Leaves, Trees & Flowers

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(not all) Roses are red (not all) Roses are red
By: art2wear,

Cloak inspired by the fairytale of Sleeping Beauty

Quilt size: width: 100" height: 60"

A Challenging Year A Challenging Year
By: Karen H,
Ontario, Canada

This challenge quilt depicts the life of a cherry tree through the four seasons. The background is pieced & then I appliqued, hand embroidered & beaded the details. There were 3 challenge fabrics & I could add five more. I used bleach to change all of them so I would have more colours! So much fun!

Quilt size: width: 28.5" height: 29.5"

Asian Pieces Asian Pieces
By: Peggy McGeary,
New Jersey, USA

I loved making this wall hanging from Judy Turner’s & Margaret Rolfe’s book, Successful Scrap Quilts.
It has many pieces & it’s great for using up those lovely Asian florals. This quilt was featured in the Kona Bay’s Fabric Asian magazine Jan. 2013. It’s hand quilted with Sashikp thread.

Quilt size: width: 30" height: 36"

Autumn Reds Autumn Reds
By: SusiQuilts,
California, USA

Autumn is my favorite time of year and the colors in this quilted wall hanging are part of the reason why. Batik die cut leaves were fused to the background, then raw-edge appliqued and quilted with “veins” to add texture and dimension.

Quilt size: width: 15" height: 32"

Autumn Splendor Autumn Splendor
By: Doniene Fullagar,
Texas, USA

The blocks were part of our guild BOM. They are all pieced with leaf fabrics. The sashing and outer border are from a rust basket weave fabric with a touch of gold. To add depth, I added dark barn red cornerstones, inner border and binding.

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 63"

Bee-Haven Bee-Haven
By: Melanie Pinney,
Idaho, USA

I love to celebrate hot-hot colors and the happiness of bees and blooms, so it was easy to create this little table quilt from wool felt and quilting fabrics and embellished with fun embroidery stitches!

Quilt size: width: 19" height: 17"

Beyond the Black Stump Beyond the Black Stump
By: Jenny in NZ,
New Zealand

Torn edge fabrics for the background hence the curves and soft edges as fabric is just top stitched into place. A reduced version of the original pattern as I did not have room for full size. Can’t credit the designer as lost pattern through water damage when shifting, pattern name is correct though

Quilt size: width: 19" height: 24"

Bloomin' Days Bloomin’ Days
By: Deanne Eisenman,
Iowa, USA

I wanted to create a pot of flowers that looked like what you would find in an old fashioned quilt. This is needle turn applique with fabric but would also look great with wool. I have this one made up with a light background also.

Quilt size: width: 18" height: 26"

Blooming Spring Blooming Spring
By: Vivian Bleakney,
Massachusetts, USA

I live in an apartment building and I hang small quilts on my front door. I have a quilt for each month and this is quilt is for May, when spring in Massachusetts is in full bloom. :^)

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 24"

Circle of Flowers Circle of Flowers
By: Nina Lise Moen,

Made from leftover flowers from a previous project, a batik fabric that was too pretty to cut apart, a little solid, and a piece of fabric from the beginning of time, this table cloth is one of my personal favourites.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"

City Trees (Diane U.) City Trees (Diane U.)
By: Diane U.,
Ontario, Canada

This is a wall hanging from a Workshop that I took in 2010 – using fusible agent and satin stitching. I love the black/red/white.

Quilt size: width: 30" height: 42"

City Trees (Kaaren Biggs) City Trees (Kaaren Biggs)
By: Kaaren Biggs,
Ontario, Canada

I loved this pattern as soon as I saw it in a quilting magazine – it was a Nancy Rink design. I really like the combination of brown and aqua so was able to use fabrics in those colors from my stash!

Quilt size: width: 30" height: 36"

Dresden Sunflower Dresden Sunflower
By: Nancy M,
Michigan, USA

I made the Dresden flowerhead and appliqued it onto the background, over the stem and leaves which were appliqued previously. This was a gift to a friend who is an avid gardener.

Quilt size: width: 22" height: 26"

Fall Fall
By: Nina-Marie,
Pennsylvania, USA

The first of a series of fall quilts – still in progress. I’ve tried to abstract the feelings of the season using my favorite color palette. I designed this especially for my family room. Its my original design using commercial and hand dyed fabrics (by me).

