February 2009 will be Guest Blogger month at the Quilting Gallery. If you’d like to participate, please send me an email and I’ll give you the next available date.
First, read other Guest Blogger posts to get an idea of what others have written about.
I don’t have any real guidelines and I am pretty much open to whatever you would like to write about. I do ask that it not be too commercial or hard-sell in nature. That’s not to say you can’t mention your business adventures, you certainly can, as part of the overall write-up. (I accept advertising, so if you’d like to write specifically about your product or business, drop me an email to discuss.)
Here are some ideas on what you could write about:
- your own quilting history, how did you get started quilting
- what do you love and/or hate about the process
- where you are from, where you’ve been, where you’re going
- what you’ve done, awards won, contests entered, personal achievements (smile on a grandchild’s face!)
- what technique(s) do you want to learn this year, or further perfect
- if you blog, why?
- met anyone famous from the quilting world?
- do you have a mentor or idol, if so, who and why?
- charity efforts, teaching events, retreats, cruises, etc.
Everyone loves to see photos, so I encourage you to include a few with your submission (six would be a good number). I’m happy to modify the photos to fit the site. Please submit photos with a minimum size of 400px wide, any maximum is fine.
Links to your site(s) should be included in the write up, just put them in brackets, and I’ll link them correctly.
If you’d like to offer a free gift as a contest to readers that answer a question in the comments, that would be fantastic. It’s not required, but appreciated. Contests and asking readers questions always get more response. You would be responsible to ship the prize to the lucky winner.
Content and photos must be submitted 5 days prior to the posting date I’ll send to you. If you cannot meet your date, or decide not to participate, please let me know as soon as possible, so that I may give your spot to someone else.
Content should be written directly in the email you send to me, or as an attached text document. Please no MS Word or other publishing program.
Ideally, I’d just like to copy and paste the text and not have to edit it in anyway. I do reserve the right to edit and/or refuse to post anything submitted. If you are in doubt if what you wish to talk about is acceptable or not, just email me first.
UPDATE: February Guest Blogger month is now full. Please contact me in March if you would like to be a guest blogger at another time. I allow two guest bloggers per week in other months.
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