Please join me in welcoming the first Guest Blogger to the Quilting Gallery. If you’re interested in being a Guest Blogger, just drop me an email to discuss.

I am pleased to be a guest blogger for the Quilting Gallery! My name is Barb Aguiar. I have a blog, Ocean Waves Quilts. I have been a quilter for about 20 years, but sewing since I was a child. I had always loved quilts, but never even thought of making one until I went to Sturbridge Village in Mass. There I saw a hand appliqued and hand quilted queen sized quilt that I absolutely fell in love with. This was in the 80’s. I looked at the price tag, and nearly fell over in shock! It was $1,800.00! I said: “I could make that”!

Well, let me tell you, by the time I was done with that quilt, the price seemed nominal! I learned everything there was to learn by making that quilt, and made every mistake there was too! But it started me on quilting, and I have never looked back! I have tried almost every type of quilting there is, but I have a love of designing my own quilts, and I love handwork more than any technique. I still work full time, so I don’t have as much time as I would like to hand quilt. I also love to do photo quilts, they make great gifts, after all everyone likes to look at pictures!

I now have grandchildren, it is such fun to make things for them! I do a wide variety of quilting techniques, and I try to share any new techniques I learn with my fellow bloggers. I have recently designed three quilt patterns. I have always loved to do original work, so I decided to try my hand at designing some easy to use machine applique patterns. So far, they are getting great reviews. My “Tooth fairy pattern” will be for sale in Nancy’s Notions’ fall catalog.

My biggest joy in quilting though, has been the wonderful friends I have made, because of having this hobby in common. I have had a quilting group that has been together for over 20 years. We have shared our many different quilting techniques, and our many different views on life.

I also have met so many wonderful people in the blogging world. I have learned so much from my fellow bloggers! It is amazing to “talk” to a quilter on the other side of the world! I look forward to meeting many more new friends through the Quilting Gallery, thank you Michele!


6 responses to “Introducing Barb Aguiar from Massachusetts, USA”

  1. Bill Jansen Avatar
    Bill Jansen

    I never knew anything about quilting until I met Barb and she has opened a whole new world to me.
    The quilt hangings in our home are so beautiful and the quilts on our beds makes the rooms bright and cheerful. She is always changing them and when she does you cant help but notice. Congrads on being the “Guest Blogger” now everyone can enjoy your beautiful work, you truly deserve to be noticed by everyone.

  2. Marge Mignosa Avatar
    Marge Mignosa

    Hi Barb
    Congrats on all you have accomplished. I am proud to have been your friend through all these years. You inspire me.

  3. 'Big' Doris Avatar
    ‘Big’ Doris

    I is always thrilling to see your quilts. The pictures just don’t do all your wonderful handwork justice. Love to be able to see your work on this new site.

    Luvya, Doris

  4. Mary Avatar

    Hey Barb! Congrats on all your accomplishments. I’m sure there are many more ideas floating around in that brain of yours waiting to be put down in a pattern. Good work, my friend !

  5. Janet Gordon Avatar

    I enjoy seeing other people’s quilts, and really enjoyed yours, plus your guest blog. Will put your blog on my “must read” list.

  6. Kimberly Wulfert Avatar

    As an antique quilt collector and historian I love your story Barb. I was so hoping to see a picture of your Ocean Waves quilt that got you started. That is not an easy quilt for anyone to make much less a beginner- good for you to have carried on to the finish! Thanks for sharing your quilts.

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