Happy Friday Everyone,

Today, I’m excited to be a stop on the Machine Quilting with Style Blog Hop hosted by my BQF (best quilting friend) and NEW author, Christa Watson.

Machine Quilting with Style Blog Hop

What makes this book special?

I’m always on the look-out for books that I consider to be timeless and great as a reference book, that one can return to over and over again, learning something new each time. Machine Quilting with Style, in my opinion, fulfils those requirements.

Machine Quilting with Style

Why do I think this is an excellent book?

Here are a few reasons why I think this book is, not only excellent, but also a great resource to have in your quilting studio:

  • It includes 12 pieced projects that range from the definitely modern-style, to the more traditional style, in my opinion.
  • It covers BOTH walking foot and free motion quilting designs, which I’ve never seen in another book.
  • Not only does it include the quilting designs that Christa chose for the 12 projects presented, but she includes numerous tips and lots of advice, on how those quilting designs can be used in your own projects.
  • The book includes numerous quilting design options, most of them geared toward a beginner and some more complex. However, each design option includes several tips to help you succeed.
  • I don’t, personally, see a cohesive style to the 12 projects presented in the book. For me, that’s fantastic, as the styles are so different, and that leads to many quilting design options, that the reader can then use on their own projects.

Let’s explore some of the projects included in this book. All photography is credited to Brent Kane.

Broken V
Broken V
Colour Crystals
Colour Crystals

Of all the quilt designs in the book, this is my favourite, Facets:


I love both the finished quilt and the quilting designs chosen:

Facets Quilting
Facets Quilting

In January 2016, Christa will be hosting a quilt-along on her blog, focussing on one of the designs from her book.

Might I suggest, humbly of course, that you choose the Facets design. I really do love all of the little pieces, the opportunity to use up various scraps making the blocks, and the quilting designs are just fantastic.

Ok, that’s it for me … click the link below to view the Blog Hop schedule and to purchase Christa’s book:

Buy Machine Quilting with Style
& Visit More Blog Hop Participants

Inspiration for the October Mini Quilt Club Pattern

If you’ve been following my posts, you will know that I am experimenting and learning new quilting designs/options for my Mini Quilt Club patterns.

I have the October mini quilt designed, called Bear Necessities. Here’s a sneak peek:


I’ll be using a collection of fall-inpsired fabrics to complete this mini quilt. Additionally, I was inspired by the straight-line quilting design used in Christa’s quilt from her book, Little Man’s Fancy.

Little Man's Fancy
Little Man’s Fancy

For the October Mini Quilt Club pattern, I have the design complete, the fall-inspired fabrics chosen, and now, the quilting design in mind, based on Christa’s quilt. This weekend, will be spent completing my mini quilt. The October pattern will be available October 1st.

Mini Quilt Club Give-Away

As part of this blog hop tour, I’m hosting a give-away for one of my readers. I’ll be giving away a full membership to my Mini Quilt Club.

To enter the give-away, just leave a comment below answering the following: “What is your favourite season? And why?“. For me it’s Summer, as I love the long evenings of sunshine and the hot, hot heat.

Winner will be chosen randomly on the morning of Monday, September 28th. If you’ve already purchased the Mini Quilt Club, I’ll refund your full purchase price, should you win the give-away.

Have a wonderful weekend!


108 responses to “Machine Quilting with Style, by Christa Watson”

  1. Karla Brown Avatar
    Karla Brown

    Autumn is my favorite season — I love the deep rich colors, cooking comfort foods, and watching my son play football!!

  2. Ashley Avatar

    I love fall, nice to cool off after the summer heat!

  3. ChristaQuilts Avatar

    Thanks for being a stop on the hop – I’m so glad that Facets is your favorite, too!!

  4. Heather Avatar

    I like spring, seeing all the new growth of the plants. It shows such hope and promises for the future.

  5. Cathy Wilson Avatar
    Cathy Wilson

    Living just north of the Houston area, my favorite time of the year is fall which won’t arrive here until mid-October or later. After all the summer heat and humidity, it will be nice to be able to walk outside without breaking a sweat!

