Miniature Quilts

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  • Total submissions: 23
  • Total countries: 8
  • Total provinces: 1
  • Total states: 9

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All Colours Are of God All Colours Are of God
By: Quiltalicious, California, USA

I miniaturized ‘Circle of Life’ by Jacqueline deJongg (original is about 60×60). I love rainbows and color wheels and that is what this reminded me of. I replaced her lone star in the center with a spiral lone star (thank you, Jan Krentz. I loved doing the NYBs and checkerboard so small.

Quilt size: width: 18.5" height: 18.5"

Baby Geese Baby Geese
By: Nancy Lee, Missouri, USA

This was my very first paper pieced project.. I used all my little scraps of 30’s fabric. The little triangles are only 1 1/4 inches tall!!
This hangs in my upstairs hallway and I love it..

Quilt size: width: 17" height: 20"

Blue Feathers Blue Feathers
By: Diane Becka, Washington, USA

The title, Blue Feathers, refers to the feathered star in the center of this medallion style miniature and to the quilting patterns created to fill all of the background spaces. The 2″ blocks surrounding the star were designed by cutting folded paper and then hand appliquéd.

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 12"

can you grab freedom ? can you grab freedom ?
By: art2wear, Netherlands

For this miniature I scanned my own hand, played with some photo software, and printed it on silk.
Then I quilted it and appliqued a butterfly.
Can you grab freedom ?
Are you free to do what you want ?

Quilt size: width: 10" height: 14"

Dancing in the night Dancing in the night
By: She Girl, California, USA

This is raw-edge applique of a collection of african themed fabrics I had in my stash. I love the bold colors & light-hearted scene.

Quilt size: width: 8" height: 6.5"

Dresden Miniature Dresden Miniature
By: Jackie White, Ontario, Canada

It took me forever to make my own templates to create a miniature dresden plate pattern. This is an original.

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 24"

Fun with thread Fun with thread
By: Jessica Mirasol, Virginia, USA

I made this quilt out of scrap materials and threads. It turned out to be the perfect size for my daughters’ American Girl dolls and now they carry it everywhere. The only problem is that I just made one!

Quilt size: width: 10" height: 18"

I heart log cabin I heart log cabin
By: Turid Bakken, Norway

I love to make log cabin blocks, the smaller the better. The middle of this quilt is 6×8″. It is hand quilted in a way that shows my love for log cabin blocks, certainly with hearts.

Quilt size: width: 10.5" height: 15.5"

Improv 1 Improv 1
By: Jay Martin, Virginia, USA

Picked some colors to play with, made some random cuts and started sewing….
I just wanted to play with some solids and see what would happen.

Quilt size: width: 8.5" height: 20"

Lime Spider's Revenge Lime Spider’s Revenge
By: Lindi J, Australia

This was for a challenge. We had some b&w scraps and were allowed one other fabric. The lime spiders on one of the b&w pieces reminded me of the Lime Spider soda drinks we had as children. I had some fabric with children on a lime background, so made a drink of children for a large Lime Spider.

Quilt size: width: 11" height: 13.5"

Little Union Jack Little Union Jack
By: Susanne, Germany

I LOVE England/GB and also like the Union Jack. A Union Jack Mug Rug is a must-have for me. It is paper pieced.

Quilt size: width: 8" height: 4"

Magic Carpet Ride Magic Carpet Ride
By: Vicki W, Virginia, USA

This little quilt started as a guild challenge to use 2 fabrics. I pieced it using a Carol Doak miniature pattern. I enjoyed making it so much that I decided to add a few beads. 120 hours later I finally got off my magic carpet ride.

