Moving Servers

Just like moving houses, moving servers is no fun and can be very stressful. I think I have a lot more gray hairs now than I did a week ago.

However, this move is great for us. We’ve got more space and a lot more speed which equals lots of room to grow.

If you’re reading this on the web site, you’re on the new server now. Please let me know if you see anything that is wrong or not working as it should be.

Thanks so much for your patience!!

12 responses to “Moving Servers”

  1. Greta Avatar

    It is looking quite nice!

  2. Sara Avatar

    Looking good!!!!

  3. marsha evans Avatar
    marsha evans

    works great! seems faster… great job1

  4. Linda Jeter Avatar
    Linda Jeter

    Looks and works great, very user friendly!

  5. Pat Boyce Avatar
    Pat Boyce

    The site loaded just fine for me. Looks great too !

  6. Liz Avatar

    it is looking good…

  7. Stray Stitches Avatar

    Looks great and loaded quickly!

  8. Wendy Avatar

    Works well. No problem.

  9. Pam Avatar

    Looks good from my neck of the woods!

  10. The Quilt Rat Avatar

    Looks good…….I checked a few links and all are working as they should.
    Gotta LOVE technology!

  11. Lindy Weber Avatar

    You have done all the stressing for us! The FB link just hauled me on over here! :?}

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