Seriously, dad, close the browser window and walk away from the computer … now!
For the rest of you, look what the mailman brought!! (Can you see me jumping up and down!)
A couple of weeks ago, in Kaye Wood’s Newsletter was a great pattern featuring some beautiful fabric of various tools. My dad is a Handyman. How perfect is this fabric?
And the coordinating fabric.
I quickly fired off an email to Kaye’s helpful staff, begging them to sell me, or tell me where to buy the fabric. They put me in touch with Donna over at Pieceful Patches, and lucky me, they still had some of the fabric in stock.
I purchased one panel (about a yard), which has 20-6.5″ tool blocks, 3 yards of the coordinating tools on black fabric (the picture doesn’t do it justice) and 2 yards of the tiny multi-coloured washers. There’s other coordinating fabric available too, and I think the entire line comes in navy as well. Best of all, the fabric is a wonderful quality, great weight, it’ll be a pleasure to work with.
I also purchased a package of reversible prairie points, for some yet thought of project in the future.
I’m so happy to finally have a quilt plan for my dad, as I’ve never made him one before, and no previous ideas inspired me like this fabric does.
Quilting Bloggers Reach a Thousand Contest Update: Did you see? Only 20 more bloggers to go until we reach a 1,000. My guess is I’ll be picking the three winners tomorrow, so be sure to check your email to see if you’re one of them.
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