.

    My holiday plans usually involve trying to spend time at home sewing! All the patterns are pretty, would love to win one.

  65. Debbie Gallett Avatar
    Debbie Gallett

    I love the coneflowers. That pattern is my favorite. I am on holiday right now. All my brothers and sisters are meeting up at our parents for a week. Then in April I get to come back for my youngest son’s wedding.

  66. Pat Hersl Avatar
    Pat Hersl

    Already cut mine out. I have huge golden poppies for the border and an ultra-modern print for the vase. Still, another pattern would make a great gift.

  67. Nancy Page Avatar

    Your version is Mardi Gras for Coneflowers! What fun! Thank you for the giveaway. I have no holiday plans except to be with my sons when I can.

    Have a super great day.

  68. Janet Avatar

    I love your border fabric! Very nice finish, Michele. Holidays always include family time–usually at home.

  69. Jacklynn Grimm Avatar
    Jacklynn Grimm

    My husband and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary last November. We didn’t travel anywhere but we would like to get back to Disney World this year – we were married there. Love your color choices.

  70. ellen k Avatar
    ellen k

    oh I love how you mixed the petals! I think the coneflowers it my favorite of the group. Hopeing to go to Cal. for spring break in April! see some family & friends.

  71. Sher S. Avatar
    Sher S.

    Love your fabrics for this quilt, really eye popping! For Labor Day I will be watching my husband run in the Disneyland Half Marathon and it is also his 65th birthday so what a celebration.

  72. Lise Avatar

    Wow…love the fabric choice you made…so it…My holidays will be going to Manitoulin Island to camp..most all summer lolol…love it..might have to bring some hand sewing humm…sounds like a plan…happy stitching..

  73. Kathy MacKie Avatar
    Kathy MacKie

    I’ retired and living in Victoria, BC and feel that I am on holidays all the time.

  74. Jenn Vallimont Avatar
    Jenn Vallimont

    This is really pretty! Love your focal fabric a lot. for the holidays, I hope to find down-time with my kids & maybe even my sewing machine!

  75. Darlis Johns Avatar
    Darlis Johns

    Very colorful. Not planning any trips this year.

  76. Jo Anne Avatar
    Jo Anne

    Holiday plans this year include a family reunion over Memorial Day weekend in the beautiful mountains near Provo, Utah.

  77. Carly Avatar

    Gorgeous, Big Sis! Love the pinks 🙂

  78. Debi Cutter Avatar
    Debi Cutter

    For now, we have no holiday plans this year. We wait and see if the Lord provides and if there is extra money, then we’ll take a holiday!! I continue to dream, though!! 🙂

  79. Sharon S Avatar

    Love the colors! I am really into orange & pink right now. Is is considered a “holiday” when I visit my grandsons for a refill on my Nana cup? That’s happening next week for me!

  80. Dora Avatar

    Spring Break is coming up, I will be at a 4-day quilt retreat with some of my best quilting girlfriends. 🙂

  81. Kim Avatar

    No plans yet! I’m waiting to see if I can have lasik or not – if I can I think we’ll just be laying low this year…

  82. Maria do Carmo Pezzuto Avatar
    Maria do Carmo Pezzuto

    Amei seu gosto de distribuição de cores,amo amarelo de fundo.Férias…só no meio do ano,talvez praia ou roça,nada decidido…

  83. Pam G Avatar
    Pam G

    Most of our plans revolve around visiting our grandkids-(9hrs. away by car). We will be spending Easter with them this year, and of course my daughter and son-in-law. I hope my single daughter will come down too. The day before easter is our grandson’s 2nd birthday.

  84. Laurie Parrack Avatar

    The only plans I have this year so far is Thanksgiving will be at my Mom’s this year and I will be doing most of the cooking. Her home is a lot larger to accommodate our family. I am hoping the entire family will show up this year. I am also planning on a summer vacation with the kids camping but have not really thought of where we are going yet.

  85. Geraldine Avatar

    Hi Michele, what beautiful blocks. I am saving up for my next years holiday to the Mesa Quilt Show in Arizona. with 2 BFF’s. Other than little jonts around to beautiful province of British Columbia, such as Kelowna, and Victoria.

  86. Lisa Cox Avatar
    Lisa Cox

    We don’t have any plans at this time. We just bought a new house last May, and I moved in September. My husband has been at our old house since then, and he actually gets to move in March. So no set plans, but we’re definitely gonna need a vacation soon!

  87. Jocelyn Avatar

    We actually have just returned from our first holiday plan. For Presidents Day, my college age son was off on Friday and Monday. So we took our family to the slopes and they snowboarded. Now you have to understand that we live in sunny Florida, so snow is not an option here 🙂 But we enjoyed our time together as a family. Thanks for the adorable block. The butterfly really sets it off. I really love Pat’s fun designs.

  88. MarciaW Avatar

    We have no holiday plans this year other than staying home.
    This is my favorite girl in the garden and would have purple purple coneflowers. Yours is very pretty with the two fabrics in the vase – kool idea.

  89. Sharon Avatar

    Love those colors. Beautiful

  90. Linda in Calif. Avatar

    I just loved the way you did this post. Showing the fabrics and me agreeing with your choices – isn’t your border (black with wild colors) the best? And then that green – to dye for!! I wanted so much to jump ahead and see how it turned out but I kept my cool and enjoyed the process. And then that yellow calm and looks very nice. Note to self: try yellow when you make these patterns. The final project is beautiful!!! And I bet it was so fun to do also!

    We staying home because we plan to have a family (extended family included) camp out in April.

  91. LJ Avatar

    Holiday…? I’m assuming that means the same as “vacation” here in the USA. I had to laugh at comment #5 from Barb who wonders if taking down Christmas decorations before Easter counts!! Ha, Ha. It hasn’t been long since I did that, too! My husband and I and 2 other couples go south in a few weeks. We take our bikes (bicycles) and ride the trails. Ohhhh, it’s wonderful to enjoy warmer weather and the springtime smells in the air.

  92. Mary Avatar

    I am hoping to get to New Hampshire to visit my aunt and cousins. My one cousin has a quilt shop there and I would love to go and see it and take a class. I love the cone flower pattern that you are making. Love the colors you chose.

  93. Diane Avatar

    I plan on being at a family reunion on the 4th of July. I really like the outcome of your coneflowers. Beautiful

  94. martina Avatar

    I love your version! My plans for summer is spending as much time in our garden as possible.

