Earlier this year, I was thrilled to participate in the first-ever Aurifil blog hop. Nine bloggers got together and each of us created a block and now Pat Sloan is putting together the quilt.

Now it’s time to put the quilt blocks together, choose the setting and the borders. All the FUN is over at Pat’s blog. Several of the designers are also participating, here’s the list:

And because Aurifil is such a FUN company.. they are giving away a box of Pat’s 40wt thread to a lucky person that comments on any of the blogs from July 5 to the evening of July 10. (P.S. I see some of the other designers are doing give-aways on their sites this week too!)

Looking for the original quilt blocks? You can find them all on Aurifil’s blog.

Have fun Blog Hopping!

32 responses to “Late to the Aurifil Party!”

  1. Gwen Avatar

    How exciting to be a part of designing and creating blocks in this quilt! It’s going to be very pretty!

  2. Belinda Avatar

    So fun to revisit these blocks ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. DebrafromMD Avatar

    I love watching the final design evolve. Thanks to Aurifil and Pat for this fun hop redo.

  4. Dale Anne Potter Avatar

    All the blocks are LOVELY!
    It will be interesting to see which placement is used.
    And, FUN that Aurifil is giving away threads – who can’t use more threads…LOL!

  5. Mary C in WA Avatar

    I enjoy going back to see the Blogs from the Aurifil Hop and the chance to win AURIFIL Thread is a bonus.
    Fun watching Pat put it all together.

  6. Lee Ann L. Avatar

    Better late than never! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Jocelyn Avatar

    I’ve never used Aurifil Thread before, but it looks like it would be a great thread to try.

  8. Molly Avatar

    Aurifil is fabulous! Since I started using it earlier this year, I will not machine quilt with anything else. Love it! Wicked nice giveaway!

  9. Alicia enriquez Avatar

    It is gong to be a beautiful quilt

  10. Connie Avatar

    Love the colors in the blocks! It will be beautiful when done.

  11. Carrie P. Avatar

    the blocks are all so great. it is so nice to be able to make some ourselves.

  12. Bonnie Avatar

    I need to go and check out the blocks and see what you all created..

  13. Linda in PA Avatar
    Linda in PA

    All the blocks are great! It’s been fun helping make decisions on the final quilt.

  14. patty Avatar

    I love all the blocks. It is hard to pick a layout, but I like E.

  15. Cecilia Young Avatar
    Cecilia Young

    I have enjoyed “helping” with the decisions on the quilt.

  16. CathyC in Alberta Avatar
    CathyC in Alberta

    This block challenge was spectacular and chance to win some Aurifil thread…be still my heart!

  17. MarciaW Avatar

    I’m enjoying the second time around for the Aurifil block party! Everyone’s blocks are wonderful, and enjoy visiting and voting on Pat Sloan’s blog. Of course, an opportunity to win prizes is great too.

  18. Cindy W. Avatar
    Cindy W.

    This block tour was a lot of fun. Getting to read different blogs and sites was great.

  19. Sharon Scott Avatar
    Sharon Scott

    Sorry to be late! ๐Ÿ™‚ Love the blocks and thread, thanks for the giveaway!

  20. Marcia Avatar

    Love the fabrics and threads!!

  21. Brenda Avatar

    lovely threads. thanks for the chance.

  22. Joanna Avatar

    This is such a nice giveaway. Fabric is what usually gets the most attention, but the thread is an essential part of the projects, too. Thanks, Aurifil.

  23. Four dogs and one quilter Avatar
    Four dogs and one quilter

    Love Aurifil thread, thanks for the chance to win.

  24. Deserae Fiedler Avatar

    I love Aurifil! Thanks for the giveaway!

  25. Linda Avatar


  26. Barbara Y Avatar
    Barbara Y

    This has been fun. Thanks for sharing. Hope that I can win the thread.

  27. Mimi Avatar

    I am enjoying the Aurfil Block Party – getting great ideas for applique too. Thanks!

  28. Hanna Avatar

    Awesome!! I would love to win the thread!! Thank you for sharing.

  29. Harriet Campbell Avatar
    Harriet Campbell

    thing look good and I loved the quilt good job Happy

  30. Anna Avatar

    It is really a fun quilt- I love the pretty blocks and the addition of the striped fabric sashing.
    Thanks for participating.

  31. Beth T. Avatar
    Beth T.

    If I were making this quilt, I’d probably choose the blue colorway, while my sweetheart would want me to go with the green for more contrast. It’s so interesting to see all the options. Thanks for this great project.

  32. Heather Howard Avatar

    All looked lovely…difficult to choose!

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