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 36"

Fall Fantasia Fall Fantasia
By: Brita Pingry,
Tennessee, USA

I had enough autumn-color batiks in my stash to make this quilt that has 108 blocks, and I had more left! Pattern is from Quiltmaker magazine.

Quilt size: width: 96" height: 96"

Fall Fiesta Fall Fiesta
By: Sally Gould Wright,
California, USA

Triangles of hand woven cottons from Guatemala were pieced as a background for falling autumn leaves applique’d in hand dyed cotton fabrics. Free motion quilted in gold metallic thread.

Quilt size: width: 19" height: 50"

Fall Flower Fall Flower
By: Denise Mitchell,
California, USA

This is a sunflower panel that I quilted and framed to hang in my kitchen.

Quilt size: width: 32" height: 32"

Fall Wreaths Fall Wreaths
By: Linda Smith,
Nova Scotia, Canada

I started this quilt in 1998 as a BOM and finally finished it in February of 2013. My quilting buddy took pity and helped me finish the applique and then I handquilted it. It now lives with my Mother, who hopes she doesn’t have to wait 15 more years for another quilt!

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 74"

Falling Leaves Falling Leaves
By: Daryl Perry,
New Mexico, USA

Table runner with appliqued leaves. I had some appliqued leaves cut out that I never used for another quilt & decided to make a table runner with them. I had some leaf fabric I had been wanting to use, so that became the border. I quilted pebbles because it reminded me of leaves falling onto rocks.

Quilt size: width: 17.5" height: 44.5"

Flower Garden Flower Garden
By: Sewfrench,
Michigan, USA

Machine Pieced
Hand Quilted

Daughter and I made this together for her dorm room at college. Though I almost exclusively hand quilt, she thought it would be *fun*!!

Quilt size: width: 70″" height: 90″"

Fontainbleau Fontainbleau
By: Heather,
Florida, USA

This is a quilt that I designed. It is inspired by the painted walls in Marie Antoinette’s bedroom at Fontainbleau.

Quilt size: width: 70" height: 84"

Grandma Flowers Grandma Flowers
By: Pam,
Louisiana, USA

A gift for my aunt. My grandma always grew Amaryllis around her house. Our family called them “Grandma Flowers”. Batik flowers are appliqued & the “brick” wall is from scraps. The quilt has machine quilting & FMQ. The idea of the quilt was mine. The flower design came from a stained glass book.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 56"

Happy....Hoppy Happy….Hoppy
By: Mary Boyd,
Montana, USA

Was a crayola color and machine applicay challenge at my quilt guild.

Quilt size: width: 16" height: 18"

Herbsttraumbaum (FallDreamTree) Herbsttraumbaum (FallDreamTree)
By: Gunda,
Pennsylvania, USA

WIP Started it after my cat Lucy passed away. It will be raw edge applique with free motion quilting and will be embroiled the leafs afre fuzzy cut

Quilt size: width: 18" height: 22"

Meet Mr. Straw Meet Mr. Straw
By: Vicki in MN,
Minnesota, USA

I purchased this scarecrow preprinted panel for $1 at a garage sale! After a little tan rit dye he was ready to use. I then used Tsukineko inks to stencil the leaves onto different black prints. Also I added the outside borders to complete a great fall wall hanging

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 54"

Morning Glories Morning Glories
By: Quiltfabrication,
California, USA

The Morning Glories were inspired by a photo I took in Greece last year. I drew up the pattern in EQ7, using a techniques from Ruth McDowell. It was awesome to see this come together for the completed quilt!

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 21"

My Flower Garden My Flower Garden
By: PennyJoy,
British Columbia, Canada

I took an applique class a few years ago and this quilt used all the techniques we learned in it. I machine quilted it very closely but it doesn’t show up well in the photos. It hangs in my home and everyone seems to enjoy it.

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 42"

Not Your Grandmother's Flower Garden Not Your Grandmother’s Flower Garden
By: Sarah C.,
Tennessee, USA

Whimsical flowers appliquรฉd to a piece of vintage Irish linen. Lots of free motion quilting, including fern fronds around the stems of the flowers, wind curlicues in the sky, and a stylized sun shining down on it all. All the FMQ was done on my Singer sewing machine. My g’daughter peeking around!

Quilt size: width: 70" height: 70"

Petals Petals
By: Janet,
Tennessee, USA

Petals is a precious baby quilt made entirely by hand using Angela Brumby’s Eden’s Dream fabric collection. The baby’s initial is also quilted into the quilt to make it more personal.