  95. Brenda Hulsey Avatar
    Brenda Hulsey

    My holiday plans for the year will be several trips from my home to my son’s home in Bowling Green, Ky and my daughter’s home in Birmingahan, Al. Going to see them is MY IDEAL of a holiday!

  96. Elizabeth Avatar

    Love your fabric choices. My holiday plans are in July. Relatives from Finland are coming to attend a family reunion in Upper Michigan. I am so exited about it. We visited 2 years ago and now it is their turn. Thanks, Elizabeth

  97. Kelly Wenhold Avatar
    Kelly Wenhold

    Love the coneflowers! We are driving to Skyline Drive in Virginia, Dollywood and Nashville in Tennessee and Louisville in Kentucky. Should be fun!

  98. Tracee Avatar

    I love your version so bright and bubbly are those colours. Mmmm holidays what are they…I will still be cooking, cleaning, washing and running around after everybody. But to be honest I wouldn’t have it any other way. 😉

  99. Connie Avatar

    No holiday plans, I love your wall hanging!

  100. GG Bocchino Avatar
    GG Bocchino

    If you count Summer as a holiday, then we plan to go for a month(!) to a beautiful yet not crowded beach and stay in a 3 bedroom condo that sits right on the beach. And why? The beach is the best place for us to really unwind. We sleep w/ the window cracked so we can hear the ocean which lulls us to sleep. Can’t wait!

  101. Stephanie Avatar

    Beautiful and delightful fabric choices!

    Our holiday plans remain the same tradition: The family comes to our house for a big dinner, after which I am totally worn out, yet relieved!

  102. Joyce Morrissette Avatar
    Joyce Morrissette

    Going to the beach in Rhode Island in July, and hoping to go to the Vermont Quilt Festival in June.

  103. Julie Avatar

    I love your color variety in the coneflowers. My holiday plans involve a lot of cooking, grandchildren and greeting everyone here at home. Perfect!

  104. Melissa Avatar

    I love your fabric choices – especially your border fabrics – ties it all together so nicely! My hubs and I will be going to Victoria, BC for a small vacation – we haven’t had a single day just the two of us since AnneMarie was born and my parents are coming up here to watch her. I am really looking forward to it – especially going out for tea!

  105. Christina Avatar

    The black border is just-right wild! Hope to get to Napa Valley this fall..for wine, countryside, and, oh yeah..some family….

  106. Leslie Avatar

    i loved the way you made the background yellow, thereby adding another color to the mix, and making your colors/fabric really pop from the background.

  107. Rain LeClair Avatar
    Rain LeClair

    I love your background fabric, and the way your other fabrics relate to the background. If I were to change anything, I put in another smaller butterfly somewhere in the lower section of the quilt. I’m definitely a butterfly person.
    No special holiday plans yet, except to make a banner or table runner for 4th of July.

  108. Heide Avatar

    Great color choices on both projects! Travel plans only if we can come up with the $$$ to put new tires on the motor home and then its off to the desert or mountains for quick weekend getaways. Other than that, lots of family time and trying out new recipes with our new smoker.

  109. Jana B. Avatar
    Jana B.

    I absolutely love the colors. Batiks always make fun flowers. My holiday plans this year are to visit the Epcot Center in Florida. I have never been and now that I’m all grown up (but still a kid inside) I finally get to go!

  110. Ann Avatar

    Love the batiks for the flowers…Hope to get to the UP in Michigan this summer!

  111. Mary Burn Avatar
    Mary Burn

    Love your choice of fabrics — absolutely beautiful. My favroite is Chelsea’s Summer Garden. We plan to go to a bluegrass festival for 10 days. Lots of fun!!

  112. Kathie Avatar

    Your batiks are stunning and are perfect for “Chesea’s Summer Garden”. For the holidays, I hope to visit my grand girls in New York City, as they came to visit me this past year.

  113. Dana Floyd Avatar
    Dana Floyd

    I am retired so every day is a holiday, however this year to celebrate my 70th year I am heading to Italy. I loved the flowers and the color combinations are awesome…thanks for sharing.

  114. Sharon Avatar

    I really like that cone flower pattern. It’s too early for holiday plans.

  115. Lynda M Avatar
    Lynda M

    I love your fabrics. Very nice. That is my favorite pattern. We plan on a quiet summer. Not sure of plans.

  116. Kim Avatar

    I’m going to the beach where all my senses can rest and my batteries get recharged……and hopefully I can joyfully chase my little granddaughter along the shore. You’ve done a great job with the cone flower pattern, you have a good color sense.

    Happy Sewing and thanks for the chance to win

  117. Shirley in Canada Avatar
    Shirley in Canada

    WOW that coloring really pops!! Great work! Holiday plans? None as they always seem to get changed/broken. So spur of the moment it is!!

  118. Shelley C Avatar
    Shelley C

    You did a great job on your interpretation. Congrats!

    No holiday plans for us…hubby likes to be home, but we are expecting three new grandbabies this year so there will be lots of traveling to see each new precious bundle. I’m working on quilts!

  119. Jill Avatar

    I am going to go on a couple of quilting retreats when I retire this May.

  120. Rosemarie Avatar

    love the colours and the way that compliment each other. as for hols hope to be cruising soon!

  121. Diane Fields Avatar
    Diane Fields

    I love how you used batiks in your version. Just lovely! As for holiday plans, probably just staying home. Will be doing traveling for education and a wedding.

  122. Margie Avatar

    Wow! Beautiful. Your fabric choices are right on. I hope to work all year on Christmas projects. Going some where? It’s a bit early to decide. Maybe to montana to be with my granddaughter her husband and my new great grand baby

  123. Sorchagirl Avatar

    I love the fabric for the borders!! Coneflowers are truly a summer flower and I thought the batiks in your quilt were just right.

  124. Sorchagirl Avatar

    Forgot to mention the holiday–Memorial Day is a big event for us. We have a national bicycling event we attend to see our grandson race.

  125. Jean Avatar

    Love your colors. Beautiful work. Our holiday plans will be attending our grandson’s baseball tournaments all summer.

  126. Sandy G Avatar
    Sandy G

    Love your take on Pats block…my holiday will be spent with some old friends we reconnected with this winter, I am sure good food will also be involved. Thanks,

  127. Estie Avatar

    I love the batik fabrics you picked out for your quilt especially the cone flowers. Very pretty!

  128. Judy G Avatar
    Judy G

    Your fabrics are wonderful for this pattern. The big holiday plans: a wedding. Can’t wait.

  129. Becky in Georgia Avatar

    Love how you used the colors in your border fabric for the inside design. With elderly parents, we seem to be living day to day, but celebrating each day.