  6. Jacklynn Grimm Avatar
    Jacklynn Grimm

    Spring!! Living in Wisconsin, Spring means the snow will have melted and the grass is turning green and flowers are appearing. It’s a time of renewal. And warmer temperatures! Thanks for the chance to win!

  7. MoeWest Avatar

    Summer is my favourite season because I’m a gardener and a quilter!

  8. KathyCummings Avatar

    Spring…when the brown “sticks”(trees and such) become fresh and new again.
    Thank you.

  9. Elizabethdee Avatar

    Autumn is my favorite for the way the air becomes crisper, the sky turns bluer, and the leaves dazzle.

  10. Claudia Avatar

    I love the spring, the beautiful flowers and fresh buds on trees. It holds so much promise.

  11. June Avatar

    I like winter! I’ve lived in Southern California for most of my life, recently have been visiting Boston area, and love it in the winter! It’s fabulous to walk in the snow, to see it falling outside the window, and to sew inside knowing it’s cold outside! Thanks for the chance!

  12. Jennie Avatar

    I live in the desert southwest, where we have over 100 days of heat over 100 degrees, add another 25 over 105 and top it off with another 15 over 115. Then we add in the humidity from our monsoon season at the same time. It’s a very long 5 months every year.

    I love our winter. It’s cool with high temps in the 60s and 70s. It’s sweater weather. It’s also the time of year that you can sit outside and enjoy figuring out your next quilt, or reading a new quilting book, or garden.

  13. Bonnie Avatar

    My favorite season is summer. I love the beautiful flowers, warm weather, and extra long sunny days. It is also perfect for spending some time at the beach.

  14. Gill Avatar

    My favourite is spring – I love the colours and the ‘newness’ of it all!

  15. Charlotta Norby Avatar

    My favorite season is fall. I love when it cools down after the much too hot summers, and the temps seem to stay nice and enjoyable for a long period in the fall – at least here in Kentucky where I am. The spring, which would theoretically also be great, is always too short. As soon as it warms up after winter, it’s too hot!

  16. Cecilia Avatar

    Fall is my favorite season. I love the slightly cooler weather, because I enjoy being able to open the windows and turn off the a/c. Thanks for the review and giveaway.

  17. carol n Avatar
    carol n

    I love fall, even though it heralds winter. I love the rich colors, the scents, the apples- just a great season.

  18. Donna W Avatar
    Donna W

    Autumn is my favorite. Changing colors, cool evenings what more could you ask for.

  19. rrjane011749 Avatar

    Spring–it’s a new beginning!

  20. Ruth Sunday Avatar
    Ruth Sunday

    Winter! Winter in the desert southwest is interesting. I can sit on my back patio in the 70 degree sunshine and look up at the snow on the mountain while sipping coffee and appreciating any plants that are strong enough to grow around me. Some days we get gale winds off the desert with actual wind chill. Most days, my protected front courtyard allows me to maintain my tan in comfort of about 82-85 mid-day temps. And then there is the rain. We get an annual average of a little over 4″ a year, so when it rains, it pours and we have flooding and puddles to stomp in and sand bags to place for keeping that water from our doorways. I get a 4 full seasons worth of weather in winter. It’s all excitement and not much stress. If it snows, we enjoy it and let it melt. It will happen again in 5 or 10 years or so.

  21. AnnLouise Pugh Avatar
    AnnLouise Pugh

    I love all the seasons, changes in the weather…even the hot summers in the desert.

  22. Nancy N Avatar
    Nancy N

    Fall is my favorite season, as the days start to cool down. Love the changing colors and having grown up on a farm, the harvest of the crops before winter takes hold.

  23. Melissa Avatar

    My favorite season is winter! I live in Las Vegas and it’s the only chance we get for some cold weather! I love to cozy up with a quilt and have some hot cocoa.

  24. Carol Kuse Avatar
    Carol Kuse

    My favorite season is the one I’m in. Love Spring’s light, flowery colors and patterns. Love Summer’s bright vivid colors.
    Love Autumn’s beautiful, rich, full homey colors. Love Winter’s frosty colors.

  25. Afton Warrick Avatar
    Afton Warrick

    I am ready for the cooler temperatures of Fall–that and the cider, pumpkin treats, and other such yumminess.

