As promised in my post earlier today, presented below is the large fabric basket tutorial. It comes with a story that I wanted to share with you all.

I made quilts for both of my nieces for Christmas. With Lucy’s birthday so close, I wasn’t planning to make her anything. That is until I saw this fabulous post from Geta Grama.


I could tell by the photo that Geta’s basket is bigger than the one I did before using Ayumi’s great tutorial. Having featured Geta’s Stack and Whack Kaleidoscope tutorial in the past, I knew I had her email on file. So I sent her an email asking her for the dimensions of her basket, as I wanted to make it for my niece.

Geta was kind enough to send me this chart, and these measurements which helped tremendously.


Finished size: 14″ x 6″ x 4″
Cut 32 squares: 2.5″ x 2.5″
The middle part is: 10″ x 16.5″
Two strips on top and bottom: 2 x (2″ x 16.5″)
Handles: 2 x (3.5″ x 13″)

If you want one even bigger, you can add more squares (1 column- 4 squares, or 2 columns – 8 squares).

Then a couple of days later, Geta sends me this full tutorial, Quilted Basket. Complete with a new design option and lots of easy to understand photos.

I want to thank Geta for her generosity in making this tutorial, and for her inspiration and creativity. I loved the fabric baskets I made for Lucy, and they weren’t nearly as difficult as I thought they would be, because the tutorial was so well done. One of these days, I’ll even make one of the more difficult ones using the technique in the tutorial. Here’s Geta’s finished basket:


The tips to sew flat the middle bottom seam and to add the additional lines of sewing to form the bottom of the basket worked wonders.

Note: If you decide to make this basket too, use either the measurements presented above or the ones in the tutorial. Don’t mix them, as they are slightly different.

While I loved the flowers from Geta’s first post about the baskets, I opted not to add them to Lucy’s as Lucy has a 4 month old baby sister, so we’re back in baby-proofing mode in our family for the next year or so.

I’d love to see your finished baskets, as I’m sure Geta would too. Please leave a comment below to the link on your site.

Enjoy and have fun. I sure did. Can’t wait to make more.

5 responses to “Large Quilted Fabric Basket Tutorial”

  1. Mom Avatar

    Can’t wait to make more?

    Mom would love one for her kitchen table, but must match the fabulous table runner you made me for Christmas!!!

  2. aida Avatar

    i love the bag..and the colours are bright and beautiful..wl try it..

  3. myricoud Avatar

    merci beaucoup, je voulais justement me faire un caba trop bien

    myricoud’s last blog post..pull points en diagonales

  4.  Avatar

    Excellent tutorial! Love the quilted fabric. This will be really cool and useful. Thanks!

  5. Anonymous Avatar

    Great tutorial, thanks for sharing! I can’t wait to try it out! I am definitely going to be making these for gifts this year 🙂

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