  130. Carrie Dominguez Avatar
    Carrie Dominguez

    Love the bright cheery fabrics you used in the summer garden!
    Plans for me? Staying home and working…I’m putting my second child into college this fall….then another in 2 years, and another the year after that…I’ll be doing good if I have rice and beans to eat!! LOL! But I’ve got my sewing machine and lots of fabric and ideas to keep me company as the house empties out!

  131. Deb F. Avatar
    Deb F.

    I adore your fabric choices, they are so cheerful and perfect for the pattern. Our holiday plans include a trip to Michigan for a nephew’s wedding. It will be a wonderful family event.

  132. Aggiequilter Avatar

    Not much on the vacation horizon for us this year, as our daughter is getting married this fall ! Maybe we’ll take a long weekend for some R&R afterwards at least !
    Love your colors, flowers really pop. Thanks for the chance to win!

  133. Bonnie Avatar

    Love Pat’s things – and using a fancy new / bright fabric is a nice change out from the country / wooly look.

  134. Victoria Miner Avatar

    We spend most holidays with family. This mid-winter break will be no exception as we are going to Buffalo to visit our oldest son and his family….Your colors are great. I particularly like the variety of fabrics used in the flowers. I would probably use earth tones, golds, rusts, etc. as that would match the colors in my house.

  135. Cynthia Avatar


    No plans for the Holiday’s yet as it’s way toooo early. We also need to know about our kids college/grad school schedules before we can make any plans. We go to Walt Disney World about every three years so hopefully this year. 🙂

    I love all of the patterns but especially Nicole’s Autumn Pumpkin Patch and Ava’s Winter Flurries.


  136. Patti Levine Avatar
    Patti Levine

    Love all these patterns! We are hoping to go to Florida and San Francisco to be with family this year. How great to get together!

  137. Barbara Barrier Avatar
    Barbara Barrier

    Memorial Day, we will be going to the Coca Cola 600 Nascar Race in Charlotte NC.

  138. Sarah in Houston Avatar

    Love your banner. I need to get mine out. My holiday will be summer vacation (I’m a teacher.) I am going to the Chautauqua Institute in NY with my husband and mom. It will be wonderful.

  139. Nancy B Avatar
    Nancy B

    Love the choice of fabrics for your version. As of yet I do not have any holiday plans but will hopefully have some in the near future.

  140. hm Avatar

    I love your border fabric! and the yellow background makes it nice and bright!

    Holiday Plans… 4th of July we usually are camping with the family and christmas we drive to MD to visit my in-laws.!

  141. janita Avatar

    by holiday I am assuming that you are talking some sort of time off or away….. This year I am celebrating 30 years anniversary. We hope to have a little get away in september. Pat’s patterns are so fun. great job on the color choices.

  142. PattyS Avatar

    I love the flowers as they remind me of the cone flowers where I was raised. Holiday plans have just been immediate family but in June we are having the first family reunion of my family since 2006 when dad passed away. I am the oldest of seven children and with both parents gone…family has been divided. All but my youngest brother and myself live away from the rest of the family. I was wanting to make something special for each family and this would be perfect. Thanks.

  143. carol kumer Avatar
    carol kumer

    I love that you uses a bright happy yellow for the background. It is a perfect background for the blue and purple batik.
    My husband and I plan to drive cross country this summer.
    Christmas will find our three children visiting us for my 70th Birthday.

  144. Sherill Avatar

    My holiday plans are to stay home, nice and cosy! I love the colours that you used. I would like the Autumn Pumpkin pattern. I have a spot picked out for it! The coneflower pattern would be perfect there, too! Any of the patterns would be great to win!

  145. Linda E Avatar
    Linda E

    Hopefully, we will get away this year. We usually vacation with another couple but he is having all kinds of issues with his knees and hip and is scheduled for surgery number one next month. Time will tell. Love your use of batiks with the pattern!

  146. Mickey Kelly White Avatar
    Mickey Kelly White

    No holiday plans as of today . Ours are always kind of thrown together at the last minute . We may go to an Amish style dinner at a place close to us . I LOVE your coneflowers and the fabric . It’s gorgeous !

  147. Kathleen S Avatar
    Kathleen S

    I love the fabric you chose….it really turned out beautiful…so colorful…I have no holiday plans as yet; but you never know….LOL…thank you for the giveaway…

  148. Cindy Dailey Avatar

    I love the flowers! No holiday plans yet…I wish I had some.

  149. Tammy Avatar

    Our big holiday plans this year is Thanksgiving! This year our whole family will be gathering at our oldest son and DIL’s home, her whole family will be there also.

    I love the “coolness and tranquility” your quilt design gives off and the colors are absolutely GORGEOUS!!

  150. Debby, Chester NY Avatar
    Debby, Chester NY

    I do not have any holiday plans yet this year. We will probably plan some time with my older children who are no longer living at home.

    Love all these patterns.


  151. Darly Avatar

    I think your version is lovely. I like your fabric choices as I like purples. If asked to make my version I might choose red/orange, tangerine, and yellow/orange for my flower petals on a purple background using black accents also. Our holiday plans this year are a trip to Italy as we lived there for a year and that’s what my husband wants for his birthday. Yeah, I get to go with him 🙂

  152. Bev Avatar

    Love it!

  153. Holly Fitzpatrick Avatar
    Holly Fitzpatrick

    Don’t have any specific plans for any holidays this year but we are going on a big vacation in June. Going to Vancouver, then a cruise to Alaska and then a few nights in the interior. It’s to celebrate our fifth year anniversary and (hopefully) my graduation from grad school after 4.5 years of part-time school.

  154. Marlene Rutherford Avatar
    Marlene Rutherford

    Our plans will be in our backyard, between the pool, the trampoline, the basketball court and the bouncy castle, the kids don’t want to go anywhere else. But we do have alot of everyone else’s kids over; which is great!

  155. Sandy Dagg Avatar
    Sandy Dagg

    I was pleasantly surprised on how everything came together in the end.I have a hard time picking out colours you did a great job. No plans for a holiday as we farm. My cone flowers would for sure be all purlple.

  156. MareeR Avatar

    Love your colours – blue and purple are my two favourite colours.

  157. Jean Avatar

    Love your version, as for holiday plans….none a this time.

  158. maribeth Avatar

    Really fun to see different versions of the same pattern! No plans for holidays, but can’t wait for spring. It’s always a holiday at our cottage!