  26. Audrey Avatar

    My favourite season is autumn. It is slower paced and the cooler temperatures and coloured leaves just beg for you to take long, leisurely walks.

  27. Jodi Haskell Avatar
    Jodi Haskell

    Winter, is a wonderful time of peace. No major cleaning or yard work, just perfect for the quilting !

  28. Barb S Avatar
    Barb S

    Fall is always my favorite time of the year, the colors, the cooler days, and slowing down from a busy summer.

  29. Melissa Avatar

    I love summer! Love the heat and sunshine and swimming in my pool.

  30. Theresa Sheldon Avatar
    Theresa Sheldon

    My favorite season is spring. Time for rebirth and renewal. Revs up the creativity.

  31. Elizabeth Johnson Avatar

    I enjoy Fall usually because it is not as hot. Everything is getting back to normal with school. More quilting time. I love it when the leaves change.

  32. Laurie Weimar Avatar
    Laurie Weimar

    My favorite season is fall. I like the cooling temperatures, the leaves changing colors, the crisp smell of the air, and the wonderful apples and pears from the local orchard.

  33. Barbara Martin Avatar
    Barbara Martin

    Fall is my favorite season. I love fall because it is the perfect time for campfires and the bugs are gone! Plus my schedule usually slows down and then I have time to quilt. Thanks for the opportunity to win a great giveaway.

  34. Kath Shively Avatar
    Kath Shively

    Fall is my favorite season. The days cool off and the nights get a little chilly, but still comfortable. The lawns are a deep green and thick and lush. Some flowers are still blooming … It’s nice to enjoy this beautiful place we call home. ktsquiltdreams ATgmail DOTcom

  35. Tracy Snyder Avatar
    Tracy Snyder

    I love the fall! The rich colors that are everywhere, the cool, crisp air, the smells of cinnamon and spices, all of my senses are happiest this time of year! And of course, it is so nice to cuddle up with a nice quilt!

  36. Timtirim Avatar

    My favorite is fall – because of the rich colours of the nature. And its my birthday, too 🙂

  37. Doreen Savia Avatar
    Doreen Savia

    I love summer the best! Mostly I love the warmth of the sun. I grew up in Boulder City just outside of Las Vegas and loved the hot summers (and still do). I feel and do better in warm weather. Even after living in Oregon for over forty years I still have not gotten used to cold weather.

  38. Dorrie Province Avatar
    Dorrie Province

    Fall, I love the rich color palette, the smell of the crisp mornings, and the animals. I live in a very small town on a mountain top in Idaho, fall is the time to soak in the colors and sunshine before the snow arrives leading up to quilting season.

  39. Susan Avatar

    I like winter. You would think I would not because I have a disease that cold weather sends into a tizzy. Even cold air conditioning can do that, so… I grew up in an area where we had lots more snow than we do in Oklahoma. I love snow. I manage to get everything in the house for a long period of time and can huddle under a quilt for warmth. I love to see things glistening in the snow and how it brightens the world. I do well until I either have to venture out of the house or we have a power outage. What a fun question!

  40. Connie Cain Avatar
    Connie Cain

    I love Spring. Everything is new and fresh. 🙂

  41. Jacqueline Thompson Avatar
    Jacqueline Thompson

    My favorite season is summer. I love bright warm sunny days. It’s so enjoyable participating in outdoor activities and the long days!

  42. Liv Ranum Avatar
    Liv Ranum

    I love the summer. In the summer we can stay outside the whole day, it is warm and we can eat outside. If we are lucky we can evan sit outside in the evenings.

  43. Cheryl Yost Avatar
    Cheryl Yost

    I love spring everything is so colorful after the dreary grey winter.

  44. Laurie Gettis Avatar
    Laurie Gettis

    Spring is my favorite season. I love the sunshine, rain, and warmer weather after a cold winter.

  45. Chris Avatar

    Always Spring because it follows a cold, frozen Winter. I hate cold.

