Hi all,
I decided to take a week off from blogging to let everyone get caught up reading the fabulous guest blogger posts from February. If you’re interested in being a guest blogger, please read the guidelines, then send me an email.
In case you missed it in my newsletter, I’ve been accepted as a vendor for the Spring Quilt Market. Lots of planning and tonnes of work to be done between now and then. Lots of the pieces are falling into place. It should be very exciting. If you have any Market Survival Tips, I’d love to hear them.
I’ll be driving from Ottawa to Pittsburgh, with a stop off in Rochester, New York to visit the daughter (Stacey) of my mom’s best friend from high school, and to attend the Lilac Festival. I haven’t seen Stacey in many, many years, as she moved to the States shortly after getting married. As kids we used to spend a lot of time together. It’ll be great to see her again, meet her two girls. Facebook is wonderful for bringing old friends back together again.
My first niece turned 3 last weekend. Let me just say, time is moving way too fast. How did she go from being a baby to a little girl so quickly?
I made her a doll quilt and two large fabric baskets. Look for the fabric basket tutorial later today… it’s fabulous.
Have a wonderful week,
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