Introducing Milo

Hi there! My name is Milo, wanna be my friend?


I was born on September 6th, 2011 and I’m 10 weeks old.
I came to live with my new mommy last Friday.


Here’s a picture of me and my brothers at two weeks old with our mom.

Milo, Mom, Brothers

My mom is a Spaniel, Shih Tzu, Pug mix and weighs about 13 pounds.

Milo, Mom, Brothers

Here’s my dad. He’s a Chihuahua and Yorkie mix and weighs about 5 pounds.

Milo's Dad

Here’s a picture of me at five weeks.

Milo 5 weeks

And a couple of pictures of me at 6 weeks.

Milo 6 weeks

Milo 6 weeks

And a photo of me at 8 weeks.

Milo 8 weeks

I went to the vet on Saturday and she says I’m perfectly healthy.
I weighed a whopping 3.5 pounds and the vet thinks I’ll get to be 10 pounds when I’m fully grown.



I nap all the time.




I have a new bed and lots of toys at my new home.



I helped my new mommy as she was drawing a quilt design the other day.
I’m going to be a great quilt inspector.


I love to go outside and do most of my business out there. Mom needs to learn to get up, dressed and then let me out of my crate in the mornings to go outside, cos I gotta GO!


If I see you walking on the sidewalk, I will try to chase you, and if you don’t stop and say how adorable I am, I might even bark at you. Mom says I need Puppy Kindergarten.


I really like my new home! Mom says I’m a great addition to the Quilting Gallery staff.

Updated: Oh Thank Cuteness! – Milo’s Adventures

46 responses to “Introducing Milo”

  1. carly Avatar

    oh-mah-gah he is so stinkin’ cute! cannot wait to see him!

  2. Lone Avatar

    Hi michele

    he is so sweet the little boy
    love him – Hug him – and most of all
    let him give his love right back to you.

    Hugs from Lone
    In Denmark
    🙂 🙂 🙂

  3. Sara Avatar

    OMG – Milo is adorable! I hope we see a lot of him on the blog!!!!

  4. Ruth Oblinski Avatar

    Welcome to Milo from all your Quilting Friends! We’ll come for a visit one of these days.
    Love Micky!!!

  5. Jane S. Avatar
    Jane S.

    What a wee little lad! Gosh he is a cute one, isn’t he?

  6. Tracee Avatar

    Well isn’t he just the cutest, I’m sure that he is going to bring smiles all year round.

  7. Toni Avatar

    He’s way cute!

  8. Jan Avatar

    Milo is such a handsome guy, and so articulate!

  9. Annmarie Avatar

    Just darling – lucky puppy & lucky Quilting Gallery staff! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Viviane Avatar

    So when is Milo going to Puppy Kindergarten?

  11. Vicki W Avatar

    Awwww, that’s a serious case of cute you’ve got there!

  12. evelyn Avatar

    On a CUTE scale of 1-10, he is at least a 12. How adorable.

  13. What Comes Next? Avatar

    OMG – Look at that face! Adorable! Hi Milo, yes, I’ll be your friend – please come visit!

  14. Karin Avatar

    Oh, good golly – there just isn’t any cuter than Milo, and I’m afraid that even includes my adorable little pup!! What sweetness behind those big eyes!! He sure has lots of love to share – I’m glad you’ve found each other!!!

  15. Jennifer Richards Avatar

    Welcome to Quilting Gallery, Milo….I’m sure you will be a great quilt inspector!

  16. Deborah Avatar

    Awwwwwww. Too cute!
    Congrats to both of you.

  17. Anita Westerveld Avatar
    Anita Westerveld

    Aaaaah Milo, I just want to cuddle you silly!! I’ve been waiting for these photo’s and I loved looking at all of them. Mich, you did a wonderful thing, giving this little boy a good and loving home. I can’t tell you what Siep means to us, she’s the therapist around here and hears all the happy and sad things that go on. The love you get from such a wonderful creature is priceless. Í’m happy for you both and Siep says WOOF (meaning hi)!!

  18. SewCalGal Avatar

    Oh Milo, you are so cute. I’m confident you are going to grow up and be an excellent quilting inspector. Of course, I hope you and your mommie will take a photo of you on a quilt (showing how you help her) and enter it in the Pets on Quilts Show in 2012.


  19. Julie Fukuda Avatar

    Hi Milo! My dad created new roses and said hybrids are the best, strongest, and most beautiful. I can see that you are also quite advanced for your age with computer skills and all. You should make a very knowledgable quilt inspector some day. Nikko says the best thing she ever did was go to a puppy party. At that party she discovered that she is actually a dog too. Now she is an ambassador for dogs and people (and sometimes cats). May all your dreams come true!

  20. Rachel D. Avatar

    Well Milo, you are the cutest quilt inspector I’ve ever seen. Wishing you a long and very happy life in your new house. Cheers from Belgium.