  46. Linda Collum Avatar
    Linda Collum

    Since we’ve moved to an area that has only two seasons (Summer and Not Summer), it is really hard to pick a favorite season. I just like having seasons at all! I miss having spring bulbs bloom (it doesn’t get cold enough for long enough here), I miss sledding and snowmen, and I miss those fall days where it is crisp in the morning and then warms up to that deep blue sky in the afternoon. I also miss the changing leaves and having those kinds of trees.

  47. Margie Avatar

    I Love summer! I live on the coast in Australia and enjoy our beautiful beaches, BBQs and glorious clear skies!

  48. Marym Avatar

    Of course this is a difficult choice, but I choose Late Summer because of the rains. I love to watch the weather while I see by ghd window!

  49. Marym Avatar

    Of course this is a difficult choice, but I choose Late Summer because of the rains. I love to watch the weather while I sew by the window!

  50. Cynthia Greenwald Avatar
    Cynthia Greenwald

    I love summer because of all the beautiful colors in nature, the flowers, trees, sky and parks.

  51. Sandii Avatar

    My favorite season is Winter hands down. I love the snow and the cold. I love seeing the ground covered with a blanket of white and everything clean and sparkling. It reminds me of being a little girl and climbing the iceburgs in Port Stanley, Ontario with my dad. It reminds me of Christmas, the reason for the season Jesus’s birth, sleigh rides, bells, all the pageants, hot chocolate, cozy crackeling fire place, family and friends and the food.

  52. Mitzi Avatar

    Fall is my favorite time of year. The smell of apples and pumpkin pie. The crisp, cool air and beautiful colors as the leaves turn. The sights and sounds of harvest as the farmers bring in the fruits of their labor. And football Friday’s.

  53. Karen Addleman Avatar
    Karen Addleman

    I love the fall. All the colors, the cooler temps, the smells. It is also birthday time for all my family. Yep, all 5 of us born between Sept. and early Dec.

  54. Deborah Fowler Avatar
    Deborah Fowler

    I love the summer months and walking along the beach.

  55. Susan Avatar

    I love Fall because of the beautiful weather and gorgeous color of the changing leaves. Bonfires, crisp air, walks in the woods, warm apple cider, juicy apples. And of course my favorite–candy corn and peanuts!! Also, you know it’s time to move inside and start working on all those quilts you have be planning all summer! And, I have been planning a lot!

  56. Liz Horgan Avatar
    Liz Horgan

    I love fall! The cool weather, sleeping with windows open and blankets on, getting back on regular schedule(I work in a school), the changing colors.
    Thanks for the give away and Happy Fall!

  57. Elizabeth Storck Avatar
    Elizabeth Storck

    I love spring with all of the emerging greens, yellows, purple shades of plant colors!

  58. Carol Martin Avatar
    Carol Martin

    I love summer, sun, camping, fishing, hiking and time in the garden

  59. Linda Goldfarb Avatar
    Linda Goldfarb

    Fall is my favorite time of year. I think God gets out his paintbrush and covers the world with glorious color. I love the crisp air, anything and everything pumpkin, and my favorite holiday Thanksgiving. I love the reason we have Thanksgiving and being able to visit with family for a joyous occasion.

  60. Meredith Eaton Avatar
    Meredith Eaton

    I love fall! Harvest time (family of farmers) and cooler weather is just paradise for me!

  61. Kathy Gentry Avatar

    I used to say summer when I was teaching (LOL), but now, I would have to say spring. I love the spring flowers and am always so ready for warmer weather. But, that said, I love fall with the beautiful colors and crisp air. I guess it is easier to say that Winter is my least favorite! I enjoy your posts–thank you, Michele!

  62. Marnie Parent Avatar
    Marnie Parent

    I love summer. Sun, flowers, gardening, taking my kids to the beach or the pool,taking in all the outdoor festivals and such going on all summer in our city. Enjoying a relaxing evening in front of the fire pit, either cooking wieners for supper or making s’mores after a day of yard clean up. Long days, warm nights, just slowing down and enjoying life before school and activities start up again come fall.

  63. carolyn montgomery Avatar
    carolyn montgomery

    here in south texas, we look forward to fall because it starts cooling down finally. our summers can be brutal and are very long. a drop of 10 degrees from our high nineties is almost sweater weather for us. thanks for the giveaway.

