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A Ripple In Time By: Jackie White,
Ontario, Canada
It describes the past summer where I would work away on my quilt wherever my children were playing. I would haul it outside on the deck as they played in the dirt, in the car on road trips, and up to the farm on those rainy days. I always find summers just seem to disappear in the blink of an eye
Quilt size: width: 64" height: 64"
Artistic Tulip By: Wands Riggs,
Kentucky, USA
I made this little quilt in an improvisational quilting class taught by quilt artist Vikki Pignatelli this year at Jabez, KY.
Quilt size: width: 20.5" height: 22"
autumn leaf (Leonie) By: Leonie,
It’s a swap mini for autumn so I decided to do a leaf but couldn’t find a leaf block that I liked so I made up my own leaf, I would probably leave the blues out of the patch half now, but I really like the feel of the baby corduroy half. I tried out a lot of new techniques making it.
Quilt size: width: 17.5" height: 23.5"
Autumn leaves (Edny Raknes Reiten) By: Edny Raknes Reiten,
A gift to my brother’s 50 year-birthday.
Quilt size: width: 31" height: 41"
Autumn Leaves (Karin) By: Karin,
This was an experiment with the traditional Maple Leaf block, rotating it to evoke a sense of scattered leaves across the quilt top. The quilt was published in Australian Patchwork and Quilting under the title of Autumn Greetings in Vol 21 No 3
Quilt size: width: 51.5" height: 59"
Autumn Leaves (SeacoastQuilter) By: SeacoastQuilter,
New Hampshire, USA
I designed this runner to use as a free gift with a purchase in 2006 when I owned a quilt shop. I love fall colors the best!
Quilt size: width: 27" height: 48"
Autumn Spendor By: Tina Gilley,
Florida, USA
Original design. Inspired by gazing at the sky through the autumn tree tops.
Quilt size: width: 20" height: 20"
Checkerboard Flowers By: Barbara Stanbro,
Oregon, USA
This is a Block of the Month quilt. It is raw-edged applique with the edges of the applique pinked. When the quilt is washed, the edges of the appliques will “rag” giving it a three-dimensional appearance. It was displayed at the International Quilt Festival of Ireland earlier this year.
Quilt size: width: 88" height: 88"
Cheep Talk By: Betsy Lynn,
Illinois, USA
This is a quilt I made for a Denyse Schmidt Doll Quilt Swap. It is a compilation of two quilt blocks from “my whimsical quilt garden” by Piece O’ Cake Designs. It was fun making it and I really like how it turned out. My swap partner was thrilled to get it.
Quilt size: width: 22" height: 14"
Colours of Spring By: Mayfield,
I made this quilt using a large variety of floral fabrics with a jelly roll border. The quilt was made for my daughter in law who loves blues. The floral blocks are a traditional 4 patch with random hand appliqued flowes.
Quilt size: width: 96" height: 96"
Dresden Flowers and Snake By: Richard,
Utah, USA
I have never done a Dresden quilt before and wanted to see if I could do it.
Quilt size: width: 40" height: 50"
Fall Leaves (flamingo) By: flamingo,
Colorado, USA
I made this quilt from my scraps. This pattern is Scattered Leaves by Pam Buda.
Quilt size: width: 72" height: 81"
Fall Leaves (Patti Akins) By: Patti Akins,
Florida, USA
I wanted to make this a charm quilt, but I am new and since I used some of the same fabrics in the border, it is a only a “scrap quilt”. The pattern is from Maple Leaf Quilts, by Ilene Bartos. I hang this on my living-room wall during the fall months and love the bright colors and fabric variety.
Quilt size: width: 54.5" height: 61"
Falling leaves (Robin Bunch) By: Robin Bunch,
Maryland, USA
I made this quilt from a jelly roll and appliqued leaves on it. It was made for a silent auction to help pay funeral expenses for a friend. I also made a bag to keep the quilt in. The little girl who ‘won’ the quilt was very happy.
Quilt size: width: 42" height: 54"
Falling Leaves (Vickie) By: Vickie,
Utah, USA
This quilt was a free pattern in Quick Quilts October/November 2008. I used oranges, browns, greens, purples and yellows in batiks. The background is yellow microdots. It’s my favorite!