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 54"

Quadra flora Quadra flora
By: Patricia Vickers,
United Kingdom

This was made using squares of furnishing fabric and sashing them before adding the wadding and backing. It is backed in plain white sheeting and each block has a flower that has been quilted round.

Quilt size: width: 78" height: 79"

Quilted scrapbook cover Quilted scrapbook cover
By: Beret Nelson,
Alaska, USA

I made this quilted scrapbook cover for a wedding gift for a friend. Scrapbook covers are a good way to practice art quilting techniques on a small project!

Quilt size: width: 10" height: 13"

Rachel's Quilt Rachel’s Quilt
By: quiltalicious,
California, USA

Friend Rachel asked me to make her a quilt to commemorate her 65th birthday. This was the result. She is the strong tree sheltering and supporting her family – represented by the leaves and flowers, the names of her children in all the petals. Amazing woman!

Quilt size: width: 20" height: 30"

Roses for Dean Roses for Dean
By: Bertha Goggin,
Oklahoma, USA

My friend Dean found out she had breast cancer. Many people sent her pink roses, her favorite. I decided to make a quilt with pink rose fabrics. The pattern was “Bertha” from the book 3 times the Charm. I put it together using Nancy Zieman’s Column Quilts for guidance. Dean is doing very well.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 60"

Serenity Serenity
By: Chris Denton,
Montana, USA

I just starting quilting a few months ago and fell in love with this Calla Lily design by Laurel Anderson. It was so much fun and I found the whole experience very calming, hence, the name “Serenity”.

Quilt size: width: 46" height: 54"

Small Leaves Small Leaves
By: Shruti,

Made for a young bride as a wedding gift from her family. I could not have picked a better pattern. The pattern is from Elizabeth Hartman’s The Practical Guide to Patchwork.
I absolutely love the pattern. I chose to use a lemony yellow for the background instead of a white!!!

Quilt size: width: 72" height: 72"

Some folks resting Some folks resting
By: NinaMe,
Russian Federation

I wonder if such a small quilt could be counted as a quilt at all.
It consists of trapunto application and free motion quilting. I made it more than a year ago for a school where I learned quilting.
Wish you all a very good day. Really.

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 12"

Sunset in Carlsbad, California Sunset in Carlsbad, California
By: King Nancy,
California, USA

While visiting my daughter I saw this view and had to back up and take a photo. The bacground sky and water are handpainted and it is fusible applique. The distant palm trees are thread work.

Quilt size: width: 23" height: 19"

The Old Oak The Old Oak
By: Jean Sredl,
Illinois, USA

The Old Oak – Memorialized in fabric a textile wall hanging is an asymmetrical 50 by 36 is one of my largest pieces. Planted by native Americans; after almost 200 years, numerous prairie fires, a civil war, countless storms, a lightening strike brought down the great tree. I put love in every stitch

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 50"

Tree of Life Tree of Life
By: Lee Franklin,
Florida, USA

When I saw this panel, I knew I needed to make it into a quilt. Very happy with it.

Quilt size: width: 56" height: 68"

Tumbling Leaves Tumbling Leaves
By: Jo Mack,
Ohio, USA

This is a paper pieced pattern designed by Nancy Mahoney that was fun to make. I think this was the first quilt I used brown fabric in.

Quilt size: width: 30" height: 40"

Winter In Lincoln County #1: The Orchard Winter In Lincoln County #1: The Orchard
By: Shannon C.,
Oklahoma, USA

I grew up in the mountains of Ruidoso, NM, and winter has always been my favorite time of year. In this original art quilt based on my parent’s orchard I wanted to evoke the cold, crisp, still feeling of a winter morning as yet undisturbed by the activities of life.

Quilt size: width: 32" height: 21"

Wintertree Wintertree
By: Lies Bos-Varkevisser,

September 2006 Mary Hackett was in the Netherlands, she gave a workshop.
This magnificent tree was the result.
It was a gift for the 50th birthday of my sister Evelyn.

Quilt size: width: 18" height: 22"

64 responses to “Leaves, Trees & Flowers”

  1. barbe price Avatar
    barbe price

    i love Red Dawn, though all the colors are pretty.

  2. shannon C Avatar

    I love the Morning Glory gradient, but they’re all beautiful!

  3. Joan Avatar

    I really like the blue that goes from almost white to a beautiful shade of blue.

