You came to me as a two-year-old. Scared, frightened and obviously abused.

Daniel hiding in the bed frame after our move to Ottawa.

You were rescued from a cold winter’s night, found eating garbage, by the Minister and his wife in my parents’ old home town. You cowered in fear whenever anyone came close.

You were beautiful and had the most gorgeous green eyes.

Daniel – my most favourite photo of him.

I won’t lie, your brother Pal, he hated you at first when you came to live with us.

Pal, my first to steal my heart.

For the first 48 hours he was so angry. He’d scare you into hiding and would not let you leave the safety of your hiding space. He hissed and he growled. I almost returned you, fearing that Pal would never accept you into our lives.

Quickly, Pal realized that you were no threat to him. You were always submissive, never an alpha cat. You did nothing unless Pal did it first. From eating, to jumping up on the furniture, to stalking birds. You followed Pal’s lead always. He taught you not to be afraid. He was your big brother.

This food is good, Daniel.

Pal loved cardboard boxes.

Pal sleeping in his box.

I’ll never forget the day you decided to chew on Pal’s box, I laughed and laughed, as Pal slept on obliviously.

Daniel chewing the corner of Pal’s box as he slept in it.

Eventually, you claimed the box for yourself.

Pal on the floor as Daniel slept in his box. Victory for the first time!

You and Pal were best friends and brothers. Always together.

Pal and Daniel sleeping outside.
Pal and Daniel sleeping on their Mom’s bed.
Pal and Daniel sleeping on the top of the couch.

Very unexpectedly, we lost Pal. He passed away with what was suspected to be a massive heart attack. No warning at all. He hadn’t been sick and had even been to the vet’s the week before for a check up. He curled up into his favourite sleeping place, a laundry basket, and passed away.

Pal sleeping in the laundry basket.

I cried and you cried for weeks. Neither of us expecting to lose Pal so soon and so unexpectedly. Hearing your meows of sorrow and loss, broke my heart.

No longer having the alpha cat to tell you what to do, you became a Momma’s Boy. You found your voice and chatted constantly. You were never far from my side as I worked.

Sleeping in your basket beside my desk.

You were my quilt inspector and stole bobbins and thread spools to bat around on the hardwood floor.

Is that a quilt for me mom?

You played hide ‘n’ seek every single day. But you always hid in the same place and would give yourself away by your loud purring. It was your morning ritual.

You loved having visitors and would run to greet them in the hallway. You loved your Aunties Julia, Gailene, Viviane and Caitlin best. They knew the minute they sat down, you would be on their lap.

You welcomed Slade into our home and taught him not to be afraid and how to play. You grieved when we lost him 2.5 years later.

Slade and Daniel

You dreamed of catching the pigeons that landed on our balcony.

Watching the birds.

You loved to play with your feather toy and spent hours chasing the little red dot of your laser pen. Milk-flavoured Temptations were your favourite. You were fascinated by water. An ice cube in your water dish would entertain you for 15 minutes.

You loved to be outside for hours.

You were a very good boy, sweet natured, loving and obedient, for the most part. You wouldn’t eat human food, but that didn’t stop you from trying to steal my dinner. A left-up toilet seat made your day and a watery mess for your mom to clean up. You had a gentle soul and touched the hearts of many.

Dr. Black and Dr. Sine from the Centretown Veterinary Hospital tried so hard to save you this past month. It wasn’t until after you had passed away, that we discovered you had cancer everywhere. How you managed to survive so long is a mystery.

You were Dan, Danny and Daniel, but most of all you were your Momma’s baby boy.

Thank you for your love and sweet kitty kisses. Rest in peace my baby.

67 responses to “You were your Momma’s Baby Boy”

  1. Debi Cutter Avatar
    Debi Cutter

    I am sooo sorry, Michele. I somehow did not see a posting of your loss on FB. I know how hard it is to lose a beloved pet. They are family. The loss is great. Sending you hugs of consolation.

  2. Leslie McSorley Avatar

    It is hard to lose such a good friend, but you gave him a wonderful life that he would never have had without you. This post is a lovely tribute. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Jenny DA Avatar
    Jenny DA

    Daniel was a beautiful cat. So sorry for your loss.