  64. Susan Avatar

    Fall is my favorite season followed by Spring. Summer and Winter are about tied.

  65. Lise Duclos Avatar
    Lise Duclos

    I love the fall best. The cooler temps, the crisp air, the beautiful colors, snuggling up to in front of a fire, drinking hot chocolate and apple cider, and of course spending more time indoors sewing and quilting. Summers are too busy, Winters too cold, and Spring brings too many allergies for me.
    Love all you do Michele, keep up the great work.

  66. Rosemarie Graham Avatar
    Rosemarie Graham

    My favorite season is fall, hands down…. We live in a pretty toasty part of the country ,so anything that cools us down is a good thing!!!!

  67. Sue M Avatar
    Sue M

    I love the fall. I live in NY and look forward to the spectacular views every year. Great inspiration for color choices on my quilts!

  68. TX Creatrix Avatar

    definitley Spring, I love the colors!

  69. JanZ Avatar

    Fall – warm days, cool nights 🙂

  70. Madeline Boon Avatar
    Madeline Boon

    Fall is my favorite season. The changing color of the leaves and the chilly, foggy mornings are what I love!

  71. Carol Avatar

    My favourite season is summer. Thanks for the chance to win

  72. Stacey King Avatar
    Stacey King

    My favorite season is fall. I love the changing of the leaves to the yellows and golds. I don’t feel as obligated to work in the flower garden so I can spend more time at my sewing machine making things for fall and winter 🙂

  73. CarolanneB Avatar

    I’m a FALL lover…. Love the coolness, the colors and the smell of wood or pellet stoves burning. Fall is the best season to get inspirational color ideas for Quilts, I think! 🙂

  74. Amanda Best Avatar
    Amanda Best

    My favorite season is winter. I love the stark quiet beauty of the world. And I seem to have the most time to read and sew during the winter months.

  75. Marsha T Avatar
    Marsha T

    Autumn. It’s cool and crisp after the heat of summer. It’s the smell of the leaves as you jump into the pile and the taste of tart cider.

  76. Lori M Avatar
    Lori M

    Love Spring…new smells, new views, everything new…I love getting up in the morning and sitting on the porch with a cup of coffee, greeting the new day with sights of flowers, deer, rabbits, birds, and bears…Love it….

  77. Bev Gunn Avatar
    Bev Gunn

    Fall and spring are becoming my favorites because they are not as hot or as cold as summer and winter! Lately my body produces it own heat and my toes still don’t like to be cold!

  78. Meghan Avatar

    My favorite season is summer. I get more time off in the summer (being a teacher), plus I love the longer days and the warm weather. When I think of summer, I think of vacationing! Thanks for the chance at this great prize!

  79. Alesha K Avatar
    Alesha K

    My favorite season is Spring. I love to sit outside in the swing and listen to the birds and smell the different spring flowers. That is also my favorite time to do the binding on my quilts.

  80. carol Avatar

    My favorite season is fall. I love ORANGE, pumpkins, leaves, candy corn. I love the smells of fall.

  81. kate Avatar

    I love Indian summer, I don’t like extremes of temperature at all. I love the autumnal colours and the chill at night ~ you sleep so much better.

  82. Nanette Avatar

    I love the autumn (fall) down here in Australia, we have the greens of the gums that remain all year, and the none native trees that give us the best of the rest of the world. That is why my favourite colours are that of the autumn. I could use them all the year round.

  83. Julie Lynch Avatar
    Julie Lynch

    It’s spring here in South Australia, and I’ve been gazing out of my window at the wildflowers. It’s warm and sunny, no need for the fire; definitely my favourite season!

  84. Joyce Avatar

    Until today I would have said summer. Instead I think it really is spring. Everything comes back to life after the sold harsh winter. Plants are turning green the trees are leafing out. All is new again.

  85. Eileen Avatar

    Born in September Fall has always been my favorite season. I love the colors of fall.

  86. Garilyn Avatar

    I would have to say fall is my favorite season. I love the cooler, but not cold days. I love the colors of the leaves. And I love pumpkin and the Pumpkin Show each October. Oh, and I would be fine skipping winter and going straight to spring.

