Mug Rug Awesomeness

There are mug rugs everywhere!! Here are some of the awesome mug rugs being made for the mug rug swap:

mug rug

mug rug

mug rug

mug rug

mug rug

mug rug

mug rug

mug rug

mug rug

mug rug

mug rug

mug rug

mug rug

mug rug

mug rug

mug rug

mug rug

mug rug

3 responses to “Mug Rug Awesomeness”

  1. Mavi Avatar

    Muy bonitos los mug rugs, enhorabuena a todas las participantes.

  2. Kelly Avatar

    What fun…and lots of beautiful work to admire!

  3. Mari Sjödin Avatar
    Mari Sjödin

    Wow! That’s some really stunning mugrugs! For an owl lover like me, I love the one with the owl. But the one with the dragonfly was also really nice!
    I think I need to put up a mugrug for my todo-list!


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