  159. Donna Kirkland Avatar
    Donna Kirkland

    LOVE the colors and patterns of your choices. My trip plans is to go on the Tomorrow’s Quilts 2nd annual Quilters Quest shop hop in July and attend several semi-pro baseball games in Frisco and Round Rock. (Just can’t hardly beat that!) My parents are coming from North Carolina in May so that will be great also. Planning a spring break trip to La Grange to see the Texas Quilter’s Museum. Just a few short trips this year. Trying to save to pay for those big electric bills!

  160. Beth C. Avatar
    Beth C.

    Love your “wild” fabric choices! Our “holiday” plans include a trip out to Colorado Springs for a niece’s wedding in May. My husband is one of 7 siblings and everyone is scattered across the US. Family weddings and even funerals sometimes result in long awaited reunions. Thank goodness this time it’s a wedding!
    Thanks for chance to win, Beth in AL

  161. ELIZ Avatar

    I love the coneflowers and fabric colors use used. All the holidays will be special for me since my first grandchild arrived on my birthday in November.

  162. Marcia Avatar

    The fabrics you had used were yummy! 🙂
    My vacation is usually a ‘stay-cation’ as I attend an area retreat!

  163. ~ Julie ~ Avatar

    I love these patterns! I don’t think I would be able to decide on just one! 🙂 As far as travel plans this year, we’re hoping to go to California and go north up to Oregon to see the redwood forest.

  164. Donna Turner Avatar

    I’d like to win the Autumn Pumpkin Patch, just in case… Holiday plans — wow! So far in advance. I’m going to visit each of my two sons and their families for Christmas. Thanksgiving will be here. Labor Day we’ll spend here at the lake. Independence Day also here at the lake. Memorial Day as well. Spring and summer at the lake are the favorites, as you can see.

  165. Cheryl Avatar

    Cone flowers and colors are beautiful. Travel plans to Menasha for quilting. Holiday plans to see family in VA

  166. Bette J Avatar
    Bette J

    I love the colors you chose. My favorite pattern is the bird house. the only special plans we have are to go to Disney World the end of June with our daughters family.

  167. Renita Avatar

    Your colors make me smile. They are beautiful! All of the patterns are beautiful. My daughter and I will be travelling to Russia in May! A trip of a lifetime for us!

  168. Laurel Avatar

    My holiday plans this year don’t involve an “established” holiday. It’s my city/area’s Relay for Life (June 1-2) to raise money in the fight against cancer. The big difference this year is that I will be participating as a SURVIVOR!!
    My favorite pattern is the summer coneflowers, and I think you did a fantastic job with your interpretation!

  169. Julie Avatar

    I love coneflowers and I especially love the colors that you chose. My holiday plans are to visit relatives in McKinney, TX. All of these quilts look like a lot of fun to make!!

  170. Denise Avatar

    Love the fabrics you chose. I like your choice of more than one color for the flowers. My favorite pattern is the one with the cardinals. Love cardinals.

  171. Anda Avatar

    We live in Ontario, Canada and are hoping to drive to the lovely east coast of Canada this summer!

  172. Yvonne Avatar

    I love the fabrics that you chose. So cool looking. We are planning on a cruise this fall. Thanks for the chance to win.

  173. Janice Spande Avatar
    Janice Spande

    I love the cone flower the yellow is a real zinger, but then again I like the Cardinal one too.
    I don’t think we will be taking a vacation this summer.

  174. Val warren Avatar
    Val warren

    I love your choice of colors the border really sets the cornflowers off the fabrics are great I haven’t any of these in NZ

  175. Barb Starkey Avatar
    Barb Starkey

    Loved your fabrics for me picking the fabric for a quilt is the hardest part. Purple conefowers are my favorite. I just got all 4 patterns in mail yesterday. Unsure about vacation prob take in a few quilt shows and retreats. then maybe trip to beach with daughter and grandchildren

  176. Susan Entwistle Avatar

    Holiday plans….hmmm…whatever the holiday, my plan is to have fun wherever we may be, (For President’s Day I spent the long weekend quilting–always fun) Loved your color choices.

  177. Delores Avatar

    I love the coneflower pattern the best.

    We’ve just returned from a lovely holiday in Kauai! Only other plans for the year are to spend time in our new fifth wheel trailer camping on Vancouver Island and maybe the Oregon Coast.

    Would love to win a pattern.

  178. Nancy Hambright Avatar
    Nancy Hambright

    I love your borders and the colors you used for your cone flower petals. Coneflowers are my all time favorites. I can never grow enough. Love, Love, Love them. Can’t wait to make this wallhanging. So pretty!
    The question about special holiday plans? I am taking my daughter to London for the Jane Austen Tour in June. I introduced her to Jane Austen and all her writings when she was about 8 and we are both big, big Jane fans. I promised her this trip when she graduated from college. She graduated from American University in Washington DC in December and we are sooooo excited to be going!

  179. Patricia Rudelic Avatar
    Patricia Rudelic

    I love the black/white fabric you chose for the vase, in amongst the beautiful batiks and brights.

    My holiday this year will include 1 week hidden in my quilt room, hoping to produce one or two of the Girls in the Garden quilts.

  180. Marti Parsons Avatar
    Marti Parsons

    I love the colors you picked! I’m hoping to spend some of the holidays with my grandkids this year. Making special memories.

  181. Mandy M Avatar

    SO darn cute! I love your fabrics! Holiday plans, none here, stay home and sew!

  182. Debbie St. Germain Avatar

    I love the fabrics you used, so beautiful and perfect for flowers and spring. We will stay home and our children will come here.


  183. Grace Capuano Avatar
    Grace Capuano

    I love the way you explained your color choices and they look very summery and whimsical. My holiday plan is to go back home in June for my oldest son’s wedding. It’s June 10 and can’t wait. Grace

  184. Karin Avatar

    Ohhhh, your colors are pretty too! I loooove purples, teals & pinks, and I love the butterflies that coneflowers bring!

    We’re retired, so every day is a holiday! We’re planning to work at the zoo (the petting pen sheep are ready to shear!)
    and I have a set of curtains to finish up and then the beach is calling!!

  185. Kristin M Avatar
    Kristin M

    We may try to get to Yellowstone this year for a summer holiday.

  186. Louise Neveu Avatar
    Louise Neveu

    Love your interpretation of the quilt, beautiful colours. My idea of a holiday is to just enjoy where I live now that I am retired, however I will travel for a learning experience. This year I am attending a workshop with my favourite sewing instructor to learn to make a pair of leather gloves by hand. My idea of fun 🙂

  187. Marlene Benson Avatar
    Marlene Benson

    No specific plans for the holidays yet.We love having all the family over and enjoy good food and associating together.
    I think both interpretations are beautiful. I like to see the different effects of style and color choice affect the pattern.

