Fabric Items For the Kitchen

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  • Total submissions: 31
  • Total countries: 8
  • Total provinces: 4
  • Total states: 16

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A Gift for Lesley A Gift for Lesley
By: kc, Texas, USA

Designed as a surprise gift for her sister, Lesley, Sarah asked for watermelons on a quilted food processor cover. She got them embroidered on each side pocket and the front too. Thanks to hubby, there’s even a cord slot in the back! Her mom says Christmas will be over when Lesley opens her gift!

Quilt size: width: 11" height: 12"

Amy's Dish Mat Amy’s Dish Mat
By: Candace Moore, Iowa, USA

I made this dish mat for my daughter-in-law after she mentioned that she would like one. When I saw the fabric I had to have it. I now have a matching dish mat for myself!

Quilt size: width: 26" height: 22"

Autumn Table Runner Autumn Table Runner
By: Orlean Muirhead, Alberta, Canada

I wanted to have something on the table to celebrate the season and also provide an inspirational message. This is the first of a series of four inspirational seasonal table runners that I am custom designing for my table. My thanks to Angie for all of her help and encouragement!

Quilt size: width: 21" height: 66"

Bess' Place Mats Bess’ Place Mats
By: Debi C., North Carolina, USA

Designed my own placemats, as a gift for my Mother-in-law for Christmas, 2010. She loves pinks and greens and my hubby helped pick out the fabric. I also made her matching coasters!

Quilt size: width: 15" height: 10"

Blue Christmas Placemats Blue Christmas Placemats
By: QuilterinMotion, Maine, USA

These placemats are made using Anita Grossman Solomon’s “Anita’s Arrowhead” block. They are made with the same pattern and same two colors. One simple cut makes them look like opposites.

Quilt size: width: 10" height: 15"

Bodum Touque Bodum Touque
By: Ruth O, Ontario, Canada

My brother wanted a Cozy for his French Press, couldn’t find a pattern that was fully closed so I made my own, added the matching pot holders and now I have to make them every year! He calls it a Bodum Touque!!! LOL Men!!!

Quilt size: width: 10" height: 6"

Christmas Apron Christmas Apron
By: Darlene Gerber, Ohio, USA

I tested this Christmas Kitchen apron pattern for designer Ruth Blanchet. When looking through my stash of fabric I discovered the Folded Star block and the coordinating fabric. The bib has been quilted diagonally and then the Folder Star was attached using a satin stitch. I donated it for charity.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 36"

Christmas Delight Christmas Delight
By: Janovi, Malaysia

I was supposed to make a Christmas quilt for my bed but decided to make this instead!! I ended up making 3 valances and a table runner…I kept two and gave one to my sister!!

Quilt size: width: 90" height: 17"

Dinner is Served Dinner is Served
By: Julia, Australia

Made for Son’s outdoor B-B-Q table, all in food fabrics with black sashing

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 90"

Heart Placemats - Accuquilt/Schamber inspired Heart Placemats – Accuquilt/Schamber inspired
By: Marlene Oddie, Washington, USA

Our Fearless Design group decided to take the Ch. 9 assignment and make placemats to donate to the local Senior Center for their craft sale. I didn’t really follow the original assignment, but after testing my Accuquilt Heart die cutter and obtaining a Sharon Schamber DVD, these were inspired. Love!

Quilt size: width: 18" height: 13"

Hot Pad Blues Hot Pad Blues
By: Marcia, Wisconsin, USA

“Hot Pad Blues” – Created from the scraps of my “Up Cycled” Denim Beaded Table Topper. Used a heat resistant batting and added a fringie binding.

Quilt size: width: 10" height: 10"

Jewels Jewels
By: Flo@ButterflyQuilting, Saskatchewan, Canada

This was a special gift I made for my sister’s wedding. The rich colours remind me of royalty, and hopefully makes her feel special every time she uses them. I think they would look especially good on a Thanksgiving table with all the fixings!!

Quilt size: width: 17" height: 13"

Kitchen Aid Mug Rug Kitchen Aid Mug Rug
By: Susanne, Germany

Love that fabric! Matches perfectly my kitchen items 🙂

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 6"

Morning coffee Morning coffee
By: liza, Bulgaria

I made this cup mat (crazy pacthwork) for a friendly exchange on spring theme. I borrowed the model of the daffodil from some magazine but the overall look is my own design.

Quilt size: width: 10" height: 7"

My Kitchen Angel My Kitchen Angel
By: Beatrice, France

Hand embroidery, machine piecing & quilting.
Design Syverkstan.

