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“Will The Circle Be Unbroken” By: Jennifer Richards, Australia
This is a Double Wedding Ring quilt that I made using foundation piecing. The background is deep rich purple, the rings range from pale cream through yellow to deep gold. The rings were made and joined into a lattice, then they were appliqued onto the background.
Quilt size: width: 16" height: 16"
15 Block Miniature Sampler By: Cheryl Miller, Arizona, USA
Inspired by a Lori Smith sampler pattern, I won my first blue ribbon for this quilt at this year’s AQG show. No foundation paper piecing was used and I machine quilted it myself.
Quilt size: width: 20" height: 23"
Album Quilt By: Linda H., Iowa, USA
This album quilt was a offered as a monthly block in 2004 issues of “Miniature Quilts” magazine. It was designed by Debra Feece.
Each finished 5″ X 5″ block is hand-appliqued with a blanket stitch in matching embroidery floss. I free-motion machine-quilted it on my domestic machine.
Quilt size: width: 16.5" height: 22.5"
Autumn By: Elisabeth Wessels, Netherlands
My home has every saison specials quilts. For autumn this quilt is hanging in the little hall. I love the saisons and their colors, and I love things that belongs to that saison. Now we are going from sommer (yellow) to autums (warm brown, red, yellow)
Quilt size: width: 20,5" height: 20,5"
Bears Circling the Trees By: Ryan Walsh Quilts, New York, USA
I created this quilt for a Mini Quilt swap online. Using original feedsack and reproduction print scraps from my grandmother, I designed a modern bear paw block layout. The inside squares are actually the same block, but with the print and solid white fabric reversed. Machine pieced and quilted.
Quilt size: width: 12" height: 12"
Blooming Sunflower By: Kristi Van Os, Arizona, USA
This is a quilt that I made for the Quilting Gallery Fall Swap! The patten is by Shannon Williams. It was to be a pieced using a mosaic method. I think that I will try the original mosaic method and keep it for myself this time 🙂
Quilt size: width: 18" height: 24"
Blue Geese By: Emily of Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Quilt size: width: 30" height: 30"
Cafe` Latte By: Julia Camilleri, Australia
Each time I visited my son’s cafe, the wonderful smell of coffee brewing inspired this wallhanging.
Quilt size: width: 22" height: 22"
Cheddar Jo By: Mary Lou Casada, Kentucky, USA
A friend and I “discovered” (slow learners, we are! :-D) Jo Morton and her designs in Paducah in 2007. We each became members of her “Jo’s Little Women Club” making small quilts throughout the year. The 2 1/4″ blocks were a brand new challenge for me! and both of us were gloriously addicted!
Quilt size: width: 21" height: 24"
Chloe’s Dollhouse Quilt By: Cheryl Hartzog, Florida, USA
I had a Dollhouse made for my G-daughter Chloe for her BD, so I decide to make her a few mini quilts this is one of 6 I’ve made and next to the smallest .
She has had this one on the table and on the wall sometimes in the baby bed .I have more pic’s on my blog of the others dated 4-13 2010.
Quilt size: width: 3" height: 4 3/4"
Coming Home By: quilting mom, Florida, USA
This miniature quilt is made from vintage hankies, lace and ephemera. I just love vintage things and this was just such a fun project to do!
Quilt size: width: 16″" height: 16″"
Crayon Box By: Amanda Stokes, Texas, USA
Took at class called improv quilting given by our local guild. Got hooked on the technique. This is the third small quilt I made based on the technique.
Quilt size: width: 11" height: 12"
DeVere Daisy By: Jan Stone, Missouri, USA
Wonderful memories of a month spent in London, England in 2009 are represented in this quilt. Patchwork fabric is from the USA, & daisies from the UK. I started & finished this completely hand stitched quilt in the UK. DeVere at Hunton Park is where my student & I stayed while working & touring.
Quilt size: width: 6 3/4" height: 8 3/4"
Fall Leaves Mini By: Tammy Jewkes, Utah, USA
I made two of these. One to give away for the Fall Mini Swap, and one for myself. I figured the pattern and put it together. The stems are embroidered on.
Quilt size: width: 16.5" height: 21"
Give Me Liberty By: Ruth Oblinski, Ontario, Canada
My first applique quilt. Made with authentic Liberty of London fabrics. A seamstress saved her liberty scraps from dressmaking for my friend. My friend made a full size quilt with them, and I got her scraps from that quilt! She taught me how to applique, while making this quilt! One of my favorites!
