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A heaven full of stars By: Lappe-Grete,
In memory of all the victims after the terror 22nd of July 2011 on Utoya and in Oslo, Norway. Two songs were sang a lot the following days and in funerals. “A heaven full of stars” and “Til ungdommen” – “To the young people.” Words/ lines from the songs are “written” together with “Love, roses…”
Quilt size: width: 12" height: 70"
A Labor of Love By: Debbe,
Indiana, USA
This quilt was started long before I was born by my Grandma or Great Aunt. I brought it home in pieces and finished it as a gift for her. It is all hand sewn feed sacks and clothing pieces that started out at 2″. It is hand quilted and the binding sewn on by hand as well. A true labor of love.
Quilt size: width: 48" height: 48"
A Letter To My Son By: Karen Giles,
Michigan, USA
My brother, Mark, passed away in 2010 from scleroderma at the young age of 54. I made this quilt in his memory from a picture and gave it to my mother on her 79th birthday. She wrote a beautiful letter to my brother, and I put the letter on the back of the quilt. You can see the letter on my blog.
Quilt size: width: 30" height: 24"
A Wife Worth Remembering By: Beth Addison,
United Kingdom
A month before she left for uni, I decided to make my best friend a quilt – having never made one before. It took me two weeks of non-stop sewing and learning; and was worth it to see her face as we looked at the photos of times spent together. I think it meant as much to me as it did to her!
Quilt size: width: 76" height: 76"
Alan’s Angels By: Lisa Bryson,
North Carolina, USA
I made this for my husband. These are all pictures of our animals that we have loved over many years. They are all “angels” in heaven now. We love each and everyone of them
Quilt size: width: 54" height: 70"
Always a Mother By: Shelly Pagliai,
Missouri, USA
I made this quilt for my grandmother for her 83rd birthday. It contains photos of her and my grandfather and their 3 children. The quilt has cross-stitch, embroidery, applique, beading, and mementos attached. I hand quilted it, and there are signatures on the back. I made a scrapbook to go with it.
Quilt size: width: 56" height: 56"
Ben’s Star By: Mary,
Kentucky, USA
A dear friends Dad died just before his grandson was born. She ask me if I could make something to remember him by for the baby. This is the quilt Ben’s star made from his shirts. Now he always has grandpa close.
Quilt size: width: 45" height: 45"
Bricks and Stepping Stones By: Rachel Hayes,
Tennessee, USA
The quilt top was made entirely from the scrubs of a nurse who died unexpectedly. I made it for her twin sister. I have a quilting ministry, “Remembrance Quilt Ministry” where I take the clothes of a loved one and make a quilt, free of charge, for a family member. I quilted it on my long arm.
Quilt size: width: 72" height: 78"
Bulldog Pride By: Lucretia,
Texas, USA
I am a teacher and our school was closed at the end of this past year. Our principal had worked for this school for 15 years. I made a surprise t-shirt quilt with her shirts and the staff signed one side. I made a signature quilt on the other side and the seniors (her last senior class) signed it.
Quilt size: width: 54" height: 76"
Family Memories By: Jana McBroom,
Texas, USA
This quilt details my life with photos of my parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, siblings and children
Quilt size: width: 85" height: 85"
Fiftieth Anniversary Quilt By: Stitch,
Michigan, USA
This was the very first quilt I made from start to finish. It was a gift for my in-laws’ Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary in 2005. I felt two special people needed a very special gift. It features photos from each of their younger lives, and their life together.
Quilt size: width: 58" height: 72"
Fishing in Heaven By: Betty Rollinson,
North Carolina, USA
This is my son Tony who passed away from lung cancer. When he was in the hospital he would say he was going to heaven to fish with his grandaddy, who died when Tony was two,also from lung cancer. This is a mosaic quilt of him at the beach . I hope he catches a lot of fish in heaven. Miss him a lot.
Quilt size: width: 24" height: 36"
Flying Away By: The Bag Lady From The Bay,
Ontario, Canada
A retirement gift to our Librarian who retired June 28th, 2012. A quilt to warm her not only when she’s in need of warmth and comfort, but to sit and bask on the personalities of those names signed in the Flying Geese Borders.
Quilt size: width: 46" height: 65"
Grandchildren Quilt By: MC Quilty Girl,
Missouri, USA
Photos of our grandchildren were printed onto Printed Treasures fabric sheets using our inkjet printer. The charm fabric pieces were sewn together and the photos applied. This handquilted wallhanging is embellished with small crocheted & embroidered pieces, as well as scrapbooking accessories.
Quilt size: width: 32" height: 41"
Happy 50th Anniversary By: Cathy Cameron,
Alberta, Canada
This quilt was made for my parents for their 50th Wedding Anniversary to reflect both sides of their family. Blocks were made by 4 daughters and two of my aunts and signed by each family member. Back of quilt was signed by all guests, including their Bestman and Flower Girl.
Quilt size: width: 55" height: 72"
Happy Birthday Dad! By: upstatelisa,
New York, USA
I made this quilt for my dad to enjoy on the occasion of his 75th birthday. It includes photos of his parents, his siblings, his children, grandchildren and extended family. He proudly displays his quilt in the den of his home.
Quilt size: width: 50" height: 54"
Journalquilt – memories of Minno By: Janny de Roo,
My oldest son died 12 days before he became 2 years old…..! We never knew about the illness.
