One of the most common mistakes that people make when learning how to embroider is that they don’t use an embroidery hoop. And there are others who admit that they have tried to use a hoop but they found it awkward. So I thought I would shed some light on the matter.
Using an embroidery hoop for hand embroidery is very important because it helps to keep your stitch tension correct. As a teacher of hand embroidery, I have come across many women who have wanted to improve their hand embroidery skills but expressed that they were not able to use an embroidery hoop. With a little persuasion I had them use one of my hoops only to find that they loved it and did not want to give it up.
Was it that I had a magical hoop?
No, not at all. The secret is to use a hoop that is small. One of my favorite embroidery hoops is only 5″ across. Many beginners learning hand embroidery for the first time fall into the trap of buying a large hoop. Many then go on to find it both awkward and cumbersome to work with.
I understand that buying an embroidery hoop can be daunting. They come in many different sizes. I would recommend a timber one, although there are also metal and plastic on the market.
A small hoop this size is ideal:
You will notice that the hoop is made up of two circles. One is placed underneath your fabric and the second pulls the fabric taut over the top. The screw is used to secure the fabric in place. Although remember to loosen the screw and remove your embroidery when you are not working on it. If you leave the hoop in place for a long period of item it can cause your fabric to stretch.
The good news is that embroidery hoops are inexpensive to buy. If you are thinking about learning how to embroider I highly recommend using one.
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