  4. Joyce Mitchell Avatar
    Joyce Mitchell

    Love the Southwest gradient – it would make a great baby quilt for my newest great-nephew due in November. Thanks.

  5. Jennifer P Avatar
    Jennifer P

    I like the Gradient Blue Sky. I’m working now on a huge Christmas nativity applique and would love to use it for Mary’s robes. Under the Sea might be a great one to use for the same robes.

  6. GeoMama Avatar

    Solar Flare is my favourite gradient.

  7. Terry Avatar

    It was so hard to choose one favorite, but I do love Forest Canopy and would make some pillows for my couch with it! Thanks for the sweet giveaway ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Teri powers Avatar
    Teri powers

    I love them all but morning glory is my favorite

  9. Julie A. Avatar
    Julie A.

    I would pick Twilight….would go great in a blue/purple quilt I am working on

  10. Vicki in MN Avatar

    It is sooo hard to pick a favorite they are all delicious! But I think Sugar maple or Red Sunset.

  11. Anja Avatar

    Beautiful quilts, i like this page . My favorite is Herbsttraumbaum

  12. Anne Sidell Avatar

    I really love the Thrive stash pack. My favorite colors all bundled togther. I’m not sure what I’d do with them – probably use those yummy greens and purples for applique work. They would make incredible botanicals!

  13. Cy S Avatar
    Cy S

    I really like the “Appalachian Sunset”. We are in the mountains now for our anniversary and the sunset colors oer the mountains are georgeous, just like this fabric. Not sure what I would make with it… may just have t look at it til it “speaks” to me.

  14. Carol Ann Johnston Avatar

    Lots of lovely works of art

  15. nancy k Avatar
    nancy k

    Abundance, Sundance, all of the gradients are fantastic!

  16. Aimee Avatar

    I really like the Under the Sea gradient.

  17. Karen H Avatar

    I love the muddiness of Woodlands Gradient and could do wonderful things with it!

  18. Barbara Avatar

    Ooh, Thrive is soooo pretty!

  19. Betsy Avatar

    The red dawn is stunning!

  20. Dea Avatar

    Again a lot of very nice quilts to admire!
    I had a look around in the shop and esp the gradients. Can I only chose 1? pffftt, how hard is that.
    Well, I think I decided it’s ‘festival’. :-))
    Have a nice weekend

  21. beth esmont Avatar
    beth esmont

    Woodlands on page 1 was the one that really spoke to me. I would make something ethereal and moody with it!

  22. Sally Wright Avatar

    I Love the Morning Glory gradient. so beautiful….

  23. Barbara Colvin Avatar
    Barbara Colvin

    Vicki has lot of gradients I’d like to own! My first choice would be Woodlands to use as a background for an appliqued wall hanging. I’m picturing some pumpkins, a fence, and a little cottage.

  24. Patty Avatar

    Oh, all so pretty, but Twilight is my favorite.

  25. Colleen Avatar

    Key West is my favourite

  26. lee Avatar

    I love Woodlands!

  27. Pam Avatar

    I like the Emerald City gradient.

  28. Claire Alexander Avatar

    Under the sea would be my choice. I have an ocean shore quilt coming up soon, and it would go well. (It wasn’t the only one I liked. ๐Ÿ™‚ )

  29. Suzanne McFadden Avatar
    Suzanne McFadden

    Love the Appalachian sunset gradient!

  30. Winnie Avatar

    My favorite is twilight, this would be a great addition to the quilt I am planning for my daughter (her favorite colors).

  31. Teresa Avatar

    I really like the sun dance gradient. I can just see this as a background for a landscape quilt. Teresa

  32. Joan goodsell Avatar
    Joan goodsell

    I have two favorites-Sea and sky and Woodlands. I can see using either as background for an appliquรฉd scene.

  33. Arvella Avatar

    I am also an Etsy seller! I love love love these gradients and prefer the cool tones. Maybe it’s the weather? I plan to use them in my scrap quilting or maybe a backing for smaller quilts? Favorited her shop for sure.

  34. Bev in TX Avatar
    Bev in TX

    I will be making a quilt with a lot of maple leaves, and Sugar Maple looks like it would work best for that.

  35. DebV Avatar

    I do not know which is harder to pick, my favorite quilt or my favorite fabric. Everything is so beautiful. I think for the fabric I have to go with Coleus. It does remind me of my plants in the front yard. As for the quilts 4 out of 5 I picked are at the top right now so I guess I did well.