Quilt size: width: 14.5" height: 21.5"

owl pot holders owl pot holders
By: beaquilter, North Carolina, USA

I made these pot holders with my Go! cutter and have made several pairs. I will also have a tutorial on my blog later. They are a HOOT to make

Quilt size: width: 8" height: 8"

Pantry Pantry
By: Barbara, Oregon, USA

This is a bug jar quilt. Contained in the bug jars are vegetables, fruits, candy, and coffee beans. I always enjoyed seeing the bug jar quilt my aunt had hanging on her wall. When I learned to quilt, I felt I couldn’t be a REAL quilter, until I’d made one of these. I hope you like my quilt!

Quilt size: width: 80" height: 86"

Patriotic Placemats Patriotic Placemats
By: Lori, Michigan, USA

Quilt size: width: 13" height: 17"

Pear cup coasters and place mat set Pear cup coasters and place mat set
By: Kirie, Germany

A romantic set of pear shaped cup coasters and a place mat with a needle turn applique.

Quilt size: width: 8" height: 9"

Peppermints Peppermints
By: Sue Cook, Pennsylvania, USA

This is my latest pattern which contains 2 projects-a mug rug and an ornament. They are both paper pieced and go together quickly. The ornament has a secret pocket in the back to hold a small gift like a gift card, money, candy or even a piece of jewelry.

Quilt size: width: 5" height: 5"

Plastic Bag Keeper Plastic Bag Keeper
By: Sharon Vrooman, New York, USA

I used a pattern from Moda Bake Shop and left over charms to make a keeper for those pesky plastic bags. Machine quilted, embellished with ribbon, button and alphabet beads – they now have a pretty place to stay until used or recycled.

Quilt size: width: 9" height: 18"

Retro Table Decor Retro Table Decor
By: Tonya, Missouri, USA

This is one of my favorite table sets that I’ve ever made. The set includes a runner, place mats, napkins and coasters. I love the colors!

Quilt size: width: 13" height: 38"

Sandra's Spiral Sandra’s Spiral
By: Cynthia Lynn, North Carolina, USA

My boss and his wife are so good to me – and I just had to do something nice for them. I found the fabrics to tie all the elements of their great room together, won the pattern from Viv Bales, and the rest is history. Finished it in time for Sandra’s birthday – and the colors were a perfect match!

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 22"

Spiderweb table runner Spiderweb table runner
By: Cheryl, Illinois, USA

Sewn on my 1896 Singer treadle, and hand quilted. Not quite finished, but it will be before the weekend is over. This took me a year, since I put it down and got busy on other projects.

Quilt size: width: 30" height: 12"

Stable Stable
By: Turid Bakken, Norway

A hot pad for horse lovers.

Quilt size: width: 7" height: 11"

Tablecloth in the round Tablecloth in the round
By: Jacquelyn, Arizona, USA

A round table topper. My first round quilt done was done this year, and I am in the middle of making a second. It is also a great idea for a christmas tree skirt.
Found in the book called Quilts without Corners, the 9degree ruler and my dining table is topped with a beautiful round quilt.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"

Tea Cozy Tea Cozy
By: Nellie, Tennessee, USA

This piece started out to be a wall hanging, but ended up being a tea cozy.

Quilt size: width: 9" height: 6"

Teresa's apron Teresa’s apron
By: Teresa’s Apron, South Dakota, USA

I made this apron for my sister-in-law’s birthday.

Quilt size: width: 25" height: 36"

This Cluck's for You This Cluck’s for You
By: quiltingmama20, New York, USA

I was in a Kitchen Swap-we had to make a wallhanging or table topper for the kitchen with a matching towel. I chose Fat Cat Patterns chicken pattern as my swap partner had a chicken motif in her kitchen. I made the towel with the leftovers, making a multiple 4-patch border for the towel.

Quilt size: width: 15" height: 15"

Toaster cover Toaster cover
By: Marie D., Pennsylvania, USA

Along with the 12X12 table pad I decided to go three dimensional with a standard 4 slice toaster cover. It was fun to try something different.

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 12"

Wonky Star potholders Wonky Star potholders
By: Eryn Fraser, British Columbia, Canada

These potholders were made for my partner in a blind swap between my Guild, the Fraser Valley Modern Quilt Guild, and the Vancouver Modern Quilt Guild. It was hard to send them off but now I’m inspired to make some for myself too!!

Quilt size: width: 10" height: 10"

One response to “Fabric Items For the Kitchen”

  1. Stephan Hilson Avatar
    Stephan Hilson

    The fabric items looked very neat. Some items are very timing for the Christmas season. Placemats, pot holders and toaster covers seem interesting. But I wish I could find a kitchen fabric item, which could cover my hand while frying. Anyway, good luck to contestants, who will participate on quilt contests.

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