Quilt size: width: 81" height: 89"
Family Tree (Donna) By: Donna,
Michigan, USA
Made for my aunt and uncle for their 50th wedding anniversary, guests were to sign their names inside each leaf on the tree. This is a wallhanging they could then treasure. Stipple-quilted background, and around the leaves and tree.
Quilt size: width: 55" height: 40"
Family Tree (Erica Baron) By: Erica Baron,
Vermont, USA
After giving up on quilting for several years, I went to an art quilt show and was inspired to try again. This was the second quilt after I came back to quilting, and one of my favorites.
Quilt size: width: 60" height: 37"
Fantasy Doorway By: Darlene Bayley,
Alberta, Canada
Project inspired by metal embossing plates and my love of trees. A young ghost of a girl sits outside an old brownstone building. Leaves done with Texture Magic and trees are wrapped and stitched cords. The door is metal. The background is painted Lutrador.
Quilt size: width: 18" height: 24"
Flower Garden Pillow By: Jo Hobson,
British Columbia, Canada
This was to be an inspirational birthday gift for a young sewer to copy but I decided at 9 years it was a bit beyond her yet, so made her a simpler one using traditional blocks instead. Now I have a cushion with no home!
Quilt size: width: 19" height: 19"
Foliage Fantasy By: AnneP,
Ontario, Canada
Based on a pattern by Karla Alexander.
Quilt size: width: 53" height: 67"
Grandmother’s Flower Garden By: dwynette,
Nebraska, USA
This is an entirely hand pieced and hand quilted grandmother’s flower garden quilt with original border designs. I pieced the quilt and after discouraged in quilting it, it sat in a closet for a few years. A friend, Cheryl Jaixon, decided to finish quilting it. It took her 2 years.
Quilt size: width: 118" height: 110"
Harvest Moon By: Tubaville,
Minnesota, USA
Inspired by a Deb Karasik design, I fused the pieces to the crazy quilted background then machine appliqued them. Nothing was measured or planned beyond looking at a picture in Deb Karasik’s book.
Quilt size: width: 17" height: 27"
In Gerda’s Honor By: Tricia,
Michigan, USA
This quilt is named after my honored friend: Gerda V. who passed on 6/4/12. We were using a Lori Smith applique pattern, stashbusting & no more that 18×20. I tea-dyed my muslin for 1st time. Handquilted the oakleaves & acorns w/1/8″ stitch. I finished it in Her Honor after she passed as tribute. TY.
Quilt size: width: 16" height: 18"
In memory of my mother’s passing By: Marika Szabó,
Passing away – This quilt was made for the memory of my mother. It was only planning to make some interesting things but gauze was soft and did not hold the gauze texture use of starches on the advice of my mother, this was the solution.
Quilt size: width: 45" height: 50"
Indian summer By: Kathrin,
Made of old rests of different fabrics, sewed by hand, handquilted.
Quilt size: width: 17" height: 11"
Iris and Rust for Fall By: Cheryl Hartzog,
Florida, USA
The background to this wall hanging is fabric that I dyed from rusty items last summer . I decided to use this iris flower (fat quarter) that I had for a long time to make this long wall hanging, the 1 inch sashing I brought with the Iris flowers makes it stand out more.
Quilt size: width: 19" height: 45"
Jane Austen’s Coverlet (replica) (not eligible to win) By: Céline Jalal,
This is a replica of Jane Austen’s coverlet. I make this quilt with passion and I need one year (each day and 1500 hours). I love Jane Austen and when I began the patchwork it’s a revelation. Each diamond is a flower.
Quilt size: width: 94" height: 112"
Last Vestige By: Lindy,
Washington, USA
Free motion embroidered applique’ leaves, randomly cut and pieced tree (raw edge appliqued), lots and lots of leafy motif quilting. Last Vestige shows my love for the Fall Season! Bring it on!
Quilt size: width: 16" height: 24"
Lemon Tree By: Allie,
Michigan, USA
When I was young, my mum played a song called Lemon Tree, and I loved it. I would sing it over and over. I decided to make a tree quilt pattern based on the song. This little quilt was auctioned for Japan Quake Relief and now lives in Australia with my best Aussie mate, Jenny.