  4. Pamela Veenstra Avatar
    Pamela Veenstra

    I am so so sorry for your loss of your precious baby Daniel. My heart breaks for you and you will be in my thoughts & prayers…just know that your sweet boy is playing with his brothers now, pain free and watching over you from above. (((HUGS)))

  5. Jennifer Avatar

    I am so sorry for your loss, I am in tears. I can relate to how you are feeling now, we just lost our 13 1/2 year old chihuahua Thelma to an owl/buzzard attack, she was taken and we never got to say goodbye. I agree with Leslie your post is a lovely tribute.

  6. Carol Avatar

    I hope you can take some comfort in the knowledge that you were a blessing in his life, as much as he was in yours.

  7. Dar Avatar

    what a beautiful tribute to your sweet boy. I am so sorry to hear of your sad news; my thoughts are with you.

  8. The Quilt Rat Avatar

    It really is heartbreaking to loose our pets…….but we do have to remember how much joy they bring us. They never seem to be with us long enough.

    What a beautiful tribute to this obviously well loved family member.

  9. Jocey de La Fontaine Avatar

    Dear Michelle,

    I’m so sorry for your loss. Losing a “baby” is heartwrenching and tragic. Now that you know what troubled him last month, maybe you can a little solace in knowing he is at peace and no longer in pain.

    Please accept my condolences for Daniel’s departure.

  10. Sharon Scott Avatar
    Sharon Scott

    Beautiful tribute to a beautiful boy. I am so very sorry for your loss, gentle hugs.

  11. Billie K Avatar

    I’m so sorry you lost your baby boy. Unless you are an animal lover, it’s hard to know how tragic this can be.

    Rest in Peace Baby Boy.

  12. Kathi Avatar

    Oh Michele I am so very sorry. I loved hearing all about him and how he loved your quilts. I know your heart is broken. (hugs)

  13. Connie Avatar

    Sorry to hear of your loss, your photos are wonderful and show us his whole life with you. Hugs!

  14. Yael Ben-Ari Avatar

    I’m so sorry for your loss. It is certainly hard to lose a well loved kitty. He was truly a beautiful boy. May he always play in the Catnip Fields Over The Rainbow Bridge and continue living in your heart.

  15. Mary Lynn Busch Avatar
    Mary Lynn Busch

    So sorry to hear of DANNY BOY’S departure from this earth. I am glad to have met him, and know that he is now playing with Pal and Slade in a place where there is no more pain. RIP Daniel.

  16. Cindy's Crafty Creations Avatar

    What a beautiful post and memorial of your family pets. It shows how much you loved them and how much they loved you.

  17. Marsha and Dennis Avatar
    Marsha and Dennis

    Your story of your wonderful kitty made me cry. My sweet husband said that this is one advantage of emails–you don’t have to send tear-stained letters–and this note would have been. We’re so sorry you have lost your baby.

  18. Peggy Mead Avatar
    Peggy Mead

    Your beautiful story brought tears to my eyes. I’m so sorry you lost him. Obviously you loved each other and shared so much. May your memories comfort you.

  19. Peggi Avatar

    {Hugs} and {purrs} for your loss. I’m sure my Jasper is showing Daniel the ropes on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge, where he will be waiting to greet you.

  20. deborah Avatar

    My condolences on the loss of your furry child.

  21. Karey Avatar

    thank you so much for sharing your story, it made me think of the pets I have lost and my favorite one of all. He was a dog, but the best friend anyone could ever have. Thanks for the story.

  22. Holly Knott Avatar
    Holly Knott

    Aww, Michele, I am so sorry, too. A beautiful tribute to some beautiful children. I loved reading how Pal taught him not to be afraid. We have cared for some former feral cats who would probably not be tame today if it were not for them watching another cat interact with us. Hugs to you!!

  23. Ann Marie Avatar

    So sorry to hear about your baby boy. I know it is the hardest things us humans have to do is to have a beloved pet pass away. Especially if it is unexpected. May he cross over that Rainbow bridge and join all of our beloved lost pets as well. He is now with Pal and Slade and they will be together forever. Here is a poem for you: MY FOREVER PET

    There’s something missing in my home,

    I feel it day and night,

    I know it will take time and strength

    before things feel quite right.

