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1892 Rondure By: Marlene Oddie,
Washington, USA
Using a shoo-fly and an arrowheads block, these are the only two blocks used, set and skewed on a golden ratio scale creating the effect of looking up into an old cathedral dome. This was made as part of Challenge 1 in McCall’s Quilt Design Star 2011. There are 1892 pieces, rondure = graceful sphere
Quilt size: width: 70" height: 70"
3D-Ball By: Bente,
3D Ball, paper piecing, finished april 2011.
Quilt size: width: 34" height: 34"
A Brighter Life By: Emily’s mum,
United Kingdom
I designed and made this quilt for my best friend marking our 20 years of very special friendship. I wanted something bright and strong and elegant, all the things that makes me think of her and as for the quilt’s name. It has to be “A Brighter Life” as that is what she has brought to me.
Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"
Best from long distance… By: Lappe-Grete,
I had seen a big bedquilt in the technic, and wanted to make one as well! It was so beautiful! But I think my fingers were too big for the small pieces, so it became a wallhanging instead!
Quilt size: width: 31" height: 31"
Ohio, USA
84 x 90 inch black and white tumbling block quilt in 2 1/2 inch blocks. All completely handmade including the binding and quilted in the ditch. Done by strip method.
Quilt size: width: 84" height: 90"
Christopher’s quilt By: Cheryl Parker,
Illinois, USA
I made this quilt for my son for college. I am currently making another one, in different colors for my younger son for his dorm quilt. This quilt is much harder to make than it looks. I love the block, but, I HATE making the block. Unfortunately, both my sons LOVE this block.
Quilt size: width: 58" height: 90"
Circle of Hope By: Patty AK,
Alaska, USA
This was made for my Sister-in-law who has ovarian cancer. Teal is the color for that cancer. She is taking Chemo and doing really great.
Quilt size: width: 52" height: 52"
Cubes Revisted By: Maria W,
The very first quilt I free motion quilted, it’s my second attempt at making cubes and I was having so much fun making the hollow cubes. It’s quilted with a smallish meander around the cubes and then I just outlined the cubes. It’s currently decorating my sewing room/guest room and I love it.
Quilt size: width: 19,5" height: 19.5"
Die Würfel sind gefallen By: Patch-Kroete Kerstin,
This was my first attempt of a 3D wallhanging. It is machine stitched and machine quilted.
Quilt size: width: 35" height: 42"
Easy Going Modern By: Felicity Ronaghan,
British Columbia, Canada
I love quilts that are bold and graphic and I think this one fits the bill! I’ve made it three times so far – I haven’t got tired of it yet!
Quilt size: width: 56" height: 78"
Flying Arrows By: Melissa,
Washington, USA
I designed Flying Arrows to showcase the gorgeous fabric’s extra large print. I wanted it to resemble one giant quilt block when I was done. The quilting needed to be extra simple to showcase the blocks and fabrics so I took a variegated purple thread and did “straight” lines.
Quilt size: width: 62" height: 62"
Geometría floral By: ana-ane,
Quería aprender a utilizar la regla square in a square y este fue el resultado.
It wanted to learn to use the rule square in to square and this one was the result
Quilt size: width: 47″" height: 58″"
Ice Pellets By: Jennifer Schifano Thomas,
North Carolina, USA
The Ice Pellets quilt is an exciting quilt featuring various 9-patch blocks with strips and squares sewn around them. They are put together in a “Trip Around the World” style setting. I used an unusual color scheme. This was a quick and fun quilt to create. It is all straight line quilted.
Quilt size: width: 81" height: 81"
Linked By: Esch House Quilts,
Michigan, USA
I made this pillow for the Modern Quilted Pillow Swap on Flickr (round 2 in progress). I love the vivid contrast of the colors and simple shapes.
I’m working on a tutorial that should be up on my blog soon.
Quilt size: width: 20" height: 20"
Loving Hands of San Francisco Waldorf High School By: Lorraine Woodruff-Long,
California, USA
This is a quilt made from appliqué handprint silhouettes of each staff and faculty member of my son’s small high school. I made it for the fundraising auction. Parents liked it so much – and so did the staff – that a group bought it as a permanent display at the at the school.