Quilt size: width: 8.27" height: 11.6"
Making Memories By: Linda Brown,
Ontario, Canada
This started out as a book panel which will make a wonderful memory quilt for some special little girl.
Quilt size: width: 41" height: 55"
Memories for Bill By: Memory quilt for Bill,
California, USA
Bookshelf quilt with photos of Bill, his passion for kayaking and rock climbing and outdoor sports of all kinds. A memory quilt for him to keep for all time.
Quilt size: width: 52" height: 72"
Memories for Rita By: Valerie,
Ontario, Canada
I made this for a co-worker who moved back to Portugal. The photos are everyone she worked with in our lab- I had an extra spot so I added a dog that she would dog sit. Rita is such a fun, creative person with a zany sense of style, and this quilt reflects this. Quilting inspired by Zentangles.
Quilt size: width: 60" height: 60"
Memory Quilt (Marjorie Henwood) By: Marjorie Henwood,
New Brunswick, Canada
Those measurements are close guesses…This quilt is one I made for a friends mother who was turning 80. It consists of her picture just before she was married in the center of the quilt….around her are her children and grandchildren. We had one empty block for a card signed by all of them….
Quilt size: width: 88" height: 100"
memory quilt (maryland quilter) By: maryland quilter,
Maryland, USA
This is the first and only memory quilt I’ve made. It was a custom order from my Etsy shop. The lady who commissioned it was an amazing woman serving in the military. She wanted a quilt from her small son’s baby clothes with a military theme to honor her husband who was killed in action.
Quilt size: width: 72" height: 95"
My Mom By: Sherri D,
Arkansas, USA
This is a memory quilt of my Mom who was the 1st female letter carrier in Fairmont, Minnesota back in the 1960’s. The photo, copied on fabric, is from her 1st day at work. My friends donated postal fabrics, prints of postmarked stamps, and embroidered charms. I also had a patch from Mom’s estate.
Quilt size: width: 20" height: 20"
My Mum’s Flowers By: Marjo B-W,
From an beautiful but stained embroidered tablecloth my mum made 50 years ago I cut the flowers and combined them with ninepatches. Now it’s a beautiful tablecloth again in her memory! Read more in post 15 on my blog.
Quilt size: width: 54" height: 54"
Pappa’s quilt (Dad’s quilt) By: Lida,
I made this quilt after my dad died in 2001 an used all parts of his clothes. Waistcoat is made from material of his coat and the inside and the small ties are also made of his ties, the back is a shirt he wore. It hangs on a brush, he used for his paintings.
Quilt size: width: 12" height: 12"
Passport to Freedom By: Suzanne Havlicek,
Illinois, USA
Passport to Freedom….This quilt is based on husband’s memories of escaping from border patrol duty from Czech army into Austria at age 18, working for his passport, plane ticket and $50 to come to the freedom of America and settling in Chicago area…Dekalb /Cortland Illinois area to be specific.
Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"
Peepaw’s Quilt By: Kelly Grace,
Ohio, USA
I made this for my husband a few years ago. It has pictures of his grandfather and in the alternating blocks has either buttons or pins from his military service in the Marines.
Quilt size: width: 26" height: 26"
Quilt of Memories By: Tammy,
Illinois, USA
this quilt was made from alot of my mom’s old tshirts. She’d been saving them to do a quilt herself, but I think she was avoiding the whole project. So I offered to make it for her, but gave no indication of when I’d get it done. She got it mother’s day this year.
Quilt size: width: 67" height: 72"
Scarlett By: Nancy,
Missouri, USA
This quilt is a memory of my favorite movie. Center is a photo on fabric blocks. I added lace and an inner border of small magnolias plus a covered button at each corner. Paper-pieced arcs match the leaf colors. Fussy cut/appliqued magnolias on black blocks adorn the outer border corners.
Quilt size: width: 59" height: 71"
Sean’s Medallion By: Diane Anderson,
Texas, USA
I was asked to make this quilt to honor Sean Canavan, who was killed on 9-11 at the WTC. It was made to pay tribute to his life, & to bring comfort to his family. They sent the center photo and asked that I incorporate symbolic elements in the piecing & colors used. I was honored to do so.
Quilt size: width: 60" height: 60"
T-Shirt Quilt By: Tova Silverman,
Ontario, Canada
I wanted to find a way to preserve all the tshirts I had collected from memorable events throughout the years into a useful keepsake. I had heard about tshirt quilts and decided to make one myself for my first quilting project. Here is the result!
Quilt size: width: 57.5" height: 68.5"
Those were The Days ! By: Margie Young,
Texas, USA
This quilt I made with love for my mother in law prior to one of her cancer surgeries before she passed away. The blocks consist of family members writing short loving messages and also photos of happy times in her life. She was an inspiration to us all .
Quilt size: width: 39" height: 51"
Ugly Quilt By: Butterfly Angels,
Louisiana, USA
A client brought in this nasty, ratty old quilt full of memories and asked me to save it. I could not, but I DID chop it up, saved what I could, and then added newer fabrics from living family members. It represents 4 or 5 generations. She was SO excited that she cried. Made me smile!!
Quilt size: width: 68" height: 92"
Widget’s quilt By: Fiona,
This quilt was made using clothes from this grandsons first year. It was so fun picking out special bits from the various clothes and adding interest like pockets (for little treasures). The backing is flannel sheets from his baby bed. I did a loose meander to quilt it. It is snuggly and cuddly.
Quilt size: width: 40" height: 55"
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