Here’s a very interesting idea on using Glad’s Press ‘N Seal Freezer Wrap to mark quilting designs. I might give this a try on the quilt I need to finish this weekend. Have you tried it?

3 responses to “Marking Quilting Designs with Freezer Wrap”

  1. Ivory Spring Avatar

    What a neat idea…. thanks for sharing the link!

  2. Judy Malcom Avatar
    Judy Malcom

    Another option is to use an inexpensive wash away fabric marker to mark the design on the PNS. (Do not use a magic marker or ink pen-it will come off on your quilt.) After tracing the design on the PNS gently and carefully remove it from the paper the design is on. You can then just smooth the PNS on the quilt top where ever you need the design. Quilt thru the PNS and gently remove it from the fabric. It will easily tear away at the stitch lines and I use a “Purple Thang” & tweezers to remove the small & tiny pieces. Hint: If the wash away “ink” seems to be showing on the quilt–just spritz with water.

  3. Homespun Mary Avatar

    I tried it not so long ago and thought it worked out quite nicely. It can certainly be helpful for some types of quilting motifs. I’ve posted a few pics of the “experiment” on my new blog 🙂

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