  36. Helen Anne Avatar

    What wonderful fabrics. Anatola is a favourite. Not sure what I’d do but probably some sort of sunrise theme

  37. Eileen Avatar

    I Love “Key West”. I might not make anything with this beautiful material but just hang it in my sewing room to envelope me in the peaceful sensation it gives. It is lively yet peaceful, serene yet creative; cooling, calming, sunshiney and happy.

  38. Trisha Reed Avatar
    Trisha Reed

    I just found this website thanks to Anne Marieke. I love it and will visit often.

    As for my favorite Vicki Welsh gradient, it has to be Solar Flare. I see glorious ruched roses. Thank you for the giveaway.

  39. Kathy J. Avatar
    Kathy J.

    I thought we were to comment on a stash pack, so I would like to say Caribbean is my fave. What would I do with it? Not sure, just love the blues! Thanks sew much!

  40. Amy Caldwell Avatar
    Amy Caldwell

    They are all sewww Beautiful, but my favorite would be “Morning Glory”. I would love to make some beautiful bags using this fabric.

  41. Gene Black Avatar
    Gene Black

    Color wheel Cool- I would use it for a fused art quilt

  42. Kath Avatar

    Hand Dyed Fabric – Emerald City – Gradient is my favorite and with it it would become the stormy sky in a landscape art quilt.

  43. Nancy Avatar

    I like Pendelton. I would make an applique with the various colors to show shading.

  44. Gunda Avatar

    Love sugar maple

  45. Kyle Gay Avatar
    Kyle Gay

    love them all! but if I get to choose just one, it would be
    Autumn stash. thanks for the chance to win.

  46. Denise Mitchell Avatar
    Denise Mitchell

    I would pick Morning Glory Gradient as my choice! I would add it to the quilt that I am making now!

  47. ritainalaska Avatar

    Forest Canopy is fantastic! i’d use a big piece of it to applique birds and trees for a really great quilt.

  48. Melanie Avatar

    Very difficult decision but Abundance just won out over the others for me. All are amazing.

  49. Melanie Avatar

    Forgot to add what I would do with it!! I would use it for a spring table runner as the light green really reminds me of new spring growth.

  50. Michele T Avatar
    Michele T

    Moody Blues is my favorite!!

  51. Shawn Avatar

    I like the black gradient, thanks.
    smjohns63 at yahoo dot com

  52. Hanke Avatar

    I like the Rappahannock Sunset Gradient, It really looks like Sunset! Thanks for the chance!

  53. Pam Avatar

    Ohh – they are all so beautiful. I think Meadow Sunrise is my current favorite. Thanks for all the eye candy!

  54. Annmarie Avatar

    I love ALL of Vicki’s hand dyes but the blues in Paradise are simply fabulous!

  55. Jane Avatar

    Love Grandma quilt. Brings back memories.

  56. Irene Avatar

    I loved Southwest gradient. I think would be perfect for a beach or marine landscape quilt.

  57. Jane S. Avatar
    Jane S.

    I love all of Vicki’s fabrics but my favorite right now is Morning Glory. Those colors are so deep and rich they take my breath away! ๐Ÿ™‚

  58. libbyQ Avatar

    so many gorgeous choices . . . i think i’d pick seaworthy as a favorite. i would fondle it for a while, hang it on my design wall for a while, fondle it some more, and then i would show it off to everyone i know.
    yep, that’s what i’d do with it.


  59. Nupur Avatar

    I adore the Hand Dyed Fabric Southwest Gradient. Reminds me of sunrise at the beach! I’d use this fabric in a challenge quilt that I’m making next month.

  60. thunder Avatar

    I think festival would make a beautiful skirt for my grand daughter. they are all gorgeous! it was very hard to decide.

  61. Nita Avatar

    Sea and Sky ๐Ÿ™‚

  62. Becca Avatar

    It was so difficult picking my favorites this week. Such wonderful quilts.

    The gradients from Vicki Welsh are just gorgeous! I’ll have to say “Navajo” was my favorite, but that wasn’t easy, either. So many beautiful colors and combinations. I had a little dreamy fun trying to decide what I could make with those.

  63. Merrilee Rogotzke Avatar

    My favorite is Anatola (Pink to Yellow).

  64. Ranju Gandhi Avatar
    Ranju Gandhi

    I love hand dyed fabric southwest gradient

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