  188. Barbara Anne Avatar
    Barbara Anne

    What glorious colors in both your version and Pat’s. Fabrics are just too delicious!!

    We’re retired, too, so I get to play in my sewing room nearly every day – and my sweet MIL who is 81 is making her 2nd large quilt with a bit of help and encouragement from me! It’s too much fun!



  189. Jo Ann Dzielinski Avatar
    Jo Ann Dzielinski

    I love cone flowers and the colors are just what I would pick! The only holiday plans I have so far this year is a Cakefest on my birthday and my friend’s birthday the day after, in June. We have a lot of bunnymom’s over and lots of cakes made into all sorts of bunnies.

  190. Mary Avatar

    No plans for holidays, but my daughter and grandson are coming down from Denver to visit with me in March. That’s all I need.

  191. Ann-Marie Avatar

    My summer plans are to take part, on a quilt camp.
    And hopefully get the hang of quilting.
    Love your colors.

  192. Leslie Avatar

    I’d pick Amelia’s Spring Delight if I could!
    We will probably drive to Alberta at the end of August if we can get away!
    Thanks for the giveaway and the view of your great little quilt!
    Take care, Leslie

  193. Chris Avatar

    I will head to Florida to see my grandchildren a couple of times this year, maybe more. All the patterns are wonderful. You did a great job.

  194. Zehrina Avatar

    Well I would love to go to quilting retreat one day. It is so hard to organize with three kids. Maybe ,this is my plan so we will see. If I don’t go I will have lovely holiday with my kids and my hubby.
    I love that colors what you have chosen , great job!

  195. Terry Avatar

    Just got back from a fun trip to Death Valley NP…and being retired, everyday is like being on a holiday!

  196. Barbara Avatar

    I love these patterns, your fabric choices are beautiful. Hopefully,my family and I will spend a relaxing week this summer visiting friends in Norway, Maine who own an amazing house on an island in the middle of a lake.

  197. Jodi G. Avatar
    Jodi G.

    Your version turned out great. Love your border fabric. We really don’t have any vacation plans this year. My son who is in the Marine Corp will be deploying to Afghanistan in April. I will be going down for a few weeks to help pack etc. My DIL and one year old grandson will be moving closer to us while my son is deployed. We have had a seven hour drive between us and I’m looking forward to having them 15 minutes away.

    Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win.


  198. Rima Avatar

    choice of the colors are harmonious inspite of the variety of it.
    just gorgeous!!!

  199. Rhonda aka Quilter in The Gap Avatar

    No special plans this year. Just going to enjoy a slow easy weekend. Those are my plans anyway. I hoping those end up being special. Thanks for your giveaway.

  200. Gwen Windham Avatar
    Gwen Windham

    LOVE the coneflowers– SO pretty! I’m sure that we’ll be heading back to the mountains this year.. we usually make a trip a couple times a year..once in Spring and once in Autumn. We love it there– love the waterfalls and mountain views… 🙂

  201. Carla V. Avatar

    That is simply beautiful Michelle! This year we are going to hang around the state and do a “staycation”. First up, The Grand Canyon. 😀

  202. Pat P. Avatar
    Pat P.

    I love your pastels with the bold darker borders…great combination. We’ll probably be heading to Florida for some R & R.

  203. Suzanne Avatar

    I love your cornflowers. No vacation plan yet — maybe a few days to see the Vermont quilt show if I can.

  204. kaholly Avatar

    I always go to Cape Breton. It’s quiet there and full of natural beauty. There is lots of ocean! Your wallhanging is stunning!

  205. Denise Avatar

    Love your version of Pat’s flowers.

    We usually dont go anywhere for the holidays. Lucky if I can get my kids and their families to come out for Xmas with us.

    Hope to be able to afford to take a actual vacation this year. We were too busy with our farm to get away.

  206. darcy thorn Avatar
    darcy thorn

    Love your interpretation of the pattern!!
    Don’t have any holiday plans as I am still out of work and my husband is disabled. Family might come visit and have a pot luck! But I always make somehting for my cute little nephew who just lost his first tooth!

  207. Laura M Avatar

    Great colors! We’ll be doing the usual trip to see the grandparents!

  208. Judy Davis Avatar
    Judy Davis

    Love your choice of colors. Great job of your interpetation of Pat’s pattern. We will definitely be going to Myrtle Beach week after labor day again this year. It is a tradition and a lovely time to travel to the beach.

  209. Shirley Pearce Avatar
    Shirley Pearce

    Love the vibrant colors! Hoping to go to Colorado this year for vacation. What quaint quilt shops to visit!

  210. Stray Stitches (Linda G) Avatar

    Love your fabric selections!!
    We will be going to Albuquerque in July to help celebrate our grandson’s 6th birthday! Thanks for the opportunity to enter your great giveaway.

  211. Laurie Avatar

    Love it! I am not brave enough to mix batiks with other fabrics.

  212. Barb M Avatar
    Barb M

    Love how your colors work so well together.
    We’ll be going to Canton, Texas to the huge flea market. Its held the first weekend of each month.

  213. Mary Jo Avatar
    Mary Jo

    Coneflowers are one of my favorite flowers! I love the colors you have chosen! Reminds me of SUMMER!!

  214. Kathy Biggs Avatar

    Cone flowers are one of my favorites. We have a lot of them along the roadsides here. Your colors are beautiful.

  215. Jennifer Padden Avatar
    Jennifer Padden

    Our vacation plans involve spending time with family. Having recently lost some very important family members, we want to spend as much time as possible with remaining elders. I like the way you put your own style into the pattern using Pat as inspiration.

  216. Cindy Hair Avatar
    Cindy Hair

    I love the pattern in your colors! We don’t usually go anyplace for the holidays. Our house is the meeting area.

  217. jem-fl Avatar

    Yes, love your color choices. Looks like spring!

  218. Tiny Avatar

    I love the patterns and it is a great give away

  219. Larry Dent Avatar
    Larry Dent

    Love the Patterns …All of Girls in the Garden and Big Fork Patterns!!

  220. Mary Mahan Avatar
    Mary Mahan

    I love the Summer Gardens pattern. Of course, any of them would be great.

  221. Jean Mack Avatar
    Jean Mack

    Since i grew up around flowers I love each of the quilts. The colors are beautiful. Any one of them would look gorgeous on my empty wall.

