I’m an Auntie times two!

My second niece arrived safely Halloween night. Alice Lynne McDougall-Foster was born at 7:52pm, weighing in at 8lb, 10oz and 21.5″ tall!

That’s my mom, Alice and Lucy’s Nana, in the last picture.

Big sister Lucy went trick or treating with her Grandpa!

9 responses to “I’m an Auntie times two!”

  1. Tina Avatar

    congrats Mishka! she’s so sweet!

  2. threeundertwo Avatar

    Congratulations! What a beautiful baby!

  3. Chris Avatar

    Ahh, so sweet! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Sandie Hrycyk Avatar
    Sandie Hrycyk

    Congrats to all!
    Love the Jack-o-lantern hat!

  5. Holly Avatar

    She is beautiful. Congratulations Auntie.

  6. Anna Avatar

    Felicidadades !!!!

  7. grace Avatar

    congrats aunti mish!

    what a great way to keep the goblins away on hallowe’en with the birth of pure innocence ..

    okay so how many quilts have you made her??


  8. Carol Avatar

    Congrats. What a little beauty she is.

  9. Mishka Avatar

    Thanks everyone for your lovely comments. I just returned from Toronto to see the new addition. She’s beautiful. I had a great time playing with her big sister too. Can’t wait for Christmas when I get to see them again.


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