Earlier this month I told you about Evie Harris’ Hearts for Christchurch initiative and showed you the mosaic-like fabric I had created.

This is where I left off, fabric bits fused to background fabric ready for quilting:

mosaic fabric - all done

Insert missing picture of finished fabric all quilted …. oops, seems I either lost or forgot to take the photo.

From the 12″ x 17″ piece, I managed to cut out 8 hearts, and a few bookmarks:

I stitched diagonal lines in both directions, about 1/4″ to 3/16″.

I kept it simple and just wrote Canada on the back:

Off to New Zealand they go tomorrow. Check Evie’s blog to see all the fabulous hearts she’s received: Hearts for Christchurch.

8 responses to “Mosaic-Like Hearts for Christchurch”

  1. Lisa Avatar

    Love your colorful hearts!

  2. Michele Bilyeu Avatar

    Awesome hearts, Michele! What a cute but super fast and creative way to make them. Love these!

  3. Marcia Wachuta Avatar

    Love the mosaic fabric and hearts! Great idea!

  4. Sandi Avatar

    Those are so cool, Michele!!! They will make someone smile for sure!

  5. Anita Westerveld Avatar
    Anita Westerveld

    Mich, those hearts look awesome, what a wonderful idea, stitched from the heart!!

  6. upstatelisa Avatar

    these are wonderful, Michele!

  7. Carolyn Avatar

    That is a beautiful idea – putting the hearts back together again.

  8. Evie Avatar

    I bet they are going to be even better in the flesh and I get to see them soon. They are great looking hearts. Thank you for your support.
    Hearts for Christchurch

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