  222. annmarie Avatar

    No holiday plans this year. We are pretty much homebodies! Pat’s patterns are soooo cute & your finished project is wonderful. Love your color choices.

  223. Anne C. Avatar

    You chose beautiful fabrics! Love your results. We are thinking about visiting the Texas Hill Country. Heading that direction will also give us an opportunity to visit friends and family.

  224. Linda Avatar

    Wonderful fabric choices. Vacation this year…staycation most likely, trips to local lakes, with picnic basket in tow.

  225. Willie in GA Avatar
    Willie in GA

    Love the fabrics,esp the border of black with the colors.

  226. Sharon Griffith Avatar
    Sharon Griffith

    Hi Michelle i absolutely love your fabric selections particularly on the cone flowers….very pretty…..No I have no holiday plans this year at the current time I am unemployed so quilting will be my get-a-way…..thank you

  227. 4dreamsr Avatar

    No holidays for me. Home is where I want to be.

  228. Lisa Marie Avatar
    Lisa Marie

    We’re really bad at planning ahead so I have no idea what we’ll be doing for any holidays. Our son is about to graduate college and move far away so I’m sure sometime we will visit him.

  229. Brenda Avatar

    Holiday plans are usually pretty quiet — dinner with friends or the like. Having no kids of my own makes a big difference as all sibs have grown kids and we seldom get together now that folks are gone.

  230. MargaretAnnB Avatar

    We will be going to a wedding in Sonoma and will be vacationing in that area. Love your choice of colors for quilt.

  231. Ann R Avatar
    Ann R

    I love the black fabric you used for the background.

  232. frances quigley Avatar
    frances quigley

    We will be having Thanksgiving at our house with our sons and children. That is always such a treat for us.

  233. Elizabeth Johnson Avatar

    I love your use of color. Christmas we are always home, the older children come and we all usually have fun.

  234. Karen A Avatar
    Karen A

    I already had a wonderful trip in September for our 25th anniversary. We spent 8 days in the canyonlands of the Southwest.

  235. vikki Avatar

    I will be saving vacation time for third grandbaby due in june…already getting the fabrics together for a crib quilt…loving it! Also really love your fabric choices esp the border fab…beautiful!

  236. Emma Farley Avatar

    For Easter Every year my family and I go to the Easter Egg Hunt at Mt.Baker back in my home state – WA… We’ve gone every year for as long as I can remember and to this day the only “big kid” egg hunt I’ve ever heard of!! So much fun watching grown adults on their skis battling it out for Easter Eggs 🙂

  237. Nancy in IN Avatar
    Nancy in IN

    Vacation to VA in May to see our grands. We tried to get there earlier but ….. Our 48th wedding anniversary is then also.


  238. trillium Avatar

    I want that Amelia pattern! No, I will not be going anywhere, at least nothing is planned right now. I got a trip to Oregon last year, but this year I guess I’ll be at home with my cross stitch,quilting, crochet, and knitting.

  239. Linda V Avatar

    No plans to go anywhere this year. Not in the budget. Love the color combinations! Thanks for the chance to win.

  240. Penny Allen Avatar
    Penny Allen

    Love Pat’s coneflowers. I made a denim shirt with the same coneflowers 🙂
    Staying home with family this year.

  241. Ann Avatar

    I love Pat’s version, and I also LOVE your version! Very cool pattern, and I’m crazy for purple, and for batiks! We did 2 big vacations last year, so as of now, we have no plans for any holiday vacations this year.

  242. Nancy D. Avatar
    Nancy D.

    Your version is lovely! We’ve not planned anything yet. The kiddos have spring break in March and we need to go somewhere!

  243. Rhonda Davis Avatar
    Rhonda Davis

    I loved the black and white vase – what fun! Of course with my email address these patterns are perfect for me! I am going to New York City for a Wedding and then I am going to Maui for 2 weeks to celebrate our 32nd wedding anniversary! Gotta pack those bags!

  244. Lindabee Avatar

    Love you choice of colors. Our vacation is to Walt Disney World I
    in September. We tighten our belts all year for a Disney vacation.

  245. kathie fosnaugh Avatar
    kathie fosnaugh

    Love the fabrics! Great combinations! Holidays, as in Christmas? Or Easter? LOL. I am gathering things for the grandkids’ Easter baskets, Christmas is way too far out for plans.

  246. Sherry Avatar

    I love the fabrics you used for this design. I enjoy seeing the creative ways Pat’s patterns have been used. We will not be traveling anywhere soon because we are expecting two grandchildren in May and want to stay home to be near them.

  247. CathyC in Alberta Avatar
    CathyC in Alberta

    Love your fabric choices. We have an annual family get together up north in the that would be my one vaction this year.

  248. DMarieJ Avatar

    Lovely rendition 🙂 I think I’ll make my sister happy and fly to her home on the other side of the country this year. I may be the family matriarch as our parents are gone already but she’s usually the family glue!

  249. Michelle Pen Avatar
    Michelle Pen

    I am celebrating my 25th wedding anniversary this year and we are going to Australia this year to celebrate.

  250. marilyn Avatar

    Wow. Love your fabric choices. These patterns are beautiful – couldnt pick a favourite.
    Super holiday plans this year – we are having our trip of a lifetime traveling from Australia to the UK to visit relatives (and a bloggy friend) we have never met before.

  251. Jeannie Avatar

    Holiday? Doesn’t my 40th wedding anniversary count as a holiday? Where in the world has 40 yrs gone? And what about the 5 yrs before hand that we actually knew each other? We’re going to celebrate by going on a cruise with our college friends.

  252. Chris Avatar

    Not sure about the holidays this year. We are dealing with elderly parents that are health wise not doing well so we tend to not make plans in advance.

    Love the quilt and love her patterns. I think I like the autumn pumpkin patch the best.

  253. JoanieinNC Avatar

    Love the fabrics you chose to make Chelsea’s Summer Garden – such an adorable pattern. Plans for holiday. Some call vacations holiday thus we are planning a trip to Carolina Beach. It is relaxing and when we want something beyond relaxing we will travel to Wilmington, a historical city with many things to see and enjoy. As for real holidays they tend to be quite traditional – Christmas is traveling to Raleigh and visiting with the family for several days. Lots of eating, shopping, and playing games.

  254. Gunilla Börjesson Avatar

    All the patterns are very nice, but I should choose the same as you.
    We will stay in the summer house for holiday as every summer since very long

  255. AlessandraLace Avatar

    I would like to come back to Puglia – wonderful place on the seaside. hugs

  256. Shirley Avatar

    I hope to go to Quilt Hawaii again this year on the beautiful island of Kauai. Luckily, my good friend was a condo there.

