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My favorite kind of pie is White Potato Pie, which is similar to sweet potato pie.
My favorite pie is Lemon Yummmmy!!!!
I love a good deep dish apple pie!
My favorite is peach pie or rhubarb custard.
For me at Thanksgiving it is pumpkin pie with cool whip!
so traditional wth the harvest of Pumpkins,
love the fall color of pumpkin.
Pumpkin pie or strawberry rhubarb.
Just put a homemade apple pie near me… I have a hard time sharing!
My favorite pie is Chocolate Cream, but Key Lime is a VERY close 2nd!
My favorite pie is a hazelnut or walnut pie. Nice quilts!!
Pumpkin pie…hands down. That crispy crust, that smooth velvety feeling from the spicy pumpkin and the coolness of the whipped cream. Can’t be beat.
Apple Pie using fresh-picked apples…yummmmmmy!!!
Pumpkin is my fave…and I don’t wait until October to make it.
Pecan pie is my favorite, but lemon chess pie is a very close second. Thanks.
Love the good old Apple Pie
My favorite pie is chocolate cream. Thanks for the giveaway!
Chocolate Cream Pie
I love rhubarb pie!
My favorite kind of pie is peach!
Absolute favourite is Apple pie. I’ve been peeling and slicing apples for over a week now and filling the freezer with pies (eating more than my share too!). This time of year Pumpkin is always included! Pumpkins are already “processed” and the puree is in the freezer ready to thaw and turn into pie for Monday. Have a great Thanksgiving!
My favorite is peach pie with an almond crust. Next would be pumpkin!
Have a great Thanksgiving!!
I have 2 favorites, sweet potato pie and homemade chocolate pie.
A lovely home made apple pie does it for me.
Happy days.
My fav is Pumpkin Pie, any time of the year.
I make a really good apple pie that my family loves.
pumpkin all the way !!! but it has to be made with a pumpkin…not canned stuff..
My favorite pie is Tollhouse Pie-like the cookie but better!
I love the tartness underlying a cherry pie. Dutch apple is second.
There’s a lot of artistry in those fantastic quilts!
I love, love,love pumpkin pie !!!
Happy Thanksgiving !
I’m very fond of pumpkin and minced meat, but nothing beats a Dutch apple pie if its made from good apples.
My absolute favorite pie is Blueberry…being from Maine I guess that’s a given…:)
My favorite pies are peach, and cherry. There’s no way I can decide between the two, so I won’t even try. 🙂
I love, love, love Lemon Meringue pie!!! Eeeek! That is what I should make for dessert on Thanksgiving dinner this Sunday!!!
Oh, pumpkin, for sure! But the funny thing is – I only ever make it for Thanksgiving. This year, my daughter’s birthday is Saturday, so we’ll be having the family over for turkey and birthday cake then, and having leftovers with the pumpkin pie on Monday!
Apple is my favorite, but I must have a blackberry pie in August made with fresh blackberries.
My favorite kind of pie is blackberry. Although pumpkin is a close second
Pumpkin Pie.
Huckleberry pie with vanilla ice cream is my absolute favorite
Carrotcake is my favorite kind of pie, but I have to admit, I almost love every kind of pie!
For me: anything chocolate goes – so chocolate pie is my vote! Thanks!
Dutch apple pie with raisins and a lovely buttery crust
Applepie is my alltime favourite.
It has to be pumpkin pie.
Pumpkin, heated, with a scoop of vanilla ice cream please.
Pecan is my favorite and second is oatmeal pie which tastes like pecan.
Coconut cream pie is my fav.
French Silk Chocolate!!
Mt favorite pies are key lime and deep dish pecan.
love lemon merengue pie!
I would have to say cherry pie!
Key Lime, all the time!
I love a deep dish cherry.. awesome
beautiful quilts, i voted
I love chocolate pie with a walnut crust and bananas on it. Also, has to have homemade whipped cream. YUM!
Mmmmm….Apple pie!
Me encanta la tarta de limón. Es super refrescante.
A good pumpkin pie
Usually, I just love pie, period. But lately I have been on a pumpkin kick, and man, I am ready to break out the pumpkin pie!
I love strawberry and rhubarb!
Wow! “Esfera efecto volumen” Is the best Quilt I’ve ever see in a long time! Nice work 😀
Apple pie with a vanilla icecream, is my favorit
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