Quilt size: width: 14" height: 19"
Liberty runner By: LethargicLass,
Ontario, Canada
This is a table runner I made for my Mom for Christmas 2011. Liberty of London has always meant special fabrics for her, and she loves flowers so to make this with all the beautiful Liberty prints was an easy choice.
Quilt size: width: 16" height: 38"
Maple Leaf Log Cabin By: Mary,
Indiana, USA
This table runner is made from my scrap box. I had seen a similar block in a 9″ in a magazine a few years ago. I adjusted the size to 12″. This was my first attempt at HSTs. Not perfect, but it works well for our huge trestle table.
Quilt size: width: 17" height: 52"
Marianne’s Garden By: Vreni Kohler,
I made this quilt for my friend Marianne. The pattern is by Kellie from “Don’t look now”; I just changed a few details.
Quilt size: width: 40" height: 50"
Marieta disfruta del otoño-Marieta enjoys of the autumn By: ana-ane,
Un grupo de amigas hicimos un intercambio, en el que el motivo principal era el otoño, yo hice este pequeño quilt para Marieta.
A group of friends we made Me an exchange, in which the principal motive was the autumn, I did this small quilt for Marieta
Quilt size: width: 15" height: 15"
Oak Leaves By: Kathi Iacovelli,
Pennsylvania, USA
One day, my friend, who is not a quilter, helped me to organize my fabric. Her comment to me was that I had too much fabric and needed to use up some of it up before I bought more. I made this quilt with over 70 different fabrics and gave it to her, making only a tiny dent in that stash.
Quilt size: width: 52" height: 52"
october leaves By: grace thorne,
Maine, USA
my love of autumn fabrics and a book called “a month of sundays” prompted me to make this october wallhanging. i made it about 15 years ago and i like it as much today as i did then. in fact, i made 3 of them and gifted the other 2!
Quilt size: width: 24" height: 24"
Puddle of Leaves By: Lily Kangas,
Ontario, Canada
I was looking for a kids project to show how to do fusible appliqué. First I chose the background colour and after layering it, I quilted swirl designs to look like raindrops. Then I fused leaves in various fall colours and blanket stitched around them to add texture.
Quilt size: width: 16.5" height: 17"
Save the trees, Save the Earth By: Jean Sewing Machine,
Missouri, USA
This is made in my favorite way of making quilt tops, the jelly roll race style, enlarged to fit a queen bed. I quilted it using the motif of leaves and stems across the entire quilt. This was my third large quilt that I’ve done on my longarm. I was happy with the quilting motif! Pillows match!
Quilt size: width: 80" height: 82"
shattered daisies By: Wendy B,
I did a workshop with a tutor by the name of Robyn Ginn……did much of the handwork whilst I was laid up after my knee replacement. We had to start with an ‘ugly’ focus fabric…….I don’t think mine’s ugly anymore!!!!
Quilt size: width: 50" height: 66"
Spring – Aviv! By: Debbie,
I made this quilt for a special exhibit of my local quilting group, several years ago. We had a floral theme and my quilt is named “Spring-Aviv.” Aviv is the Hebrew word for Spring. I made it to brighten up a certain wall space in my home. All the applique is three dimensional, Timtex filled.
Quilt size: width: 41" height: 40"
Spring Flowers Quilt By:,
California, USA
This quilt is designed by my Quilting teacher Connie J Viner. I made it in a Spring theme. Its a wall hanging and I had soooo much fun making it. The quilt is all Appliqued in Spring colors to a white background.
Quilt size: width: 35" height: 45"
Starlit Forest By: Judee,
California, USA
When I saw this pattern in Quiltmaker magazine, I knew I had to make it. I love batiks and paper piecing. I grew up in the Pine Tree State. This is my quilt. In the winter months, it hangs in our living room.
Quilt size: width: 26" height: 38"
The Jungle Quilt By: Amanda,
Colorado, USA
After waiting six years for this nephew I wanted to go over the top with his quilt. It has interactive animals, pieces that move, hidden animals, and texture, texture, textures. The tree trucks are corduroy, the jungle interior batik, and the leaves are batik with pinked edges. It’s just fun.
Quilt size: width: 45" height: 48"
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