  257. Lorri Avatar

    Your fabric choices was great. Big Holiday plans include all the family home for the 4th. Thank for the giveaway

  258. Daryl Avatar

    When the temperatures rise this summer we plan on heading up to Northern New Mexico to stay in a cabin along the river to escape the heat and to be amongst nature and the peaceful scenery.

  259. Linda Avatar

    Love those fabrics!! And what a cute wall hanging. My husband and I will be taking a three week motorcycle trip up the California coast to Canada and back to Oklahoma! Can’t Wait!

  260. jean Avatar

    You did a great job…those are beautiful patterns and I would love to win one!

  261. Lynn Avatar

    Love all the patterns! As shop owners of a ‘mom and pop’ quilt shop – holiday travel plans just don’t really happen. BUT we are finally planning to visit KC in May for quiltmarket which is a THRILL! So I guess that would be a Quilter’s Holiday, right?

  262. Linda Avatar

    I love them all, but will pick Spring if I have to choose!

  263. Linda Avatar

    Going to meet my new grandson sometime this summer and bring an handmade gift!

  264. Jean Avatar

    We have family coming in for Easter. It will be good to see them. LOVE what you did with the design. I wondered about the cone flowers as you were picking the fabrics, but then the multicolored petals are the best part. I struggle with fabric choices – I need better “vision”.

  265. chris hudson Avatar

    Hello! Love your fabric choices – and if I were to choose, I think I’d pick the Winter beauty in honor of the snow which is falling here (in Illinois) right now! 🙂

  266. Poppy Avatar

    We are going on a trip from BC to Alaska. Camping. It is kind of a bucket list thing and are going with friends.

  267. Missy Merriman Avatar

    No big holidays plans, but I am going to try and go to Market this year for the first time!

  268. Nanette Avatar

    I really like the colours you chose, batiks work really well. I’m going to an eco dyeing and then a basket making workshop in the Blue Mtns (Australia) first, then travelling by train to meet up with a friend, and we’re going to have a few days on Kangaroo Is…off the south coast of Oz.

    I love all the patterns, and really like the cardinals, although they’re not an Aussie bird, but I choose the autumn pattern, as I love anything with houses on it.

  269. Rhoda Forbes Avatar
    Rhoda Forbes

    We will be doing some camping this summer, just locally. The price of gas has stopped us from traveling too far. And who can buy gas and fabric too, must have our priorities in order.

  270. Chris Avatar

    No plans to go anywhere. We live on a beautiful lake, so no one wants to leave! I love the patterns especially Amelia’s Spring Garden, love birdhouses!!!

  271. Shari Avatar

    We are sneaking away for a quick break to walk on the beach and see two different quilt shows in country towns. Only four days – but that’s enough when you are sleeping in a tent!

  272. Lyn Smith Avatar
    Lyn Smith

    I live in Brisbane, Australia, our holiday plans for this year include China for 2wks in April. Love your fabric choices for this pattern.

  273. KatieQ Avatar

    Our holiday plans will depend on if and where my daughter will be accepted into graduate school. Acceptance letters won’t go out until April, so no plans until then.
    I love your choice of fabrics. My favorite is Nicole’s Autumn Pumpkin Patch.

  274. Laura Krasinski Avatar
    Laura Krasinski

    We spend the holidays home . We like to have the family together for the holidays. My dad just turned 92 and is about to retire as a dentist. My mom is 84 and sharp as a long as they are around we will celebrate together!!

  275. Deb Avatar

    As far as I know, no holiday plans yet. We always stay home for Christmas, but sometimes we get invited to friends homes for Thanksgiving. We’ll see what happens.

  276. Mhairi Avatar

    We are going to the Grampians in Victoria, Australia. In June – probably the coldest time to go there but this means the rivers are running and it is so beautiful at this time of year, and you can have an open fire to warm you up at night!!

  277. Beth Avatar

    I especially love the Ava’s Winter Flurries pattern! And your quilt is lovely 🙂 No holiday plans yet, we’ll see!

  278. Pam Avatar

    I love your choices of colors…you made the whole project come to life and those coneheads are popping off the background! Love it! I would love to take a trip to Williamsburg, VA to Busch Gardens. The historical area is phenomenal, not to mention the great roller coasters!

  279. MelodyJ Avatar

    I love your coneflowers! I don’t have any holiday plans – it seems I usually end up on call on holidays. The BF and I hope to go to Arizona and the Ozarks at some time this year. I’m hoping to get my passport in shape for some travel that requires it too!

  280. Dixie Avatar

    Our holiday traveling plans tend to depend on the dates for breaks where our daughter attends college. This year it is in March and while she will be visiting her grandparents, hubby and I will be couch potatoing it in Gatlinburg, TN. Both our jobs are stressful so just sitting around doing nothing for a couple of days works for us.

  281. Charity McAllister Avatar
    Charity McAllister

    I have no plans this year. Hoping next year to be with family for the holidays.

  282. Donna Avatar

    Wow—love the colors you choose. Coneflowers are my favorite. No holdiay plans as of yet. We prefer the piece and quiet of staying at home and just doing as we please.

  283. Jean B Avatar
    Jean B

    I love coneflowers, so cheery. Usually we are at home for holidays. Family comes to us, which gets a bit busy and noisy!

  284. Sissy Avatar

    My next trip is to a wedding in South Carolina in March. I am looking forward to visiting with family. Thank you for the giveaway.

  285. Karen Avatar

    Love it!! I love your fabric choices. Especially the way that pink inner border matches with the outer border fabric. And those flowers… I like the way they match too. Great job!

  286. Ruanne Avatar

    I think I will start using more batiks in my applique projects. You have really inspired me!

  287. Kelly Lamb aka Sew Lambitious LLC Avatar
    Kelly Lamb aka Sew Lambitious LLC

    I don’t go anywhere for holidays. I am working on getting some renovations done on my home so that I can enjoy entertaining with my family for the holidays. I’m also renovating so that I can set up a Sewing Studio to start my business –way behind schedule!

  288. GwenH Avatar

    Very nice colour choices Michele, I love the Summer Garden pattern. So far we don’t have any holidays planned for this year, hoping to do some camping with my family and spend some time with my 2 grandson’s.

  289. Flora Humphrey Avatar
    Flora Humphrey

    I consider the semiannual Sisterhood Quilting trip as my holiday. We’re planning two weeks in mountains with sewing machines, fabric, good eats and good company!

