Earlier this year, I was thrilled to participate in the first-ever Aurifil blog hop. Nine bloggers got together and each of us created a block and now Pat Sloan is putting together the quilt.
Now it’s time to put the quilt blocks together, choose the setting and the borders. All the FUN is over at Pat’s blog. Several of the designers are also participating, here’s the list:
And because Aurifil is such a FUN company.. they are giving away a box of Pat’s 40wt thread to a lucky person that comments on any of the blogs from July 5 to the evening of July 10. (P.S. I see some of the other designers are doing give-aways on their sites this week too!)
Looking for the original quilt blocks? You can find them all on Aurifil’s blog.
Have fun Blog Hopping!
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