Quilt size: width: 66" height: 90"
Modern Mini By: Carolyn Braun,
New Jersey, USA
This is my Modern Mini Quilt. This quilt is made with hexagons that are paper pieced and then hand appliqued onto the quilt. The hexagons are surrounded by lines of pink hand stitching that echo out like ripples in a puddle.
Quilt size: width: 22" height: 19"
Modern Sisters By: Janet / What Comes Next?,
British Columbia, Canada
This quilt was made for DQS10. I had recently done a class on pieced hexagons, and was wanting to try them with a modern palette. This was so fun to make, and I’m really pleased with how it turned out – the quilting was a blast!
Quilt size: width: 18" height: 24"
Pieces Make Peace By: Peggy McGeary,
New Jersey, USA
I love working with ethnic fabrics and I enjoy working in the abstract. This piece is mostly African but I often work with Aboriginal and Asian fabrics. Check my site for more of my work. The title “Pieces Make Peace” refers to “Busy hands stay out of trouble.”
Quilt size: width: 17" height: 34"
Pink and Teal HST By: Karyn,
New Zealand
I had some teals left over from another HST quilt. I thought I couldn’t let them go to waste so hunted around until I found the ‘right’ pink to go with it. I made this one for a colleague’s baby. My colleague, Jane, is a funky young teacher – so she needed a funky modern quilt for her baby!
Quilt size: width: 41" height: 51"
Sam’s Quilt By: Amanda@ Don’t Tell Quilts,
Colorado, USA
I made this quilt for my nephew. I got the colors from his mom and tried to make something that fit Mom and Dad’s style. I was so worried I would get it wrong! I went detail crazy and am pleased to report they loved it! And now my sister-in-law knows what binary is!
Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"
Shadow Boxes By: Connie Haynes,
Massachusetts, USA
I designed this quilt to showcase some of my favorite batiks.
Quilt size: width: 45" height: 62"
Sherbet By: Deanna,
Utah, USA
The stripy blocks came to me as orphans begging for a home. They seemed so happy with these solids. The design is my own, created to give those interesting blocks a home.
Quilt size: width: 47" height: 57"
Stepping Stones By: Jill of Apple Avenue Quilts,
Utah, USA
I found this pattern in “American Patchwork and Quilting” done in batiks. I felt it called out for stronger more graphic fabrics in bold colors. It was such a fun quilt to make. It went together quickly.
Quilt size: width: 47" height: 47"
The Birdcage By: Marianne Nowacki,
Massachusetts, USA
Those modern birds were the inspiration for this original pattern. Solid bright squares and black and white rectangles compose the alternate blocks. The little triangles are like feathers flying off those pretty birds. It is quilted with 4 wavy lines in a grid pattern, like a cage.
Quilt size: width: 60" height: 70"
Things are not always what they seem By: Becky Peacock,
My son saw a triangular quilt in one of my books and wanted one for college. I wanted to try a Kaleidoscope quilt and am fascinated by M.C. Esher geometric shapes that make you wonder what exactly is wrong with them. Put all this together in my head and this huge quilt is the result.
Quilt size: width: 114" height: 115"
Urban Expressway By: Vicki` Ruebel,
Texas, USA
This quilt pattern was designed by my 15 year old daughter. She was 14 when she created the design. The quilt was pieced and quilted by myself for my lovely daughter. I’m so very proud of her!
Quilt size: width: 54" height: 74"
Viva La Curves By: Wanda Riggs,
Kentucky, USA
This quilt is the result of a class I took to learn the piping technique around the curves. I have it hanging in my living room.
Quilt size: width: 36" height: 46"
Wild Thhing By: Jean Sewing Machine,
Missouri, USA
This was made from Tonga Treats batik called Lollipop. It ended up being so bright and cheery! It is the second bed sized quilt I did on my longarm, and I tried some fancy patterns on the side borders. I made the bed pillows bright also, from batiks I had in my stash. It’s my August bed quilt.
Quilt size: width: 80" height: 85"
Wonderland By: Quilts Sew Shabby,
Missouri, USA
This quilt is my attempt at modern quilting (lol). The fabrics have designs like flowers, scissors, geometric designs, and very wild colors. I hope you enjoy it.
Quilt size: width: 71" height: 77"
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