  21. Teresa Felgueiras Avatar

    Welcome Milo. You are the cutest thing ever. I have a 5 month old puppy too. you’d love to play with him, it’s a shame he’s so far away.

  22. Sunni @ Love Affair Avatar

    I love him! He is so precious!!

  23. Esther from Denmark Avatar
    Esther from Denmark

    Oh, he is cute. hope he be a fine quilt inspektor
    Kind regard Esther

  24. Trish Avatar

    OMG Milo is so cute. How adorable. You should have heard the ooohs and awwhhhs coming from me. Thanks for sharing!

  25. Frauke Avatar

    WHAT a cutie !!! Say HI to Milo from overseas, please ;-)) I can see he will become a wonderful quilt inspector – already being on the table and so ;-)) Hoping for LOTS of pictures of the little guy, Frauke

  26. Willeke Avatar

    I think, I’m in love!

    Greethings from the Netherlands

  27. Karen Avatar

    Milo seems quite qualified for his new job! Darling!

  28. Sue K Avatar

    You are as goofy as I am about dogs. I have a photo album of “Putter” (we’re golfers) when she was a puppy – along with captions just like you have done. Whatever would we do without our buddies . . . .

  29. Irene Puzinas Avatar

    Milo, you are absolutely adorable!!!! I think you have found a wonderful new home and wish you a long and happy life with your new family.

  30. Phyllis Dobbs Avatar

    Milo is just toooooo, too cute! I just want to hug him!

  31. Margaret Avatar

    My cat, Mandu, would like to be Milo’s friend. He collects fabrics and laces and stashes them under the piano. His webpage is:
    If Milo gets his own web page, Mandu will be happy to let all his friends know.

  32. Jodie Heinold Avatar

    Ahhhhh….he is just ADORABLE!! Sooo sweet, Michele!!

  33. michelebilyeu Avatar

    A.D.D.O.R.A.B.L.E and those are the most expressive eyes, ever! No wonder mommy loves you so much!

    I have befriended you along with Scooter Simms…Ami simms B.I.G. dog! You should go over to his FB and get acquainted and pick up some new friends there!!!!

  34. Lindy Avatar

    2 cute! I would say, “Enjoy him”, but it is fairly obvious that’s a done deal! :?}

  35. Amanda Ryan Avatar

    Milo is so sweet. I can really empathise with you, as we have a thirteen week old cocker spaniel, who is a real time waster and needs a lot of looking after at the moment, though she’s getting easier every day.

  36. Sandi Avatar

    OH, I think he is just the cutest little quilt inspector ever!!! He is the lap dog I wanted when we got our beagle. And our beagle, Kaiser, would tell you that the part his mom doesn’t like is that “getting up and getting dressed part in the morning!” LOL!! Enjoy your little cutey! It will be an adventure. 🙂

  37. Kelli Avatar

    He is SO adorable! Thanks for sharing all the pics – reminded me of when our Cavalier was a pup! I vote for Milo as Top Quilt Inspector!

  38. Brenda Howard Avatar

    Milo, I am in love with you I look forward to hearing all about your life.

  39. Angie Avatar

    so cute! makes me love my 9 mo. old puppy a little more today!

  40. Nancy D. Avatar
    Nancy D.

    Awww. So sweet – Makes me want another one:0)

  41. Cátia Avatar

    I’ve loved Milo!!!!!! I want to see him a lot of time in this blog!

  42. Mom Avatar

    Hi Milo

    Nana Calling. We now have two wonderful grand puppies I hope you will have a wonderful time with Spencer (# 1 Grand Puppy) and our family dog Barney. Lucy and Alice are just going to want to hug you forever. I can’t wait for the family picture at Christmas, and to meet you.
    Grandpa says, oh yea another dog to walk on Christmas morning!!!, but I kow he is anxiously waiting your visit. You are really a lucky boy to get such a wonderful Mommy, she adores you.
    Love Nana

  43. Kathinca Avatar

    He is sooooo cute! And very photogenic!

  44. dani S Avatar
    dani S

    Welcome Milo, you can come on over for your frist play date any time…..
    My dog ” Dumplyn” is s Yorky mix 8.3 lbs and is my brown eyed girl….

  45. Sandie Hrycyk Avatar
    Sandie Hrycyk

    Oh Milo, you are a lucky little quilt inspector. You will get to see lots of things while you are working at the quilt gallery. Now do a good job of keeping Mommy amused. You are the cutest little thing. I won’t get to meet you in person until after the snow comes and goes but I do look forward to it.

  46. Stefanie Mclaughlin Avatar
    Stefanie Mclaughlin

    I can’t tell you what Siep means to us, she’s the therapist around here and hears all the happy and sad things that go on. You should have heard the ooohs and awwhhhs coming from me. He’s way cute! It will be an adventure.

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