    But just for now, I need to mourn,

    My heart — it needs to mend.

    Though some may say, “It’s just a pet,”

    I know I’ve lost a friend.

    You’ve brought such laughter to my home,

    and richness to my days.

    A constant friend through joy or loss

    with gentle, loving ways.

    Companion, friend, and confidante,

    A friend I won’t forget.

    You’ll live forever in my heart,

    My sweet, forever pet.

    — Susanne Taylor

  24. Denise :) Avatar

    Oh Michele, my heart grieves for you. What a sweet tribute you wrote for him. I know how much it hurts to lose a precious pet. You’re in my prayers. 🙂

  25. Carly (the sister) Avatar

    Hope this helped with the grieving process. Thinking of you.

  26. carol broughton Avatar
    carol broughton

    So sad and such a moving tribute. From one true pet lover to another, sending a big warm hug to you.

  27. Della Cornell Avatar
    Della Cornell

    This is heart breaking news Michele. Losing a pet is a painful ordeal that we as pet lovers must endure. I enjoyed hearing about Daniel and the joy he brought into your life. Sending healing hugs to you, hope they help.

  28. Betsy Lynn Avatar
    Betsy Lynn

    So sorry Michele, what a wonderful tribute to Daniel.
    Made me cry, remembering my own cats that have passed on.

  29. Sandi Avatar

    Michele, I am so sorry for the loss of Daniel. This is the most lovely tribute I’ve ever read about a pet. Tears came to my eyes as I read it. And reading that you have lost two other cats, too, just really made me sad for you. Our dog Skeeter died of cancer several years ago and I still get teary-eyed just thinking about it. Know that I am thinking of you and wish I could give you a big hug in person. ((*))

  30. Vicki Avatar

    I’m so sorry. We lost our dog last November and it still hurts to think about him. I’m glad you have pleasant memories of your little buddies!

  31. Auntie Julia Avatar
    Auntie Julia

    I can’t believe I didn’t hear about this. I’m at work now feeling very sad but will call later.

  32. Bobbi Webley Avatar
    Bobbi Webley

    I am so sorry for your loss. Having lost my Whisper boy less than 6 months ago, I know how hard it can be to loose a 4 legged member of your family. I am sending you my thoughts and best wishes. xo

  33. Sandy Avatar

    I’m very sorry. Our beloved pets are so precious to us and hold a dear place in our hearts…..forever.

  34. Susi Avatar

    I’m very sorry for your loss. What a lovely tribute. Please accept my deepest condolences.

  35. Ruth Oblinski Avatar

    I know how hard it is Michele, you did everything you could and still this is the outcome. Peace my Friend!

  36. Cathi Avatar

    What a lovely tribute to a beautiful kitty.
    I’m so sorry — I know how hard it is to lose a beloved kitty.

  37. DianeH Avatar

    You were very blessed to be loved and share your life with such a wonderful cat. I’m so sorry for your loss and can only imagine how much he will be missed.

  38. cindy Avatar

    Michele, am so sorry for your loss. Daniel and Pal are now together in kitty gave both Daniel and Pal a wonderful life. Take care…

  39. Lee Ann L. Avatar

    What a touching tribute to a life of a wonderful pet. I am sorry for your loss and so understand.

  40. Sara Avatar

    Tears are close to welling out of my eyes…what a wonderful tribute to your baby boy…I am so sorry for your loss!

  41. rlbates Avatar

    So very sorry for your loss

  42. Julie Vician Avatar
    Julie Vician

    This post brought tears to my ears. What sweet gentle, gentle souls they were. Now they’re all together watching birds and sleeping in heavenly sunshine. Many hugs. It’s never easy to lose a fur-child.

  43. Jennifer Richards Avatar

    So sorry Michelle – what a beautiful tribute. Dan will leave a big hole in your life.

  44. MichelleW Avatar

    A beautiful heartmoving tribute to a very special boy. My thoughts and sympathies are with you.

  45. Mary Avatar

    Sorry for your loss. I know how I’d feel if it was my Chloecat. The pictures and story is a very loving memorial to Daniel, Pal and Slade. I hope his loss will not keep you from sharing your love with other fur babies.