  87. Donna Joy Avatar
    Donna Joy

    I love spring as it is so nice to see plants and flowers blooming, leaves on trees.

  88. Helen White Avatar
    Helen White

    Love this book.

  89. Helen White Avatar
    Helen White

    This will be my first book on machine quilting.

  90. Helen White Avatar
    Helen White

    Have not purchased yet, however, for my first machine quilting book, it will be this one.

  91. Candy Long Avatar
    Candy Long

    I love Autumn. I love the richness of the colors it brings – rusts, golds, browns, oranges. I love the cooler temps after the hot days of August. I love that school starts in Autumn, and football and cross country. I love that Autumn means that Christmas will soon be arriving. I miss Midwest USA Fall.

  92. Jacqueline Avatar

    Mi estación preferida es la primavera en la que todo despierta después del invierno, los días son más largos y hay más horas de luz natural para poder coser, el sol empieza a calentar y apetecen largos paseos. Se acerca el verano y las vacaciones y todo parece ser más fácil.

  93. Sophie Avatar

    Fall–the weather is perfect, I love the changing colors of the leaves, harvest season with all the great produce, and Halloween and Thanksgiving holidays.

  94. Debbie Avatar

    I love the colors and the low humidity of fall. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Looking forward to seeing the winner of the give away and thanks for the review on this quilting book…it looks amazing!

  95. Lori Morton Avatar
    Lori Morton

    I love Fall! The pickin’ apples & makin’ Applesauce (& pie!)…the changin’ of leaves & startin’ up the Woodburner…& our Anniversary in October! 🙂

    Thanks for chance to win your Give-a-way! 😀

  96. Judy Avatar

    My favorite season is fall because I love walking through the leaves on a clear, cold, crisp fall day.

  97. Claudia Avatar

    Summer….I love the warm(hot) days and the long daylight with all the flowers and greens lush.

  98. Carmen N Avatar
    Carmen N

    I love fall – cooler weather, pumpkin pie, apple picking, sweaters, etc.

  99. Dawn Jones Avatar
    Dawn Jones

    Summer is my favorite, it’s so beautiful and nice enough for picnics and walks. Have a great day!

  100. Kathy E. Avatar
    Kathy E.

    Spring is my favorite season because it’s the time of growth and new beginnings! Winter is a very long season here in Iowa and when the robins come back to nest in early spring, we all shout for joy! Life just seems to spring forth from every corner.

  101. Maria Avatar

    Thank you for a chance to win ….
    My favorite. Season is Autunm because in Australia where I live we have beautiful sunny days and cool nights sew you can snuggle under a quilt.

  102. Susan Eckberg Avatar
    Susan Eckberg

    My favorite season is winter, as I live in Florida and winter here is great. Never too cold nor too hot and always great for quilt making.

  103. Paula K. Avatar
    Paula K.

    I love summer. It is great to be outside without coats and boots and mittens. I love to feel the warmth of the sun, even the humidity can’t ruin summer for me!

  104. Tammy Pettus Avatar
    Tammy Pettus

    My favorite season is Fall. Living in Alabama, the summers are hot and humid. The winters are cold and wet. And the spring, although sunny, is usually muddy. My favoritism for Fall also has a lot to do with the fact that we have a cattle farm. Hay season is over and it’s not quite time to start feeding yet. It’s a time of rest.

  105. Pam Jackson Avatar
    Pam Jackson

    My favorite season is Spring when all things are waking up from the winter. It is jacket weather, warm days and cool nights. I live in Oklahoma and we have some tornados in the late spring, but the color of the redbuds and new leaves are so inspiring.

  106. Tina Avatar

    I love autumn; it’s cooler but not too cold and the colors are beautiful here in Montana.

  107. Patricia Dittfurth Avatar
    Patricia Dittfurth

    My favorite season, when we are blessed to experience it, is Fall here in Central Texas. Many times we do not get to see the leaves change slowly and get the beautiful colors. It is mostly one blue norther and zap it is winter. When we do get to see the colors and leaves fall you can then see the individual personality of each tree come to life. I love the bare trees and think they are lovely.

  108. Kaholly Avatar

    I love summer best! I like your work, too. It’s very inspiring.

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