  290. Shari L. Avatar
    Shari L.

    I love your version and of course Pat’s. Batiks are my favorite.
    Now as for a Holiday, am thinking on Germany to a horse stable with friends I met online. I did give them a horsy quilt as you go runner when I visited them in Holland May of 2010. Must get cracking on another horsy quilt!

  291. Rebecca Heinze Avatar
    Rebecca Heinze

    No real solid plans. May make a trip out west to visit my sister. But keeping things low key this year.
    Love all these patterns and your fabric choices are great!

  292. Michelle Pen Avatar
    Michelle Pen

    For our 25th wedding anniversary this year we are going to Australia. I can’t wait.

  293. Anita Westerveld Avatar
    Anita Westerveld

    Mich, that looks just stunning and your fabric choices………I’m a fan!!!

    Holiday plans? Not this year, the girl is attending university this year and the money goes to………you guessed it. We plan to bike a lot since we live in a rural area that will be very nice.

    Hug for you,


  294. Candace Weiss Avatar
    Candace Weiss

    Hi! Loved your fabric choices! Even if I don’t win, I gotta make these great Pat Sloan patterns; one for each sister and one left for me! Thank you for sharing. Vacation plans for our Spring holidays? Maybe, hoping, planning; dreaming !! Candace

  295. Eileen Avatar

    Love your version, too. Purple coneflowers are wonderful to look at!
    Planning a wonderful trip to Ireland later this year.

  296. Jean Avatar

    We tend to plan the holidays as they come around. My usual answer to the question “where will you be for (any holiday)” is “Whereever my grandchildren are.”

  297. Mary Lynn Busch Avatar
    Mary Lynn Busch

    Love these cone flowers Michele! They remind me of summer and seeing them in my garden. Our holiday plans include a trip to the east coast to see my brother and family in Halifax in May. While there we will take in QUILT CANADA, of course, and see some quilty friends in PEI. Looking forward to the trip! Happy Holidays everyone!

  298. Lindsay Mattison Avatar
    Lindsay Mattison

    LOVE THE CONE FLOWERS !!! They make me think of sunny days and sweetness in the air ! We are hoping to go to DHs family for the holidays this year and spend with them!

  299. Marianne Patterson Avatar
    Marianne Patterson

    This will be an exciting summer. We’re planning on taking a road trip west to Calgary, Alberta to visit our son. He’s attending university out there so we don’t see him often (we live in Ontario). I’ll take along a hand quilt project to work on in the van. Love your interpretation of Pat’s pattern. Very summery!

  300. Sharon Andersen Avatar
    Sharon Andersen

    I love the color choices although I am not a pink and purple kind of gal!! The material choice is wonderful! I stay home for the holidays and plan for the family get together!! I just LOVE having all my family home for the holidays…any time for that matter!!

  301. Jenny Moore Avatar
    Jenny Moore

    I am a real fan of purples and I love the colors that are in these wall hangings. We will be going up to Edmonton and Fort McMurray Alberta to visit our daughters and their families this summer. Can hardly wait to see them.

  302. Linda Avatar

    Really like the colors in the wall hangings!
    Love the purples!
    thanks for sharing!

  303. Janet Avatar

    I have tons of plans this year: Prince George and other points in B.C. in April/May to visit people, Victoria in June for DD # 3’s graduation, Edmonton in July for a family reunion and Eastern Canada in November for DD # 2’s graduation and an extended visit with relatives.

  304. Sherry Sharpnack Avatar
    Sherry Sharpnack

    My husband and I love purple cornflowers, and have more around our patio every year, as they love to reproduce! I think the applique project really looks like our real ones!

  305. Sherry Sharpnack Avatar
    Sherry Sharpnack

    And to answer the question: In 19 days (but who’s counting), we are taking our girls to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, for a week of doing absolutely nothing but watching the ocean!

  306. Marg McCulloch Avatar
    Marg McCulloch

    My holiday plans for this year are going to Ireland to the Internation Quilt Festival in June! How exciting is that? I love all of Pat’s patterns and I really love all of your colour choices. I would do this cone flowers one first too!

  307. Marilyn Higgins Avatar
    Marilyn Higgins

    Right now I don’t have holiday plans, but maybe going to visit my sisters. I am a fan of Pat Sloan. Your color choices are my favorite as well as the pattern you chose

  308. WyoDi Avatar

    Luv the bright color choices in your version. Boy, do they make the pattern POP! As for holidays, we’ll be camping on the 4th of July. This is our one time for family to all be together enjoying fresh mountain air and making memories! I’ve not tried hand stitching by the lighted ball caps they have out now, but maybe I should borrow one from my guys and give that a try fireside!

  309. Ginette Avatar

    I love this pattern! No holiday plans till the summer… we are hoping to go down to southern Ontario, around Niagara Falls with our little girls. Thanks for this opportunity!

  310. Jeanette Krebs Avatar
    Jeanette Krebs

    I love these patterns. I love the fabric selections also. I have summer holiday plans! My daughter is due in July and I plan to be there for the birth.

  311. Maria Sinnott Avatar
    Maria Sinnott

    These patterns are just beautifu! I love holidays and decorating. Being that the next celebration for me is St. Patrick’s day, I am going to make something new and green for my front door. Not sure what it will be yet, but I have a red door and green will look really good.

  312. Joyce Carter Avatar
    Joyce Carter

    Your applique project is so beautiful. The colors make everything POP! Love all the fabrics you chose. We don’t have any plans for the holidays. My husband is very sick so we stay at home all the time. Thank you for the chance to win one of these patterns.

  313. Kathlene Avatar

    50 year wedding anniversary in a couple of months. Going to Nevada. Cuz that’s where most of the family and friends are. Married the best man. And he is still the best man.
    Like your color choices, I’m planning to use Pat’s cone flowers on a tote. Maybe it will be ready for the trip.

  314. Jan Mueller Avatar
    Jan Mueller

    Home is where I always want to be! So no plans for us. However, my daughter and son-in-law just bought a new camper so maybe a trip will be in our future after all! I love the Spring design. Maybe that’s because I am hoping spring gets here soon!

  315. Katina Avatar

    I love all the luscious colors you picked for this pattern. Very, very pretty!!

    As for holiday plans, nothing specific but in late summer I will be making a trip to NC and PA to see new “grand” babies, one in NC and 3 in PA, they are actually my sister’s grandbabies. What an exciting time for my family!

  316. Angie Avatar

    I love these patterns.
    Unfortunately I don’t have any holiday plans for this year. But if I could choose, I’d like to visit California again.

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