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 12"

Mini Kimono Mini Kimono
By: Irene Thorn, United Kingdom

I love Japanese fabrics and couldn’t resist throwing away somw very tiny pieces which were left over from a much bigger quilt. As a result I made this miniature using foundation piecing and sashiko stitching.
Hope you like it

Quilt size: width: 10.5" height: 13.5"

Mini Spring Green Mini Spring Green
By: Lindy, Washington, USA

I made landscapes by season using a lake scene. Originally large, I liked them so much I made them again in mini! Fused fabric, satin stitched, framed. I really liked figuring out the colorway for Winter!

Quilt size: width: 5" height: 3"

Mini-mini Mini-mini
By: jelly Sloot, Netherlands

This little quilt, the pineapple patern, is paperpieced. It was showed on a mini-exhibition.

Quilt size: width: 7" height: 7"

Missing my DAD Missing my DAD
By: Crystal Zeman, Illinois, USA

I had been home many times while my Dad was ill. I knew the next call would probably be last. I find minis relieves stress as I need to concentrate more. I finished this just hours before the call came. He told me he loved me and Mom said come now. I arrived an hour too late. Miss him greatly!

Quilt size: width: 10.5" height: 10.5"

Peppermint Twist Peppermint Twist
By: Betsy Lynn, Illinois, USA

This is the quilt I made for QG’s Spring Blooms Mini Quilt Swap. This was so hard to give away, I loved it so much I bought another charm pack to make myself one. The pattern is Peppermint Twist out of Darlene Zimmerman’s ‘fat quarter small quilts’ book.

Quilt size: width: 16" height: 21"

Red & Aqua Doll Quilt Red & Aqua Doll Quilt
By: Maya, California, USA

This quilt was made for a Doll Quilt Swap. It has 609 1/2” squares.

Quilt size: width: 18" height: 18"

Sewing Machine Out Of Africa! Sewing Machine Out Of Africa!
By: Christianna Wheeler, Alabama, USA

I love African fabrics. On our Trading Fabric Postcard Group we did decide to have a Miniature Quilt Swap. This is the one that I am making. Very colorful and I love the fabrics.

Quilt size: width: 26" height: 26"

Spinning Rainbows Spinning Rainbows
By: Cedar Valley Quilts, Iowa, USA

I found some bright solids and decided to do a twisted paper-pieced pattern. Each block is 2 inches squared and has 6 fabrics.

Quilt size: width: 17" height: 17"

Under the sea Under the sea
By: Patricia Fuentes, Switzerland

A quilt I made in 2007 for a contest.
It has tyvec, wool, organza fishes beads and much more!

Quilt size: width: 11" height: 8"

Wading Bird Wading Bird
By: Barbara Wilson, Florida, USA

I love painting with fabric and this is one of my “little” creations. I was inspired by a similar photo in a book about oil painting.
I think the fabric I found for his belly worked very well. I am a member of the trading fabic post card group and was told about your site there. Thanks for looking,

Quilt size: width: 8" height: 10"

Water Lily Water Lily
By: Cathy Buel, Michigan, USA

I am always taking pictures of wild flowers. I came across this lonely water lily and snapped a picture. I enlarged the picture and made freezer paper templates and then hand appliqued it. It is one of my favorite quilts from a summer spent in the Upper Penninsula of Michigan.

Quilt size: width: 14 1/2" height: 11"

5 responses to “Miniature Quilts”

  1. Kerstin Avatar

    those are some amazing minitures. I amire this kind of work. its hard to belive its possible to make such small pieces.

  2. lee Avatar

    such great quilts! hard to choose which is more lovely!

  3. Mary Avatar

    OMG I couldn’t do these quilts regular scale let alone as a minature. Quilters all are terrific. I spent hours trying to decide my favorite three. I feel bad that I couldn’t vote for all of them.

  4. The Quilt Rat Avatar

    Another terrific virtual quilt show! Would love to see them all up close and in person. Good luck everyone!

    btw……….Vicki (Magic Carpet Ride) says she added a “few” beads??? what does it look like when she adds lots? LOL

  5. Lindy Weber Avatar

    Well…another quilt show where I don’t even vote for my own! Wow!

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