Quilt size: width: 20" height: 24"
Haberdashery By: Erin Hutchinson, Virginia, USA
Made as a practice piece to try out an idea for what to do with my father’s shirts and ties that I inherited after his passing. I designed this mini quilt based on a photo I saw in a magazine. I still haven’t done anything with those shirts and ties of my father’s!
Quilt size: width: 9" height: 15"
Interlaced Star Mini By: Michelle Fox, California, USA
I made this mini for the Modify Tradition Flickr swap for my partner Lisa! Lisa didn’t know I was her partner, but had included a similar block I made for a quilting bee in her “favorites” list. That seemed like fate to me – I knew she would love to have one sent her way!
Quilt size: width: 13" height: 13"
Let Freedom Ring! By: Peggy Mead, Florida, USA
About 2 wks before 9-11 I took a mini class with Carol Henry. I made 5 tiny grandmother’s flower garden blocks of various colors. 3 of them were red, white and blue. Over 2 yrs later I was inspired to finish the quilt as my dedication to 9-11. Hexagons are 1/4″ wide & fussy cut. Total time 300+ hr.
Quilt size: width: 7.875" height: 7.125"
Lime Spider’s Revenge By: Lindi Jarman, Australia
This was a challenge quilt. We were given scraps of B&W fabrics and were allowed to add 1 extra fabric. 1 of the B&Ws had tiny green spiders. This made me think of the Lime Spider drinks we loved as kids, so I found a fabric with happy children and used that to fill the big Lime Spider’s glass!
Quilt size: width: 11" height: 13.5"
Mini Pinwheels By: Annette Taylor, Illinois, USA
I made this quilt from the left over flying gesses corners that I didn’t have the heart to throw away.
Quilt size: width: 26.5" height: 22.2"
Mini Star By: Quilt Hollow, North Carolina, USA
Paper pieced mini star that was gifted to me. I don’t wish to take credit for making this gorgeous mini quilt but do have to share it in this contest! The friend who made it doesn’t blog or do much on the computer. If this captures your heart, please vote and I will pass the prize on to her!
Quilt size: width: 17" height: 17"
One Grew over the Garden Gate By: A. Carole Grant, British Columbia, Canada
Tiny 1/4″ squares in red and blackand some white surround one inch squares, set on point in this Garden Twist miniature quilt. Silk ribbon embroidery and bows adorn opposing corners and the outer border is hand quilted.
Quilt size: width: 8.5" height: 10"
Pineapples at Mom’s By: Dawn Denman, Illinois, USA
Every year I work on a project with my featherweight at while visiting my mom. The blocks on this quilt are 2″ finished with 45 pieces in that 2″ square! It wa a challenge but I just LOVE the results! So now I always remember “Pineapples at Mom’s!”.
Quilt size: width: 8" height: 8"
Red Squares By: Charlotte Noll, Florida, USA
I love little bits of fabric. I saved this picture of an antique quilt for years. The Red Squares caught my eye. Quilt contains 1,369 1/2inch squares. The binding and back are also pieced. Quilt is machine pieced and free hand machine quilted with silk thread.
Quilt size: width: 19" height: 19"
Round the Twist By: nadie, Australia
I’m submitting this quilt on my daughter Nadie’s behalf. It was her very first quilting effort, made while still in High School, because she’d fallen in love with a similar one of mine. Yes, I could’ve sent mine in instead, but I’m a proud mum.
Quilt size: width: 5″" height: 5″"
Texas Star By: Benefitsspecialist, Kansas, USA
This is a pattern from a book called Little Lone Star Quilts by Lorraine Olsen. It is paper pieced.
Quilt size: width: 10.5" height: 10.5"
The House that Love Built By: Em, Utah, USA
Quilt size: width: 18" height: 24"
The Little Engine that Could By: Lisa Bryson, North Carolina, USA
After reading the Elm Creek Book Series, my interest in how the Underground Railroad helped to get slaves to freedom peeked. I would have loved to been a safe house at that time. This is my mini version of the Underground Quilt from the Quilt in a Day series to remind me how precious freedom is.
Quilt size: width: 22" height: 22"
Three little birds By: Vreni Kohler, Singapore
I made this little quilt for “Another Little Quilt Swap 4”. It lives not in the US, in Tennessee to be precise. It’s machine appliqued (raw edge) and machine quilted.
Quilt size: width: 18" height: 21"
Tinman By: Linda Smith, Nova Scotia, Canada
I made this little quilt 15 years ago when I first started to quilt. My skills have improved a lot since then but I still love it! It was machine pieced and handquilted.
Quilt size: width: 8" height: 10 1/2"
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