  46. Mary Avatar

    my sympathy is sent to you Michele. Beautiful tribute to your friends

  47. Kathie L Avatar
    Kathie L

    Your Daniel is the spitting image of my Abby, who died last summer at the age of 19. I swear that brown tabby’s are just the kindest, gentlest cats there are.

  48. Joanna Avatar

    You wrote a beautiful memory for Daniel. I’m sorry you lost such a sweet pet.

  49. Angela Avatar

    What a beautiful post for a beautiful cat. We lost one of our dear kitties toward the end of last year, it was such a sad time. My thoughts are with you

  50. Tracey Avatar

    What a great memorial – our hearts go out to you and we know how hard it is to lose a four legged family member.

    Sending you good vibes!

  51. Carla J Avatar
    Carla J

    Dear Michele,what a terrible loss. He indeed was a beauty with gorgeous eyes and your tribute to Daniel (and Pal and Slade. too) was very moving. Cats are great companions and they all leave marks on our hearts.You obviously loved your boys and they really loved you back.I hope for you to heal and remember only the nice and naughty things that made you smile.Our thoughts and deepest sympathies come to you from the Netherlands.

  52. Anita Westerveld Avatar
    Anita Westerveld

    Dear Mich, I’m so sad for you. Losing your much loved pet is heart wrenching. Your tribute for Daniel is so warm and beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes. I’m sure he’s frolicking around with Pal and Slade in heaven. I send you warmth and comfort my friend, big hug from Anita.

  53. Jenice Avatar

    I’m so sad you lost your furbaby. This explains why he wasn’t eating. So very, very sorry but Pal and Slade were so excited to see him again.

  54. Melinda Avatar

    What a wonderful warm story of Daniel. He was lucky to have you to take care of him and you were lucky to have him in your life.

  55. Renee Pasich Avatar
    Renee Pasich

    I just saw your wonderful tribute to Daniel. I, too, have lost furry family members. A friend once told me that God gives us pets so that we can learn to love again. I pray that you, too, will one day love again.

  56. robin Avatar

    That’s a beautiful poem that Ann Marie commented with.


    I’m sorry for your loss. Daniel was a precious gift, your friend and companion. A wonderful tribute.

  58. Opcom Avatar

    Sorry to read about Daniel (and his friends). I’ve kept cats for decades and would be very lonely without their company and friendship. A cat’s trust and affection is special because it is not given, it has to be earned through kindness. Many people don’t understand that at all. I hope you can one day invite another needy cat into your home. The newly invited cat is an honorarium of love for the beloved cat no longer among us.

  59. Anita Avatar

    My heart is with you. I’m so sorry.

  60. Tracy in SW WA Avatar

    I’m so sorry for your loss. So, so sorry.

  61. Kelly Kreft Avatar

    Michele, what a special tribute to your sweet baby boy. I’m sitting here crying, knowing the loss you are feeling. Our furbabies hold such special places in our lives and in our hearts.

  62. Viviane Avatar

    What a lovely tribute to a wonderful cat!
    One of the things that impressed me about Daniel was what a great friend he was to Slade.

    Farewell, little man, I’m going to miss cuddling you.

  63. Diane Avatar

    Your post brought tears to my eyes. Losing a pet of any kind is so devastating. My deepest sympathy Michele.

  64. Monica Nauert Avatar

    I had a heart-wrenching loss of a cat as a girl. Before that, I had always been exposed to cats as our home had three. Strangely, after my loss of her, I became severely allergic to them.

  65. Chris Avatar

    Understand completely! We’ve lost three very special cats but the last one has been the hardest for me to recover from because it was partly my fault. He swallowed some sewing thread and it wasn’t found in time Rusty couldn’t recover from the surgery.
    Each of our cats have had individual personalitites that have made them special and Rusty was no different, he had his favorite place to sleep and none of the other cats do that.
    We love our dogs but the cats are something else! Chris

  66. Geta Avatar

    This story brought tears in my eyes. I am so sorry for your loss, Michele. I know there are no words of consolation, but I am thinking of you!

  67. Cristina Avatar

    What a beautiful story. He was so loved.

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